29 September 2014
King of the News’ shares his insight on the future of journalism.
17 September 2014
Researchers launch online resource for families and healthcare practitioners
19 August 2014
Cardiff University to deliver first UK conference on creative citizenship
4 August 2014
Cardiff University launches digital newspaper in partnership with the National Eisteddfod of Wales.
30 June 2014
City hosts national festival to promote arts and humanities research.
30 May 2014
Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and Cardiff launch Journalism Competition.
27 March 2014
Former BBC Director of Global News leads on-line course.
23 January 2014
Cardiff University’s new course with FutureLearn
15 January 2014
Some families would consider terminal sedation for brain injured relatives in a permanent vegetative state.
12 December 2013
Advice for families with a relative in a vegetative or minimally conscious state.