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UK research priorities for Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)

UK research priorities for Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)

Working with stakeholders we will co-create a Top 10 list of research priorities for DCD, ensuring future research is relevant and beneficial.

Evaluating unified tools for critical appraisal within rapid reviews of interventions

Evaluating unified tools for critical appraisal within rapid reviews of interventions

Are unified tools more time-efficient than design-specific tools for critical appraisals in rapid reviews of intervention effects?

Using peer-led WhatsApp groups to share prostate cancer risk information

Using peer-led WhatsApp groups to share prostate cancer risk information

This research will investigate using peer-led WhatsApp groups to securely share prostate cancer risk information between black men, who have a 1in4 risk of developing prostate cancer in their lifetime.

WISH: Workforce Insights Survey for Health

WISH: Workforce Insights Survey for Health

Developing a survey for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health students to understand factors influencing health/wellbeing.

Influences on HPV vaccine uptake

Influences on HPV vaccine uptake

Elimination of HPV is possible if 80% vaccine coverage in girls and boys is reached.

24/7 Diagnostic Radiographers at work study

24/7 Diagnostic Radiographers at work study

Investigating the positive and negative aspects of night shift patterns in diagnostic radiography

Safe staffing in mental health services

Safe staffing in mental health services

This rapid review will scope the most recent evidence about safe staffing in mental health services.

Methods for identification of coercive control in patients: a scoping review

Methods for identification of coercive control in patients: a scoping review

A scoping review to discover if there are ways to identify coercive control happening to patients and how they can be supported if it is identified.

Acceptability of a remote movement assessment in people with haemophilia

Acceptability of a remote movement assessment in people with haemophilia

Assessment of the suitability of using remote movement analysis in people with haemophilia to give information on falls risk.

Crisis care for children and young people

Crisis care for children and young people

We are examining how mental health crisis care for children and young people is sustained, experienced and integrated within local services.

ATLAS Consortium

ATLAS Consortium

Active travel contributes to making Wales healthier and more equal, it reduces carbon emissions and congestion, and increases social interaction creating greater cohesion in our communities.

Co-design of self-management training resources for carers of older adults

Co-design of self-management training resources for carers of older adults

We are working in partnership with carers to develop self-management training resources to help them support the people they care for make decisions about their everyday activities.

Piloting a well-being observational scale (WEBS) with children using the Innowalk.

Piloting a well-being observational scale (WEBS) with children using the Innowalk.

A well-being scale has been developed with disabled children and young people, using the Innowalk.

Multi-domain self-management in older people with osteoarthritis and multi-morbidities

Multi-domain self-management in older people with osteoarthritis and multi-morbidities

Evaluating the effectiveness of TIPTOE self-management intervention to improve pain and function for older adults.

Inclusive prehab (I-Prehab) to address inequity in cancer outcomes

Inclusive prehab (I-Prehab) to address inequity in cancer outcomes

Prehabilitation (prehab) prepares people for cancer treatment and helps them during treatment to eat well and to be physically active and emotionally resilient.

TRACT: Making invisible work, visible

TRACT: Making invisible work, visible

TRACT is digital application which helps nurses to assess, measure, and plan care trajectory management work.

INHABIT: Interactions children and young people have with their natural and built environments

INHABIT: Interactions children and young people have with their natural and built environments

As an interdisciplinary group we are generating innovative solutions that enhance the lives of children and young people in Wales.

Fundamentals of mental health care in nursing practice

Fundamentals of mental health care in nursing practice

The aim of this project is to develop a culturally informed understanding of the differences and similarities in undergraduate student nurses' perspectives on the fundamentals of mental health care in nursing practice.

Technologies for physical health monitoring in mental health settings

Technologies for physical health monitoring in mental health settings

People with severe mental illness experience poorer physical health than the general population, with 13–30 years shortened life expectancy, highlighting the need for improved physical health monitoring for mental health service users.

PRO-JUDGE: Nurses’ Professional Judgement in Nurse Staffing Systems in England and Wales

PRO-JUDGE: Nurses’ Professional Judgement in Nurse Staffing Systems in England and Wales

Everyday in healthcare settings across the world, decisions are made about whether enough nurses are available to meeting patient need. How are these decisions arrived at?

End of life care for people with severe mental illness (the MENLOC study)

End of life care for people with severe mental illness (the MENLOC study)

This project is synthesising research and other evidence relating to end of life care for people with severe mental illness.

Using artificial intelligence to personalise exercises for people with low back pain

Using artificial intelligence to personalise exercises for people with low back pain

The project is applying machine and deep learning to train AI to classify human motion from LBP patient videos to select personalised exercises and offer feedback adjusted to person’s (dis)ability.

COV-ed Nurse: A UK-wide study hearing from student nurses in practice during COVID-19

COV-ed Nurse: A UK-wide study hearing from student nurses in practice during COVID-19

Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the practice experiences of undergraduate nursing students will help us understand how best to offer support.

