2020 publications
- Samuel, G. and Oliphant, J. eds. 2020. About Padmasambhava: historical narratives and later rransformations of Guru Rinpoche. Schongau, Switzerland: Garuda Verlag.
- Totelin, L. M. V. and Nutton, V. eds. 2020. Ancient medicine, behind and beyond Hippocrates: essays in honour of Elizabeth Craik. Pisa: Fabrizio Serra.
- Edbury, P. , Pringle, R. D. and Major, B. eds. 2020. Bridge of civilizations: The Near East and Europe c. 1100-1300. Oxford: Archaeopress.
- Greaves, L. R. and Hardy, A. eds. 2020. Bridging heaven and earth: art and architecture in south Asia 5th-21st century CE (research presented at the twenty-third conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Cardiff 2016). New Delhi: Dev Publications.
- 2020. Hester Pulter's "Poem 60: to Sir William Davenant: Upon the Unspeakable Loss of the Most Conspicuous and Chief Ornament of His Frontispiece" [Critical Annotated Edition].
- Samuel, G. , Garrett, F. and McDougal, E. eds. 2020. Hidden lands in Himalayan myth and history: transformations of sbas yul through time. Brill's Tibetan Studies Library Vol. 46Leiden: Brill.
- Totelin, L. and Flemming, R. eds. 2020. Medicine and markets in the Graeco-Roman world and beyond: Essays in honour of Vivian Nutton. Classical Press of Wales.
- Child, L. and Rosen, A. eds. 2020. Religion and sight. Equinox.
- Greaves, L. R. and Hardy, A. eds. 2020. Religions, society, trade and kingship: archaeology and art in south Asia and along the silk road (research presented at the twenty-third conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Cardiff 2016). New Delhi: Dev Publications.
- Ryan, J. and Grant, S. eds. 2020. Revisioning Stalin and Stalinism: Complexities, contradictions, and controversies. London: Bloomsbury.
- Fragoulaki, M. and Constantakopoulou, C. eds. 2020. Shaping memory in ancient Greece: poetry, historiography and epigraphy. Supplement volume 11. Newcastle upon Tyne: Histos.
- Sharples, N. ed. 2020. The economy of a Norse settlement in the Outer Hebrides: excavations at mounds 2 and 2A Bornais, South Uist. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
- Machielsen, J. ed. 2020. The science of demons: early modern authors facing witchcraft and the devil. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9780203702512)
- Baker-Brian, N. and Tougher, S. eds. 2020. The sons of Constantine, AD 337-361: in the shadows of Constantine and Julian. New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-030-39898-9)
- Nicholson, H. and Burgtorf, J. eds. 2020. The Templars, the hospitallers and the crusades: essays in homage to Alan J. Forey. The Military Religious Orders: History, Sources, and Memory Vol. 2London: Routledge.
- Berger, S. , Feldner, H. and Passmore, K. eds. 2020. Writing history: Theory and practice. London: Bloomsbury.
- Ahmed, A. 2020. Thinking congregationally about British Muslims. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 31 (1), pp.41-66. (10.1080/09596410.2020.1732171)
- Ahmed, A. 2020. Little Mosque on the Prairie and the Paradoxes of Cultural Translation, by Kyle Conway [Book Review]. Television and New Media 21 (7), pp.785-787. (10.1177/1527476418822729)
- Albarella, U. et al., 2020. The archaeology of human-bird interactions: essays in honour of Dale Serjeantson. Volume 1. Quaternary International 543 , pp.1-7. (10.1016/j.quaint.2020.03.040)
- Ali, M. M. and Maravia, U. 2020. Seven faces of a fatwa: organ transplantation and Islam. Religions 11 (2) 99. (10.3390/rel11020099)
- Anagol, P. 2020. Historicising child sexual abuse in early modern and modern India: Patriarchal norms, violence and agency of child-wives and young women in the institution of child marriage. South Asian Studies 36 (2), pp.177-189. (10.1080/02666030.2020.1821515)
- Baars, C. and Henderson, J. 2020. Novel ways of communicating museum pest monitoring data: practical implementation. Presented at: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Cultural Heritage Stockholm, Sweden 21–23 May 2019. Published in: Nilsen, L. and Rossipal, M. eds. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Cultural Heritage: proceedings from the 4th International Conference. Stockholm: Riksantikvarieämbetet. , pp.61-70.
