2020 publications
- Ioris, A. A. R. , Neto, V. J. and de Castro Barbosa, X. eds. 2020. Agroculture frontiers in the Amazon: contested histories, emerging cultures, national territorialities [As fronteiras agroculturais na Amazônia: histórias contestadas, culturas emergentes, territorialidades nacionais]. Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Brasília.
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- Khan, M. , Bell, S. and Wood, J. eds. 2020. Place, pedagogy and play: participation, design and research with children. Routledge.
- Aelbrecht, S. , Stevens, P. and Kumar, Q. 2020. European public space programs with social cohesion in mind: their social goals, design approaches and representations. Presented at: Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future (RAI 2020) Virtual 14-18 September 2020.
- Ahmed, S. U. D. , Mehmood, A. and Brown, A. 2020. Informal power structures: towards provision of services and security of tenure. In: Van den Broeck, P. et al., Communities, Land and Social Innovation: Land Taking and Land Making in an Urbanising World. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. , pp.195-213.
- Axinte, L. 2020. Regenerative city-regions? A case study of Cardiff Capital Region and its future generations. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Bäing, A. S. and Webb, B. 2020. Planning through zoning: a literature review.
- Bates, V. et al., 2020. Beyond landscape’s visible realm: Recorded sound, nature, and wellbeing. Health and Place 61 102271. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2019.102271)
- Bayfield, H. et al. 2020. Awesome women and bad feminists: the role of online social networks and peer support for feminist practice in academia. Cultural Geographies 27 (3), pp.415-435. (10.1177/1474474019890321)
- Bell, R. et al., 2020. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations of impacts and benefits of nine INHERIT case studies.
- Boyer, K. 2020. Motherhood in feminist geography: current trends and themes. In: Datta, A. et al., Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies. London: Routledge. , pp.318-325. (10.4324/9781315164748-32)
- Brady, E. and Prior, J. 2020. Environmental aesthetics: a synthetic review. People and Nature 2 (2), pp.254-266. (10.1002/pan3.10089)
- Bridge, G. 2020. Habit, experience and environment: a pragmatist perspective. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 38 (2), pp.345-363. (10.1177/0263775819882715)
- Brigstocke, J. 2020. Experimental authority in the lecture theatre. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 44 (3), pp.370-386. (10.1080/03098265.2019.1698527)
- Brunori, G. et al., 2020. Small farming and food and nutrition security. In: Brunori, G. and Grando, S. eds. Innovation for sustainability: small farmers facing new challenges in the evolving food systems. Vol. 25, Research in Rural Sociology and Development Emerald Publishing Limited
- Brunori, G. et al., 2020. The vulnerability of food systems. In: Brunori, G. and Grando, S. eds. Innovation for sustainability: small farmers facing new challenges in the evolving food systems. Vol. 25, Emerald Publishing Limited. , pp.69-105.
- Brunori, G. et al., 2020. Unpacking food systems. In: Brunori, G. and Grando, S. eds. Innovation for sustainability: small farmers facing new challenges in the evolving food systems. Vol. 25, Research in Rural Sociology and Development Emerald Publishing Limited. , pp.39-67.
- Caffyn, A. 2020. Creating a stink: Controversies over intensive poultry unit developments in Herefordshire and Shropshire: contested values, knowledge and experience. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Cakal, T. and Miele, M. 2020. ‘Workable utopias’ for socialchange through inclusion and empowerment? Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in Wales as social innovation. Agriculture and Human Values 37 , pp.1241-1260. (10.1007/s10460-020-10141-6)
- Cao, X. 2020. Governance and cooperation in environmental project delivery: a case study of Tai’an. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Christensen, M. D. and Kofoed, L. M. 2020. Mobile encounters and meeting places in motion. In: Lassen, C. and Laursen, L. H. eds. Mobilising place management.. London: Routledge. , pp.27-46.
