2023 publications
- Salawu, A. et al., 2023. Indigenous language for social change communication in the Global South. Lexington Books.
- Saunders, R. ed. 2023. Special issue of Porn Studies, Volume 10, 2023 - Issue 2: Porn, Sex + Big Data. Taylor and Francis.
- Komorowski, M. and Lewis, J. eds. 2023. The creative and cultural industries towards sustainability and recovery. Sustainability MDPI. (10.3390/books978-3-0365-8133-0)
- Allan, S. ed. 2023. The Routledge companion to news and journalism. 2nd edition.. London and New York: Routledge.
- Alkhudhiri, A. 2023. Twitter usage in Saudi Arabia: An empirical study on the challenges faced by the government. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Allan, S. 2023. Improving environmental reporting: Forging synergies with citizen science and citizen journalism. In: Hansen, A. and Cox, R. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication. 2nd edition. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.208-220.
- Allan, S. 2023. Incendiary images: Visual reportage of Syria’s Civil War. In: Mortensen, M. and McCrow-Young, A. eds. Social Media Images and Conflicts. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.47-62.
- Allan, S. 2023. Introduction: The value of truth-seeking in news and journalism. In: Allan, S. ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. 2nd edition. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.1-13.
- Allan, S. 2023. Photojournalism and the US-led invasion of Afghanistan. In: Allan, S. ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. 2nd edition. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.286-295.
- Allan, S. 2023. Understanding citizen journalism as civic participation [Book Review]. Mass Communication and Society 26 (3), pp.532-534. (10.1080/15205436.2022.2074687)
- Alotaibi, M. 2023. Public relations role and media data strategies issued by Saudi governmental organizations during the covid-19 pandemic crisis. In: Evandro, O. and Gisela, G. eds. The normative imperative: sociopolitical challenges of strategic and organizational communication. Labcom, Beira Interior University Rua Marquês D’Ávila e Bolama. 6201-001 Covilhã. Portugal www.ubi.pt: ECREA - Organisational and Strategic Communication Section. , pp.27-34.
- Bao, L. 2023. Contemporary E-government in China: Investigating state citizen relations, interactions and power dynamics. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Barbas, A. and Trere, E. 2023. The rise of a new media ecosystem: exploring 15M'ss educommunicative legacy for radical democracy. Social Movement Studies 22 (3), pp.381-401. (10.1080/14742837.2022.2070738)
- Berrow, A. 2023. Reducing the environmental cost of The Cost of Living. [Online].National Theatre Wales: National Theatre Wales. Available at: https://www.nationaltheatrewales.org/news-stories/reducing-the-environmental-cost-of-the-cost-of-living.
- Berry, M. 2023. Researching audiences. In: Silke, H. , Quinn, F. and Rieder, M. eds. How to Read Economic News. Routledge. , pp.256. (10.4324/9781003154747-14)
- Berry, M. and Walsh, C. 2023. Introduction. Journalism Studies 24 (14), pp.1711-1714. (10.1080/1461670X.2023.2274592)
- Boswell, M. and Rowland, A. 2023. Virtual Holocaust Memory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bowman, P. 2023. BJJ's diary: The emergence of a new normal. Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry 3 (1), pp.90-98.
- Bowman, P. 2023. Daryl Joji Maeda, Like water: a cultural history of Bruce Lee [Book review]. American Literary History 35 (2), pp.1097-1099. (10.1093/alh/ajad067)
- Bowman, P. 2023. The birth of British self-defence: 1604-1904. Martial Arts Studies (14), pp.52-65. 5. (10.18573/mas.182)
- Bowman, P. , Aziz, I. and Ma, X. 2023. Translating tai chi and transforming qigong in British media culture. East Asian Journal of Popular Culture 2023 (Sept), pp.173-190. (10.1386/eapc_00106_1)
- Bowman, P. et al. 2023. Editorial: The mirrored maze of Martial Arts Studies: From research network to scholarly association. Martial Arts Studies 2023 (14), pp.1-10. (10.18573/mas.186)
- Bowman, P. et al. 2023. Martial Arts Studies, issue 13, Editorial. Martial Arts Studies (13), pp.1-5. 1. (10.18573/mas.172)
- Brand, J. and Dencik, L. 2023. Advancing data justice in the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act. Project Report.[Online].Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales: Data Justice Lab, Cardiff University. Available at: https://datajusticelab.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/FutureGenerationsReport-Final-1.pdf.
