2016 Publications
- Roncallo-Dow, S. , Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Gutiérrez, E. eds. 2016. Identidad, héroes y discursos en la modernidad tardía. Universidad de La Sabana.
- Bennett, L. and Booth, P. eds. 2016. Seeing fans: representations of fandom in media and popular culture. Bloomsbury.
- Hargreaves, I. and Hartley, J. eds. 2016. The creative citizen unbound: how social media and DIY culture contribute to democracy, communities and the creative economy. Connected Communities Policy Press.
- Cushion, S. and Sambrook, R. J. eds. 2016. The future of 24 hour news: new directions, new challenges. Peter Lang.
- Afful, E. 2016. Journalism, election campaigns and democracy in Ghana. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Ahluwalia, P. and Miller, T. 2016. Brexit: the way of dealing with populism. Social Identities 22 (5), pp.453-454. (10.1080/13504630.2016.1186635)
- Ahluwalia, P. and Miller, T. 2016. Preface to Nihilism. Social Identities 22 (3), pp.227. (10.1080/13504630.2016.1155281)
- Ahluwalia, P. and Miller, T. 2016. Rethinking global cities. Social Identities 22 (6), pp.559-560. (10.1080/13504630.2016.1203517)
- Ahluwalia, P. and Miller, T. 2016. Why do wars happen?. Social Identities 22 (4), pp.347-349. (10.1080/13504630.2016.1158952)
- Allan, S. 2016. Afterword: Revisioning journalism and the “pictures in our heads”. In: Peters, C. and Broersma, M. eds. Rethinking Journalism Again: Societal Role and Public Relevance in a Digital Age. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.216-230.
- Allan, S. 2016. Citizen witnesses. In: Witschge, T. et al., The SAGE Handbook of Digital Journalism. London: Sage. , pp.266-279.
- Allan, S. 2016. Documentare la guerra, visualizzare la pace: Verso una fotografia di pace. In: Salio, N. and De Michelis, S. eds. Giornalismo di Pace. Torino: Edizioni GruppoAbele. , pp.191-210.
- Allan, S. 2016. Foreword. In: Mutsvairo, B. ed. Participatory Politics and Citizen Journalism in a Networked Africa: A Connected Continent. London: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.viii-xi.
- Allan, S. 2016. Photojournalism and citizen witnessing. In: Franklin, B. and Eldridge, S. eds. The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.487-497.
- Allan, S. and Sreedharan, C. 2016. Visualising war: Photojournalism under fire. In: Robinson, P. , Seib, P. and Frohlich, R. eds. Routledge Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.93-105.
- Allbeson, T. 2016. Carrying off the palaces: John Ruskin’s lost daguerreotypes by Ken Jacobson and Jenny Jacobson [Book Review]. The Journal of Architecture 21 (7), pp.1154-1158. (10.1080/13602365.2016.1233624)
- Allbeson, T. 2016. St Paul's in the Blitz. History Today 2016 (Jan 6)
- Allbeson, T. 2016. Where are the pictures? Photography & British public perception of the bombing of Germany, 1941-45. PhotoResearcher 25 , pp.60-87.
- Allbeson, T. and Oldfield, P. 2016. War, photography, business: new critical histories. Journal of War and Culture Studies 9 (2), pp.94-114. (10.1080/17526272.2016.1190203)
- Antonio Gutierrez, P. et al., 2016. Ordinal regression methods: Survey and experimental study. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28 (1), pp.127-146. (10.1109/TKDE.2015.2457911)
- Barrowman, K. 2016. Martial suture: Aikido and aesthetics in the films of Steven Seagal. [Online].In Media Res. Available at: http://mediacommons.futureofthebook.org/imr/2016/02/16/martial-suture-aikido-and-aesthetics-films-steven-seagal.
- Bennett, L. 2016. Fandom, liveness and technology at Tori Amos music concerts: examining the movement of meaning within social media use. In: Experiencing Liveness in Contemporary Performance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Routledge. , pp.48-59. (10.4324/9781315659701-10)
- Bennett, L. 2016. Singer-songwriters and fandom in the digital age. In: Williams, K. and Williams, J. A. eds. The Cambridge Companion to the Singer-Songwriter. Cambridge Companions to Music Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.329-340.
- Bennett, L. , Chin, B. and Jones, B. 2016. Between privacy, ethics, fandom and social media: new trajectories that challenge media producer/fan relations. In: Davisson, A. and Booth, P. eds. Controversies in Digital Ethics. Llandysul: Bloomsbury. , pp.107-122.
