2021 publications
- Totelin, L. ed. 2021. A cultural history of medicine in antiquity. The Cultural Histories Series London: Bloomsbury.
- Bradley, M. , Leonard, V. and Totelin, L. eds. 2021. Bodily fluids in antiquity. London: Routledge.
- Webster, P. ed. 2021. History of the Dukes of Normandy and the Kings of England by the anonymous of Bethune. J. Shirley Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Elsner, J. and Wood, R. eds. 2021. Imagining the divine: Exploring art in religions of Late Antiquity across Eurasia. London: British Museum.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. and Timol, R. eds. 2021. Leadership, authority and representation in British Muslim communities. MDPI. (10.3390/books978-3-03943-742-9)
- Petersen, A. and Pringle, D. eds. 2021. Ramla, City of Muslim Palestine, 715–1917: Studies in history, archaeology and architecture.. : Studies in History, Archaeology and Architecture. Oxford: Archaeopress.
- Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. eds. 2021. Studia Patristica CII. Including papers presented at the Seventh British Patristics Conference, Cardiff, 5-7 September 2018. Peeters.
- Kane, B. C. and Sandall, S. eds. 2021. The experience of neighbourhood in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Studies in Medieval History and Culture Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Ali, M. 2021. [Book Review] Modern Hadith studies: continued debates and new approaches. Edited by Belal Abu-Alabbas, Michael Dann and Christopher Melchert. Manchester Journal of Transnational Islamic Law & Practice 17 (1), pp.290-293.
- Ali, M. 2021. ORGAN-ised rejection: An Islamic perspective on the dead donor rule in the UK- Revisited. Journal of British Islamic Medical Association 7 (3), pp.12-20.
- Andrews, P. et al., 2021. East Chisenbury Midden 2015−17: further investigations of the late prehistoric midden deposits, enclosure and associated settlement. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 114 , pp.84-121.
- Baialieva, G. and Roberts, F. 2021. Memories of social mobility and environmental change: dam builders of the Naryn-Syr Darya. Global Environment 14 (2), pp.269-309. (10.3197/ge.2021.140203)
- Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. 2021. Introduction. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. eds. Studia Patristica CII. Papers presented at the Seventh British Patristics Conference 5-7 September 2018. Studia Patristica Vol. 102.Peeters
- Barnett, E. 2021. [Book Review] Rebecca Earle, feeding the people the politics of the potato (Cambridge University Press, 2020). Agricultural History Review 69 (2), pp.314-316.
- Barnett, E. 2021. Food and religious identities in the Venetian Inquisition, ca. 1560–ca. 1640. Renaissance Quarterly 74 (1), pp.181-214. (10.1017/rqx.2020.312)
- Benham, J. and Afsah, E. 2021. The contingent state between ideal and practice. In: Sigurđsson, J. V. and Orning, H. J. eds. Medieval and Modern Civil Wars: A Comparative Perspective. History of Warfare Brill. , pp.124-168.
- Benham, J. , McHaffie, M. and Vogt, H. 2021. Introduction. The Mediaeval Journal 11 (2), pp.7-14. (10.1484/J.TMJ.5.137084)
- Best, J. , Demarchi, B. and Presslee, S. 2021. The avian remains. In: Hodder, I. ed. Peopling the Landscape of Çatalhöyük: Reports from the 2009-2017 Seasons. British Institute at Ankara Monograph 53. , pp.251-262.
- Bevan, G. 2021. Pop! Medusa: The reappropriation of the Gorgon in pop music. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Bowen, L. 2021. Anatomy of a duel in Jacobean England: gentry honour, violence and the law. Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.
- Bowen, L. 2021. History, politics and power: shaping the recent past in Civil War Pembrokeshire. In: Remembering the English Civil Wars. London: Routledge. , pp.60-80.
- Bowen, L. 2021. Preaching and politics in the Welsh marches, 1643-63: The case of Alexander Griffiths. Historical Research 94 (263), pp.28-50. (10.1093/hisres/htaa035)
- Bowen, L. and Stoyle, M. 2021. Remembering the English Civil Wars. Remembering the Medieval and Early Modern Worlds London: Routledge.
