2022 publications
- Salawu, A. et al., 2022. Indigenous language for development communication in the Global South. Lexington Books.
- Garrisi, D. and Kuang, X. eds. 2022. Journalism pedagogy in transitional countries. Palgrave Studies in Journalism and the Global South Palgrave Macmillan.
- Cardoso, C. R. and Holmes, T. eds. 2022. Transforming magazines: rethinking the medium in the digital age. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Allbeson, T. and Colquhoun, B. 2022. Page, print, JPEG: researching and curating Picture Post, its history and publics. TMG Journal for Media History 25 (1), pp.1-31. (10.18146/tmg.825)
- Allbeson, T. and Gorrara, C. 2022. Domestic archives of empire: photographing Burma and reconstructing British imperialism for the postwar moment. Journal of War and Culture Studies 15 (2), pp.233-259. (10.1080/17526272.2022.2065120)
- Allbeson, T. and Gorrara, C. 2022. Visual histories of postwar reconstruction: special issue introduction. Journal of War and Culture Studies 15 (2), pp.125-132. (10.1080/17526272.2022.2065121)
- Anderson, G. 2022. Exploring the practices for sustainable site-specific performance in intentional communities. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Aslan Ozgul, B. et al., 2022. Shakespeare Lives on Twitter: cultural diplomacy in the digital age. International Journal of Cultural Policy 28 (2)(10.1080/10286632.2021.1901892)
- Berrow, A. 2022. A powerful glimpse into class differences, 2022’s BLOOD BROTHERS tour is a stand-out. [Online].Buzz Magazine: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/blood-brothers-2022-tour-cardiff-wmc-stage-review/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. Artivism: GREY FILASTINE & NOVA RUTH set sail on solar-powered ship for immersive art project. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/arka-kinari-grey-filastine-nova-ruth-artivism-at-sea-cultvr-cardiff-interview/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. Cardiff Christmas Festival’s THE NUTCRACKER – a ‘Welsh ballet’ not fit for purpose. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/the-nutcracker-cardiff-christmas-festival-spiegeltent-ballet-stage-review/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. “I want to diversify the audience – it’s great but middle-class, middle-aged and white” – performer PHIL OKWEDY on THE GODS ARE ALL HERE. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/phil-okwedy-the-gods-are-all-here-interview/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. Kier-La Janisse & Alice Lowe discuss horror, feminism & the film industry for HOUSE OF PSYCHOTIC WOMEN tour. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/kier-la-janisse-alice-lowe-house-of-psychotic-women-tour-horror-feminism-film-industry/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. OPTO NANO: a fascinating – and literally – experimental dance production. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/opto-nano-jack-philp-dance-cardiff-live-review/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. Racism, war & romance: THE GODS ARE ALL HERE is a remarkable achievement in theatre. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/the-gods-are-all-here-phil-okwedy-stage-review/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. TAMAR WILLIAMS, director of Y MABINOGI – “This landscape is magical, and it’s yours”. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/tamar-williams-director-of-y-mabinogi-this-landscape-is-magical-and-its-yours/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. “The show has a new life every time it’s on” – GIRL FROM THE NORTH COUNTRY’s Ross Carswell on bringing BOB DYLAN show to Wales. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/ross-carswell-bob-dylan-girl-from-the-north-country-cardiff-tour-interview/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. THE TRIAL OF ELGAN JONES puts you in the jury for immersive, edutaining theatre. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/the-trial-of-elgan-jones-theatr-na-nog-stage-review/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. “We run countries, we’re captains of industry, we’re bloody powerful!” – MY FAIR LADY star Lesley Garrett on opera, musicals and older womens’ roles. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/lesley-garrett-musical-theatre-my-fair-lady-wmc-cardiff-interview/.
- Berrow, H. 2022. Strange matter (excerpt). [ Performed at Unheard Voices, Sherman Theatre, Cardiff, UK Jan-Dec 2022].
