2022 publications
- Buck, A. and Smith, T. W. eds. 2022. Chronicle, crusade, and the Latin East: Essays in honour of Susan B. Edgington. Outremer Vol. 16Turnhout: Brepols.
- Evans, R. and Tougher, S. eds. 2022. Generalship in Ancient Greece, Rome and Byzantium. Edinburgh University Press.
- Anagol, P. , Banerjee, P. and Banerjee, S. eds. 2022. Mapping women's history: recovery, resistance, and activism in Colonial and Postcolonial India. Kolkata, India: Stree.
- Richardson, A. et al. 2022. Transitions and relationships over land and sea in the Early Middle Ages of Northern Europe. Canterbury: Canterbury Archaeological Trust.
- Doddington, D. S. and Dal Lago, E. eds. 2022. Writing the history of slavery. Writing History Bloomsbury.
- Ahmed, A. 2022. Anglophone Islam: A new conceptual category. Contemporary Islam 16 , pp.135-154. (10.1007/s11562-022-00492-8)
- Ahmed, A. and Osman, L. 2022. United Kingdom. In: Akgönül, S. et al., Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Volume 14. Brill. , pp.[n /a].
- Albarella, U. et al., 2022. The archaeology of human-bird interactions: essays in honour of Dale Serjeantson Part II. Quaternary International 626–62 , pp.1-5. (10.1016/j.quaint.2022.05.003)
- Alderton, N. 2022. Emlyn Hooson and the Welsh Liberal Party, 1962 – 1979. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Ali, A. , Randhawa, G. and Ali, M. 2022. Transplantation within the Framework of Shariah (Islamic ethics)—Lessons from a public engagement program in the UK. In: Jaffer, M. , Padela, A. and Randhawa, G. eds. Organ Donation in Islam: The Interplay of Jurisprudence, Ethics, and Society. London and ew York: Lexington Books. , pp.271-302.
- Ali, M. 2022. Hadith. In: Leaman, O. ed. Routledge Handbook of Islamic Ritual and Practice. London & New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group. , pp.38-61. (10.4324/9781003044659-4)
- Ali, M. 2022. Soul-searching: Organ donation, death, and the social construction of the soul. In: Jaffer, M. , Padela, A. and Randhawa, G. eds. Organ Donation in Islam: The Interplay of Jurisprudence, Ethics, and Society. London and New York: Lexington Books. , pp.73-98.
- Ali, M. M. 2022. Can neuroscience aid in establishing an Islamic view of death?.
- Anagol, P. 2022. Introduction. In: Anagol, P. , Banerjee, P. and Banerjee, S. eds. Mapping Women's History: Recovery, Resistance and Activism in Colonial and Postcolonial India. Bhatkal Sen. , pp.ix-xxxvi.
- Anagol, P. 2022. The Navin Stri (New Woman), male reformers, and alternative hegemonies through higher education in Colonial Maharashtra. In: Anagol, P. , Banerjee, P. and Banerjee, S. eds. Mapping Women's History: Recovery, Resistance and Activism in Colonial and Postcolonial India. Bhatkal Sen. , pp.56-89.
- Baars, C. and Henderson, J. 2022. Integrated pest management: from monitoring to control. Presented at: Pest Odyssey 2021‐ The Next Generation Virtual 20-22 September 2021. Published in: Ryder, S. and Crossman, A. eds. Integrated Pest Management for Collections: Proceedings of 2021: A Pest Odyssey – The Next Generation. London UK: Archetype. , pp.142-147.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2022. The reign of Constantius II. Routledge.
- Bakhit, M. A. G. and Kindersley, N. 2022. Introduction - building political community beyond the nation-state: theory and practice from the South Sudanese Diaspora. Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 22 (1), pp.1-10. (10.3138/diaspora.22.1.2022.01.29)
- Benham, J. 2022. International law in Europe, 700-1200. Artes Liberales Manchester University Press.
- Best, J. et al. 2022. Redefining the timing and circumstances of the chicken's introduction to Europe and north-west Africa. Antiquity 96 (388), pp.868-882. (10.15184/aqy.2021.90)
- Booth, T. J. et al., 2022. The taphonomic and archaeothanatological potentials of diagenetic alterations of archaeological bone. In: Knusel, C. J. and Schotsmans, E. M. J. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Archaeothanatology: Bioarchaeology of Mortuary Behaviour. Routledge. , pp.580-599.