- Brand, J. , Dencik, L. and Murphy, S. 2023. The Datafied Workplace and Trade Unions in the UK. Working paper. Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales: Data Justice Lab. Available at: https://datajusticeproject.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2023/04/Unions-Report_final.pdf.
- Broadhead, V. et al. 2023. Community welfare in second-hand: Second-hand Challenges Workshop Series. Project Report.[Online].Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Journalism, Media and Culture. Available at: https://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/secondhandcultures/.
- Broadhead, V. et al. 2023. Labour in second hand: Second hand Challenges Workshop Series. Project Report.[Online].Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Journalism, Media and Culture. Available at: https://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/secondhandcultures/.
- Broadhead, V. et al. 2023. Repair: Materials, techniques, communities: Second hand Challenges Workshop Series. Project Report.[Online].Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Journalism, Media and Culture. Available at: https://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/secondhandcultures/.
- Broadhead, V. et al. 2023. Waste & reuse in second hand: Second Hand Challenges Workshop Series. Project Report.[Online].Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Journalism, Media and Culture. Available at: https://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/secondhandcultures/.
- Chivers, T. et al. 2023. Review of the broadcasting powers and responsibilities in selected countries Report for the expert panel on a shadow broadcasting and communications authority for Wales.
- Cottle, S. 2023. Reporting civilizational collapse research notes from a world-in-crisis. Global Media and Communication 19 (2), pp.269-288. (10.1177/17427665231186934)
- Cushion, S. 2023. Beyond mainstream media alternative media and the future of journalism. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003360865)
- Dai, Y. 2023. Modern Chinese Nationalism and the Han Nation: An analysis based on the Hanfu Movement. Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media 5 (1), pp.165-172. (10.54254/2753-7048/5/20220447)
- Dencik, L. and Stevens, S. 2023. Regimes of justification in the datafied workplace: the case of hiring. New Media and Society 25 (12), pp.3657-3675. (10.1177/14614448211052893)
- Emejulu, A. and Sobande, F. 2023. Intersectional vulnerabilities and the banality of harm: the dangerous desires of women of color activists. Meridians 22 (1), pp.76-93. (10.1215/15366936-10220491)
- Fodor, M. M. , Komorowski, M. and Turegeldinova, A. 2023. The relationship between firm attributes and attitudes towards diversity. Sustainability 15 (9) 7481. (10.3390/su15097481)
- Frischlich, L. et al., 2023. Contesting the mainstream: Towards an audience-centered agenda of alternative news research. Digital Journalism 11 (5), pp.727-740. (10.1080/21670811.2023.2214791)
- Garner, R. 2023. Jurassic Park and dinosaur fandom. In: Melia, M. ed. The Jurassic Park Book: New Perspectives on the Classic 1990s Blockbuster. London and New York: Bloomsbury. , pp.97-112.
- Garner, R. 2023. The Doctor Who figurine collection. In: Booth, P. and Hills, M. eds. Adventures Across Space and Time: A Doctor Who Reader. London and New York: Bloomsbury. , pp.47-54.
- Griffiths, H. 2023. Investing in our academic capital. [Online].Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: https://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/openaccess/investing-in-our-academic-capital/.
- Griffiths, J. D. 2023. Scrutinizing relative territorial identity measures. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 53 (1), pp.133-151. (10.1093/publius/pjac011)
- Gyimah, D. D. 2023. Black London (BBC GLR 1991-1993) the importance of a BBC Radio archive for Black British people and scholars. Journal of Radio & Audio Media 30 (2), pp.570-586. (10.1080/19376529.2023.2261924)
- Hamad, H. 2023. Remediating the “Yorkshire Ripper” event in the era of feminist true crime. In: Boyle, K. and Berridge, S. eds. Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence. Routledge. , pp.242-250.