- Cloke, P. , May, J. and Williams, A. 2020. Postsecularities of care: in-common ethics and politics of "the meantime(s)". Cities 100 102667. (10.1016/j.cities.2020.102667)
- Coenen, L. and Morgan, K. 2020. Evolving geographies of innovation: existing paradigms, critiques and possible alternatives. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift / Norwegian Journal of Geography 74 (1), pp.13-24. (10.1080/00291951.2019.1692065)
- Collins, A. et al. 2020. Living with a one planet reality: the contribution of personal footprint calculators. Environmental Research Letters 15 025008. (10.1088/1748-9326/ab5f96)
- Cooper, C. H. V. 2020. Quantitative models of well-being to inform policy: Problems and opportunities. Sustainability 12 (8) 3180. (10.3390/su12083180)
- Cooper, C. H. 2020. sDNA: 3-d spatial network analysis for GIS, CAD, command line & Python. SoftwareX 12 100525. (10.1016/j.softx.2020.100525)
- Coulson, H. and Milbourne, P. 2020. Food justice for all?: searching for the 'justice multiple' in UK food movements. Agriculture and Human Values 39 , pp.43-58. (10.1007/s10460-020-10142-5)
- Cowell, R. , Flynn, A. and Hacking, N. 2020. Conceptualizing environmental governance in turbulent times: insights from Brexit and waste in the UK. Political Geography 81 102217. (10.1016/j.polgeo.2020.102217)
- Cowell, R. 2020. The role of place in energy transitions: siting gas-fired power stations and the reproduction of high-carbon energy systems. Geoforum 112 , pp.73-84. Volume 112, June 2020, Pages 73-84. (10.1016/j.geoforum.2020.03.009)
- Cowell, R. et al. 2020. Integrating planning and environmental protection: an analysis of post-Brexit regulatory styles and practitioner attitudes in the UK. Planning Theory and Practice 21 (4), pp.570-590. (10.1080/14649357.2020.1801819)
- Cowell, R. , Fischer, T. B. and Jackson, T. 2020. Embedding the environment in the local development plan process through SEA: a think piece.
- Dale, A. et al., 2020. Governing community-based natural resource management in Australia: international implications. Land 9 (7) 234. (10.3390/land9070234)
- De Laurentis, C. 2020. Mediating the form and direction of regional sustainable development: the role of the State in renewable energy deployment in selected regions. European Urban and Regional Studies 27 (3), pp.303-317. (10.1177/0969776420904989)
- Deverteuil, G. , Power, A. and Tudeau, D. 2020. The relational geographies of the voluntary sector: disentangling the ballast of strangers. Progress in Human Geography 44 (5), pp.919-937. (10.1177/0309132519869461)
- Deverteuil, G. and Yun, O. 2020. Reversing the dominant directionality: Evidence of the East Asian model of gentrification in LA's Koreatown. Area 52 (2), pp.306-313. (10.1111/area.12556)
- Dickinson, M. 2020. ‘The contextual determinants of urban entrepreneurship: Institutions, infrastructure and networks in the city’?. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Eales, C. 2020. ‘Outsiders in Urban Society’? An exploration into the off-site experiences and encounters of young Irish Travellers living in South London. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- England, E. 2020. Abandonment, abjectification, activation and responsibilisation: experiences of the shift towards universal conditionality within the Welsh homelessness system following the Housing (Wales) Act 2014. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Enticott, G. et al. 2020. An assessment of risk compensation and spillover behavioural adaptations associated with the use of vaccines in animal disease management. Vaccine 38 (5), pp.1065-1075. (10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.11.037)
- Enticott, G. and Ward, K. 2020. Mapping careful epidemiology: Spatialities, materialities and subjectivities in the management of animal disease. Geographical Journal 186 (3), pp.276-287. (10.1111/geoj.12341)
- Ferretti, F. , Ince, A. and White, R. 2020. Malatesta in Brexitland: toward post-statist geographies of democracy. Theory in Action 13 (1), pp.-. 137. (10.3798/tia.1937-0237.2006)
- Flynn, A. , Xie, L. and Hacking, N. 2020. Governing people, governing places: advancing the protean environmental state in China. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 22 (5), pp.724-744. (10.1080/1523908X.2020.1806048)
- Flynn, A. and Yu, L. 2020. The Protean Environmental State in Dongguan: Reconceptualising the local state and ecological development in China. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 38 (3), pp.443-463. (10.1177/2399654419884331)
- Forman, A. 2020. Energy and equity revisited: Examining local approaches to energy justice through community renewables development in Wales. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Fry, R. et al., 2020. A best practice framework to measure spatial variation in alcohol availability. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 47 (3), pp.381-399. (10.1177/2399808318773761)