- Bliesemann de Guevara, B. et al., 2022. Drawing out experiential conflict knowledge in Myanmar: arts-based methods in qualitative research with conflict-affected communities. Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 17 (1), pp.22-41. (10.1177/15423166211015971)
- Bonini, T. , Treré, E. and Murtula, F. 2022. Resistenza e solidarietà algoritmica nelle piattaforme digitali: un'indagine etnografica dei gruppi di engagement su Instagram. Studi Culturali 2022 (2), pp.77-206. (10.1405/104691)
- Brock, M. and Miazhevich, G. 2022. From high camp to post-modern camp: queering post-Soviet pop music. European Journal of Cultural Studies 25 (4), pp.993-1009. (10.1177/13675494211021413)
- Candón-Mena, J. and Treré, E. 2022. Visionarios pragmáticos: Imaginarios, mitos y tecnopolítica en el movimiento 15M. Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 180 , pp.47-64. (10.5477/cis/reis.180.47)
- Carter, C. 2022. Children's citizenship and the news. In: Lemish, D. ed. The Routledge Handbook of Children, Adolescents and Media. London: Routledge. , pp.285-293.
- Carter, C. 2022. Newsround @50. In: Kirkham, H. and Woodfall, A. eds. The Children’s Media Yearbook 2022. Children's Media Foundation. , pp.20-25.
- Carter, C. and Mendes, K. 2022. Girls, news and public cultures. In: Allan, S. ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. London: Routledge. , pp.243-351.
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2022. Submission of written evidence to ‘Consultation on a change of ownership of Channel 4 Television Corporation'. Documentation. Cardiff University. Available at: https://pec.ac.uk/government-submissions/pec-submission-to-the-dcms-consultation-on-a-change-of-ownership-of-channel-4-television-corporation.
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2022. Submission of written evidence to House of Lords, ‘Communications and digital select committee inquiry on BBC future funding,’. Documentation. UK Parliament - House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee. Available at: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/39410/pdf/.
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2022. What is the public value of public service broadcasting? Exploring challenges and opportunities in evolving media contexts.
- Cushion, S. 2022. Are public service media distinctive from the market? Interpreting the political information environments of BBC and commercial news in the UK. European Journal of Communication 37 (1), pp.3-20. (10.1177/02673231211012149)
- Cushion, S. 2022. UK Alternative left media and their criticism of mainstream news: analysing the Canary and Evolve politics. Journalism Practice 16 (8), pp.1695-1714. (10.1080/17512786.2021.1882875)
- Cushion, S. et al. 2022. (Mis)understanding the coronavirus and how it was handled in the UK: An analysis of public knowledge and the information environment. Journalism Studies 23 (5-6), pp.703-721. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.1950564)
- Cushion, S. et al. 2022. Why media systems matter: A fact-checking study of UK television news during the Coronavirus pandemic. Digital Journalism 10 (5), pp.698-716. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1965490)
- Dencik, L. 2022. The datafied welfare state: a perspective from the UK. In: Hepp, A. , Jarke, J. and Kramp, L. eds. New Perspectives in Critical Data Studies The Ambivalences of Data Power. Transforming Communications – Studies in Cross-Media Research Palgrave. , pp.145-165. (10.1007/978-3-030-96180-0_7)
- Dencik, L. et al. 2022. Data justice. Sage Publications.
- Dencik, L. and Sanchez-Monedero, J. 2022. Data Justice. Internet Policy Review 11 1. (10.14763/2022.1.1615)
- Dencik, L. and Sanchez-Monedero, J. 2022. Justicia de datos. Revista Latinoamericana de Economía y Sociedad Digital (10.53857/kynu7699)
- Fodor, M. M. et al. 2022. CLWSTWR POLICY BRIEF No 5: innovation for an inclusive and diverse media sector: the role of r&d in Wales: findings from CLWSTWR.
- Fodor, M. M. et al. 2022. CLWSTWR POLICY BRIEF NO 3: the impact of the screen sector tax relief on Wales: key takeaways from the BFI screen business report 2021.
