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- Huggins, R. et al. 2024. Entrepreneurial ecosystems in cities and regions: Emergence, evolution and future.. Oxford University Press. (10.1093/oso/9780192866264.001.0001)
- Potoglou, D. and Spinney, J. eds. 2024. Handbook of travel behaviour. Research Handbooks in Transport Studies Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (10.4337/9781839105746)
- Richmond, J. et al. 2024. Placemaking Tools: Special issue of Urban Design Group Journal Winter 2024. Urban Design Group.
- Herman, A. and Inwood, J. eds. 2024. Researching justice: Engaging with questions and spaces of (in) justice through social research.. Bristol: Bristol University Press. (10.51952/9781529226683)
- Golubchikov, O. and Yenneti, K. eds. 2024. Smart cities, energy and climate: Governing cities for a low-carbon future. Wiley. (10.1002/9781118641156)
- Adlerova, B. 2024. Cooking, caring, campaigning: making space for lived experience in food governance. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Adlerova, B. and Moragues-Faus, A. 2024. Fostering food justice in academia and beyond.. In: Herman, A. and Inwood, J. eds. Researching Justice: Engaging with Questions and Spaces of (In)Justice through Social Research. Bristol: Bristol University Press
- Aelbrecht, P. and Arefi, M. 2024. Reimagining urban design futures: Innovative theories and practices from the Global South. URBAN DESIGN International 29 (4), pp.201–202. (10.1057/s41289-024-00260-5)
- Aelbrecht, P. 2024. Assessing the social outcomes of social infrastructure: Testing, and implementing a method within London's local authorities. Presented at: 36th AESOP Annual Congress 2024 Paris, France 8-12 July 2024. GAME CHANGER? Planning for just and sustainable urban regions - book of abstracts. Vol. 36.AESOP.
- Aelbrecht, P. 2024. Why public space matters [Book Review]. Journal of Urban Design 29 (2), pp.259-261. (10.1080/13574809.2024.2311995)
- Aelbrecht, P. and Arefi, M. 2024. What is new in placemaking research and practice? [Editorial]. URBAN DESIGN International 29 (1), pp.1-3. (10.1057/s41289-024-00241-8)
- Affolderbach, J. and O'Neill, K. 2024. Everyday sustainability transitions through green building: Spatial perspectives on materialities, discourses and lived sustainabilities. European Urban and Regional Studies 31 (2), pp.168-183. (10.1177/09697764231216407)
- Albahlal, F. , Haggar, P. and Potoglou, D. 2024. Eliciting citizens’ priorities for active travel infrastructure investments: A qualitative analysis of best-worst scaling experiments. Journal of Transport and Health 36 101795. (10.1016/j.jth.2024.101795)
- Anderson, J. 2024. Literary assemblages. In: Alexander, N. and Cooper, D. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Literary Geographies. London: Taylor and Francis(10.4324/9781003097761-6)
- Anderson, J. and Sorley, D. 2024. Cultures of managing hazard and play: Guarding life in the littoral zone. In: Brown, M. ed. The Ocean, Blue Spaces and Outdoor Learning. Routledge. , pp.134-148. (10.4324/9781003272496-11)
- Anderson, J. and Stoodley, L. 2024. New moves in the imagineering of surf tourism: scripting wave pools. Teoros
- Arefi, M. and Aelbrecht, P. 2024. Musings on theorizing, co-producing, designing and encountering the public space.. URBAN DESIGN International 29 , pp.75-76. (10.1057/s41289-024-00249-0)
- Arefi, M. and Aelbrecht, P. 2024. Urban morphology: urban design nexus revisited [Editorial]. URBAN DESIGN International 29 , pp.135-136. (10.1057/s41289-024-00259-y)
- Aydin, M. et al., 2024. User and Operator Friendly Outdoor Car Parking Lot Occupancy Detection (OCPLOD) system design: Ondokuz Mayıs University example. Presented at: TRANSBALTICA XIV: Transportation Science and Technology Vilnius, Lithuania 14-15 September 2023. Published in: Prentkovskis, O. et al., TRANSBALTICA XIV: Transportation Science and Technology. TRANSBALTICA 2023. Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure Cham, Switzerland: Springer. , pp.22-36. (10.1007/978-3-031-52652-7_3)
- Baker, C. 2024. Humane dog food? caring and killing in the certified humane dog food value chain. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 7 (1), pp.311-329. (10.1177/25148486231165457)
- Barros, P. et al., 2024. Impact of active travel to school on children's health: an overview of systematic reviews.. In: Mindell, J. and Watkins, S. eds. Health on the Move 3: The Reviews.. Vol. 13, Advances in Transport and Policy Planning Elsevier. , pp.145-170.
