2021 publications
- 2021. 1st SMIT student white paper series on European media markets.
- Roncallo-Dow, S. , Aguilar-Rodríguez, D. and Uribe Jongbloed, E. eds. 2021. Después del final: teorías, historias y nostalgias del rock. Universidad de La Sabana.
- Morrison, J. , Birks, J. and Berry, M. eds. 2021. The Routledge companion to political journalism. Routledge.
- Alajlan, A. 2021. Open Government in the social media age? The role of Twitter in the policymaking process in the Shura Council of Saudi Arabia. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Allan, S. and Peters, C. 2021. Journalism’s digital publics: researching the “visual citizen”. In: Lievrouw, L. A. and Loader, B. D. eds. Routledge Handbook of Digital Media and Communication. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.191-203.
- Aziz, I. 2021. Rethinking modernity: The construction of modern Malaysian society. JOMEC Journal (16), pp.76-99. (10.18573/jomec.211)
- Barker, K. , Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Scholz, T. 2021. COVID-19 and the ‘myriad’: A comparative assessment of emergency responses from Europe and South America. Legalities 1 (1), pp.116-143. (10.3366/legal.2021.0009)
- Barranquero, A. and Trere, E. 2021. Comunicación alternativa y comunitaria. La conformación del campo en Europa y el diálogo con América Latina. Chasqui, Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación 146 , pp.159-181. (10.16921/chasqui.v1i146.4390)
- Berrow, H. 2021. On mental health, creation and horror. In: Benstead, C. , Parris, S. C. and Burns, V. eds. Hear Us Scream: The Voices of Horror. Vol. 1, Independently published. , pp.78-86.
- Berry, M. 2021. 'How can you stand there and say you didn't overspend and end up bankrupting this country?': Power, propaganda and public understanding of the economy. In: Morrison, J. , Birks, J. and Berry, M. eds. The Routledge Companion to Political Journalism. Routledge. , pp.221-233.
- Berry, M. 2021. The Guardian and the economy. In: Freedman, D. ed. Capitalism's Conscience: 200 years of the Guardian. Pluto Press. , pp.231-254.
- Berry, M. 2021. The media's role in public attitudes to austerity and inequality. In: Schifferes, S. and Knowles, S. eds. Media and Inequality!. Routledge
- Berry, M. et al. 2021. British public service broadcasting, the EU and Brexit. Journalism Studies 22 (15), pp.2082-2102. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.1981154)
- Boelle, J. 2021. When we know what we don’t know: Uncertainty, ignorance and speculation in the UK television coverage of airplane disasters. JOMEC Journal (16), pp.5-22. (10.18573/jomec.205)
- Boelle, J. et al. 2021. Editorial. JOMEC Journal (16), pp.1-4. (10.18573/jomec.214)
- Bowman, P. 2021. The invention of martial arts: popular culture between Asia and America. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
- Bowman, P. and Ma, X. 2021. 亚洲传统武术“ 正宗性冶淤的发明 [The invention of "authenticity" in traditional Asian martial arts]. Journal of Chengdu Sport University 47 (2), pp.136-142. (10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.022)
- bruce, k. et al., 2021. Black feminist and digital media studies in Britain. Feminist Media Studies 21 (8), pp.1302-1321. (10.1080/14680777.2021.2006737)
- Carter, C. , Steemers, J. and Messenger Davies, M. 2021. Why children's news matters. The case of CBBC Newsround. Communications: European Journal of Communication Research 46 (3), pp.352-372. (10.1515/commun-2021-0048)
- Charles, M. 2021. Understanding trauma for reconciliation and peace-building journalism in Colombia. Journalism Practice 15 (2), pp.259-270. (10.1080/17512786.2020.1713857)
- Cheng, Z. 2021. The transformation of China’s legal profession and its representation: a critical discourse analysis. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Chivers, T. and Allan, S. 2021. Submission of written evidence to ‘The future of Channel 4 Inquiry'. Documentation. UK Parliament - House of Lords Communications and Digital Committee. Available at: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/39410/html/.