- Hamad, H. 2023. “The sadness of goodbye in a funny movie”: Desiree Akhavan’s Appropriate Behavior and the melancholic legacy of Annie Hall in contemporary US film and television break-up narratives. In: Ellis, J. and Sanchez-Arce, A. M. eds. Remembering Annie Hall. Bloomsbury Academic. , pp.227-245.
- Hartley, J. 2023. Strategic stories: weaponized or worldmaking?. Global Media and China (10.1177/20594364231153200)
- Hintz, A. et al. 2023. Civic participation in the datafied society: Introduction. International Journal of Communication 17 , pp.3549-3561.
- Hughes, C. et al., 2023. Does the political context shape how "due impartiality" is interpreted? An analysis of BBC reporting of the 2019 UK and 2020 US election campaigns. Journalism Studies 24 (14), pp.1715-1733. (10.1080/1461670X.2023.2173956)
- Jimenez Martinez, C. 2023. Foreign correspondents and public diplomacy: An understudied relationship. [Online].CPD Blog: USC Annenberg. Available at: https://uscpublicdiplomacy.org/blog/foreign-correspondents-and-public-diplomacy-understudied-relationship.
- Jimenez Martinez, C. 2023. Imaged communities: the visual construction, contestation and commercialisation of the nation. In: Lilleker, D. and Veneti, A. eds. Research Handbook in Visual Politics. Camberley: Edward Elgar. , pp.94-107.
- Jimenez Martinez, C. 2023. Soft power and media power: Western foreign correspondents and the making of Brazil's image overseas. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 19 (1), pp.103-113. (10.1057/s41254-021-00247-x)
- Jimenez Martinez, C. and Edwards, L. 2023. The promotional regime of visibility: ambivalence and contradiction in strategies of dominance and resistance. Communication and the Public 8 (1), pp.14-28. (10.1177/20570473221146661)
- Jin, J. 2023. "Taking down the monitoring": Privacy protection for social media user in the era of big data. Presented at: The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication Studies Stanford, CA, US (online) 18 December 2022. Vol. 5.Advances in Humanities Research Vol. 1. EWA Publishing. , pp.111-118. (10.54254/2753-7048/5/20220424)
- Jolley, R. 2023. Reaching for an emotional flak jacket. Index on Censorship 51 (4)(10.1177/03064220221144882)
- Kidd, J. and Nieto Mcavoy, E. 2023. Deep nostalgia: remediated memory, algorithmic nostalgia, and technological ambivalence. Convergence 29 (3), pp.620-640. (10.1177/13548565221149839)
- Komorowski, M. 2023. 2nd SMIT student white paper series on European media markets.
- Komorowski, M. 2023. Update study: the economic impact of the cultural and creative sectors in the Brussels-Capital region and the diversity of the workforce.
- Komorowski, M. and Fodor, M. M. 2023. Making journalism work for Wales: A data driven future. Welsh Agenda 2023 (12 Sep)
- Komorowski, M. , Fodor, M. M. and Lewis, J. 2023. Understanding innovation capabilities in the creative and cultural industries. Presented at: 6th International Conference on Rethinking Clusters 2023: The Paradox of Sustainability Innovation - Local or Global? Valencia, Spain 28-29 September 2023.
- Komorowski, M. et al. 2023. Creative hubs and intercultural dialogue—towards a new socio-economic narrative. Sustainability 15 (10) 8282. (10.3390/su15108282)
- Komorowski, M. and Lewis, J. 2023. The creative and cultural industries: towards sustainability and recovery. Sustainability 15 (13) 9923. (10.3390/su15139923)
- Komorowski, M. et al. 2023. Clwstwr: A model for research, development and innovation in the creative industries.