- Bradley, M. , Leonard, V. and Totelin, L. 2021. Introduction. In: Bradley, M. , Leonard, V. and Totelin, L. eds. Bodily Fluids in Antiquity. London: Routledge. , pp.1-14.
- Briggs, C. , Forward, A. and Jervis, B. 2021. Living standards and material culture in English rural households 1300-1600. Data Paper. Internet Archaeology 56 (10.11141/ia.56.14)
- Brodbeck, S. 2021. Interpretation of Baladeva and Yamunā at Harivaṃśa 83. International Journal of Hindu Studies 24 (3), pp.313-343. (10.1007/s11407-020-09281-5)
- Brodbeck, S. 2021. Patrilocality in the Harivaṃśa’s Viṣṇuparvan. Religions of South Asia 13 (3), pp.266-288. (10.1558/rosa.19011)
- Brodbeck, S. 2021. Philology and criticism: a Guide to Mahābhārata Textual Criticism, by Vishwa Adluri and Joydeep Bagchee [Book Review]. International Journal of Hindu Studies 25 (3), pp.300-302. (10.1007/s11407-021-09308-5)
- Brodbeck, S. 2021. What difference does the Harivaṃśa make to the Mahābhārata?. Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (1), pp.73-92.
- Buck, A. D. 2021. Theorising the religious borders of the Latin East: some reflections on the inter-Christian landscape of Frankish northern Syria. Journal of Medieval History 47 (3), pp.317-331. (10.1080/03044181.2021.1926662)
- Cock, E. 2021. Noelle Gallagher. Itch, Clap, Pox: Venereal disease in the eighteenth-century imagination. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2019. Pp. 288. $65.00 (cloth). Journal of British Studies 60 (1), pp.193-195. (10.1017/jbr.2020.169)
- Crystal, D. 2021. Who were the Thracians? A material perspective on ancient ethnicity. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Cummings, V. and Richards, C. 2021. Monuments in the making: raising the great Dolmens in early neolithic northern Europe. Windgather Press. (10.2307/j.ctv13gvgn9)
- Davies-Barrett, A. M. , Owens, L. S. and Eeckhout, P. A. 2021. Paleopathology of the Ychsma: Evidence of respiratory disease during the Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000-1476) at the Central Coastal site of Pachacamac, Peru. International Journal of Paleopathology 34 , pp.63-75. (10.1016/j.ijpp.2021.06.001)
- Davies-Barrett, A. M. , Roberts, C. A. and Antoine, D. 2021. Time to be nosy: Evaluating the impact of environmental and sociocultural changes on maxillary sinusitis in the Middle Nile Valley (Neolithic to Medieval periods). International Journal of Paleopathology 34 , pp.182-196. (10.1016/j.ijpp.2021.07.004)
- Deeg, M. 2021. Indian regional nāga cults and individual nāga stories in Chinese Buddhist travelogues. Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia 34 , pp.51-78.
- Deeg, M. 2021. Messiah rediscovered: some philological notes on the so-called ‘Jesus the Messiah Sutra’. In: Lieu, S. N. and Thompson, G. L. eds. The Church of the East in Central Asia and China. Vol. 1, China and the Mediterranean World Vol. 1.Turnhout: Brepols Publisher. , pp.111-119.
- Dempsey, K. 2021. Herstory: exploring the material life of Gundrada de Warenne. In: Relations of Power. Göttingen: Bonn University Press. , pp.169-196. (10.14220/9783737012423.169)
- Dempsey, K. 2021. Planting new ideas: A feminist gaze on medieval castles.. Château Gaillard: Études de castellologie médiévale 29 , pp.85-98.