- Cottle, S. 2021. Humanitarian imagery: Historical registers in the representation of atrocity. In: Chouliaraki, L. and Jorgensen, A. V. eds. Routledge Handbook of Humanitarian Communication. Routledge International Handbooks Abingdon and New York: Routledge. , pp.351-372.
- Cushion, S. , McDowell-Naylor, D. and Thomas, R. 2021. Why national media systems matter: A longitudinal analysis of how UK left-wing and right-wing alternative media critique mainstream media (2015-2018). Journalism Studies 22 (5), pp.633-652. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.1893795)
- Dander, V. et al., 2021. Digital capitalism, datafication, and media education. Seminar.net 17 (2)(10.7577/seminar.4493)
- Dencik, L. 2021. Overvågning og digitale medier. In: Fugl Eskjær, M. and Mortensen, M. eds. Klassisk og moderne medieteori. Gyldendal
- Dencik, L. 2021. Towards data justice unionism? A labour perspective on AI governance. In: Verdegem, P. ed. AI for Everyone? Critical Perspectives.. Westminster University Press. , pp.267-284. (10.16997/book55)
- Dolea, A. , Manor, I. and Jimenez Martinez, C. 2021. Protests and national images: the public as an emerging problem in public diplomacy. [Online].uscpublicdiplomacy.org: USC Annenberg. Available at: https://uscpublicdiplomacy.org/blog/protests-and-national-images-public-emerging-problem-public-diplomacy.
- Garcia-Blanco, I. and Bennett, L. 2021. Between a 'media circus' and 'seeing justice being done': metajournalistic discourse and the transparency of justice in the debate on filming trials in British newspapers. Journalism 22 (1), pp.176-195. (10.1177/1464884918760025)
- Garner, R. 2021. Acafan identity, communities of practice, and vocational poaching. Transformative Works and Cultures 35 (10.3983/twc.2021.1985)
- Garner, R. 2021. Doctor Who and the dinosaurs: spectacle, monstrosity, melodrama and ideology in dinosaur mediations. In: Harmes, M. K. and Orthia, L. A. eds. Doctor Who and Science: Essays on Ideas, Identities and Ideologies in the Series. McFarland and Company, Inc.. , pp.173-189.
- Garner, R. 2021. Mimetic tangible nostalgia and spatial cosplay: replica merchandise and place in fandom's material cultures. In: Leggatt, M. ed. Was it Yesterday? Nostalgia in Contemporary Film and Television. Horizons of Cinema SUNY Press. , pp.71-87.
- Hamad, H. 2021. All in the ‘fam’: interrogating kinship networks with the thirteenth Doctor. In: Cherry, B. , Hills, M. and O'Day, A. eds. Doctor Who: New Dawn - Essays on the Jodie Whittaker Era. Manchester University Press
- Hamad, H. 2021. BOOK REVIEW: Black Film British Cinema II, edited by Clive Nwonka and Anamik Saha. Journal of British Cinema and Television 9 (1), pp.114-117. (10.3366/jbctv.2022.0609)
- Hamad, H. 2021. Leeds animation workshop’s give us a smile: a feminist revenge fantasy. [Online].www.fantasy-animation.org: Fantasy/Animation. Available at: https://www.fantasy-animation.org/current-posts/leeds-animation-workshops-give-us-a-smile-a-feminist-revenge-fantasy.
- Hamad, H. 2021. The origins of the Guardian Women's page. In: Freedman, D. ed. Capitalism's Conscience: 200 Years of the Guardian. Pluto Press
- Hamad, H. 2021. "Women are angry': remember the feminist protests at UK cinemas of November and December 1980, forty years on.. [Online].Women’s Film & Television History Network-UK/Ireland: WFTHN. Available at: https://womensfilmandtelevisionhistory.wordpress.com/2021/01/19/women-are-angry-remembering-the-feminist-protests-at-uk-cinemas-of-november-and-december-1980-forty-years-on/.