- Barros, P. et al., 2024. Prospects for research, policymaking, and urban design practice on active travel to/from school. Journal of Transport & Health 38 101882. (10.1016/j.jth.2024.101882)
- Bear, C. and Jones, V. 2024. Beyond the Eatwell Guide: valuing what we eat. Primary Science 183 , pp.12-14.
- Bi, S. 2024. Bartered bridegrooms: Transacting Muslim masculinities as colonial legacy.. Manchester: Manchester University Press. (10.7765/9781526181336)
- Bjørnerud, E. et al., 2024. Teaching protein futures — A cross-disciplinary approach. In: Giersberg, M. , Bovenkerk, B. and Meijbroom, F. eds. Back to the future - Sustainable innovations for ethical food production and consumption (EurSafe2024 Proceedings). Wageningen Academic. , pp.355-362. (10.1163/9789004715509_058)
- Bleil de Souza, C. , Badyina, A. and Golubchikov, O. 2024. OntoAgency: An agency-based ontology for tracing control, ownership and decision-making in smart buildings. Building and Environment 256 111489. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.111489)
- Boland, P. et al., 2024. Professional planners’ preparedness for digital transformation: an empirical analysis of PlanTech. Town Planning Review (10.3828/tpr.2024.48)
- Boyer, K. and Wood, I. 2024. Spaces of change: Everyday gender activism through near‐peer gender and sexuality workshops with young people in the UK. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 49 (1) e12616. (10.1111/tran.12616)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. A world without hunger: Josué de Castro and the history of Geography, Archie Davies. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool (2022), 256 pages, $49.99 hardback [Review]. Journal of Historical Geography 83 , pp.4-5. (10.1016/j.jhg.2023.11.007)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. Drifting bodies, monstrous forms, cosmic meanings: A new materialist geography of Hong Kong's sandy grounds. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 16 , pp.98-121. (/10.4337/jhre.2025.00.08)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. Form, genre, voice, and authority in human geography: A speculative genealogy. Dialogues in Human Geography 14 (2), pp.361-365. (10.1177/20438206231174634)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. Speculative geographies: ethics, technologies, aesthetics [Book Review]. Social and Cultural Geography 25 (9), pp.1531-1532. (10.1080/14649365.2024.2365525)
- Brigstocke, J. 2024. The poetics of geographical knowledge: For a genealogy of geographical aesthetics in history and philosophy of geography. Journal of Historical Geography (10.1016/j.jhg.2024.06.008)
- Brigstocke, J. et al. 2024. Agoriad: A Journal of Spatial Theory Mission Statement. Agoriad 1 (1) 1.1. (10.18573/agoriad.35)
- Brown, A. et al. 2024. Contested spaces of exchange: Informal cross-border trade on the India-Bangladesh border.. Forum for Development Studies 51 (1), pp.121-143. (10.1080/08039410.2023.2255211)
- Brown, A. , Mackie, P. and García Amado, P. 2024. The displacement economies framework. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies (10.1080/15562948.2024.2379380)
- Brown, A. et al. 2024. Urban protracted displacement and displacement economies. Environment and Urbanization 36 (2), pp.278-299. (10.1177/09562478241277087)
- Brunton, L. and Enticott, G. 2024. Is badger culling associated with risk compensation behaviour among cattle farmers?. Veterinary Record 194 (11) e4152. (10.1002/vetr.4152)
- Calzada, I. 2024. How do small nations cooperate? An action research framework for Wales and the Basque Country. Regional Studies, Regional Science 11 (1), pp.87-102. (10.1080/21681376.2024.2311099)
- Charles, N. et al., 2024. De-centring the human: Multi-species research as embodied practice. The Sociological Review 72 (6), pp.1335-1354. (10.1177/00380261241245818)
- Cheema, A. , Ahmad, I. and Mehmood, A. 2024. Aligning local governance with SDGs: a study of local government systems in Pakistan.. Development Studies Research 11 (1) 2414028. (10.1080/21665095.2024.2414028)
- Cheshmehzangi, A. , Sedrez, M. and Flynn, A. 2024. Aligning with stormwater management but from the urban design perspective: towards sustainability-driven and water- based planning and design.. In: Cheshmehzangi, A. ed. Rethinking Stormwater Management through Sustainable Urban Design. Urban Sustainability Springer. , pp.319-327. (10.1007/978-981-97-4924-9_16)