- Berry, M. 2016. Heavy duty: what are the shortcomings of the BBC’s reporting of the EU?. [Online].https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit: LSE Brexit Blog. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2016/02/26/heavy-duty-what-are-the-shortcomings-of-the-bbcs-reporting-of-the-eu/.
- Berry, M. 2016. No alternative to austerity: how BBC broadcast news reported the deficit debate. Media, Culture and Society 38 (6), pp.844-863. (10.1177/0163443715620931)
- Berry, M. 2016. The British are dangerously ill-informed about the EU referendum. [Online].https://www.opendemocracy.net: Open Democracy. Available at: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/ourbeeb/british-are-dangerously-ill-informed-about-eu-referendum/.
- Berry, M. 2016. The UK press and the deficit debate. Sociology 50 (3), pp.542-559. (10.1177/0038038515582158)
- Berry, M. 2016. UK media and the legitimisation of austerity policies. [Online].https://www.opendemocracy.net: Open Democracy. Available at: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/uk-media-and-legitimisation-of-austerity-policies/.
- Berry, M. 2016. Understanding the role of the mass media in the EU referendum [EU referendum analysis 2016: media, coters and the campaign: early reflections from leading UK academics].
- Berry, M. , Garcia-Blanco, I. and Moore, K. 2016. Press coverage of the refugee and migrant crisis in the EU: a content analysis of five European countries. Project Report.[Online].Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Available at: http://www.unhcr.org/56bb369c9.html.
- Berry, M. , Garcia-Blanco, I. and Moore, K. 2016. UK press is the most aggressive in reporting on Europe’s ‘migrant’ crisis. The Conversation
- Birchley, G. et al., 2016. Dying well with reduced agency: a scoping review and thematic synthesis of the decision-making process in dementia, traumatic brain injury and frailty. BMC Medical Ethics 17 46. (10.1186/s12910-016-0129-x)
- Blaagaard, B. B. and Allan, S. 2016. Citizen mediations of connectivity: narrowing the “culture of distance” in television news. In: Baker, M. and Blaagaard, B. B. eds. Citizen Media and Public Spaces. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.58-75.
- Bowman, P. 2016. Making martial arts history matter. International Journal of the History of Sport 33 (9), pp.915-933. (10.1080/09523367.2016.1212842)
- Bowman, P. 2016. Mythologies of martial arts. Rowman & Littlefield International.
- Bowman, P. 2016. Poststructuralism. In: The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Vol. 1, [Poststructuralism]. London: Wiley. , pp.1-5. (10.1002/9781118541555.wbiepc214)
- Bowman, P. 2016. The intimate schoolmaster and the ignorant sifu: Poststructuralism, Bruce Lee, and the ignorance of everyday radical pedagogy. Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (4), pp.549-570. (10.5325/philrhet.49.4.0549)
- Bowman, P. and Judkins, B. N. 2016. Editorial: The invention of Martial Arts. Martial Arts Studies 2 , pp.1-5. (10.18573/j.2016.10061)
- Brock, M. 2016. A psychosocial analysis of reactions to Pussy Riot: Velvet Revolution or Frenzied Uteri. Subjectivity 9 (2), pp.126-144. (10.1057/sub.2016.5)
- Brock, M. 2016. Reading formations of subjectivity: From discourse to psyche. Social and Personality Psychology Compass 10 (3), pp.125-135. (10.1111/spc3.12241)
- Brock, M. 2016. The hyperrealities of Putin and Trump: Why it is worth paying attention to the public personas of political leaders. Baltic Worlds 9 (4), pp.83-87.
- Brown, J. 2016. Home from home? Locational choices of international 'creative class' workers. In: Clifton, N. , Chapain, C. and Comunian, R. eds. Creative Regions in Europe. Routledge. , pp.12-31.
- Brown, J. 2016. The Routledge companion to the cultural industries [Book Review]. Cultural Trends 25 (2), pp.138-139. (10.1080/09548963.2016.1170919)
- Cable, J. 2016. Protest campaigns, media and political opportunities. Protest, Media and Culture Rowman & Littlefield International.
- Cammaerts, B. et al., 2016. Journalistic representations of Jeremy Corbyn in the British press: From watchdog to attackdog. Project Report.[Online].London: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/67211/1/CAmmaerts_Journalistic representations of Jeremy Corbyn_Author_2016.pdf.
