2020 publications
- Mair, J. et al., 2020. Brexit, Boris and the media. Abramis.
- Komorowski, M. and Picone, I. eds. 2020. Creative cluster development: Governance, place-making and entrepreneurship. Regions and Cities Routledge.
- Johanssen, J. and Garrisi, D. eds. 2020. Disability, media, and representations: Other bodies. Routledge.
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2020. Journalism, citizenship and surveillance society. Routledge.
- Gu, X. , Lim, M. and O'Connor, J. eds. 2020. Re-imagining creative cities in twenty-first century Asia. Palgrave. (10.1007/978-3-030-46291-8)
- Allan, S. 2020. Im/partial inflections of 9/11 in photo-reportage. Digital War 1 , pp.131-137. (10.1057/s42984-020-00011-0)
- Allan, S. and Peters, C. 2020. The visual citizen in a digital news landscape. Communication Theory 30 (2), pp.149-168. (10.1093/ct/qtz028)
- Allbeson, T. 2020. Photography, reconstruction and the cultural history of the postwar European city. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Allbeson, T. 2020. Photography, visual activism and counterpublics: the campaign for nuclear disarmament in post-war Britain. In: Miles, M. and Welch, E. eds. Photography and Its Publics. London: Bloomsbury Visual Arts. , pp.79-102. (10.5040/9781350054998.ch-005)
- Alqahtani, E. 2020. The digital family in a traditional society: Attitudes of Saudi young people and parents towards the use of social media in family communication. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Andrejevic, M. , Dencik, L. and Trere, E. 2020. From pre-emption to slowness: assessing the contrasting temporalities of data-driven predictive policing. New Media and Society 22 (9), pp.1528-1544. (10.1177/1461444820913565)
- Barker, K. , Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Scholz, T. 2020. Privacy as public good – A comparative assessment of the challenge for CoronApps in Latin America. Journal of Law, Technology and Trust 1 (1)(10.19164/jltt.v1i1.1006)
- Barranquero, A. and Treré, E. 2020. A historical and comparative perspective on the studies on alternative and community communication in Europe. In: Paulino, F. O. and Kaplún, G. eds. Research Traditions in Dialogue: Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe. media XXI: Publishing, Research and Consulting. , pp.191-215.
- Barrowman, K. 2020. Book Review: Legacies of the Drunken Master, by Luke White. Martial Arts Studies (10), pp.141-152. (10.18573/mas.116)
- Bishop, S. et al., 2020. Introduction to the special issue: Algorithms for her? Feminist claims to technical language. Feminist Media Studies 20 (5), pp.730-732. (10.1080/14680777.2020.1783797)
- Boelle, J. M. 2020. The media’s representation of airplane disasters: An analysis of themes, language and moving images. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Bowman, J. 2020. In toxic hating masculinity: MMA hard men and media representation. Sport in History 40 (3), pp.395-410. (10.1080/17460263.2020.1756394)
- Bowman, P. 2020. From chop suey to chop-socky: the construction of Chineseness in British television adverts. JOMEC Journal 15 , pp.1-29. (10.18573/jomec.198)
- Bowman, P. 2020. In authentic relations: traditional Asian martial arts, east and west. In: Hong, F. and Zhouxiang, L. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Sport in Asia. London: Routledge. , pp.11-19.