- Baker-Brian, N. 2020. Revisiting Proba's Confession: The Proem of the Vergilian Cento and the Reign of Julian the Apostate. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Lossl, J. eds. Studia Patristica CII. Papers presented at the Seventh British Patristics Conference, Cardiff, 5-7 September 2018. Peeters
- Baker-Brian, N. 2020. ‘Very great are your words’. In: Flower, R. and Ludlow, M. eds. Rhetoric and Religious Identity in Late Antiquity. Oxford University Press. , pp.114-127. (10.1093/oso/9780198813194.003.0008)
- Baker-Brian, N. J. 2020. 'I have taken pains to get copies of them': Epistolary relations between the sons of Constantine and the Christian Church. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Tougher, S. eds. The Sons of Constantine, AD337-361. In the Shadows of Constantine and Julian. New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. , pp.347-388.
- Baker-Brian, N. J. and Tougher, S. 2020. Introduction: In the shadows of Constantine and Julian: The sons of Constantine, AD 337-361. In: Baker-Brian, N. J. and Tougher, S. eds. The Sons of Constantine, AD 337-361: In the Shadows of Constantine and Julian. New Approaches to Byzantine History and Culture Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan(10.1007/978-3-030-39898-9)
- Barnett, R. L. et al., 2020. Nonlinear landscape and cultural response to sea-level rise. Science Advances 6 (45) eabb6376. (10.1126/sciadv.abb6376)
- Benham, J. 2020. Battle-writing and commemoration: the transition from conflict to peace. In: Ni Mhaonaigh, M. , Naismith, R. and Ashman Rowe, E. eds. Writing Battles: New Perspectives on Warfare and Memory in Medieval Europe. London: Bloomsbury. , pp.27-38.
- Benham, J. 2020. Peace, security and deterrence. In: Simons, W. P. ed. A Cultural History of Peace in the Medieval Age. The Cultural Histories Series London: Bloomsbury Academic. , pp.119-134.
- Benham, J. 2020. The earliest arbitration treaty? A reassessment of the Anglo-Norman Treaty of 991. Historical Research 93 (260), pp.189-204. (10.1093/hisres/htaa001)
- Best, J. 2020. Bird bone. In: Niall, S. ed. A Norse Settlement in the Outer Hebrides: Excavations on mounds 2 and 2A, Bornais, South Uist. Oxford: Oxbow. , pp.569-573.
- Bowen, L. 2020. John Poyer, the civil wars in Pembrokeshire and the British revolutions. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Bowen, L. 2020. Wales, 1587-1689. In: Coffey, J. ed. The Oxford History of Protestant Dissenting Traditions, Volume I: The Post-Reformation Era, 1559-1689. The Oxford History of Protestant Dissenting Traditions Oxford: Oxford University Press. , pp.224-242.
- Bradley, G. 2020. Early Rome to 290 BC: the beginnings of the city and the rise of the republic. The Edinburgh History of Ancient Rome Edinburgh University Press.
- Bradley, S. , Cummings, V. and Baker, M. J. 2020. Sources of flint in Britain and Ireland: A quantitative assessment of geochemical characterisation using acid digestion inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 31 102281. (10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102281)
- Brodbeck, S. 2020. Daśaratha’s horse sacrifice in the Rāmāyaṇa. Orientalia Suecana 69 , pp.1-28.
- Brodbeck, S. 2020. The end of the Pāṇḍavas’ year in disguise. Journal of Hindu Studies 13 (3), pp.320-346. (10.1093/jhs/hiaa019)
- Buck, A. 2020. Marcus Bull, eyewitness and crusade narrative: perception and narration in accounts of the second, third, and fourth crusades. (crusading in context.) Woodbridge, UK: Boydell, 2018. Pp. x, 396. $99. ISBN: 978-1-78327-335-5.. Speculum: A Journal of Medieval Studies 95 (1), pp.204-206. (10.1086/706552)
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- Buck, A. 2020. Susan B. Edgington, Baldwin I of Jerusalem, 1100–1118 (Rulers of the Latin East). London and New York: Routledge, 2019. Pp. xvi, 204. 4 maps. ISBN 978 1 4724 3356 5 (hardback), 978 1 315 56864 5 (e-book).. Crusades 19 (1), pp.160-162. (10.1080/28327861.2020.12220093)
- Buck, A. D. 2020. A true 'History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea'? William of Tyre and the Principality of Antioch. In: Coss, P. et al., Episcopal Power and Personality in Medieval Europe, c. 900–1480. Vol. 42, Medieval Church Studies Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. , pp.245-263. (10.1484/m.mcs-eb.5.118380)
- Buck, A. D. 2020. Crusading and masculinities. Edited by Natasha R. Hodgson, Katherine J. Lewis, and Matthew M. Mesley [book review]. Nottingham Medieval Studies 64 , pp.241-244. (10.1484/J.NMS.5.127666)
- Buck, A. D. 2020. Settlement, identity, and memory in the Latin East: an examination of the term ‘Crusader States’. The English Historical Review 135 (573), pp.271-302. (10.1093/ehr/ceaa008)
- Buck, A. D. 2020. Women in the principality of Antioch: power, status, and social agency.. Haskins Society Journal 31 , pp.95-132. (10.1017/9781800101159.007)
- Casanova, E. et al., 2020. Compound-specific radiocarbon, stable carbon isotope and biomarker analysis of mixed marine/terrestrial lipids preserved in archaeological pottery vessels. Presented at: 9th Radiocarbon & Archaeology Symposium Athens, GA, United States 20-24 May 2019. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium. Vol. 62.Cambridge University Press. , pp.1679-1697. (10.1017/RDC.2020.11)
- Child, L. 2020. Sensing reelism: portals to multiple realities and relationships in world, indigenous and documentary cinema. In: Child, L. and Rosen, A. eds. Religion and Sight. Equinox. , pp.69-86.