- Dempsey, K. 2021. Tending the 'contested' castle garden: sowing seeds of feminist thought. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 31 (2), pp.265-279. (10.1017/S0959774320000463)
- Dempsey, K. 2021. The culture of castles in Tudor England and Wales, by Audrey M. Thorstad. The English Historical Review 136 (581), pp.256. (10.1093/ehr/ceab130)
- Dibble, F. 2021. Bones around town: Taphonomic patterns from civic feasting and residential dining contexts at Late Archaic Azoria, Crete. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 36 102771. (10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102771)
- Dibble, F. and Finné, M. 2021. Socioenvironmental change as a process: Changing foodways as adaptation to climate change in South Greece from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. Quaternary International 597 , pp.50-62. (10.1016/j.quaint.2021.04.024)
- Doddington, D. 2021. Thomas A. Foster, Rethinking Rufus: Sexual Violations of Enslaved Men [Book Review]. American Historical Review 126 (4), pp.1656-1657. (10.1093/ahr/rhab633)
- Doddington, D. S. 2021. Old age, resistance, and surviving slavery in the US South. Slavery and Abolition 42 (4), pp.710-732. (10.1080/0144039X.2021.1886571)
- Doddington, D. S. 2021. Setting slavery’s limits: physical confrontations in antebellum Virginia. Christopher H. Bouton [Book Review]. Journal of the Early Republic 41 (2), pp.319-322. (10.1353/jer.2021.0042)
- Doddington, D. S. 2021. The battle of Negro Fort: the rise and fall of a fugitive slave community. Matthew J. Clavin [Book Review]. Slavery and Abolition 42 (2), pp.411-412. (10.1080/0144039X.2021.1911141)
- Doddington, D. S. and Barnes, E. M. 2021. Slave narratives. [Online].Bloomsbury History: Theory & Method: Bloomsbury. Available at: https://doi.org/10.5040/9781350970892.089.
- Doherty, S. P. et al., 2021. Estimating the age of domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticusL. 1758) cockerels through spur development. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 31 (5), pp.770-781. (10.1002/oa.2988)
- Dunne, J. et al., 2021. Finding Oxford's medieval Jewry using organic residue analysis, faunal records and historical documents. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13 48. (10.1007/s12520-021-01282-8)
- Ebert, C. E. et al., 2021. Sulfur isotopes as a proxy for human diet and mobility from the preclassic through colonial periods in the Eastern Maya lowlands. PLoS ONE 16 (8) e0254992. (10.1371/journal.pone.0254992)
- Edbury, P. W. 2021. A threat to invade Cyprus: Pope John XXII, Walter of Brienne Duke of Athens, and the Latin East in 1331. Frankokratia 2 (2), pp.179–195. (10.1163/25895931-12340011)
- Emmerson, N. J. , Seifert, J. H. and Watkinson, D. E. 2021. Refining the use of oxygen consumption as a proxy corrosion rate measure for archaeological and historic iron. European Physical Journal Plus 135 546. (10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01478-w)
- Evans, S. 2021. Finding Moby: Novel approaches to identifying human-cetacean relationships in Atlantic Scotland from c. 2500 BC to c. AD 1400. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Forward, A. et al. 2021. Living standards and material culture in English rural households 1300-1600: digital archive. [Online].Archaeology Data Service. (10.5284/1085022)Available at: https://doi.org/10.5284/1085022.
- Fragoulaki, M. 2021. Autochthony. In: Baron, C. ed. The Herodotus Encyclopedia. Vol. 1, Wiley Blackwell. , pp.205-207.
- Fragoulaki, M. 2021. Death. In: Baron, C. ed. The Herodotus Encyclopedia. Vol. 1, Wiley Blackwell. , pp.414-419.
- Fragoulaki, M. 2021. Stasis. In: Baron, C. ed. The Herodotus Encyclopedia. Vol. 3, Wiley Blackwell. , pp.1371-1373.
- Fragoulaki, M. 2021. The Peloponnesian War. In: Baron, C. ed. The Herodotus Encyclopedia. Vol. 3, Wiley Blackwell. , pp.1075-1077.