- Bowen, L. 2022. Early modern Wales, c.1536-1689. Rethinking the History of Wales Vol. 2Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Bricking, A. 2022. Mortuary practices in the Iron Age of Southwest Britain. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Bricking, A. , Hayes, A. and Madgwick, R. 2022. An interim report on histological analysis of human bones from Fishmonger's Swallet, Gloucestershire. Proceedings of the University of Bristol Speleological Society 29 (1), pp.67-86.
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. Divine descent and the four world-ages in the Mahābhārata – or, why does the Krsna Avatara inaugurate the worst yuga?. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press. (10.18573/book9)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. Holst’s Sāvitri Libretto. Religions of South Asia 16 (2-3), pp.342-369. (10.1558/rosa.24408)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. In Dialogue with the Mahābhārata, by Brian Black [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 15 (2), pp.204-206. (10.1558/rosa.21002)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. Mercy, my jewels! The Syamantaka, Aśvatthāman's maṇi, and the earrings. In: Andrijanić, I. , Sellmer, S. and Jezic, M. eds. Mythic Landscapes and Argumentative Trails in Sanskrit Epic Literature: Dubrovnik International Conference on the Sanskrit Epics and Puranas (DICSEP 6). Zagreb: Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. , pp.233-274.
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. The Viṣṇu Purāṇa: Ancient Annals of the God with Lotus Eyes, translated by McComas Taylor [Book Review]. Religions of South Asia 16 (1), pp.90-92. (10.1558/rosa.23307)
- Brodbeck, S. 2022. Who was it was cursed by the first śloka verse?. Religions of South Asia 16 (2-3), pp.158-183. (10.1558/rosa.24399)
- Buck, A. 2022. Emily A. Winkler / Christopher P. Lewis (eds.): Rewriting history in the central middle ages, 900-1300 [Book Review]. Sehepunkte 22 (10)
- Buck, A. 2022. John of Garland’s De triumphis Ecclesiae: a new critical edition with introduction and translation. Martin Hall [book review]. Nottingham Medieval Studies 66 , pp.214-216. (10.1484/J.NMS.5.132199)
- Buck, A. 2022. Remembering Baldwin I: The Secunda pars historiae Iherosolimitane and literary responses to the Jerusalemite monarchy in twelfth-century France. In: Buck, A. and Smith, T. W. eds. Chronicle, Crusade, and the Latin East: Essays in Honour of Susan B. Edgington. Outremer Vol. 16.Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. , pp.287-302.
- Buck, A. 2022. William of Tyre, 'Chronicle'. In: Thomas, D. ed. The Bloomsbury Reader in Christian–Muslim Relations, 600–1500. London: Bloomsbury. , pp.263-266.
- Buck, A. D. 2022. Remembering Outremer in the West: The Secunda pars historiae Iherosolimitane and the crisis of crusading in mid-twelfth-century France. Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 97 (2), pp.377-414. (10.1086/718762)
- Buck, A. D. 2022. The subject of crusade: lyric, romance, and materials, 1150 to 1500. Marisa Galvez [book review]. Journal of British Studies 61 (1), pp.198-199. (10.1017/jbr.2021.177)
- Buck, A. D. 2022. William of Tyre, Translatio Imperii and the genesis of the First Crusade: Or, the challenges of writing history. History: Journal of the Historical Association 107 (377), pp.624-650. (10.1111/1468-229x.13317)
- Bunting, M. J. et al., 2022. Landscapes for Neolithic People in Mainland, Orkney. Journal of World Prehistory 35 (1), pp.87–107. (10.1007/s10963-022-09166-y)
- Burnett, A. 2022. Roman forts in their landscapes. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Burnett, N. 2022. The way to wealth, health and happiness: The significance of frugality in the British printed culture of the long eighteenth century. MPhil Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Carmona, V. and Heimburger, R. W. 2022. The border, Brexit, and the church: US Roman Catholic and Church of England Bishops’ teaching on migration, 2015-2019. Journal of Moral Theology 11 (2), pp.15-44. (10.55476/001c.37340)
- Christofides, W. 2022. John Viriamu Jones and Welsh idealism. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Cock, E. 2022. Disability. [Online].Reading Early Medicine. Available at: https://reademed.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/article/disability.
