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Book your academic dress

Last updated: 25/03/2025 15:01

Graduates are required to dress smart and wear academic dress on their Graduation Day. Here are details on how to order and collect your academic dress.

Bookings open in April and will close on Tuesday 24 June 2025 at 23:59 GMT.

How to order your academic dress

Marston Events are our academic dress partners for Graduation.*


When ordering you will need the following three measurements:

  1. Height: from the top of your head to the ground. In either metres and centimetres or feet and inches. When measuring your height, do not wear heeled footwear
  2. Hat: the circumference of your head one inch above the eyebrow level and record the measurement in inches or centimetres
  3. Chest: your chest at the widest part around your core.

Academic dress colours

The colours of your gown and hood depend on the degree you have studied and are automatically assigned to you based on your award (as detailed in your first Graduation invitation email in March).

Your gown, hood and hat must be worn throughout your Graduation.

Read Marston's guidance on what to wear under your gown.

Details of your award

You will also need to provide details of your award:

  • Diploma - Diploma of Higher Education, Graduate Diploma, Postgraduate Diploma
  • Certificate - Certificate of Higher Education, Graduate Certificate, Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Certificate in Education
  • Bachelor - BA, BArch, BD, BEd, BEng, BSc, BScEcon, BMedSc, BMid, BMus, BN, BSD, BTh, LLB
  • Extended Bachelor and Integrated Master - BDS, MBBCh, MArch, MChem, MEng, MESci, MMath, MPharm, MPhys
  • Taught Master - LLM, MA, MBA, MClinDent, MEd, MEP, MMus, MPA, MPH, MSc, MScD, MScEcon, MTh
  • Research Master - MPhil, MRes, MScD by Research
  • Doctorate - PhD, DAHP, DClinPsy, DDS, DEdPsy, DHS, DNurs, DNursSci, DSW, EdD, EngD, MCh, MD, SPPD
  • Senior Doctorate - DD, DDSc, DLitt, DMus, DSc, DScEcon, LLD

Hire costs

Hiring costs are available on the Marston Events website, these have not changed since 2023.

Hire costs are:

  • £47.99 for undergraduates
  • £53.99 for postgraduates
  • £53.99 for PhD students.

An additional £10 will need to be paid for your academic uniform on the day.

You can hire your academic dress for an extended period (five days and the return by post) for an additional £30.

Book your academic dress

Collecting and returning your academic dress

Marston Events will be based at the Centre for Student Life (first and second floors) for the collection and return of your academic dress.

Collection times

Academic dress will be available for collection from the Centre for Student Life as follows:

  • Between 16:00 and 19:00 the day before your Graduation Day, if your ceremony time is 9:30 the next day
  • From 07:30 on the day of your Graduation

Please allow plenty of time for collection and ensure you have enough time to collect your gown, hood and hat and make your way to your ceremony or School reception, whichever is first.

Return times

Academic dress must be returned to the Centre for Student Life (ground floor) on your Graduation day as follows:

  • 09.30 ceremony, return by 16.00
  • 12.30 ceremony, return by 17.30
  • 15.30 ceremony, return by 19.00

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips are used in all items to monitor the supply and return of items.

We kindly request that graduates attend gowning alone to manage footfall and avoid longer queues at the Centre for Student Life.

Find out more about deferring your Graduation and managing your booking.

Extended hire and purchase options are available to keep your gown longer.

*Students can use third-party providers if they wish, providing these meet the University’s standards.

Contact us

Contact Marston Events if you have any questions about booking academic dress.