- Fragoulaki, M. 2021. Thucydides. In: Baron, C. ed. The Herodotus Encyclopedia. Vol. 3, Wiley Blackwell. , pp.1462-1466.
- Gaite, P. 2021. The role and identity of household knights in fourteenth-century England, c.1320-c.1370. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2021. Keeping Faith: an exploration of Welsh Muslim Identity. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 32 (3), pp.307-328. (10.1080/09596410.2021.1934292)
- Gilliat-Ray, S. 2021. 'Sleeping on the job': where qualitative fieldwork meets the sociology of sleep. Qualitative Research 21 (2), pp.145-160. (10.1177/1468794120917050)
- Granick, J. 2021. International Jewish humanitarianism in the age of the Great War. Human Rights in History Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Greaney, S. E. 2021. The archaeology of power: understanding the emergence and development of neolithic monument complexes in Britain and Ireland. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Greggs, T. Heimburger, R. ed. 2021. Barth and Bonhoeffer as contributors to a post-liberal ecclesiology: Essays of hope for a fallen and complex world. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
- Heimann, M. 2021. Czechoslovakia, Czecho-Slovakia and the Munich Crisis. In: Gottlieb, J. , Hucker, D. and Toye, R. eds. The Munich Crisis, politics and the people International, transnational and comparative perspectives. Manchester: Manchester University Press
- Heimann, M. 2021. How the Vatican became a world player. Chamedes Giuliana. A Twentieth-Century Crusade: The Vatican’s Battle to Remake Christian Europe. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. [Book Review]. Diplomatic History 45 (5), pp.1010-1021. dhab060. (10.1093/dh/dhab060)
- Henderson, J. 2021. What made you realise that you wanted to be a conservator?. [Online].ICON Website: ICON The Institute of Conservation. Available at: https://www.icon.org.uk/resource/plowden-medal-henderson.html.
- Henderson, J. et al. 2021. Preventive conservation training: A partnership between the UK and Myanmar. Presented at: ICOM-CC 19th Triennial Conference 2021 Beijing, China 17-21 May 2021. Transcending Boundaries: Integrated Approaches to Conservation. ICOM-CC 19th Triennial Conference Preprints, Beijing, 17–21 May 2021. Vol. 19.Triennial Conference Preprints ICOM-CC
- Henderson, J. , Hopes, D. and Waller, R. 2021. I have my perspective, you have yours. [Online].ICON The Institute of Conservation. Available at: https://www.icon.org.uk/resource/bringing-benefits-to-heritage-through-collaboration.html.
- Henderson, J. and Parkes, P. 2021. Using complexity to deliver standardised educational levels in conservation. Presented at: ICOM-CC 19th Triennial Conference 2021 Beijing, China 17-21 May 2021. Transcending Boundaries: Integrated Approaches to Conservation. ICOM-CC 19th Triennial Conference Preprints, Beijing, 17–21 May 2021. Vol. 19.Triennial Conference Preprints ICOM-CC.
- Henry, R. , Roberts, D. and Roskams, S. 2021. A Roman temple from southern Britain: religious practice in landscape contexts. Antiquaries Journal 101 , pp.79-105. (10.1017/S0003581520000487)
- Herrmann, R. B. 2021. Hamilton, history, historiography. In: Lodge, M. J. and Laird, P. eds. Dueling Grounds: Revolution and Revelation in the Musical Hamilton. Oxford University Press(10.1093/oso/9780190938840.003.0008)
- Higgitt, R. , Kilburn-Toppin, J. and Moxham, N. 2021. Science and the City: Spaces and geographies of Metropolitan Science. Science Museum Group Journal 15 (10.15180/211506)
- Hines, J. 2021. But men seyn, “What may ever laste?” Chaucer’s House of Fame as a medieval museum. In: Hartmann, J. and Johnston, A. eds. Material remains: Reading the past through archaeological objects in Medieval and early modern British literature. Interventions: New Studies Medieval Cult Columbus, Ohio: University of Ohio Press. , pp.240-258.