- Constantinou, A. 2022. The conflicts of duty: The opinions and actions of the British Society of Friends in the Middle East, 1936-1958. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Coombes, M. I. 2022. What do Roman Catholic children today understand about the concepts of death and the afterlife?. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Cummings, V. et al. 2022. Muddying the waters: reconsidering migration in the Neolithic of Britain, Ireland and Denmark. Danish Journal of Archaeology 11 , pp.1-25. (10.7146/dja.v11i.129698)
- Deeg, M. 2022. A Chinese ‘Hitopadeśa’ – or: a ruler’s mirror: The didactic aspects of the "Da Tang Xiyu Ji". In: Chen, J. ed. Transmission of Buddhism in Asia and Beyond. Essays in Memory of Antonino Forte (1940-2006). World Scholastic Publishers. , pp.111-165.
- Deeg, M. 2022. A Chinese 'Hitopadesa' - Or: a ruler's mirror: The didactic aspects of the Da Tang Xiyu ji. In: Chen, J. ed. Transmission of Buddhism in Asia and Beyond - Essays in Memory of Antonino Forte (1940-2006). Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies Vol. 4.Singapore: World Scholastic Publishers. , pp.111-165.
- Deeg, M. 2022. An uncivilized empire – Xuanzang on Persia. In: Mikkelsen, G. B. and Parry, K. eds. Byzantium to China: Religion, History and Culture on the Silk Roads: Studies in the Honour of Samuel N.C. Lieu. Vol. 1, Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity Vol. 25.Leiden, Boston: Brill. , pp.115-131.
- Deeg, M. 2022. An unromantic approach: Dhyānagupta’s (aka Jñānagupta) Fo-benxing-ji-jing. In: Konczak-Nagel, I. , Hiyama, S. and Klein, A. eds. Connecting the Art, Literature, and Religion of South and Central Asia – Studies in Honour of Monika Zin. Vol. 1, Delhi: Dev Publishers & Contributors. , pp.61-71.
- Deeg, M. 2022. Between normativity and material emptiness: Indian Buddhist monasteries and the Chinese Buddhist travelogues. In: Singh, A. , Shimada, A. and Morrissey, N. eds. On the Regional Development of Early Medieval Buddhist Monasteries in South Asia. Vol. 1, RINDAS Series of Working Papers Vol. 34.Kyoto: The Center for South Asian Studies, Ryukoku University. , pp.89-129.
- Deeg, M. 2022. The Buddha in the 'Wild West': The localization of Jatakas in Gandhara and the Ramayana. Religions of South Asia 16 (2-3), pp.220-248. (10.1558/rosa.24402)
- Dempsey, K. 2022. Gender and Archaeology. [Online].Oxford Bibliographies Online: Oxford University Press. (10.1093/obo/9780199766567-0274)Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/obo/9780199766567-0274.
- Doddington, D. 2022. Old age, mastery, and resistance in American slavery. Journal of Southern History 88 (1), pp.111-144.
- Doddington, D. S. 2022. Gender history and slavery. In: Doddington, D. S. and Dal Lago, E. eds. Writing the History of Slavery. Bloomsbury. , pp.315-342.
- Doddington, D. S. and Dal Lago, E. 2022. Introduction: writing the history of slavery. In: Doddington, D. S. and Dal Lago, E. eds. Writing the History of Slavery. Writing History Bloomsbury. , pp.1-18.
- Edbury, P. 2022. The Colbert-Fontainebleau continuation of William of Tyre, 1184-1247: structure and composition. In: Buck, A. and Smith, T. eds. Outremer. Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers. , pp.203-222. (10.1484/M.OUTREMER-EB.5.128889)
- Emmerson, N. et al. 2022. The effect of βFeOOH synthesis routes on its ability to corrode iron. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group Helsinki, Finland 5 - 9 September 2022.
- Espinosa, A. G. 2022. [Book Review] (E.D.) CARNEY Eurydice and the birth of Macedonian power.. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 142 , pp.418-419. (10.1017/S0075426922000763)
- Evans, A. 2022. Dating, desire and the song of songs: constructing some parameters for an emerging adult 'theology of dating'. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Evans, J. A. et al., 2022. Applying lead (Pb) isotopes to explore mobility in humans and animals. PLoS ONE 17 (10) e0274831. (10.1371/journal.pone.0274831)
- Ferlanti, F. 2022. The great leap forward: mass mobilisation in Mao’s China. Modern History Review 25 (1)
- Fowler, C. et al., 2022. A high-resolution picture of kinship practices in an Early Neolithic tomb. Nature 601 (7894), pp.584-587. (10.1038/s41586-021-04241-4)
- Fragoulaki, M. 2022. Bloody death in Greek historiography and Homer: Discursive presences and meaningful absences in Herodotus' battle narratives. In: Matijasic, I. ed. Herodotus - The Most Homeric Historian?. Histos - The Online Journal of Ancient Historiography. , pp.107-160.