- Harris, J. and Taylor, J. 2021. Narrative in VR journalism: research into practice. Media Practice and Education 22 (3), pp.211-224. (10.1080/25741136.2021.1904615)
- Hartong, S. et al., 2021. Unblack the Box. Anregungen für eine (selbst)bewusste Auseinandersetzung mit digitaler Bildung. In: Lankau, R. ed. Autonom und mündig am Touchscreen. Für eine konstruktive Medienarbeit in der Schule. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz Verlag. , pp.201-212.
- Jansen, F. , Sánchez-Monedero, J. and Dencik, L. 2021. Biometric identity systems in law enforcement and the politics of (voice)recognition: the case of SiiP. Big Data and Society 8 (2), pp.1-13. (10.1177/20539517211063604)
- Jimenez Martinez, C. 2021. Claudia Mellado (Ed.), Beyond Journalistic Norms: Role Performance and News in Comparative Perspective. Published by Routledge, London, 2021 [Book Review]. Communication & Society/Comunicación y Sociedad 34 (3), pp.187-189.
- Jimenez Martinez, C. 2021. Human rights protests and mediated violence. In: Chouliaraki, L. and Vestergaard, A. eds. Routledge Handbook of Humanitarian Communication. London: Routledge
- Jiménez-Martínez, C. 2021. The instrumental mediated visibility of violence: the 2013 protests in Brazil and the limitations of the protest paradigm. International Journal of Press/Politics 26 (3), pp.525-546. (10.1177/1940161220923984)
- Jolley, R. 2021. Bylines, deadlines and the firing line. Index on Censorship 50 (4), pp.34-36. (10.1177/03064220211068696)
- Kidd, J. , Nieto McAvoy, E. and Ostrowska, A. 2021. Implications of the COVID-19 digital ‘pivot’ in museums and galleries: lessons from practitioners.
- Kidd, J. and Rees, A. 2021. A Museum of deepfakes? Potentials and pitfalls for deep learning technologies. In: Stylianou-Lambert, T. , Heraclidou, A. and Bounia, A. eds. Museum Media(ting): Emerging Technologies and Difficult Heritage. Berghahn Books
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. “Burdensome and futile” treatment and dignity compromised: Poor practice at a leading UK hospital. [Online].Open Justice. Available at: https://openjusticecourtofprotection.org/2021/11/17/burdensome-and-futile-treatment-and-dignity-compromised-poor-practice-at-a-leading-uk-hospital/.
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. Clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration: decisions that cannot be ignored or delayed. [Online].openjusticecourtofprotection.org: Open Justice Court of Protection Project. Available at: https://openjusticecourtofprotection.org/2021/06/23/clinically-assisted-nutrition-and-hydration-decisions-that-cannot-be-ignored-or-delayed/.
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. Delay is inimical to P’s welfare: guidance on clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration for PDoC patients. [Online].Open Justice Court of Protection Project. Available at: https://openjusticecourtofprotection.org/2021/07/15/delay-is-inimical-to-ps-welfare-guidance-on-clinically-assisted-nutrition-and-hydration-for-pdoc-patients/.
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. Improving decision-making for patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states: REF 2021 Impact Case Study. Research England
- Kitzinger, J. 2021. Life-sustaining treatment contrary to his best interests: Lessons from a supplementary hearing. [Online].Open Justice. Available at: https://openjusticecourtofprotection.org/2021/07/30/life-sustaining-treatment-contrary-to-his-best-interests-lessons-from-a-supplementary-hearing/.
- Kitzinger, J. et al. 2021. International perspectives on reforming end-of-life law. In: White, B. and Wilmot, L. eds. International Perspectives on End-of-Life Reform: Politics, Persuasion and Persistence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.250-276.
- Komorowski, M. 2021. Creative Economy Atlas. [Online].Cardiff University (JOMEC). Available at: https://www.datahubmaps.com/Creative-Economy-Atlas-Cymru/.
- Komorowski, M. 2021. IWA Media Audit 2020. Documentation. Cardiff: Institute of Welsh Affairs. Available at: https://www.iwa.wales/wp-content/media/IWA_MediaAudit2020.pdf.