- Chen, W. 2016. Transforming the global in local magazines: a multimodal analysis of the Chinese Rayli. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Chorley, M. and Mottershead, G. 2016. Are you talking to me? An analysis of journalism conversation on social media. Journalism Practice 10 (7), pp.856-867. (10.1080/17512786.2016.1166978)
- Cottle, S. , Sambrook, R. and Mosdell, N. 2016. Reporting dangerously: journalist killings, intimidation and security. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-1-137-40670-5)
- Cushion, S. and Thomas, R. 2016. Reporting different second order elections: A comparative analysis of the 2009 and 2013 local and EU elections on public and commercial UK television news bulletins. British Politics 11 (2), pp.164-183. (10.1057/bp.2015.26)
- Cushion, S. et al. 2016. Interpreting the media logic behind editorial decisions: Television News Coverage of the 2015 U.K. General Election Campaign. International Journal of Press/Politics 21 (4), pp.472-489. (10.1177/1940161216664726)
- Davis, A. and Walsh, C. 2016. The role of the state in the financialisation of the UK economy. Political Studies 64 (3), pp.666-682. (10.1111/1467-9248.12198)
- Dencik, L. 2016. Predictive policing and the automated suppression of dissent. [Online].London: London School of Economics and Political Science. Available at: http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/mediapolicyproject/2016/06/01/predictive-policing-and-the-automated-suppression-of-dissent/.
- Dencik, L. , Hintz, A. and Cable, J. 2016. Towards data justice? The ambiguity of anti-surveillance resistance in political activism. Big Data and Society 3 (2), pp.1-12. (10.1177/2053951716679678)
- Dovey, J. , Alevizou, G. and Williams, A. 2016. Citizenship, value, and digital culture. In: Hargreaves, I. and Hartley, J. eds. The Creative Citizen Unbound: How social media and DIY culture contribute to democracy, communities and the Creative Economy. Polity Press. , pp.75-102.
- Fathallah, J. 2016. ‘Except that Joss Whedon is god’: fannish attitudes to statements of author/ity. International Journal of Cultural Studies 19 (4), pp.459-476. (10.1177/1367877914537589)
- Garner, R. 2016. Crime drama and channel branding: ITV and Broadchurch. In: McElroy, R. ed. Contemporary British Television Crime Drama: Cops on the Box. Routledge. , pp.139-153.
- Garner, R. 2016. Going legendary: merchandising, transmediality and nostalgia in Power Rangers Super Megaforce. Presented at: Material Cultures of Television University of Hull, Hull, UK 21-22 March 2016.
- Garner, R. 2016. "The series that changed television"? Twin Peaks, "classic" status and temporal capital. Cinema Journal 55 (3), pp.137-142. (10.1353/cj.2016.0020)
- Garner, R. and Shimabukuro, K. 2016. IN FOCUS: Returning to the Red Room - Twin Peaks at twenty-five: Editor's introduction. Cinema Journal 55 (3), pp.118-120. (10.1353/cj.2016.0036)
- Garner, R. P. 2016. Symbolic and cued immersion: paratextual framing strategies on the Doctor Who Experience Walking Tour. Popular Communication 14 (2), pp.86-98. (10.1080/15405702.2016.1153101)
- Gillespie, M. and Nieto McAvoy, E. 2016. Digital networks and transformations in the international news ecology: A critique of agent-centred approaches to soft power. In: Chitty, N. et al., The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power. London and New York: Routledge. , pp.203-219.
- Greenhalgh, T. et al., 2016. An open letter to The BMJ editors on qualitative research. BMJ 352 i563. (10.1136/bmj.i563)
- Gutierrez, P. A. et al., 2016. Representing ordinal input variables in the context of ordinal classification. Presented at: 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) Vancouver, BC, Canada 24-29 July 2016. 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. , pp.2174-2181. (10.1109/IJCNN.2016.7727468)
- Hamad, H. 2016. Contemporary medical television and crisis in the NHS. Critical Studies in Television 11 (2), pp.136-150. (10.1177/1749602016645778)
- Hamad, H. 2016. Introduction: gal pals, gamers and hacktivists in contemporary cultures of celebrity. Celebrity Studies 7 (2), pp.280-281. (10.1080/19392397.2016.1165004)
- Hamad, H. 2016. Introduction: literary celebrity and industry practice. Celebrity Studies 7 (4), pp.575-576. (10.1080/19392397.2016.1234809)
- Hamad, H. 2016. Introduction: politicised iconicity, adaptable stardom and Generation X celebrity in the contemporary mediascape. Celebrity Studies 7 (3), pp.419-420. (10.1080/19392397.2016.1202660)
- Hamad, H. 2016. Introduction: transgender celebrity, celebrity political endorsements, and the practice of celebrity public relations. Celebrity Studies 7 (1), pp.113-114. (10.1080/19392397.2016.1131010)
- Harris, J. , Mosdell, N. and Griffiths, J. 2016. Gender, risk and journalism. Journalism Practice 10 (7), pp.902-916. (10.1080/17512786.2016.1166449)
- Hartley, J. and Potts, J. 2016. ‘Paris with snakes’? The future of communication is/as ‘Cultural Science’. International Communication Gazette 78 (7), pp.627-635. (10.1177/1748048516655712)
- Hintz, A. 2016. Enabling future journalisms: policy challenges and advocacy initiatives in the digital age. In: Gasher, M. et al., Journalism in Crisis: Bridging Theory and Practice for Democratic Media Strategies in Canada. Toronto University Press. , pp.146-162.