- Freiwald, C. , Belanich, J. and Rand, A. 2022. Methods in bioarchaeology: what's new in profiling an individual inside and out. In: The Routledge Handbook of Mesoamerican Bioarchaeology. London: Routledge. , pp.577. (10.4324/9780429341618-38)
- French, K. M. , Crowder, C. and Crabtree, P. J. 2022. Integrating histology in the analysis of multispecies cremations: a case study from early medieval England. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 32 (6), pp.1253-1263. (10.1002/oa.3160)
- Grab, S. and Williams, M. 2022. The Late Eighteenth Century Climate of Cape Town, South Africa, Based on the Dutch East India Company "Day Registers" (1773-91). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103 (8), pp.E1781-E1795. (10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0127.1)
- Granick, J. 2022. Gendering Jewish inter/nationalism: introduction to the special issue. Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 21 (2), pp.133-142. (10.1080/14725886.2022.2057216)
- Greaves, L. R. 2022. The art of storytelling: scenes from the Ramayana on panels from a lost post-Gupta temple at Rajaona, Bihar. Religions of South Asia 16 (2-3), pp.249-295. (10.1558/rosa.24404)
- Gretzinger, J. et al., 2022. The Anglo-Saxon migration and the formation of the early English gene pool. Nature 610 , pp.112-119. (10.1038/s41586-022-05247-2)
- Heimann, M. 2022. Cold War Mary: Ideologies, politics, Marian devotional culture, ed. Peter Jan Margry [Book Review]. English Historical Review 137 , pp.642-644. (10.1093/ehr/ceac027)
- Heimann, M. 2022. Victorian piety and the revival of material religion in Britain. In: Margry, P. J. ed. Material Change: The Impact of Reform and Modernity on Material Religion in North-West Europe, 1780-1920. Leuven University Press. , pp.322-341.
- Heimburger, R. 2022. El perdón crea comunidad y sana. In: Hays, C. M. and Acosta Benitez, M. eds. Fe y Desplazamiento: la investigación-acción misional ante la crisis colombiana del desplazamiento forzoso. Resource Publications. , pp.229-246.
- Henderson, J. 2022. Conservators delivering change. Studies in Conservation 67 (S1), pp.105-111. (10.1080/00393630.2022.2066320)
- Henderson, J. 2022. Inconvenient questions and the question of neutrality. Presented at: Icon BPG21 Conference: Mod Cons Virtual 4-7 October 2021. Published in: Murray, P. et al., Contemporary Issues in Book and Paper Conservation (Proceedings of Mod Cons BPG conference 2021). London UK: Archetype.
- Henderson, J. 2022. Meet our Trustees. Vol. 87.International Institute For Conservation of Historic and Artisitic Works
- Henderson, J. 2022. The dress and the power of redress. News in Conservation June (90), pp.58-59.
- Henderson, J. and Lingle, A. 2022. Touch Decisions. Presented at: Presented in the Concurrent General Session “Saying ‘Yes’: Conservation Professionals as Liaisons, Facilitators, and Unifiers” AIC’s 50th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles. 15-18 May 2022. Published in: Evers, J. , Farrell, E. and Kimmel, E. eds. Vol. 1.USA: American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works,. , pp.149-150.
- Henderson, J. , Sweetnam, E. and Grow, S. 2022. Disruptive Conservation: A conversation with Ellie and Jane. News in Conservation 90 , pp.40-43.
- Herrmann, R. 2022. On cannibals. African Studies Review 65 (3), pp.755-760. (10.1017/asr.2022.29)
- Hoare, L. 2022. Reassessing authenticity: heritage management of tanks. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Hodkinson, P. 2022. Archaeology and STEM in primary school education: integration and development. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Hood, M. , Salvagno, L. and Albarella, U. 2022. A method for assessing relative wear rate in cattle molars, with an application to the Iron Age and Roman periods. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 45 103613. (10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103613)
- Irfan, L. et al., 2022. The primacy of ontology: a philosophical basis for research on religion in prison. Journal of Critical Realism 21 (2), pp.145-169. (10.1080/14767430.2021.2007463)
- Jervis, B. 2022. Becoming through milling: challenging linear narratives in medieval England. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 32 (2), pp.281-294. (10.1017/S0959774321000548)
- Jervis, B. 2022. Examining temporality and difference: an intensive approach to understanding Mediaeval rural settlement. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 29 , pp.1229-1258. (10.1007/s10816-022-09555-9)
- Jervis, B. 2022. Luxury and everyday. In: Stobart, J. ed. A Cultural History of Shopping in the Middle Ages. Vol. 2, A Cultural History of Shopping Bloomsbury. , pp.91-112.