- Bowman, P. 2020. Metamorphoses of martial arts: meditations on motivations and motive forces during the COVID-19 pandemic. Martial Arts Studies (10), pp.128-140. (10.18573/mas.119)
- Bowman, P. 2020. The tradition of invention: on authenticity in traditional Asian martial arts. In: Lewin, D. and Kenklies, K. eds. East Asian Pedagogies: Education as Formation and Transformation Across Cultures and Borders. Vol. 15, Contemporary Philosophies and Theories in Education Springer. , pp.205-225. (10.1007/978-3-030-45673-3_14)
- Bowman, P. and Judkins, B. N. 2020. Five years and twelve months that changed the study of martial arts forever [Editorial]. Martial Arts Studies (10), pp.1-8. (10.18573/mas.117)
- Bowman, P. and Judkins, B. N. 2020. Spring 2020 Editorial. Martial Arts Studies (9), pp.1-5. (10.18573/mas.97)
- Brock, M. and Edenborg, E. 2020. 'You cannot oppress those who do not exist': Gay persecution in Chechnya and the politics of in/visibility. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 26 (4), pp.673-700. GLQ (2020) 26 (4): 673–700. (10.1215/10642684-8618730)
- Buckley, S. 2020. YouTube and the public sphere: What role does YouTube play in contributing towards Habermas’ notion of the public sphere. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Cairus, J. 2020. Nationalism, Immigration and Identity: The Gracies and the Making of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 1934–1943. Martial Arts Studies (9), pp.28-42. (10.18573/mas.105)
- Chadwick, A. et al., 2020. Authority signaling: How relational interactions between journalists and politicians create primary definers in UK broadcast news. Journalism 21 (7), pp.896-914. (10.1177/1464884918762848)
- Chan, S. et al., 2020. Hai Karate and Kung Fuey: Early Martial Arts Tropes in British Advertising. JOMEC Journal (15), pp.1-33. (10.18573/jomec.203)
- Chan, S. and Phillips, R. 2020. Editorial: Advertising China. JOMEC Journal (15), pp.1-3. (10.18573/jomec.204)
- Channon, A. 2020. Edgework and Mixed Martial Arts: Risk, Reflexivity and Collaboration in an Ostensibly ‘Violent’ Sport. Martial Arts Studies (9), pp.6-19. (10.18573/mas.95)
- Cushion, S. 2020. Six ways alt-left media legitimatize their criticism of mainstream media: An analysis of The Canary and Evolve Politics (2015-19). Journal of Alternative and Community Media 5 (2), pp.153-171. (10.1386/joacm_00081_1)
- Cushion, S. , Lewis, J. and Kilby, A. 2020. Why context, relevance and repetition matter in news reporting: Interpreting the United Kingdom's political information environment. Journalism 21 (1), pp.34-53. (10.1177/1464884917746560)
- Dencik, L. 2020. Advancing data justice in public health and beyond. American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10)(10.1080/15265161.2020.1806945)
- Dencik, L. 2020. Authenticity. In: Baker, M. et al., The Routledge Encyclopedia of Citizen Media. Critical Perspectives on Citizen Media Abingdon and New York: Routledge
- Dencik, L. 2020. Il realismo della sorveglianza e le politiche dell’immaginazione: non c’è alternativa? [translated by Philip di Salvo]. Studies in Communication Sciences 19 (2), pp.173-188. (10.24434/j.scoms.2019.02.003)
- Dencik, L. 2020. Mobilizing media studies in an age of datafication. Television and New Media 21 (6), pp.568-573. (10.1177/1527476420918848)
- Dencik, L. and Kaun, A. 2020. Introduction: datafication and the welfare state. Global Perspectives 1 (1)(10.1525/gp.2020.12912)
- Dencik, L. and Wilkin, P. 2020. Digital activism and the political culture of trade unionism. Information, Communication and Society 23 (12), pp.1728-1737. (10.1080/1369118X.2019.1631371)
- El Refaie, E. et al. 2020. Pictorial and spatial metaphor in the drawings of a culturally diverse group of women with fertility problems. Visual Communication 19 (2), pp.257-280. (10.1177/1470357218784622)
- Fenton, N. et al., 2020. The media manifesto. The Manifesto Series Polity Press.
- Galani, A. and Kidd, J. 2020. Hybrid material encounters - expanding the continuum of museum materialities in the wake of a pandemic. Museum and Society 18 (3), pp.298-301. (10.29311/mas.v18i3.3565)
- Garner, R. 2020. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom by J. A. Bayona [Review]. Science Fiction Film and Television 13 (3), pp.449-454.
