Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPL)

Our Accreditation of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process allows us to take your previous learning into consideration when reviewing your application.
Our Academic Study and RPL advisors are available to offer advice and guidance to current and potential students who may be contemplating further or new study. They can help you identify learning goals and discuss the possibility of crediting prior learning in future study.
Standalone modules
If you have successfully completed standalone modules within the last three years at Cardiff University, you can request to have up to a maximum of 60 credits applied to your Master’s level programme (this is subject to registry approval).
Postgraduate modules
If you have successfully completed postgraduate modules outside of Cardiff University within the last three years, you can request to apply up to a maximum of 60 credits towards your Masters level programme (this is subject to registry approval).
The application form and RPL policy are available to download.
Please be aware that the RPL process takes several weeks to complete and we would therefore encourage early applications. The deadline for applications is 31 July for entry onto programmes the following September. Late applications may delay the programme start date by a year.
For further details, please contact the RPL advisors.