- Jervis, B. 2022. Mortars, medicine and knowledge in Medieval England. Revue d'Histoire Nordique 29 , pp.43-67.
- Johnson, D. R. 2022. Review of the laws of Hammurabi: at the confluence of royal and scribal traditions, by Pamela Barmash. Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 28 , pp.265-270.
- Johnson, D. R. 2022. City dwellers and backcountry folk: Ritual interactions between mobile peoples and urban centers in Late Bronze Age Syria. In: Leonard-Fleckman, M. et al., “A Community of Peoples” Studies on Society and Politics in the Bible and Ancient Near East in Honor of Daniel E. Fleming. Vol. 69, Harvard Semitic Studies Vol. 69.Leiden/Boston: Brill. , pp.139-158. (10.1163/9789004511538_010)
- Johnson, D. R. 2022. Light of the land, sun of the people: The solarization of ancient Near Eastern and Biblical lawgivers. Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 22 , pp.16-54. (10.1163/15692124-12341326)
- Johnson, D. R. 2022. The allotment of Canaan in Joshua and Numbers. Journal of Biblical Literature 141 (3), pp.427-447. (10.15699/jbl.1413.2022.2)
- Johnson, D. R. 2022. The Torah and the King: Zedekiah’s Edict (Jer 34) and Deuteronomistic redaction. Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 134 (1), pp.40-54. (10.1515/zaw-2022-0002)
- Jones, L. 2022. Ramadan in the UK: A month of ambiguity. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Jones-Ahmed, L. 2022. A culture of ambiguity: an alternative history of Islam [Book Review]. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 33 (1), pp.91-93. (10.1080/09596410.2021.2018798)
- Jones-Ahmed, L. 2022. Isolation, community and spirituality: British Muslim experiences of Ramadan in lockdown. Religions 13 (1) 74. (10.3390/rel13010074)
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2022. Instrument makers, shops, and expertise in eighteenth-century London. In: McOuat, G. and Stewart, L. eds. Spaces of Enlightenment Science. Knowledge Infrastructure and Knowledge Economy Brill. , pp.74-90.
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. , Tierney, E. and Wildman, C. 2022. Researching urban space and the built environment. Manchester University Press.
- Kindersley, N. 2022. Dodgy paperwork and theories of citizenship on the Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan Borders. Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 22 (1), pp.103-122. (10.3138/diaspora.22.1.2022.11.12)
- Kindersley, N. and Majok Majok, J. D. 2022. Class, cash and control in the South Sudan and Darfur borderlands. Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal (10.1080/23802014.2022.2095429)
- Kindersley, N. 2022. Military livelihoods and the political economy in South Sudan. In: Bach, J. ed. Routledge Handbook of the Horn of Africa. Routledge. , pp.179-188. (10.4324/9780429426957)
- Kontogianni, V. 2022. Hydrophobic coatings and organic additives in Hellenistic-Roman mortars: the case study of Crete.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Lingle, A. et al. 2022. Integrating conservation in practice at Çatalhöyük: an inter-team perspective. In: Hodder, I. and Tsoraki, C. eds. Communities at Work: The Making of Çatalhöyük. Vol. 15, Çatalhöyük Research Project Series Vol. 15.London: British Institute at Ankara. , pp.71-87.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Athens and Persia, 472 BCE. In: Stuttard, D. ed. Looking at 'Persians'. London: Bloomsbury. , pp.27-44.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Mary Beatrice of Modena: A queen observed. In: Norrie, A. et al., Tudor and Stuart Consort. Queenship and Power Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.291-311. (10.1007/978-3-030-95197-9_17)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Persians: The Age of The Great Kings. Wildfire Books.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Wives, other women, and boyfriends. In: Stoneman, R. ed. Alexander the Great: the Making of a Myth.. London: British Library. , pp.158-167.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. and McAuley, A. 2022. Sister-Queens in the high Hellenistic period: Kleopatra Thea and Kleopatra III. Routledge Studies in Ancient History London, UK: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315206578)
- Loeffler, M. 2022. 'Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau' a 'The Land of My Fathers': Diwylliant Darostyngol yng Ngwasanaeth yr Ymerodraeth. Llafur: the Journal of Welsh People’s History 13 , pp.67-81.