- Garrisi, D. 2020. Syntax as meaning: the stylistic construction of the past in American feature writing. Journalism Studies 21 (14), pp.1990-2006. (10.1080/1461670X.2020.1809492)
- Garrisi, D. and Johanssen, J. 2020. Introduction. In: Johanssen, J. and Garrisi, D. eds. Disability, Media, and Representations Other Bodies. New York: Routledge. , pp.1-18. (10.4324/9780429469244)
- Gianni, T. 2020. The Construction of Chinese Martial Arts in the Writings of John Dudgeon, Herbert Giles and Joseph Needham. Martial Arts Studies (10), pp.51-65. (10.18573/mas.65)
- Gill, R. et al., 2020. Intergenerational feminism and media: a roundtable. In: Keller, J. , Littler, J. and Winch, A. eds. An Intergenerational Feminist Media Studies: Conflicts and Connectivities. Routledge. , pp.170-180.
- Gong, S. 2020. When the Gendered Millennial Goes Global: A Cross-National Reading of the ‘New Woman’ in British and Chinese Television Ads. JOMEC Journal (15), pp.1-22. (10.18573/jomec.202)
- Gotz, M. et al., 2020. Children, Covid-19 and the media: A atudy of the challenges children are facing in the 2020 Coronavirus crisis. Televizion 33 , pp.4-9.
- Green, T. A. 2020. The 52 Hand Blocks, Sexual Dominance, and Mother Dear as Archetype. Martial Arts Studies (9), pp.20-27. (10.18573/mas.98)
- Hamad, H. 2020. BOOK REVIEW: Revisiting the Yorkshire Ripper murders: histories of gender, violence and victimhood, by Louise Wattis, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.. Feminist Review 125 (1), pp.132-134. (10.1177/0141778920911019)
- Hamad, H. 2020. Bromance. In: The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication. Wiley(\10.1002/9781119429128.iegmc137)
- Hamad, H. 2020. Gender politics and celebrity. In: The International Encyclopedia of Gender, Media, and Communication. Wiley(10.1002/9781119429128.iegmc209)
- Hamad, H. 2020. “How did 1970s Britain enable its deadliest killer?” Feminist revisionist re-mediation of the ‘Ripper’ years in 'The Yorkshire Ripper Files: A Very British Crime Story (2019). [Online].University of Hertfordshite. Available at: https://cstonline.net/feminist-revisionist-re-mediation-of-the-ripper-years-in-the-yorkshire-ripper-files-a-very-british-crime-story-2019-by-hannah-hamad/.
- Hamad, H. 2020. ''I Will Be with You, Whatever': Blair and Bush's Baghdadi bromance'. In: Brickman, B. J. , Jermyn, D. and Trost, T. L. eds. Love Across the Atlantic: US-UK Romance in Popular Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
- Hamad, H. 2020. ‘Nice shoes’: Will Smith, mid-2000s (post) racial discourse and the symbolic significance of shoes in I, Robot (Alex Proyas, 2004) and The Pursuit of Happyness (Gabriele Muccino, 2006). In: Ezra, E. and Wheatley, C. eds. Shoe Reels: The History and Philosophy of Footwear in Film. Edinburgh University Press
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- Healy, A. et al. 2020. Domestic groundwater sbstraction in Lagos, Nigeria: A disjuncture in the science-policy-practice interface?. Environmental Research Letters 15 (4) 045006. (10.1088/1748-9326/ab7463)
- Hoare, J. 2020. The practice and potential of heritage emotion research: an experimental mixed-methods approach to investigating affect and emotion in a historic house. International Journal of Heritage Studies 26 (10), pp.955-974. (10.1080/13527258.2020.1714696)
- Hofmeister, E. H. et al., 2020. Relationship Between Rank and Instructor Teaching Technique in an Adult Martial Arts Setting. Martial Arts Studies (9), pp.54-70. (10.18573/mas.102)
- Hughes, C. 2020. Thou art in a deal: the evolution of religious language in the public communications of Donald Trump. International Journal of Communication 14 , pp.4825–4846.
- Jaquet, D. 2020. Collecting Martial Art Knowledge on Paper in Early Modern Germany and China: The Examples of Paulus Hector Mair and Qi Jiguang and their Reading in the 21st Century. Martial Arts Studies (9), pp.86-92. (10.18573/mas.101)
- Jiao, Y. 2020. Rural Wandering Martial Arts Networks and Invulnerability Rituals in Modern China. Martial Arts Studies (10), pp.40-50. (10.18573/mas.109)
- Jimenez Martinez, C. 2020. Media and the image of the nation during Brazil’s 2013 protests. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. (10.1007/978-3-030-38238-4)
- Jimenez Martinez, C. 2020. The limits of disruption: three lessons from Brazil. UnMediated - Journal of Politics and Communication 2 , pp.75-79.