- Komorowski, M. 2021. Mapping the innovation ecosystem landscape in the Netherlands.
- Komorowski, M. , Claeys, L. and Van Dam, T. 2021. Digitale decentrale waardeoverdracht voor de publieke sector in Nederland: een speelveldanalyse: hoe kunnen distributed ledger-technologieën zoals blockchain de publieke waarden beïnvloeden?.
- Komorowski, M. , Fodor, M. and Lewis, J. 2021. Clwstwr Creative Industries Report No. 2: The media sector in the Cardiff Capital Region. Project Report.[Online].Clwstwr. Available at: https://clwstwr.org.uk/clwstwr-creative-industries-report-no-2-media-sector-cardiff-capital-region-driving-economic-growth.
- Komorowski, M. , Griffith, S. and Alatise, L. 2021. Clwstwr Programme Report: Diversity Monitoring Report 1.
- Komorowski, M. et al. 2021. Investment obligations for VOD providers to financially contribute to the production of European works, a 2021 update.
- Komorowski, M. et al., 2021. POLICY BRIEF #48: Investment obligations for on-demand players in Europe: an update of current AVMSD transpositions.
- Komorowski, M. and Lewis, J. 2021. Ckwstwr Policy Brief No 1: The (potential) impact of Brexit on creative businesses. Implications for policy and businesses in Wales.
- Komorowski, M. et al. 2021. Joining the dots—understanding the value generation of creative networks for sustainability in local creative ecosystems. Sustainability 13 (22) 12352. (10.3390/su132212352)
- Komorowski, M. , Pepper, S. and Lewis, J. 2021. Joining the dots – Understanding the value generation of creative networks.
- Kyriakidou, M. 2021. Hierarchies of deservingness and the limits of hospitality in the 'refugee crisis'. Media, Culture and Society 43 (1), pp.133-149. (10.1177/0163443720960928)
- Kyriakidou, M. 2021. The audience of humanitarian communication. In: Chouliaraki, L. ed. Routledge Handbook of Humanitarian Communication. Routledge International Handbooks Abingdon and New York: Routledge. , pp.88-103.
- Kyriakidou, M. and Cushion, S. 2021. Journalistic responses to misinformation. In: The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism. Routledge(10.4324/9781003004431-55)
- Kyriakidou, M. and Garcia-Blanco, I. 2021. Introduction: Innovations, transformations and the future of journalism. Journalism Practice 15 (6), pp.723-727. (10.1080/17512786.2021.1935301)
- Kyriakidou, M. et al. 2021. Reporting from the front line: the role of health workers in UK television news reporting of COVID-19. In: Lewis, M. , Govender, E. and Holland, K. eds. Communicating COVID-19: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.41-58. (10.1007/978-3-030-79735-5_3)
- Lin, C. , Chen, Y. and Chen, Y. 2021. Perceptions of censorship on Taiwan's popular music in the post-martial law era. Asian Education and Development Studies 10 (4), pp.525-535. (10.1108/AEDS-02-2019-0049)
- Linabary, J. R. et al., 2021. Envisioning more equitable and just futures: feminist organizational communication in theory and praxis. Management Communication Quarterly 35 (1), pp.142-168. (10.1177/0893318920973598)
- Ma, W. 2021. Social media in the scoring society: An empirical investigation of the implications of the 2014-2020 Social Credit System for social media in China. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Manor, I. , Jimenez Martinez, C. and Dolea, A. 2021. An asset or a hassle? The public as a problem for public diplomats. [Online].The Hague Journal of Diplomacy Blog: University of Leiden. Available at: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/hjd/news/2021/blog-post---an-asset-or-a-hassle-the-public-as-a-problem-for-public-diplomats.
