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Last updated: 19/03/2024 11:41

Two ceremonies are being held for Business School students. Details of the courses celebrated at each ceremony are given below.

Ceremony one

Date: Friday 21 July
Time: 12:00
View online: Watch on YouTube or Watch on Weibo

If you are studying the following courses, you will be invited to attend ceremony one:

  • BSc Accounting
  • BSc Accounting and Finance
  • BSc Banking and Finance
  • BSc Business Economics
  • BScEcon Banking and Finance
  • BScEcon Business Economics
  • BScEcon Economics
  • BScEcon Economics and Finance
  • BScEcon Economics and Management Studies
  • MSc Accounting & Finance
  • MSc Finance
  • MRes Advanced Economics
  • MSc Economics
  • MSc Financial Economics
  • MSc International Economics, Banking and Finance
  • MSc Logistics and Operations Management
  • MSc Maritime Policy and Shipping Management
  • MSc Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Ceremony two

Date: Friday 21 July
Time: 17:30
View online: Watch on YouTube or Watch on Weibo

If you are studying the following courses, you will be invited to attend ceremony two:

  • BSc Business Management (all routes)
  • Master of Business Administration
  • Executive Master of Business Administration
  • MSc Business Management
  • MSc Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship
  • MSc Human Resource Management
  • MSc International Management
  • MSc Marketing
  • MSc Public Leadership
  • MSc Strategic Marketing
  • MSc Social Science Research Methods
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Postgraduate Diploma Healthcare Planning.