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Assessment in Practice


MyProgress, ePortfolios and ePAD are electronic platforms that have been implemented to transform clinical assessment.

Access the platforms

Nursing and Midwifery ePAD

Midwifery MyProgress

Occupational Therepy MyProgress

Operating Department Practice MyProgress

Physiotherapy ePAD

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Useful resources

Find guidance along with videos and FAQs.

How the platforms work

The systems work through a mobile app for gathering evidence, and a website for reviewing progress. The mobile app is designed to still work even without an internet connection. Clinical assessment forms completed offline can be sent to the systems when connectivity is restored.

The benefits include:

  • Increased communication and engagement between staff and students in university and practice​.
  • Enhanced ability to monitor and review student’s progress in clinical placements allowing early intervention if required.
  • Develops meaningful digital literacy skills​.
  • Email verification more secure than hand-drawn signatures​ and provides an audit trail.
  • No transportation or storage of paper copies of clinical assessment, decreasing the risk of loss or damage.
  • Data security as completed documentation is safely kept on a secure server.
  • Paper timesheets are replaced, reducing errors and administration time.