- Masiero, S. , Milan, S. and Trere, E. 2021. COVID-19 from the margins: Crafting a (cosmopolitan) theory. Global Media Journal German Edition 11 (1)(10.22032/dbt.49163)
- McDowell-Naylor, D. , Thomas, R. and Cushion, S. 2021. Alternative online political media. In: Tumber, H. and Waisbord, S. eds. The Routledge Companion to Media Disinformation and Populism. Routledge(10.4324/9781003004431-19)
- Meyer, M. J. et al., 2021. Martial arts in the pandemic. Martial Arts Studies (11), pp.7-31. (10.18573/mas.134)
- Miazhevich, G. 2021. An innocent provocation or homoerotic challenge? Mediations of the 'Satisfaction' video parody in the Russian mediascape. Information, Communication and Society 24 (8), pp.1123-1139. (10.1080/1369118X.2020.1764607)
- Mihelj, S. and Jimenez Martinez, C. 2021. Digital nationalism: understanding the role of digital media in the rise of ‘new’ nationalism. Nations and Nationalism 27 (2), pp.331-346. (10.1111/nana.12685)
- Milan, S. and Trere, E. 2021. Latin American visions for a digital new deal: Towards Buen Vivir with data. [Online].Just Net Coalition and IT for Change. Available at: https://projects.itforchange.net/digital-new-deal/2021/01/25/latin-american-visions-digital-new-deal-towards-buen-vivir-data/.
- Miller, T. et al., 2021. Citizenship and neoliberalism: pandemic horror in Latin America. Continuum 36 (2), pp.214-228. (10.1080/10304312.2021.2020724)
- Moreo Mora, C. , Montoya Puccini, A. and Uribe Jongbloed, E. 2021. De los medios a la convergencia. In Mediaciones De La Comunicación 16 (1), pp.59-85. (10.18861/ic.2021.16.1.3097)
- Morimoto, L. et al., 2021. Roundtable: Transcultural fan studies in practice: a conversation. Transformative Works and Cultures 35 (10.3983/twc.2021.1975)
- Morrison, J. , Birks, J. and Berry, M. 2021. Introduction: the new terrain of mediated politics. In: The Routledge Companion to Political Journalism. London: Routledge(10.4324/9780429284571-101)
- Niklas, J. and Dencik, L. 2021. What rights matter? Examining the place of social rights in the EU's artificial intelligence policy debate. Internet Policy Review 10 (3)(10.14763/2021.3.1579)
- Noonan, C. 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic and the European Screen Industry: the role of national screen agencies. In: Salvador, E. , Navarrete, T. and Srakar, A. eds. Cultural Industries and the Covid-19 Pandemic A European Focus. Routledge. , pp.239-253.
- Ntzani, D. , Magill, S. and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2021. Creative together: Fostering and displaying creativity in digital education. [Online].Cardiff: Cardiff University Centre for Education Support and Innovation. Available at: https://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/CESI/creative-together-fostering-and-displaying-creativity-in-digital-education/.
- Ogbebor, B. and Carter, C. 2021. Introduction: innovations, transitions and transformations in digital journalism: algorithmic, symbolic, and new forms of journalism. Digital Journalism 9 (6), pp.687-693. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1964854)
- Pantti, M. and Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2021. Journalism and emotional work. Journalism Studies 22 (12), pp.1567-1573. (10.1080/1461670X.2021.1977168)
- Phillips, R. et al., 2021. Cohort profile: The UK COVID-19 Public Experiences (COPE) prospective longitudinal mixed-methods study of health and well-being during the SARSCoV2 coronavirus pandemic. PLoS ONE 16 (10) e0258484. (10.1371/journal.pone.0258484)
- Poole, S. et al., 2021. Operationalizing critical race theory in the marketplace. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 40 (2), pp.126-142. (10.1177/0743915620964114)
- Quandt, T. and Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2021. The coronavirus pandemic as a critical moment for digital journalism. Digital Journalism 9 (9), pp.1199-1207. (10.1080/21670811.2021.1996253)
- Ramos, A. D. et al., 2021. Cybertarianism further exposed: Chile, Colombia, Mexico and the COVID-19 conjuncture. Journal of Digital Media & Policy 12 (1), pp.97-116. (10.1386/jdmp_00050_1)
- Rivera-Betancur, J. and Uribe-Jongbloed, E. 2021. Despair in Colombian films on displacement – shifting from noir western to western noir. Quarterly Review of Film and Video 39 (6), pp.1288-1307. (10.1080/10509208.2021.1925061)
- Roberts, J. and Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2021. Strategies of alternative right-wing media: The case of Breitbart News. In: Morrison, J. , Birks, J. and Berry, M. eds. The Routledge Companion to Political Journalism. London: Routledge(10.4324/9780429284571-15)
- Rodríguez, P. et al., 2021. A population-based controlled experiment assessing the epidemiological impact of digital contact tracing. Nature Communications 12 (1) 587. (10.1038/s41467-020-20817-6)
- Rodríguez-Castro, M. , Noonan, C. and Ramsey, P. 2021. Public service media interventions: risk and the market. In: Túnez-Lopez, M. , Campos-Freire, F. and Rodríguez-Castro, M. eds. The Values of Public Service Media in the Internet Society. Palgrave Global Media Policy and Business Palgrave MacMillan. , pp.173-191.