- Chiramel, F. D. et al., 2020. The view of major religions of India on brain stem death and organ donation. Amrita Journal of Medicine 16 (2), pp.82=86. (10.4103/AMJM.AMJM_33_20)
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- Deeg, M. 2020. Describing the own other: Chinese Buddhist travelogues between literary tropes and educational narratives. In: Bisshop, P. and Cecil, E. A. eds. Primary Sources and Asian Pasts. Vol. 1, Beyond Boundaries Vol. 8.Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. , pp.129-151.
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- Deeg, M. 2020. The brilliant teaching: Iranian Christians in Tang China and their identity. Entangled Religions 11 (6), pp.1-13. (10.46586/er.11.2020.8674)
- Demarchi, B. et al., 2020. The role of birds at Çatalhöyük revealed by the analysis of eggshell. Quaternary International 543 , pp.50-60. (10.1016/j.quaint.2020.02.009)
- Dempsey, K. 2020. Multisensorial musings on miniature matters. Das Mittelalter 25 (2), pp.249-270. (10.18452/22141)
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- Dunn, G. D. 2020. Constantius III, Galla Placidia, and Libanius the Magician: Olympiodorus of Thebes and the Reconstruction of Imperial Politics in Ravenna in 421. Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture 14 , pp.50-64. (10.18573/jlarc.113)
- Edbury, P. 2020. ‘Sultan al-Kamil, the Emperor Frederick II and the Surrender of Jerusalem as presented by the anonymous Chronique d’Ernoul’. In: Edbury, P. , Pringle, R. and Major, eds. Bridge of Civilizations: The Near East and Europe c. 1100-1300. Oxford: Archaeopress. , pp.297-301.
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- Emmerson, N. , Thunberg, J. and Watkinson, D. 2020. New guidelines for the desiccated storage of archaeological metal artefacts. Presented at: 48th AIC/SPNHC Joint Virtual Annual Meeting 2020 Virtual 21 May - 230 June 2021.
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- Fragoulaki, M. 2020. The naval battle of Arginusae (406 BCE) and the Athenian democracy: A victory turned into a defeat (Greek: Ἡ ναυμαχία στὶς Ἀργινοῦσες (406 π.Χ.) καὶ ἡ ἀθηναϊκὴ δημοκρατία: Μιὰ νίκη ποὺ μετατράπηκε σὲ ἧττα). In: Lessons of War III: Athenian Dramas (Greek: Μαθήματα Πολέμου ΙΙΙ: Ἀθηναίων Δράματα). National Theatre Publications Athens, Greece: National Theatre. , pp.62-67.
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- Greaves, L. R. 2020. Śiva Dakṣiṇāmūrti or Sage Nārāyaṇa? Reconsidering an early terracotta panel from Ahichhatrā. Presented at: 22nd International Conference of the the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art (ESEAA 2014) Stockholm, Sweden 30 June - 4 July 2014. Published in: Myrdal, E. and Abraham, S. A. eds. South Asian Archaeology and Art 2014: Papers Presented at the Twenty-Second International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art held at the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities/National Museums of World Culture, Stockholm. New Dehli: Dev Publishers & Distributors. , pp.135-152.
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- Henderson, J. and Lingle, A. 2020. Preventive Conservation on Archaeological Sites: UK Policy and Practice. China Cultural Heritage 2 , pp.25-35.
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