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Register and book tickets

Last updated: 11/07/2024 08:51

Information on how to register for Graduation 2024 and book tickets.

Booking has now closed, and tickets are no longer available. The deadline was Tuesday 18 June 2024.

Graduates and guests need a ticket to enter a School’s graduation ceremony at Utilita Arena and its reception event at Graduation Gardens, King Edward VII Avenue. The same ticket is used to enter both events.

Strict security checks and searches will be conducted at all Graduation venues.

Children over 2 must have tickets for ceremonies and school reception events, and pets are prohibited.

Digital tickets

Digital tickets have been emailed to all graduates (as of 10 July). If you have not received this email or have any issues, contact Marston Events. We recommend downloading your tickets in advance to avoid any issues with Wi-Fi on the day.

All seating is allocated in advance and will be detailed on digital tickets. Due to the volume of visitors at Graduation, seating cannot be altered, and tickets should not be shared.

When arriving at Utilita Arena, be aware that bag searches will be conducted. Pushchairs are not allowed in the arena, but a buggy park is available.

Find out more about Utilita Arena.

Live broadcasts

Anyone unable to attend graduation ceremonies in person will be broadcast live online and at the Students’ Union. The week before graduation, our ceremony schedule will provide YouTube and Weibo links to live broadcasts.

Unable to attend

We recommend only attending Graduation if you have completed your course. If you have booked but have not successfully passed your course and need to resit exams or your final year, contact us to discuss your circumstances and possible refunds.

If you experience serious personal circumstances leading up to or during Graduation week, you may be eligible for a refund of the cost of your gown and any extra tickets that you have purchased.

To qualify for a refund, you must provide information about your circumstances and demonstrate that they are serious or exceptional, unforeseen or unavoidable, and close in time to Graduation, or where you can prove that the circumstances continued to impact your ability to attend Graduation.

Contact us by midnight on Friday, 19 July, to request a refund, email

Contact us

Contact Marston Events if you have any questions about booking tickets.

Get in touch if you have questions about registering for Graduation or your invitation.

Undergraduate students

Postgraduate students