- Roncallo-Dow, S. , Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Aguilar Rodríguez, D. 2021. ¡Venimos en paz! (Bueno, ¿lo hacen?): Miedos comunicativos humanos en películas de naturaleza extraterrestre [We come in peace! (Well, do they?): Human communicative fears in films of an extra-terrestrialnNature]. Kepes 18 (23), pp.273-313. (10.17151/kepes.2021.18.23.10)
- Sinclair, L. , Carter, C. and Steemers, J. 2021. How do children see themselves on screen? Children's understanding of their place on and importance of public service broadcasting.
- Sobande, F. 2021. By us, for us? The narratives of Black women in past and present British feminist publishing. Women: A Cultural Review 3-4 , pp.395-409. (10.1080/09574042.2021.1973763)
- Sobande, F. 2021. Cariad [Love]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 46 (4), pp.822-824. (10.1111/tran.12491)
- Sobande, F. 2021. Screening Black Lives Matter: on-screen discourses, distortions, and depictions of Black Lives Matter. Feminist Media Studies 21 (5), pp.853-856. (10.1080/14680777.2021.1944893)
- Sobande, F. 2021. Spectacularized and branded digital (re)presentations of Black people and Blackness. Television and New Media 22 (2), pp.131-146. (10.1177/1527476420983745)
- Sobande, F. 2021. The internet's 'transnational' boyfriend: digital (re)presentations of celebrity men. Feminist Media Studies 21 (4), pp.539-555. (10.1080/14680777.2021.1900312)
- Sobande, F. and Emejulu, A. 2021. The black feminism remix lab: on black feminist joy, ambivalence, and futures. Culture, Theory and Critique 63 (2-3), pp.236-243. (10.1080/14735784.2021.1984971)
- Sobande, F. et al. 2021. Enacting anti-racist visualities through photo-dialogues on race in Paris. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 40 (2), pp.165-179. (10.1108/EDI-01-2020-0019)
- Swaine, M. , Gilbert, H. and Allen, G. 2021. Writing for journalists, 4th edition. Routledge.
- Swaine, M. , O'Donnell, A. and Stephenson, N. 2021. Making complex ideas accessible. In: Swaine, M. ed. Writing for Journalists, 4th Edition. Routledge. , pp.163-180.
- Thomas, R. et al., 2021. Clwstwr Policy Brief No 2: Journalism Quo Vadis? New ways of storytelling. Findings from a Clwstwr project on storytelling in online news.
- Topkev, A. 2021. A democratic approach to reporting religion: Comparing the newspaper coverage in the UK and Turkey. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Trere, E. 2021. Después del eclipse computacional: iluminando las dinámicas del activismo tras bambalinas. In: Caballero, F. S. ed. Economía Política de la Comunicación, Comunicación Social. Comunicación Social. , pp.423-440.
