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HC3127 - Health Care Professionals: End of Life Care

This module is specifically designed for health care professionals working across all care settings. It aims to improve your knowledge and skills in palliative and end of life care.

Specifically, it helps you develop the knowledge, understanding and confidence required to support patients and families with advanced cancer, and other life-limiting/threatening illnesses in their usual place of care at the end of life, whether in hospital, their own homes or a familiar care home. The development of this module is directly in line with professional and political agendas, for example, Palliative and End of Life Care Delivery Plan (WG 2017) which demand that all nurses are confident and educated to provide the best possible care for people at the end of their lives.

This module will provide a rich environment for shared learning and will benefit from both taught and work-based learning. The module provides an opportunity to debate current knowledge and evidence-based practice. This will assist in the appropriate decision-making regarding the seamless journey taken by the individual living with life-threatening/progressive conditions, enabling you to explore the physical, emotional, spiritual and social care of this group of patients and their families/friends/significant others. It will encourage you in collaboration with other multi-agencies, to support an individualised care plan focussing on holistic issues associated with palliative, end of life care and bereavement care.

The module is available to all health care professionals provided they are able to meet the learning outcomes and can secure funding. Application must be discussed with the module leader and programme manager.

Module dates

Find out when this standalone module is running by downloading our Level 6 Standalone Modules Calendar:

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Module leads

Claire Job

Claire Job

Senior Lecturer: Adult Nursing

+44 (0)29 206 87815
Hannah Arnold

Hannah Arnold

Lecturer: Adult Nursing

+44 (0)29 206 87802

Further information

Module codeHC3127