- Hines, J. 2021. The chronological framework of early Anglo-Saxon graves and grave goods: new radiocarbon data from RAF Lakenheath, Eriswell, Suffolk, and a new calibration curve (IntCal20). Antiquaries Journal 101 , pp.106-142. (10.1017/S0003581520000517)
- Holt, E. , Evans, J. A. and Madgwick, R. 2021. Strontium (87Sr/86Sr) mapping: A critical review of methods and approaches. Earth-Science Reviews 216 103593. (10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103593)
- Jervis, B. 2021. Old things and aspirational households in 15th century England: The case of William Mavndvile of Colnbrook, Middlesex. In: Hawkins, K. and Boughton, D. eds. Back in the Bag: Papers in the Memory of David W. Williams. Spoilheap. , pp.101-110.
- Jervis, B. et al. 2021. The archaeology of emptiness? Understanding open urban spaces in the medieval world. Journal of Urban Archaeology 4 , pp.221-246. (10.1484/J.JUA.5.126601)
- Johnson, D. 2021. The "Spirit of Yhwh" and Samson's martial rage: a Leitmotif of the biblical warrior tradition. Vetus Testamentum 72 (2), pp.214-236. (10.1163/15685330-bja10060)
- Johnson, D. R. 2021. "I established justice and equity in the mouth of the land." A new proposal for LH Prologue col. v, 20ʹ–24ʹ. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 4 , pp.251-254.
- Johnson, S. 2021. Functional fires in historic buildings: Impact on environmental conditions and response of timber objects. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Jones, L. 2021. Islam on campus: contested identities & the cultures of higher education in Britain [Book Review]. Journal of Contemporary Religion 36 (3), pp.585-587. (10.1080/13537903.2021.1935486)
- Kane, B. 2021. Men and women in love: courtship, marriage and gender in late Medieval England. In: Brooks, A. ed. The Routledge Companion to Romantic Love. London: Routledge
- Kane, B. 2021. Neighbourhood and local knowledge in later Medieval England. In: Kane, B. C. and Sandall, S. eds. The Experience of Neighbourhood in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Studies in Medieval History and Culture Abingdon and New York: Routledge. , pp.30-47.
- Kane, B. and Sandall, S. 2021. Introduction: Neighbourhood in late Medieval and Early Modern Europe revisited. In: Kane, B. C. and Sandall, S. eds. The Experience of Neighbourhood in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Studies in Medieval History and Culture Abingdon and New York: Routledge. , pp.1-11.
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2021. Crafting identities: Artisan culture in London, c.1550-1640. Studies in Design and Material Culture Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Kilburn-Toppin, J. 2021. Writing knowledge, forging histories: metallurgical recipes, artisan-authors and institutional cultures in early modern London. Cultural and Social History 18 (3), pp.297-314. (10.1080/14780038.2021.1902607)
- Kindersley, N. and Majok, J. D. 2021. Community epidemic management strategies and COVID-19 in South Sudan. South Sudan Medical Journal 14 (2), pp.35-37.
- Kontani, Y. 2021. Castration and Eunuchs in the Byzantine Empire (6th-11th centuries): A study of legal sources. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Laflı, E. , Buora, M. and Pringle, D. 2021. Four Frankish gravestones from medieval Ephesus. Anatolian Studies 71 , pp.171-184. (10.1017/S0066154621000107)
- Lakshminarayanan, A. 2021. Dynamic encounters: use of a Hellenistic motif in the story of Aṅgulimāla in Gandhāran art.. Parthica: Incontri di culture nel mondo antico 23 , pp.97-109. (10.19272/202103501006)
- Lambert, S. 2021. Attic inscriptions in UK collections: British Museum, ephebic monuments. Attic Inscriptions Online 4.3B , pp.1-37.