- Komorowski, M. and Picone, I. 2023. A framework for measuring news media markets‘ financial viability in relation to disinformation. Project Report.[Online].EDMO BELUX: BE-LUX Research Hub on Digital Media and Disinformation. Available at: https://edmo.eu/publications/a-framework-for-measuring-news-media-markets-financial-viability-in-relation-to-disinformation/.
- Komorowski, M. , Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Moore, D. 2023. Broadcasting regulation in Wales Part 1-3. Project Report.[Online].Cardiff: IWA – Institute of Welsh Affairs. Available at: https://www.iwa.wales/our-work/work/broadcasting-regulations-in-wales/.
- Kostovska, I. et al., 2023. “Netflix taxes” as tools for supporting European audiovisual ecosystems. In: Ranaivoson, H. , Micova, S. B. and Raats, T. eds. European Audiovisual Policy in Transition. London: Routledge. , pp.157-176. (10.4324/9781003262732-14)
- Kulkarni, S. et al., 2023. Innovating online journalism: new ways of storytelling. Journalism Practice 17 (9), pp.1845-1863. (10.1080/17512786.2021.2020675)
- Kyriakidou, M. et al. 2023. Questioning fact-checking in the fight against disinformation: An audience perspective. Journalism Practice 17 (10), pp.2123-3139. (10.1080/17512786.2022.2097118)
- Kyriakidou, M. et al. 2023. Audience understandings of disinformation: navigating news media through a prism of pragmatic scepticism. Journalism 24 (11), pp.2379-2396. (10.1177/14648849221114244)
- Lambrechts, G. , Komorowski, M. and Picone, I. 2023. How strong media finances can help tackle fake news – Executive summary of D3.1.2. Project Report.[Online].EDMO BELUX: BE-LUX Research Hub on Digital Media and Disinformation. Available at: https://belux.edmo.eu/how-strong-media-finances-can-help-tackle-fake-news-executive-summary-of-d3-1-2/.
- Latchem-Hastings, J. , Latchem-Hastings, G. and Kitzinger, J. 2023. Caring for people with severe brain injuries: improving health care professional communication and practice through online learning. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 43 (4), pp.267-273. (10.1097/CEH.0000000000000486)
- Laucht, C. and Allbeson, T. 2023. Urban internationalism: Coventry, Kiel, reconstruction and the role of cities in British-German reconciliation, 1945-49. Urban History (10.1017/S0963926823000172)
- Lupu, R. et al. 2023. Greening the audiovisual sector: towards a new understanding through innovation practices in Wales and beyond. Sustainability 15 (4) 2975. (10.3390/su15042975)
- Lupu, R. et al. 2023. Understanding the role of creative networks for cultural and creative industries: the case of creative Cardiff. In: Virani, T. E. ed. Global Creative Ecosystems. Vol. 1, Dynamics of Virtual Work London: Springer. , pp.77-96. (10.1007/978-3-031-33961-5_5)
- McDowell-Naylor, D. , Cushion, S. and Thomas, R. 2023. A typology of alternative online political media in the United Kingdom: A longitudinal content analysis (2015-2018). Journalism 24 (1), pp.41-61. (10.1177/14648849211059585)
- Metcalfe, P. et al., 2023. Risking lives: Smart borders, private interests and AI policy in Europe. Project Report.[Online].Cardiff: Data Justice Lab. Available at: https://datajusticeproject.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2023/08/Risking-Lives-report.pdf.
- Miazhevich, G. 2023. The hierarchy of “othering”: Belarusian media practitioners’ accounts. In: Powers, M. ed. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press(10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.1329)
- Muhamad Adzmi, A. B. 2023. Silaturahim in the age of social media: The impact of social media on traditional bonds among Malaysians diaspora living in the United Kingdom. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Noonan, C. 2023. Screen agencies as policy intermediates between small nations and transnational SVODs. Journal of Digital Media & Policy 14 (3), pp.303 -321. (10.1386/jdmp_00131_1)
- Noonan, C. and Brock, M. 2023. Screen agencies as cultural intermediaries: Delivering gender equality in the film and television sectors?. European Journal of Cultural Studies 26 (3), pp.408-427. (10.1177/13675494221134342)
- Nordenstreng, K. et al., 2023. Coverage of the Russia-Ukraine war by television news. International Journal of Communication 17 , pp.6857-6873.
