How to find vacancies
You can browse all of our current vacancies, or search for jobs using keywords, job titles, reference numbers, job categories, School, Department or career pathway.
To see a list of all current job opportunities, please visit our vacancies pages.
You can also create searches that will alert you if a vacancy is posted that meets your requirements.
Be notified of open vacancies that meet your search criteria
On the page showing all current vacancies, click on the ‘Create Search Agent’ button. This page allows you to select the criteria that you wish to search on (eg ‘Research posts’). It also allows us to notify you on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis of open vacancies that specifically meet your search criteria.
Search agents automatically expire 90 days after their creation or renewal date. You can renew active search agents by clicking on the ‘search agent manager’ link and clicking on the renew button.
You don't need a login to search Cardiff University vacancies, but you will be prompted to create an account if you want to proceed with an application.
Compare your ideal job description, CV or covering letter to our current vacancies
At the bottom of the ‘Search Openings’ page, you can input free text or upload your ideal job description, CV or covering letter, to give details of your specific skills and competencies, which can then be searched against our current vacancies.
Browse all of our current job opportunities, including academic, clinical, and administrative roles.