Facilitating continence for people with dementia in acute hospital settings

Facilitating continence for people with dementia in acute hospital settings

Using sociology to improve the quality and humanity of care for people with dementia in acute hospitals.

Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis

Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis

We have the skills and facilities that are successfully delivering a "step-change" in treatment and the understanding of osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders.

The ICON study: an ongoing study of the impact of COVID-19 on the nursing workforce

The ICON study: an ongoing study of the impact of COVID-19 on the nursing workforce

A survey to evaluate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the UK’s nursing and midwifery workforce has highlighted important mental health concerns.

Improving access to support for those with psoriasis to make lifestyle behaviour changes

Improving access to support for those with psoriasis to make lifestyle behaviour changes

Integrating well-being and behaviour change into dermatology care across the UK.

Experiences of transitioning to work in radiotherapy during COVID-19

Experiences of transitioning to work in radiotherapy during COVID-19

Exploring the experiences of newly qualified therapeutic radiographers transitioning to work during the pandemic

Paediatric early warning system utilisation and mortality avoidance

Paediatric early warning system utilisation and mortality avoidance

A system-wide approach to early warning in paediatrics - utilisation and mortality avoidance

Evaluating 'Freedom to Speak Up Local Guardians'

Evaluating 'Freedom to Speak Up Local Guardians'

Understanding an innovative role in NHS England intended to support staff to speak-up.

EWWD Project

EWWD Project

A machine learning, AI driven platform with a remote monitoring system to support rehabilitation.

Establishing the safety of water birth for mothers and babies

Establishing the safety of water birth for mothers and babies

The POOL study is evaluating the safety of water births for mothers and babies.

The challenges of cancer and disability study

The challenges of cancer and disability study

For cancer services to be truly inclusive, they need to be relevant and patient centred, considering the needs of people with disabilities.

Peritoneal dialysis and peritonitis: the experiences of patients and their families

Peritoneal dialysis and peritonitis: the experiences of patients and their families

Exploring what people using peritoneal dialysis know about infection.

Examining brain activity during motor learning in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

Examining brain activity during motor learning in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

The CoMB Study is investigating what happens in the brain when children with motor difficulties observe and perform actions.

Knee conditions: evaluating movement toolkit interventions

Knee conditions: evaluating movement toolkit interventions

Integrating a novel portable toolkit into physiotherapy interventions.

Cancer immunotherapy: experiences of patients and healthcare professionals

Cancer immunotherapy: experiences of patients and healthcare professionals

This project aims to understand people’s experiences of cancer treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors, associated support and education needs.

Reducing fatigue in women undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer

Reducing fatigue in women undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer

We test the feasibility of a novel approach to predicting and minimising fatigue related to cancer treatment

Measuring the impact of living with serious skin conditions

Measuring the impact of living with serious skin conditions

The development, refinement and use of an impact measure for the disease burden in skin disorders.

Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency

Addressing moral distress among nurses after the COVID-19 emergency

This project investigates Covid-19 related moral distress among Registered Nurses in Wales and assesses the acceptability of an accessible, tiered psychological intervention.

Road safety education for children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD)

Road safety education for children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD)

Primary school aged children perform more accurately in first person road crossing tasks.



Crisis responses for children and young people: an evidence synthesis of effectiveness, experiences and service organisation (CAMH-Crisis).

Decision-making at the end of life for patients with dementia

Decision-making at the end of life for patients with dementia

Decision making in EoLC can be a clinically complex and emotionally distressing situation for any clinician, and for those patients with dementia it can be particularly challenging.

Using Huntington’s disease clinics to promote physical activity

Using Huntington’s disease clinics to promote physical activity

Exploring how physical activity for people with Huntington’s disease be promoted within specialist HD clinics.

Home-based activity for people with lung cancer and established weight loss

Home-based activity for people with lung cancer and established weight loss

Physical activity can improve quality of life for lung cancer patients struggling with weight loss.

Eating during chemotherapy treatment for colorectal cancer

Eating during chemotherapy treatment for colorectal cancer

Patients with colorectal cancer receiving chemotherapy treatment are at nutritional risk, but few are concerned about dietary intake or weight.

Crisis resolution for people with dementia living at home

Crisis resolution for people with dementia living at home

This project explores the problem of crisis for people with dementia living at home.

Reviewing strategies to address unprofessional behaviours among healthcare staff

Reviewing strategies to address unprofessional behaviours among healthcare staff

This project aims to improve understanding of unprofessional behaviours in healthcare settings and how these can be best managed and mitigated.

Evaluating the neural control of lower-limb muscle activity during walking

Evaluating the neural control of lower-limb muscle activity during walking

This project is the first step in establishing methods to non-invasively evaluate cortical and spinal control of leg muscle activity.

COMSTIG: Motor Cortex Magnetic Stimulation during Gait

COMSTIG: Motor Cortex Magnetic Stimulation during Gait

In this project we are designing and testing a system to allow non-invasive brain stimulation during treadmill walking