- Trere, E. 2021. Intensification, discovery and abandonment: unearthing global ecologies of dis/connection in pandemic times. Convergence 27 (6), pp.1663-1677. (10.1177/13548565211036804)
- Trere, E. , Candón-Mena, J. and Sola-Morales, S. 2021. Imaginarios activistas sobre Internet: Del mito tecno-utópico al desencanto digital. CIC Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación 26 , pp.33-53. (10.5209/ciyc.76147)
- Trere, E. and Kaun, A. 2021. Contextualizando el activismo digital: Una perspectiva histórico-ecológica. In: Candon-Mena, J. and Montero-Sanchez, D. eds. Del Ciberactivismo a la Tecnopolítica, Movimientos Sociales en la era del Escepticismo Tecnológico. Comunicación Critica Comunicación Social Ediciones y Publicaciones. , pp.71-93.
- Treré, E. and Kaun, A. 2021. Digital media activism. In: Balbi, G. et al., Digital Roots: Historicizing Media and Communication Concepts of the Digital Age. Vol. 4, Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics De Gruyter Oldenbourg. , pp.193-208. (10.1515/9783110740202-011)
- Trere, E. and Milan, S. 2021. Latin American perspectives on datafication and artificial intelligence: Traditions, interventions and possibilities. Palabra Clave 24 (3) e2431. (10.5294/pacla.2021.24.3.1)
- Trere, E. , Milan, S. and Masiero, S. 2021. Introduction: Covid-19 seen from the land of otherwise. In: Milan, S. ed. COVID-19 from the Margins: Pandemic Invisibilities, Policies and Resistance in the Datafied Society. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures. , pp.14-22.
- Treré, E. and Yu, Z. 2021. The evolution and power of online consumer activism: illustrating the hybrid dynamics of "consumer video activism" in China through two case studies. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 65 (5), pp.761-785. (10.1080/08838151.2021.1965143)
- Tuchowski, M. 2021. Ethnic media in the age of migration. The role of the Polish ethnic media in the process of social integration of Poles in the United Kingdom after May 2004 – media producers’ perspective. MPhil Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Valdivia, A. , Sánchez-Monedero, J. and Casillas, J. 2021. How fair can we go in machine learning? Assessing the boundaries of accuracy and fairness. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 36 (4), pp.1619-1643. (10.1002/int.22354)
- Vrydagh, F. and Jimenez Martinez, C. 2021. Conversando com a direita: polarização perniciosa no Brasil e a filosofia de Paulo Freire. Matrizes 15 (3), pp.223-243. (10.11606/issn.1982-8160.v15i3p223-243)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2021. Considering the emotional turn in journalism studies: Towards new research agendas (translated into Chinese).. Journalism and Mass Communication Monthly (新闻界)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2021. Precarity in community journalism start-ups: The deep story of sacrifice. In: Steiner, L. and Chadha, K. eds. Precarity in journalism. Routledge
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2021. Precarity in community journalism start-ups: the deep story of sacrifice. Presented at: 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2021) Virtual 27-31 May 2021.
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2021. The affordances of interview research on Zoom: New intimacies and active listening. Communication, Culture and Critique 14 (2), pp.373-376.
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. and Carlson, M. 2021. Conjecturing fearful futures: Journalistic discourses on deepfakes. Journalism Practice 15 (6), pp.803-820. (10.1080/17512786.2021.1908838)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. , Garcia-Blanco, I. and Boelle, J. 2021. British community journalism's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Reappraising Local and Community News in the UK. Taylor and Francis Group. , pp.42-55. (10.4324/9781003173144-4)
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- Walter, S. and Walsh, C. 2021. Emotion, gender, and social mobilization in UK climate news, 2009-2019. Presented at: 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2021) Virtual 27-31 May 2021.
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- Westwater, C. A. 2021. The othering museum: How power performs in co-curatorial participation, 2013-2020. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Williams-Jones, R. 2021. Reporting the courts in the UK during the financial crisis In local journalism. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
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- Yu, Z. 2021. Consumer video activism in China: an empirical investigation into its origins, dynamics, and impacts. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
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