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Communications and Marketing

The Communications and Marketing Department is responsible for the University's reputation, branding and recruitment of undergraduate and postgraduate students from the UK and EU.

It covers five areas:

  • communications
  • marketing
  • student recruitment
  • digital communications
  • public affairs.

Current vacancies

No vacancies currently available.

About the department

Communications plays an important part in building and maintaining the reputation of the University through effective communication to the public and to external and internal stakeholders. It communicates the achievements and aspirations of the University through a variety of media and includes a film unit. The team represents the University on a corporate level.

Marketing is responsible for developing a strong brand identity for the University at the corporate level, with an emphasis on better visual branding and market research.

The Student Recruitment team work in partnership with the University’s colleges and academic schools to recruit high calibre students from throughout the UK and EU. The team also manages the University’s major widening participation programmes and the School’s Partnership Project.

The Digital Communications team is responsible for the design, development and content of the external website and intranet. They provide tools, guidance, training and support to enable the University to communicate effectively across all digital channels.

Public Affairs leads on stakeholder relationships locally, nationally and internationally.