University of Waikato – Te Whare Wãnanga o Waikato

The Strategic Partnership with University of Waikato, which builds on our successful student exchange agreement, provides mutual benefits for staff and students, including enhanced research collaboration, short and long-term teaching activities and collaborative platforms, as well as opportunities for our professional services to work together.
The Strategic Partnership has already prompted exciting collaboration activities across the following research and teaching areas:
- Language, Culture and Arts
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (Robotics)
- Business and Management
- Water, Environment and Climate Change
With strong cultural and geographical ties, an international strategic partnership with the University of Waikato continues to provide wider civic benefits for both Wales and New Zealand.
Partnership collaboration in all subject areas is welcomed; read on to explore how you can become involved.
Strategic Partnership Agreement was signed
Awarded in CU-Waikato partnership seed funds
Students have visited Waikato under exchange programmes
Cardiff-Waikato Seed Fund
The fund has been established to support the development of the Strategic Partnership between Cardiff and Waikato. The fund will support staff to develop collaborative research, teaching and/or professional services projects that have clear outcomes and a pathway to develop and sustain the collaboration.
Find out about the seed fund, and how to apply on the staff intranet.
About the University of Waikato
The University of Waikato was founded in 1964 and has grown into a comprehensive, research-led university with a strong Māori identity, student community and a focus on sustainable development. It is an ambitious university with 13,000 students and 1,500 staff. The University of Waikato operates from two campuses on the North Island of New Zealand, Hamilton and Tauranga. It also has a Joint Institute in Hangzhou, China.
The University of Waikato is structured into five groupings of Schools and Faculties:
- Division of Arts, Law, Psychology and Social Sciences
- Division of Health, Engineering, Computing and Science
- Division of Education
- Waikato Management School
- Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao – Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies
Like Cardiff University, the University of Waikato has established a number of interdisciplinary Research Institutes. A number of these have synergies with Cardiff University Research Institutes and our areas of strategic research strengths, including:
Strategic Partnership Signing Ceremony
We formally launched our partnership with a blended event on 10 November 2021.
You can watch the. launch event on YouTube
The launch event aimed to raise awareness of the partnership with staff and students, acknowledge success to date, and build further connections across our institutions. The guest speakers included:
- Professor Colin Riordan, President and Vice-Chancellor, Cardiff University
- Professor Neil Quigley, Vice-Chancellor, University of Waikato
- Rt Hon Mark Drakeford MS, First Minister of Wales
- Jeremy Miles MS, Minister for Education and Welsh Language
- Hon Aupito William Sio, Minister for Pacific Peoples and Minister for Courts. Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs, Associate Minister of Education (Pacific Peoples), Associate Minister of Justice and Associate Minister of Health (Pacific Peoples)
- Her Excellency Ms Laura Clarke, High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to New Zealand
- Shannon Austin, Deputy High Commissioner of New Zealand to the United Kingdom
- Grant McPherson, Chief Executive, Education New Zealand
- Harvey Griffiths and Katie Drennan, former exchange students.
Student Exchange Agreement
Cardiff University and University of Waikato have an active student exchange agreement in place.
Student Exchange Agreements enable the reciprocal exchange of students for a semester or year of study or research abroad at the partner institution.
For more information on our student exchange agreement with Waikato, please contact:
Global Opportunities
- +44 (0) 2922 518 888
Collaboration Projects with University of Waikato - Te Whare Wãnanga o Waikato
Explore some of our exciting collaborative projects:
Connecting Staff
Interested in collaborating with your counterpart at the Cardiff University or University of Waikato?

"Its amazing how connected the environments of Wales and New Zealand are. Historically, there is a long tradition of exchange between the two countries, particularly in approaches to agriculture. Our Seed Fund award enabled us to analyse the importance of these links to the current environmental challenges facing both countries, and to learn more about the history of those connections. It's previously been hard to secure funding for this kind of international project; the Cardiff-Waikato Seed Fund has provided a to extend my existing research interests and developing them in new ways alongside Waikato."
Get in touch
If you are interested in finding out more about our international activities or forming a partnership with us, please contact the International Partnerships team.
If you are interested in developing a relationship with us and would like to become a partner please email us with details of your proposal.