- Loeffler, M. 2022. Ôl-strwythuraeth a'r Tro Diwylliannol: Rhywedd, Dwyreinioldeb ac Ôl-drefedigaethedd. In: Powel, M. and Matthews, G. eds. Llunio Hanes. Hanesyddiaeth a Chrefft yr Hanesydd. Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru. , pp.129-154.
- Lopes, H. F. S. 2022. Foreign Friends and Problematic Heroes: Remembering a Global World War Two in Early Twenty-first Century Chinese Cinema. Journal of War & Culture Studies 15 (1), pp.42-66. (10.1080/17526272.2020.1795360)
- Lossl, J. 2022. Epistolarity, commentary, and profession of faith: reading marius victorinus's fictional exchange with candidus in the context of his conversion. In: Cooper, S. and Nemec, V. eds. The Philosophy, Theology, and Rhetoric of Marius Victorinus. Writings from the Greco-Roman World Supplements Vol. 20.Atlanta, GA: SBL Press. , pp.237-266.
- Lossl, J. 2022. The demonogony of Tatian's Oratio ad Graecos: Jewish and Greek influences. In: Patmore, H. and Lossl, J. eds. Demons in Early Judaism and Christianity. Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity Vol. 113.Leiden: Brill. , pp.155-181. (10.1163/9789004518148_009)
- Lynd, H. and Loyd, T. 2022. Histories of color: Blackness and Africanness in the Soviet Union. Slavic Review 81 (2), pp.394-417. (10.1017/slr.2022.154)
- Macdonald, E. 2022. [Book Review] (P) HORDEN and (N.) PURCELL The Boundless Sea: Writing Mediterranean History (Variorum Collected Studies Series).. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 142 , pp.391-392. (10.1017/S007542692200057X)
- MacDonald, E. 2022. The best of men: cross-cultural command in the 630s AD. In: Tougher, S. and Evans, R. eds. Generalship in Ancient Greece, Rome and Byzantium. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. , pp.206-224.
- Machielsen, J. 2022. The devil is in the tales: Evaluating eye-witness testimony in Martin Delrio’s Disquisitiones magicae (1599–1600). Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural 11 (2), pp.258-280. (10.5325/preternature.11.2.0258)
- Manti, P. and Watkinson, D. 2022. Corrosion phenomena and patina on archaeological low-tin wrought bronzes: New data. Journal of Cultural Heritage 55 , pp.158-170. (10.1016/j.culher.2022.03.004)
- McAuley, A. 2022. [Book Review] (M.) D'AGOSTINI, (E.M.) ANSON and (F.) POWNALL (eds) Affective Relations and Personal Bonds in Hellenistic Antiquity: Studies in Honor of Elizabeth D. Carney. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2021.. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 142 , pp.415-416. (10.1017/S007542692200074X)
- McAuley, A. 2022. Reconstructing Early Seleucid generalship, 301-222 bc. In: Tougher, S. ed. Military Leadership from Ancient Greece to Byzantium. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. , pp.67-85. (10.1515/9781474459969-008)
- McAuley, A. 2022. The Seleukid royal family as a reigning triad. In: Eva Anagnostou-Laoutides, ed. Culture and ideology under the Seleukids: unframing a dynasty. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. , pp.23-40. (10.1515/9783110755626-005)
- McAuley, A. 2022. Aspects of the Hellenistic city. Isopoliteia in Hellenistic Times by (S.) Saba (Brill Studies in Greek and Roman Epigraphy 14.) [Book Review]. Classical Review 72 (1), pp.212-214. (10.1017/S0009840X2100336X)
- McDermott, N. 2022. Hospitaller interactions with servile and enslaved peoples at sea and on land, from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Meehan, P. , Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2022. A comparison of the long-term outdoor performance of two modern paint coating systems and a traditional lead-based paint applied to historic wrought iron. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group Helsinki, Finland 5 - 9 September 2022.
- Morris, B. 2022. Shared solutions to common problems: A comparative study of Byzantine treaties and English treaties, c. 900-1200. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2022. Empire unbound: France and the Muslim Mediterranean, 1880-1918. Oxford University Press.
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