- Hintz, A. 2016. Media at the margins? After the mainstreaming of participatory media practices. Journal of Alternative and Community Media 1 (1), pp.21-23. (10.1386/joacm_00010_1)
- Hintz, A. 2016. Policy hacking: citizen-based policymaking and media reform. In: Freedman, D. et al., Strategies for Media Reform: International Perspectives. New York: Fordham University Press. , pp.223-238.
- Hintz, A. 2016. Restricting digital sites of dissent: commercial social media and free expression. Critical Discourse Studies 13 (3), pp.325-340. (10.1080/17405904.2016.1141695)
- Hintz, A. 2016. Whistleblowers and leak activists face powerful elites in struggle to control information. The Conversation 2016 (Apr 4), pp.-.
- Hintz, A. and Dencik, L. 2016. Expanding state power in times of surveillance realism: How the UK got a 'world-leading' surveillance law. OpenDemocracy
- Hintz, A. and Dencik, L. 2016. The politics of surveillance policy: UK regulatory dynamics after Snowden. Internet Policy Review 5 (3), pp.1-16. (10.14763/2016.3.424)
- Hintz, A. , Dencik, L. and Wahl-Jorgensen, K. 2016. Surveillance in a digital age. In: Franklin, B. and Eldridge II, S. eds. The Routledge Companion to Digital Journalism Studies. Abingdon: Routledge. , pp.579-588.
- Hughes, C. 2016. It’s not easy (not) being green: agenda dissonance of Green Party press relations and newspaper coverage. European Journal of Communication 31 (6), pp.625-641. (10.1177/0267323116669454)
- Jain, S. 2016. India: You ain't seen nothing yet. In: Mair, J. et al., Last Words?: How can journalism survive the decline of print?. Bury St Edmunds: Abramis academic publishing
- Jewell, J. 2016. Aberfan tragedy 50 years on: avoidable disaster, media dilemma, open wound [Newspaper Article]. The Irish Times 2016 (21 Sep)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Are people getting a bit tired of being lectured to by do-gooding celebrities?. The Conversation 2016
- Jewell, J. 2016. BBC gets out of the kitchen as government turns up the heat. The Conversation 2016 (17 May)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Come on Wales - outrage over Mars support for England football team is storm in a tea-break. The Conversation 2016 (31 May)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Finally, the truth about Hillsborough (but you won't read it on the front of The Sun). The Conversation 2016 (27 Apr)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Here comes the son: Sky's not the limit for James Murdoch. The Conversation 2016 (Jan 29)
- Jewell, J. 2016. How the horror of war gets lost in the media's short compassion cycle. The Conversation 2016 (22 Aug)
- Jewell, J. 2016. "I wish you'd told us that before": Sun readers (and former editor) wake up to buyer's remorse over Brexit. The Conversation 2016 (28 Jun)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Ian Hislop's right: Murdoch's cosy relationship with Tories should be investigated. The Conversation 2016 (28 Oct)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Lego vs Daily Mail strikes at paper's weak spot: its advertising revenue. The Conversation 2016 (Nov 14)
- Jewell, J. 2016. New Day barely dawned: here's why UK's latest paper closed after just two months. The Conversation 2016 (5 May)
- Jewell, J. 2016. "Our casualties not heavy": how British press covered the Battle of the Somme. The Conversation 2016 (30 Jun)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Panama Papers: media attacks on Cameron may have more to do with Brexit than banking. The Conversation 2016 (11 Apr)
- Jewell, J. 2016. PR firms are becoming more powerful, but good journalism still prevails. The Conversation 2016 (Oct 19)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Press urges Britain to "Keep calm and blame Europe". The Conversation 2016 (5 Feb)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Regional newspapers are starving to death but can local journalism survive?. The Conversation 2016 (4 Aug)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Sam Allardyce 'sting' is the latest chapter in a new era of investigative reporting. The Conversation 2016 (28 Sep)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Stephen Fry quits Twitter after online roasting shock: this is news, right?. The Conversation 2016 (22 Feb)