- Fodor, M. M. , Komorowski, M. and Pepper, S. 2022. Mapping creative hubs in Wales.
- Garcia-Blanco, I. and Bennett, L. 2022. "Stop giving us the negatives of the other side's aims": The EU referendum through letters to the editor. Journalism Studies 23 , pp.207-223. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.2017792)
- Garrisi, D. 2022. The campus magazine as an aesthetic experience in a transnational university in China.. Media Practice and Education 23 , pp.262-280. (10.1080/25741136.2022.2072677)
- Garrisi, D. and Kuang, X. 2022. Conclusion. In: Garrisi, D. and Kuang, X. eds. Journalism Pedagogy in Transitional Countries.. Palgrave Studies in Journalism and the Global South Cham: Palgrave. , pp.221-226. (10.1007/978-3-031-13749-5_10)
- Garrisi, D. , Kuang, X. and Reis, C. 2022. Introduction. In: Garrisi, D. and Kuang, X. eds. Journalism Pedagogy in Transitional Countries. Palgrave Studies in Journalism and the Global South. Cham: Palgrave. , pp.1-17. (10.1007/978-3-031-13749-5_1)
- Granell, C. et al., 2022. Emerging approaches for data-driven innovation in Europe. Technical Report.
- Gyimah, D. 2022. Black Lives Matter: The fight for identity in the media.. In: Harrison, J. and McKernan, L. eds. Breaking the News: 500 Years of News in Britain. British Library Publishing. , pp.[n/a].
- Hamad, H. 2022. Black Lives Matter 2014-2020: Celebrity flashpoints and iconic images. Celebrity Studies 13 (1), pp.123-129. (10.1080/19392397.2022.2026146)
- Hamad, H. 2022. Remediating the 1990s with Ryan Murphy: Gender, race and (inter) generational cultural politics in The People Vs. OJ Simpson. In: Weber, B. R. and Greven, D. eds. Ryan Murphy's Queer America. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.89-104. (10.4324/9781003170358-8)
- Hamad, H. 2022. Resilience is a feminist issue: A response to Angela McRobbie’s Feminism and the Politics of Resilience in the context of Britain during the coronavirus pandemic. European Journal of Cultural Studies 25 (1), pp.316-320. (10.1177/13675494211037686)
- Hamad, H. 2022. The Shining and UK feminist activism. In: Ritzenhoff, K. A. , Metlić, D. and Szaniawski, J. eds. Gender, Power, and Identity in The Films of Stanley Kubrick. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.104-118.
- Heemsbergen, L. , Trere, E. and Pereira, G. 2022. Introduction to algorithmic antagonisms: resistance, reconfiguration, and renaissance for computational life. Media International Australia 183 , pp.3-15. (10.1177/1329878X221086042)
- Hintz, A. et al. 2022. Civic participation in the datafied society: Towards democratic auditing?. Project Report.[Online].Cardiff: Data Justice Lab. Available at: https://datajusticelab.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/CivicParticipation_DataJusticeLab_Report2022.pdf.
- Horowitz, M. et al., 2022. A framework for assessing the role of public service media organizations in countering disinformation. Digital Journalism 10 (5), pp.843-865. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1987948)
- Hu, N. 2022. Exploring the transformation of museums into cultural hubs: A case study of design society, Shenzhen, China. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Hughes, C. 2022. It's not easy being green, white, red, and blue: constituency representations versus electoral competition in the Wisconsin Green Party. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 35 , pp.27-45. (10.1007/s10767-020-09365-5)
- Ihlebæk, K. A. et al., 2022. Understanding alternative news media and its contribution to diversity. Digital Journalism 10 (8), pp.1267-1282. (10.1080/21670811.2022.2134165)
- Ilyas, M. 2022. Caught between a rock and a hard place? A case study of how news media operated in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) during the ‘war on terror’. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Jansen, J. 2022. Data-driven policing: Negotiating the legitimacy of the police. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Jimenez Martinez, C. 2022. The Public as a problem: protest, public diplomacy and the pandemic. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 18 , pp.33-36. (10.1057/s41254-021-00235-1)
- Jolley, R. 2022. To better days. Index on Censorship 51 (1) 103. (10.1177/03064220221084571)
- Kidd, J. and Nieto McAvoy, E. 2022. Culture in quarantine? Cultural institutions' uses of Twitter during lockdown.