- Padovani, C. et al., 2023. Introduction: Global communication governance at the crossroads. In: Padovani, C. et al., Global Communication Governance at the Crossroads. Global Transformations in Media and Communication Research - A Palgrave and IAMCR Series Springer. , pp.1-17. (10.1007/978-3-031-29616-1_1)
- Payson, A. , Fitton, T. and Ayres, J. L. 2023. Introduction: second-hand cultures in unsettled times. JOMEC Journal: Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies 0 (17)(10.18573/jomec.234)
- Philo, G. and Berry, M. 2023. Media research shows BBC is very far from ‘biased against Israel’. [Online].openDemocracy. Available at: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/israel-palestine-bbc-news-coverage-bias-gaza-war/.
- Philo, G. and Berry, M. 2023. "We need to start building up what's called herd immunity": Scientific dissensus and public broadcasting in the Covid-19 pandemic. British Journal of Sociology 74 (3), pp.453-475. (10.1111/1468-4446.13010)
- Richards, A. 2023. Platform participation: Investigating the dynamics of platform uses for citizen engagement and digital democracy by two local councils in the UK. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Sander, I. 2023. Toward critical datafication literacy: The role of online resources in fostering critical education about datafication. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Santarius, T. et al., 2023. Digitalization and sustainability: a call for a digital green deal. Environmental Science and Policy 147 , pp.11-14. (10.1016/j.envsci.2023.04.020)
- Santos, N. , Suzina, A. C. and Jimenez Martinez, C. 2023. O que há dos protestos de 2013 no Brasil de 2023? [What about the 2013 protests in the Brazil of 2023?]. [Online].Le Monde Diplomatique - Brazil: Le Monde Diplomatique. Available at: https://diplomatique.org.br/o-que-ha-dos-protestos-de-2013-no-brasil-de-2023/.
- Saunders, R. 2023. Here be monsters: monster porn and the crisis of masculinity. Feminist Media Studies 23 (5), pp.2085-2101. (10.1080/14680777.2022.2041253)
- Saunders, R. 2023. Sex tech, sexual data and materiality. Porn Studies 10 (2), pp.120-134. (10.1080/23268743.2023.2194320)
- Saunders, R. 2023. Sexuality and biopower. Sexualities
- Sinclair, L. 2023. Children’s television landscape in Wales. In: Kirham, H. and Woodfall, A. eds. Children's Media Yearbook. Children's Media Foundation
- Sinclair, L. 2023. The changes and challenges of the faces of fatherhood. In: Kirkham, H. and Woodfall, A. eds. Children's Media Yearbook. Children's Media Foundation
- Singer, J. B. , Lewis, S. C. and Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2023. Journalism in the Quarterly: a century of change in the industry and the academy. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 100 (4), pp.773-792. (10.1177/10776990231189455)
- Sobande, F. 2023. Black media nostalgia in Britain. Cultural Studies 38 (3), pp.434-453. (10.1080/09502386.2023.2261959)
- Sobande, F. 2023. I wear my sunglasses to dream: Nope, Black dreaming, and grains of grief. The Arrow 10 (2)
- Sobande, F. 2023. The digital nesting of Black feminism. European Journal of Women's Studies 30 (4), pp.399-404. (10.1177/13505068231206213)
- Sobande, F. and Basu, M. 2023. "Beyond BAME, WOC, and 'political blackness'": diasporic digital communing practices. Communication, Culture & Critique 16 (2), pp.91-98. (10.1093/ccc/tcad012)
- Sobande, F. , Hesmondhalgh, D. and Saha, A. 2023. Black, Brown and Asian cultural workers, creativity and activism: The ambivalence of digital self-branding practices. Sociological Review 71 (6), pp.1448-1466. (10.1177/00380261231163952)
- Sobande, F. and Klein, B. 2023. 'Come and get a taste of normal': Advertising, consumerism and the Coronavirus pandemic. European Journal of Cultural Studies 26 (4), pp.493-509. (10.1177/13675494221108219)
- Sobande, F. , Saha, A. and Hesmondhalgh, D. 2023. How cultural workers address racism in the digital age. Project Report.Self-published.