- Jewell, J. 2016. The future is digital - let's hope the online-only Independent will be part of it. The Conversation 2016 (15 Feb)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Tony Blair took Britain to war in 2003 - but most of Fleet Street marched with him. The Conversation 2016 (5 July)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Will readers rise to greet The New Day? Here's what I thought of Britain's new paper. The Conversation 2016 (29 Feb)
- Jewell, J. 2016. Will Roger Ailes's departure after sexual harrassment allegations hobble Fox News? Don't count on it. The Conversation 2016 (22 Jul)
- Jia, S. et al., 2016. Women are seen more than heard in online newspapers. PLoS ONE 11 (2) e0148434. (10.1371/journal.pone.0148434)
- Jimenez Martinez, C. 2016. Integrative disruption. In: Fox, A. ed. Global Perspectives on Media Events in Contemporary Society. Advances in Media, Entertainment, and the Arts (AMEA) IGI Global. , pp.60-77. (10.4018/978-1-4666-9967-0.ch005)
- Judkins, B. N. 2016. The seven forms of lightsaber combat: hyper-reality and the invention of the martial arts. Martial Arts Studies (2), pp.6-22. (10.18573/j.2016.10067)
- Kaun, A. , Kyriakidou, M. and Uldam, J. 2016. Political agency at the digital crossroads?. Media and Communication 4 (4), pp.1-7. (10.17645/mac.v4i4.690)
- Kidd, J. and Jewell, J. 2016. Creativity and Conflict: Student responses to WW1 then and now. Presented at: International Artistic Creation During WW1 symposium Cardiff University November 11th and 12th 2016.
- Kinnear, S. 2016. Creative industries cluster and Manchester Publicity Association, PR Skills. Presented at: Future Talent in Creative Industries Conference Manchester, UK 11 Feb 2016. , pp.-.
- Kitzinger, J. 2016. Coma stories. 2016-06-23Available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07g816t.
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2016. Court applications for withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration from patients in a permanent vegetative state: family experiences. Journal of Medical Ethics 42 , pp.11-17. (10.1136/medethics-2015-102777)
- Kitzinger, J. and Kitzinger, C. 2016. Increasing understanding and uptake of advance decisions in Wales. Other. Cardiff: Public Policy Institute for Wales. Available at: http://ppiw.org.uk/ppiw-report-publication-increasing-understanding-and-uptake-of-advance-decisions-to-refuse-treatment-in-wales/.
- Komorowski, M. 2016. Deliverable 1.1c: Report on classifying media clusters into a typology.
- Komorowski, M. 2016. Deliverable 2.2b: Database on media organizations within Belgium UPDATE.
- Komorowski, M. 2016. The characteristics of local media clusters. Presented at: 12th World Media Economics and Management Conference: Global Media & Local Entrepreneurs 2-6 May 2016. Vol. 1.
- Komorowski, M. 2016. The seven parameters of media clusters: An integrated approach for local cluster analysis. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 12 (2), pp.171-191. (10.1386/macp.12.2.171_1)
- Komorowski, M. 2016. Untangling media clusters:. Presented at: EMMA: European Media and Management Association Conference 2016: Creativity, Coopetition and Uncertainty in Media 2-4 June 2016.
- Komorowski, M. et al. 2016. Lowering the barriers for online cross-media usage: Scenarios for a Belgian single sign-on solution. Telematics and Informatics 33 (4), pp.916-924. (10.1016/j.tele.2016.02.005)
- Komorowski, M. and Delaere, S. 2016. Online media business models: Lessons from the video game sector. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture 11 (1), pp.103-123. (10.16997/wpcc.220)
- Komorowski, M. , Wiard, V. and Plazy, S. 2016. Strengthening Brussels' media clusters. Presented at: Innoviris Anticipate Networking Event 2016 15 April 2016.