- Kidd, J. , Taylor, J. and McDougall, J. 2022. Teaching XR: Digital inequalities and education. In: Jones, S. , Dawkins, S. and McDougall, J. eds. Understanding Virtual Reality Challenging Perspectives for Media Literacy and Education. Routledge. , pp.86-98.
- Kitzinger, J. 2022. “He deserves a chance”? Continuities and shifts in decision-making about life-sustaining treatment. [Online].Open Justice Court of Protection Project. Available at: https://openjusticecourtofprotection.org/2022/12/14/he-deserves-a-chance-continuities-and-shifts-in-decision-making-about-life-sustaining-treatment/.
- Komorowski, M. 2022. The economic impact of the cultural and creative sectors in the Brussels-Capital region.
- Komorowski, M. , Claeys, L. and Van Dam, T. 2022. Digital decentralized transfer of value for the public sector: a playing field analysis: how can distributed ledger technologies like blockchain impact public values?.
- Komorowski, M. , Claeys, L. and Van Dam, T. 2022. POLICY BRIEF #55: How can blockchain impact public values? A playing-field-analysis.
- Komorowski, M. and Donnelly, S. 2022. Road to recovery? Cultural freelancers Wales report 2022.
- Kostovska, I. et al., 2022. Investment obligations for VOD providers to contribute to the production of European works: A 2022 update: 13 member states or regions in the EU27 impose financial obligations on VOD providers to promote European works. We identified proposed legislation in three member states and revision of current investment obligations in at least two other cases..
- Kostovska, I. et al., 2022. POLICY BRIEF #61: Investment obligations for VOD providers: Fresh look on the regulatory approaches in Europe: 13 Member States or regions in the EU27 impose investment obligations for VOD providers to contribute to European works. We identified proposed legislation in three Member States and revision of current investment obligations in at least two other cases..
- Kovacevic, P. 2022. The BBC’s solutions-focused video stories on Facebook: Practicing the ‘dark arts’ of solutions journalism. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Kovacevic, P. and Perisin, T. 2022. Models of TV newsroom organization and news routines in Croatia: Case studies of HRT, Nova TV & N1. Media Studies Journal 13 (25), pp.66-89.
- Kyriakidou, M. , Morani, M. and Willmington, L. 2022. Representing diversity during COVID-19: Minority and migrant communities in UK television news. In: Trandafoiu, R. ed. Border Crossings and Mobilities on Screen. London: Routledge. , pp.49-60.
- Lange, S. et al., 2022. Digital reset: redirecting technologies for the deep sustainability transformation. Technical Report.
- Lean, M. and Hopkins, C. C. 2022. Exploring contexts for data materialisation in post-pandemic research activities with rural communities. Presented at: DRS2022 Bilbao, Spain 25 June - 3 July 2022. Design Research Society. (10.21606/drs.2022.640)
- Lupu, R. et al. 2022. CLWSTWR POLICY BRIEF No 4: green innovation for the screen sector.
- McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. 2022. 'Rooting' the BBC: An interview with Rhodri Talfan Davies, Director of BBC Nations. Critical Studies in Television 17 (1), pp.32-45. (10.1177/17496020211061307)
- Metcalfe, P. 2022. Autonomy of migration and the radical imagination: exploring alternative imaginaries within a biometric border. Geopolitics 27 (1), pp.47-69. (10.1080/14650045.2021.1917550)
- Metcalfe, P. 2022. “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature”; control and injustice in datafied borders. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Miazhevich, G. 2022. Media and culture in Putin's Russia. In: Gill, G. ed. Routledge Handbook of Russian Politics and Society. Routledge. , pp.354-363. (10.4324/9781003218234-35)
- Milan, S. and Trere, E. 2022. Big Data from the South(s): Unpacking the material and symbolic dimensions of data at the margins. In: Rohlinger, D. A. and Sobieraj, S. eds. Oxford Handbook of Digital Media Sociology. Oxford University Press. , pp.76-96.