- Lambert, S. 2021. On the conveyance of the sacred objects for the Eleusinian mysteries: an Archaising Athenian Assembly Decree of the Third Century AD. In: Mackil, E. and Papazarkadas, N. eds. Greek Epigraphy and Religion. Papers in Memory of Sara B. Aleshire. Leiden-Boston: Brill. , pp.90-107. (10.1163/9789004442542_008)
- Lambert, S. 2021. The democratization of honour in late classical Athens: an epigraphical perspective. In: Riess, W. ed. Colloquia Attica III. Neuere Forschungen zu Athen im 4. Jhdt. v. Chr. (Dys-)Funktionen einer Demokratie. Hamburger Studien zu Gesellschaften und Kulturen der Vormoderne Vol. 16.Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag. , pp.115-132.
- Legge, M. 2021. Death in the east: The treatment of the dead in the Iron Age of eastern Britain. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Lemon, E. and Roberts, F. 2021. Tajikistan: from reconciliation to post-reconciliation. In: Izquierdo-Brichs, F. and Serra-Massansalvador, F. eds. Political Regimes and Neopatrimonialism in Central Asia: A Sociology of Power Perspective. The Steppe and Beyond: Studies on Central Asia Springer. , pp.199-247. (10.1007/978-981-15-9093-1_6)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. Body and clothing. In: Wharton., D. ed. Cultural History of Colour in Antiquity.. Vol. 1, The Cultural Histories Series Berg. , pp.81-102.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. Dress and ceremony in achaemenid Persia: the 'Gaunaka'. In: Batten, A. J. and Olsen, K. eds. Dress in Mediterranean Antiquity: Greeks, Romans, Jews, Christians. Bloomsbury. , pp.159-172.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. Hair and social status in the near east and early Greece, c. 900-300 BC. In: Batten, A. J. and Olsen, K. eds. Dress in Mediterranean Antiquity: Greeks, Romans, Jews, Christians.. Berg
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. The court. In: Rollinger, R. and Jacobs, B. eds. A Companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire. Wiley Blackwell. , pp.1035-1046. (10.1002/9781119071860.ch71)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. The royal 'Gaunaka': dress, identity, status and ceremony in achaemenid Iran. In: Pankova, S. and Simpson, S. J. eds. Masters of the Steppe: The Impact of the Scythians and Later Nomad Societies of Eurasia. Archaeopress. , pp.248-257.
- Loeffler, M. 2021. 'Here in Britain': William Fleetwood, his Welsh translators and Anglo-Welsh networks before 1721. Huntington Library Quarterly 84 (4), pp.825-852. (10.1353/hlq.2021.0045)
- Loeffler, M. 2021. Review: Avalon 66° Nord. Zur Frühgeschichte und Rezeption eines Mythos. Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 81 , pp.153-155.
- Loeffler, M. 2021. Review: Hester Lynch Thrale Piozzi by Michael Franklin. Welsh History Review 30 (4), pp.644-647.
- Loeffler, M. 2021. Suffering 'for thousands': Glamorgan women 1793-1815. Morgannwg. The Journal of Glamorgan History 64 , pp.5-24.
- Loeffler, M. 2021. Translation as Conceptual Reverberation: "Revolution" in Wales 1688-1937. In: Amann, E. and Boyden, M. eds. Reverberations of Revolution. Transnational Perspectives, 1770-1850. Edinburgh University Press. , pp.56-76.