- Fuller, C. 2020. Mead, subjectivity, and urban politics. In: Wills, J. and Lake, R. eds. The Power of Pragmatism: Knowledge Production and Social Inquiry.. Manchester University Press
- Fuller, C. 2020. The institutions and heterogeneous geographical relations of austerity. Critical Policy Studies 14 (4), pp.445-465. (10.1080/19460171.2019.1670711)
- Gale, R. and Thomas, H. 2020. Race, faith and planning in Britain. Routledge Research in Planning and Urban Design London: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315644424)
- Gao, Y. , Shahab, S. and Ahmadpoor, N. 2020. Morphology of urban villages in China: a case study of Dayuan Village in Guangzhou. Urban Science 4 (2) 23. (10.3390/urbansci4020023)
- Gassner, G. 2020. The new enclosure: the appropriation of public land in neoliberal Britain, Brett Christophers [Book Review]. Planning Perspectives 35 (6), pp.1126-1128. (10.1080/02665433.2020.1839174)
- Gianelle, C. et al., 2020. Smart Specialisation on the move: reflections on six years of implementation and prospects for the future. Regional Studies 54 (10), pp.1323-1327. (10.1080/00343404.2020.1817364)
- Golubchikov, O. and O'Sullivan, K. 2020. Energy periphery: uneven development and the precarious geographies of low-carbon transition. Energy and Buildings 211 109818. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109818)
- Golubchikov, O. and Thornbush, M. 2020. Artificial intelligence and robotics in smart city strategies and planned smart development. Smart Cities 3 (4), pp.1133-1144. (10.3390/smartcities3040056)
- Golubchikov, O. and Wolfe, S. D. 2020. Russia and the politics of extraverted urbanism in the 2014 Winter Olympics and the 2018 World Cup. In: Rojo-Labaien, E. , Rodríguez Díaz, Á. and Rookwood, J. eds. Sport, Statehood and Transition in Europe: Comparative Perspectives from Post-Soviet and Post-Socialist Societies. Routledge. , pp.214-232. (10.4324/9780429325847-13)
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- Hanratty, J. et al., 2020. PROTOCOL: Discharge programmes for individuals experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, homelessness: a systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews 16 (3) e1109. (10.1002/cl2.1109)
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- Healy, A. et al. 2020. Domestic groundwater sbstraction in Lagos, Nigeria: A disjuncture in the science-policy-practice interface?. Environmental Research Letters 15 (4) 045006. (10.1088/1748-9326/ab7463)
- Herman, A. 2020. Building a politics of connectivity: intercultural in-commonness in Fairtrade. Antipode 52 (5), pp.1310-1330. (10.1111/anti.12633)
- Higgins, R. and Thompson, P. 2020. Human behavior and economic development: culture, psychology and the competitiveness of cities and regions. In: Kresl, P. K. ed. Towards a Competitive, Sustainable Modern City. Edward Elgar Publishing
- Hobson, K. 2020. From circular consumers to carriers of (unsustainable) practices: socio-spatial transformations in the Circular City. Urban Geography 41 (6), pp.907-910. (10.1080/02723638.2020.1786329)
- Hollander, J. et al., 2020. The role of artificial intelligence in community planning. International Journal of Community Well-Being 3 , pp.507-521. (10.1007/s42413-020-00090-7)
- Horlings, L. et al., 2020. Exploring the transformative capacity of place-shaping pracitices. Sustainability Science 15 (2), pp.353-362. (10.1007/s11625-020-00787-w)
- Hou, J. et al., 2020. Implementation analysis of transfer of development rights for conserving privately-owned built heritage in Hong Kong: A transaction costs perspective. Growth and Change 51 (1), pp.530-550. (10.1111/grow.12350)
- Huggins, R. , Prokop, D. and Thompson, P. 2020. Universities and open innovation: the determinants of network centrality. Journal of Technology Transfer 45 , pp.718-757. (10.1007/s10961-019-09720-5)
- Huggins, R. , Williams, N. and Thompson, P. 2020. Entrepreneurship and social capital: examining the association in deprived urban neighbourhoods. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 44 (2), pp.289-309. (10.1111/1468-2427.12589)
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- Ince, A. and White, R. J. 2020. Activist geographies’. In: Wilson, H. F. and Darling, J. eds. Research Ethics for Human Geography: A Handbook for Students.. Sage. , pp.118-129.
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- Ioris, A. 2020. Socioecological economics of water development in the Brazilian Amazon: elements for a critical reflection. Ecological Economics 173 106654. (10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106654)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2020. Indigenous labor and land resources: Guarani-Kaiowa's politico-economic and ethnic challenges. Resources 9 (7) 84. (10.3390/RESOURCES9070084)
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- Ioris, A. A. R. 2020. Ontological politics and the struggle for the Guarani-Kaiowa world. Space and Polity 24 (3), pp.382-400. (10.1080/13562576.2020.1814727)
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