- Milan, S. and Treré, E. 2022. The data gaps of the pandemic: data poverty and forms of invisibility. In: Bringel, B. and Pleyers, G. eds. Social Movements and Politics During COVID-19: Crisis, Solidarity and Change in a Global Pandemic. Bristol: Bristol University Press. , pp.78–85. (10.51952/9781529217254.ch009)
- Mimoun, L. , Trujillo-Torres, L. and Sobande, F. 2022. Social emotions and the legitimation of the fertility technology market. Journal of Consumer Research 48 (6), pp.1073-1095. ucab043. (10.1093/jcr/ucab043)
- Morani, M. 2022. Introducing Italy's intercultural digital media: mapping the landscape. Journal of Intercultural Studies 43 (3), pp.339-360. (10.1080/07256868.2022.2010676)
- Morani, M. 2022. Making the 'New Citizen': (self-)representation narratives of Italians of immigrant background on intercultural digital media platforms. Comunicazioni Sociali 1 , pp.32-46. (10.26350/001200_000145)
- Morani, M. 2022. "Nuovi media" e "nuovi italiani". Il fenomeno dei media interculturali digitali tra possibilità di (auto)rappresentazione, limiti e trasformazioni. In: Franceschi, L. D. ed. Migrazioni, cittadinanze, inclusività. Narrazioni dell'Italia plurale, tra immaginario e politiche per la diversità. Tab Edizioni. , pp.139-153.
- Morani, M. et al. 2022. Expert voices in the news reporting of the coronavirus pandemic: A study of UK television news bulletins and their audiences. Journalism 23 (12), pp.2513-2532. (10.1177/14648849221127629)
- Nieto Mcavoy, E. and Allan, S. 2022. Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the arts and cultural sector: British newspaper reporting of the Culture Recovery Fund.
- Nieto Mcavoy, E. and Kidd, J. 2022. Crypto art and questions of value: a review of emergent issues. Other. AHRC Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://pec.ac.uk/discussion-papers/crypto-art-and-questions-of-value.
- Noonan, C. and McElroy, R. 2022. Film policy, social value and the mediating role of screen agencies. In: Hjort, M. and Nannicelli, T. eds. A Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value. Wiley. , pp.382-400. (10.1002/9781119677154.ch17)
- Noonan, C. and Sorensen, I. 2022. European screen agencies and sustainability: interventions for greening the screen. In: Kääpä, P. and Vaughan, H. eds. Film and Television Production in the Age of Climate Crisis Towards a Greener Screen. Peter Lang. , pp.69-95. (10.1007/978-3-030-98120-4_4)
- Park, M. 2022. Rejuvenating investigative journalism at nonprofit news organisations in South Korea and the United Kingdom. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Payson, A. 2022. Makeover welfare: Mary, Queen of Charity Shops and the cultural politics of second-hand under austerity. JOMEC Journal: Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies 0 (17), pp.136-157. (10.18573/jomec.233)
- Payson, A. and Moore, K. 2022. The morbid romance of the good job: News and the emotional social imaginary in late capitalism. European Journal of Cultural Studies 25 (5), pp.1433-1447. (10.1177/13675494211057133)
- Peters, C. and Allan, S. 2022. Weaponizing memes: the journalistic mediation of visual politicization. Digital Journalism 10 (2), pp.217-229. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1903958)
- Quandt, T. and Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2022. The Coronavirus pandemic and the transformation of (digital) journalism. Digital Journalism 10 (6), pp.923-929.