- Konow-Lund, M. and Olsson, E. 2016. When routines are not enough: Journalists’ crisis management during the 22/7 domestic terror attack in Norway. Journalism Practice 10 (3), pp.358-372. (10.1080/17512786.2015.1027787)
- Kovacevic, P. and Perisin, T. 2016. Mobile journalism training: Best practices for good storytelling. In: Pralica, D. and Sinkovic, N. eds. Digital Media Technologies and Socio-Educational Changes. Vol. 6, Novi Sad: , pp.179-189.
- Latchem, J. et al., 2016. Developing a multimedia learning resource for allied health professionals: exploring the challenges of prolonged disorders of consciousness. Physiotherapy 102 (Supp 1), pp.e53. (10.1016/j.physio.2016.10.374)
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- Lewis, J. M. W. and Thomas, R. 2016. More of the same: news, economic growth and the recycling of conventional wisdom. In: Murdock, G. and Gripsrud, J. eds. Money Talks. Intellect Books. , pp.81-100.
- Lin, C. and Sawyer, C. 2016. Chasing the China wind: a musical journey. [Documentary Film]. youtube.com: Lin Chen-Yu. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKj3qVYY618.
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- Maxwell, R. and Miller, T. 2016. The propaganda machine behind the controversy over climate science: can you spot the lie in this title?. American Behavioral Scientist 60 (3), pp.288-304. (10.1177/0002764215613405)
- Mcdowell-Naylor, D. 2016. Book Review: Humanity enhanced: Genetic choice and the challenge for Liberal Democracies. Political Studies Review 14 (1), pp.65-66. (10.1177/1478929915609467d)
- Mcelroy, R. and Noonan, C. 2016. Television drama production in small nations: mobilities in a changing ecology. Journal of Popular Television 4 (1), pp.109-127. (10.1386/jptv.4.1.109_1)
- Miazhevich, G. 2016. International broadcasting and the conflict-related national media events: The framing of EuroMaidan by the BBC and RT. In: Mitu, B. and Poulakidakos, S. eds. Media Events: A Critical Contemporary Approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.53-70.
- Miller, T. 2016. Greenwashed sports and environmental activism: Formula 1 and FIFA. Environmental Communication 10 (6), pp.719-733. (10.1080/17524032.2015.1127850)
- Miller, T. 2016. The new international division of cultural labor revisited. Revista ICONO14. Revista científica de Comunicación y Tecnologías emergentes 14 (2), pp.97-121. (10.7195/ri14.v14i2.992)
- Moore, K. 2016. Wales, immigration, news media and Brexit. In: Jackson, D. , Thorsen, E. and Wring, D. eds. EU Referendum Analysis 2016: Media, Voters and the Campaign. Bournemouth: The Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community. , pp.28.
- Morani, M. 2016. Italy (Chapter 10). Project Report.[Online].Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Available at: https://www.unhcr.org/56bb369c9.html.
- Nicholls, D. A. et al., 2016. Connectivity: an emerging concept for physiotherapy practice. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 32 (3), pp.159-170. (10.3109/09593985.2015.1137665)
- Orozco, G. and Miller, T. 2016. Television in Latin America is 'everywhere': not dead, not dying, but converging and thriving. Media and Communication 4 (3), pp.99-108. (10.17645/mac.v4i3.592)
- Perez-Ortiz, M. et al., 2016. A study on multi-scale kernel optimisation via centered kernel-target alignment. Neural Processing Letters 44 (2), pp.491-517. (10.1007/s11063-015-9471-0)
- Perez-Ortiz, M. et al., 2016. Tackling the ordinal and imbalance nature of a melanoma image classification problem. Presented at: 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) Vancouver, BC, Canada 24-29 July 2016. 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE. , pp.2156-2163. (10.1109/IJCNN.2016.7727466)
- Perez-Ortiz, M. et al., 2016. Fisher score-based feature selection for ordinal classification: a social survey on subjective well-being. Presented at: HAIS 2016: 11th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems Seville, Spain 18-20 April 2016. Published in: Martinez-Alvarez, F. et al., Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 11th International Conference, HAIS 2016, Seville, Spain, April 18-20, 2016, Proceedings. Vol. 9648.Lecture Notes in Computer Science Cham: Springer. , pp.597-608. (10.1007/978-3-319-32034-2_50)
- Rahmawati, A. 2016. Faith, fashion and femininity: visual and audience analysis of Indonesian Muslim fashion blogs. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Roncallo-Dow, S. , Uribe Jongbloed, E. and Goyeneche-Gómez, E. 2016. Volver a los clásicos: Teorías de la comunicación y cultura pop. Universidad de La Sabana. (10.2307/j.ctvn1td4d)
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