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Suitability for mental health nursing

Mental Health Nursing students
You will have the chance to take part in tutorials with other students.

Mental Health Nursing is an exciting and challenging profession. Please look over the information below to help you make an informed decision on whether Mental Health Nursing is the right course for you.

You must meet all the requirements of the programme to develop ‘fitness to practice’. This means you demonstrate the skills, knowledge and character to practise the profession safely and effectively.

The key responsibility of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as a statutory regulator is to ’protect the public’ by ensuring that its registrants are fit to practice. The Mental Health (BN) programme will help you to understand and meet these challenges through a rigorous and validated programme of training and education.

Learning environment

Mental Health Nursing (BN) theory and skills practice is provided through lectures, tutorials, practical sessions and workshops.

Placement learning and assessment

You will work with teams representing the variety of modern mental health nursing practice. This could include placements from children and young peoples’ services to specialist working age and older adults with complex needs.

Contact us

If you have questions about the nature of the course, or about your ability to partake, please contact the Admissions team who will direct you to the most appropriate person:

Healthcare Admissions Team