- Sobande, F. and Wells, J. R. 2023. The poetic identity work and sisterhood of Black women becoming academics. Gender, Work and Organization 30 (2), pp.469-484. (10.1111/gwao.12747)
- Soo, N. , Anderson, A. and Heywood-Heath, C. 2023. The promiscuous public? Exploring public opinion and why it matters to political actors. Politics 43 (1), pp.89-105. (10.1177/02633957211007706)
- Soo, N. et al. 2023. Reflecting party agendas, challenging claims: An analysis of editorial judgements and fact-checking journalism during the 2019 UK general election campaign. Journalism Studies 24 (4), pp.460-478. (10.1080/1461670X.2023.2169190)
- Sufi, M. 2023. Breaking the social media prism: how to make our platforms less polarizing [Book Review]. Information, Communication and Society 27 (11), pp.2212-2214. (10.1080/1369118X.2023.2258608)
- Treré, E. 2023. Media ecologies, social movements and activism. In: Coleman, S. and Sorensen, L. eds. Handbook of Digital Politics. Political Science and Public Policy 2023 Edward Elgar. , pp.313–353. (10.4337/9781800377585.00031)
- Treré, E. and Harlow, S. 2023. Strengths and blind spots of digital activism in Latin America. In: Rossi, F. M. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Social Movements. Oxford University Press. , pp.696-712. (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190870362.013.43)
- Tumola, S. and Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2023. Emotion mobilisation through the imagery of people in Finnish-language right-wing alternative media. Digital Journalism 11 (1), pp.61-79. (10.1080/21670811.2022.2061551)
- Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2023. The travels of media and cultural products: cultural transduction. Oxon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003380221)
- van Antwerpen, N. et al., 2023. The effects of constructive journalism techniques on mood, comprehension, and trust. Journalism 24 (10), pp.2294-2317. (10.1177/14648849221105778)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2023. Origin stories of local journalism entrepreneurs. Journalism 24 (10), pp.2118-2135. (10.1177/14648849221115223)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2023. Trust and audience behavior in the hybrid media system. [Online].Social Science Research Council. Available at: https://mediawell.ssrc.org/articles/trust-and-audience-behavior-in-the-hybrid-media-system/.
- Walsh, C. 2023. La regola italiana di riduzione del debitoè davvero una regola?. In: Nicoletta, G. C. , Scotto di Carlo, M. and Ventrone, O. eds. Economisti e Società: Nuove Sociologie dell' Expertise Economica. Teori & Oggetti delle Scienze Sociali Naples, Italy: Ligoure Editore
- Walsh, M. and Singer, J. B. 2023. Facebook and disintermediation in three UK general elections. Presented at: AEJMC Annual Conference, Political Communication Division Washington, DC, USA 7-10 August 2023.
- Walsh, M. and Singer, J. B. 2023. Party platform: disintermediated campaigning on Facebook in three UK general elections. Presented at: 9th Annual Conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics University of Edinburgh 12-13 October 2023.
- Westwater, C. and Nikolajev Jones, A. 2023. Gravida, the weight and wait of pregnancy to mothering transformation. In: Šimić, L. and Underwood-Lee, E. eds. Mothering Performance. Routledge. , pp.98-107. (10.4324/9781003231073-11)
- Yu, Z. , Hou, J. and Zhou, O. T. 2023. Short video activism with and on Douyin: an innovative repertoire of contention for Chinese consumers. Social Media + Society 9 (1)(10.1177/20563051231157603)
You can find all our publications in the University's institutional repository.