- Jiménez-Martínez, C. 2020. Media, protest and the simplification of violence. [Online].Media @ LSE Blog: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/medialse/2020/07/13/media-protest-and-the-simplification-of-violence/.
- Kaplún, G. , Barranquero, A. and Treré, E. 2020. Alternative communication in Europe and Latin America: so far away, yet so close. In: Paulino, F. O. and Kaplún, G. eds. Research Traditions in Dialogue: Communication Studies in Latin America and Europe. media XXI: Publishing, Research and Consulting. , pp.229-240.
- Karatzogianni, A. , Miazhevich, G. and Denisova, A. 2020. A comparative cyberconflict analysis of digital activism across post-soviet countries. In: Karatzogianni, A. , Schandorf, M. and Ferra, I. eds. Media Technologies and Protest Revolutions: The Long Durée. [A Comparative Cyberconflict Analysis of Digital Activism across Post-Soviet Countries]. Bingley, UK: Emerald. , pp.61-82.
- Kaun, A. and Trere, E. 2020. Repression, resistance and lifestyle: charting (dis)connection and activism in times of accelerated capitalism. Social Movement Studies 19 (5-6), pp.697-715. (10.1080/14742837.2018.1555752)
- Kavada, A. and Trere, E. 2020. Live democracy and its tensions: making sense of livestreaming in the 15M and occupy. Information, Communication and Society 23 (12), pp.1787-1804. (10.1080/1369118X.2019.1637448)
- Kazakeviciute, E. 2020. ‘It’s a sad and beautiful world’: the Poststructuralist conception of communication and Jim Jarmusch’s films. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Kidd, J. 2020. Infrastructures that democratize? Citizen participation and digital ethics. In: Hetland, P. , Pierroux, P. and Esborg, L. eds. A History of Participation in Museums and Archives: Traversing Citizen Science and Citizen Humanities. London: Routledge
- Kidd, J. 2020. Social media and participation: The selfie as a curious cultural artefact. In: Black, G. ed. Museums and the Challenge of Change: Old Institutions in a New World. Routledge
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2020. How to change the Law: challenging mandatory court hearings for people in vegetative and minimally conscious states. In: Politics, persuasion and persistence: International perspectives on end-of-life law reform. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Komorowski, M. 2020. Identifying industry clusters: a critical analysis of the most commonly used methods. Regional Studies, Regional Science 7 (1), pp.92-100. (10.1080/21681376.2020.1733436)
- Komorowski, M. and Asardag, D. 2020. Gender gaps in the cultural and creative cectors.
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- Komorowski, M. and Fodor, M. M. 2020. The economic drivers of media clusters. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 16 (3), pp.309-331. (10.1386/macp_00031_1)
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- Li, H. 2020. China’s Nation and Product Branding in New York’s Times Square in the Post-Beijing Olympics Era. JOMEC Journal (15), pp.1-16. (10.18573/jomec.200)
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- Lomborg, S. , Dencik, L. and Moe, H. 2020. Methods for datafication, datafication of methods: introduction to the special issue. European Journal of Communication 35 (3), pp.203-212. (10.1177/0267323120922045)
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- Matheson, D. and Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2020. The epistemology of live blogging. New Media and Society 22 (2), pp.300-316. (10.1177/1461444819856926)
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- Meyer, M. J. 2020. Wrestling, Warships and Nationalism in Japanese-American Relations. Martial Arts Studies (10), pp.73-88. (10.18573/mas.115)
- Miazhevich, G. 2020. Dis/engagement in post-soviet communicative ecologies: re-framing the ‘Chinatown’ dissent campaign in Belarus. In: Karatzogianni, A. , Schandorf, M. and Ferra, I. eds. Media Technologies and Protest Revolutions: The Long Durée. Bingley: Emerald
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