- Lopes, H. F. S. 2021. Ghosts of war: China’s relations with Portugal in the post-war period, 1945-49. Historical Research 94 (265), pp.601-628. (10.1093/hisres/htab020)
- Lopes, H. F. S. 2021. Wartime education at the crossroads of empires: the relocation of schools to Macao during the Second World War, 1937-1945. Twentieth-Century China 46 (2), pp.130-152. (10.1353/tcc.2021.0012)
- Lossl, J. 2021. A clash between Paideia and Pneuma? Ecstatic women prophets and theological education in the Second-Century Church. In: Methuen, C. , Ryrie, A. and Spicer, A. eds. Inspiration and Institution in Christian History. Studies in Church History Vol. 57.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.32-53. (10.1017/stc.2021.3)
- Lossl, J. 2021. Celsus on Christianity - a detractor with a constructive agenda: a response to Loveday Alexander. In: Paget, J. C. and Gathercole, S. eds. Celsus in His World: Philosophy, Polemic, and Religion in the Second Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.288-296. (10.1017/9781108957861)
- Lossl, J. 2021. Greek and Barbarian paideia in Tatian's Oratio ad Graecos. In: Baker-Brian, N. and Lossl, J. eds. Studia Patristica. Vol. CII - Including Papers Presented at the Seventh British Patristics Conference, Cardiff, 5-7 September 2018. Peeters. , pp.79-102. (10.2307/j.ctv1q26vjd)
- Lossl, J. 2021. Marius Victorinus: some observations on his use of commentarial techniques in his 'theological treatises'. In: Verheyden, J. and Nicklas, T. eds. Early Christian Commentators of the New Testament. Leuven: Peeters
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- Loyd, T. 2021. Congo on the Dnipro: Third Worldism and the Nationalization of Soviet Internationalism in Ukraine. Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 22 (4), pp.787-811. (10.1353/kri.2021.0053)
- Machielsen, J. 2021. Bad reasons: elites and the decline of magic. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft 16 (3), pp.406-414. (10.1353/mrw.2021.0050)
- Machielsen, J. 2021. How to study memories in the making. British Catholic History 35 (3), pp.338-351. (10.1017/bch.2021.6)
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- Machielsen, J. 2021. What’s in a name? Essenes, Therapeutae, and monks in the Christian imagination, c.1500–1700. In: Levitin, D. and Maclean, I. eds. The Worlds of Knowledge and the Classical Tradition in the Early Modern Age: Comparative Approaches. Vol. 33, Scientific and Learned Cultures and Their Institutions Brill. , pp.277-335.
- Madgwick, R. 2021. The beaker people: isotopes, mobility and diet in prehistoric Britain, edited by Mike Parker Pearson, Alison Sheridan, Mandy Jay, Andrew Chamberlain, Michael P. Richards and Jane Evans [Book Review]. Archaeological Journal 178 (2), pp.386-390. (10.1080/00665983.2021.1894769)
- Madgwick, R. et al. 2021. A veritable confusion: use and abuse of isotope analysis in archaeology. Archaeological Journal 178 (2), pp.361-385. (10.1080/00665983.2021.1911099)
- Malik, S. 2021. Diocles. In: Fleet, K. et al., Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill(10.1163/1573-3912_ei3_COM_26044)
- Maravia, U. et al., 2021. British Muslims caught amidst FOGs - A discourse analysis of religious advice and authority. Religions 12 (2) 140. (10.3390/rel12020140)
- McAuley, A. 2021. Violence to valour: visualizing Thais of Athens. In: Berti, I. , Castello, M. G. and Scilabra, C. eds. Ancient Violence in the Modern Imagination: The Fear and the Fury. Bloomsbury Academic. , pp.27-40. (10.5040/9781350075429.ch-003)
- McAuley, A. 2021. Cleopatra Polias? The urban influence of Late Seleucid queens. In: Feyel, C. and Graslin-Thome, L. eds. Les derniers Séleucides et leur territoire: Études nacéennes d'histoire grecque 4. Éditions de Boccard. , pp.111-128.
- McAuley, A. 2021. Daughters, princesses, and agents of empire. Royal women as transcultural agents in the Seleucid Empire. In: Stieldorf, A. et al., Geschlecht macht Herrschaft - Interdisziplinäre Studien zu vormoderner Macht und Herrschaft. V&R unipress / Brill Deutschland. , pp.221-242.
- McAuley, A. 2021. Imitatio regis: lealtad, helenización y prestigio en el reino seléucida. In: Beck, H. et al., Encuentro con las élites del Mediterráneo antiguo: Liderazgo, estilos de vida, letigimidad. Argentina: Miño y Dávila. , pp.91-112.
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