- Roberts, J. and Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2022. Reporting the news: how Breitbart derives legitimacy from recontextualised news. Discourse and Society 33 (6), pp.833-846. (10.1177/09579265221095422)
- Rosa-Salas, M. and Sobande, F. 2022. Hierarchies of knowledge about intersectionality in marketing theory and practice. Marketing Theory 22 (2), pp.175-189. (10.1177/14705931221075372)
- Sambrook, R. 2022. The BBC's global role. Progressive Review 29 (1), pp.22-27. (10.1111/newe.12301)
- Sanchez-Monedero, J. and Dencik, L. 2022. The politics of deceptive borders: 'biomarkers of deceit' and the case of iBorderCtrl. Information, Communication and Society 25 (3), pp.413-430. (10.1080/1369118X.2020.1792530)
- Sinclair, L. 2022. What do children see on CBeebies? A textual analysis of gender representation and identity on British pre-school television. Media Education Research Journal 11 (1)(10.5281/zenodo.6722614)
- Sobande, F. 2022. Consuming crisis: commodifying care and covid-19.. Social Science for Social Justice SAGE.
- Sobande, F. 2022. Locating social media in Black digital studies. In: Devan, R. ed. The Social Media Debate: Unpacking the Social, Psychological, and Cultural Effects of Social Media. New York and London: Routledge. , pp.137-151.
- Sobande, F. 2022. The celebrity whitewashing of Black Lives Matter and social injustices. Celebrity Studies 13 (1), pp.130-135. (10.1080/19392397.2022.2026147)
- Sobande, F. and hill, l. 2022. Black oot here: black lives in Scotland. Blackness in Britain Bloomsbury.
- Sobande, F. , Kanai, A. and Zeng, N. 2022. The hypervisibility and discourses of 'wokeness' in digital culture. Media, Culture and Society 44 (8), pp.1576-1587. (10.1177/01634437221117490)
- Sørensen, I. E. and Noonan, C. 2022. Production, policy and power: the screen industry's response to the environmental crisis. Media, Culture and Society 44 (1), pp.172-184. (10.1177/01634437211065697)
- Stanfill, M. and Garner, R. 2022. Spotlight: fan and audience studies scholarly interest group.. Journal of Cinema and Media Studies 62 (1), pp.1-3.
- Stetkevych, Q. 2022. Grappling with the sagas: Embodied knowledge and reconstructing a historical martial art. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Trere, E. and Bonini, T. 2022. Disconnessione digitale e resistenza tra i rider dell industria del food delivery online. Sociologia della Comunicazione 64 (2), pp.98-117. (10.3280/SC2022-064006)
- Trere, E. , Hintz, A. and Owen, N. 2022. Journalism and data justice: Critically reporting datafication. In: Allan, S. ed. The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism. Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions Routledge. , pp.179-187. (10.4324/9781003174790-22)
- Ulubelen, Y. 2022. The perceptions of Çapul TV and Turkey’s Gezi Park protests. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Uribe Jongbloed, E. 2022. ¿Pasarán? Kommunikation im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg. Interacting with the Spanish Civil War [Book Review]. Perspectives 30 (4), pp.751-752. (10.1080/0907676X.2022.2052580)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. and Quandt, T. 2022. Introduction: global perspectives on journalism and the coronavirus pandemic. Journalism Studies 23 (5-6), pp.545-550. (10.1080/1461670X.2022.2039879)
- Wang, L. 2022. Pursuing subjective well-being: The use of social media among female migrant workers in China. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Westwater, C. 2022. Twenty years of theatre reportage for peace. The Peace Journalist 11 (2), pp.14-15.
- Williams, R. and Bennett, L. 2022. Editorial: fandom and controversy. American Behavioral Scientist 66 (8), pp.1035-1043. (10.1177/00027642211042290)
- Yu, Z. , Trere, E. and Bonini, T. 2022. The emergence of algorithmic solidarity: unveiling mutual aid practices and resistance among Chinese delivery workers. Media International Australia 183 (1), pp.107-123. (10.1177/1329878x221074793)
- Zghoul, L. 2022. Al-Jazeera English and BBC News coverage of the Gaza War 2008-9: A comparative examination. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
You can find all our publications in the University's institutional repository.