- Cheshmehzangi, A. , Sedrez, M. and Flynn, A. 2024. Stormwater management: issues, opportunities, and challenges in cities and communities. In: Cheshmehzangi, A. , Sedrez, M. and Flynn, A. eds. Rethinking Stormwater Management through Sustainable Urban Design. Urban Sustainability Singapore: Springer. , pp.1-22. (10.1007/978-981-97-4924-9_1)
- Chopra, K. , Enticott, G. and Codling, E. A. 2024. Where did my dog go? A pilot study exploring the movement ecology of farm dogs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10 1325609. (10.3389/fvets.2023.1325609)
- Collins, A. 2024. Reflections on the environmental impacts of the Tour de France. In: Fincouer, B. , Fransden, K. and Thompson, C. eds. Racing Time – Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Tour de France. Switzerland: EPLF Press
- Cowell, R. and Webb, J. 2024. What do we know about the effectiveness of local energy plans? A systematic review of the research.. Energy Research and Social Science 118 103767. (10.1016/j.erss.2024.103767)
- Craft, R. and Pitt, H. 2024. More than meat? Livestock farmers' views on opportunities to produce for plant-based diets. Agriculture and Human Values 41 , pp.975-988. (10.1007/s10460-023-10533-4)
- Deverteuil, G. 2024. Juxtaposition and visualizing the middle ground in the unequal city. Visual Studies 39 (1-2), pp.196-204. (10.1080/1472586X.2023.2217171)
- Deverteuil, G. 2024. Response to Portugali: Seeing the forest for the trees. Dialogues in Urban Research 2 (3), pp.290-293. (10.1177/27541258241275924)
- DeVerteuil, G. 2024. Reversal of fortune: When the lopsided city falls (over). Dialogues in Urban Research 2 (3), pp.395-408. (10.1177/27541258241275936)
- Deverteuil, G. and Doucet, B. 2024. Critical visual approaches to understand the complexities and contradictions of the city: Introduction to the Special Issue for Visual Studies.. Visual Studies 39 (1-2), pp.114-117. (10.1080/1472586X.2023.2290943)
- Dombroski, K. et al., 2024. Doing human geography. In: Dombroski, K. et al., Introducing Human Geographies. Routledge
- England, E. et al. 2024. A typology of multiple exclusion homelessness. Housing Studies 39 (3), pp.695-719. (10.1080/02673037.2022.2077917)
- Enticott, G. 2024. Uses and abuses of farmers' emotional well-being: Policy story-lines and the politics of the rural. Journal of Rural Studies 105 103183. (10.1016/j.jrurstud.2023.103183)
- Enticott, G. et al. 2024. What triggers change in antimicrobial use?. EuroChoices 23 (2), pp.22-28. (10.1111/1746-692X.12449)
- Enticott, G. and O'Mahony, K. 2024. Feeding time(s): Patient urgency and the careful temporalities of antimicrobial resistance. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 7 (3), pp.994-1014. (10.1177/25148486241231205)
- Esayas Dube, E. and Brown, A. 2024. ‘Normalizing informality’ in local–transnational spaces: Contraband, conflict and street trade in Eastern Ethiopia. Journal of Asian and African Studies (10.1177/00219096241230495)
- Essam, A. 2024. Book Review: Paulo Basta et al. (Eds.) Pohã ñana: Ñanombarete, tekoha, Guarani ha Kaiowá arandu rehegua. Agoriad 1 (1) 1.13. (10.18573/agoriad.8)
- Essam, A. 2024. "Not just plants, but also plants": A political ontology of Pohã Ñana, the medicinal plants of the Guarani-Kaiowá. Agoriad 1 (1) 1.6. (10.18573/agoriad.13)
- Evans, J. , Long, F. and DeVerteuil, G. 2024. “Damned if we do, damned if we don't”: Examining the municipal problematization of homelessness in Edmonton, Canada during COVID-19. Cities 152 105238. (10.1016/j.cities.2024.105238)
- Foye, C. and Shepherd, E. 2024. Housebuilding, land and structural power: the case of mortgage market support schemes in England. Business and Politics (10.1017/bap.2024.19)
- Francis, B. and Miele, M. 2024. Are health professionals 'equipped' to support vegan mothers in the UK?. Consumption and Society
- Frick, S. , Prenzel, P. and McCann, P. 2024. Urban attractiveness and local economic development. Tracing complementarities in policy approaches for local economic development. Presented at: RSA Winter Conference Driving Regions Forward: Transitioning to Brighter Regional Futures London, UK 7 November 2024.
- Frick, S. A. and Radouane, I. 2024. Special economic zones and entrepreneurship: A new path forward for SEZs in Africa?. Transnational Corporations Review 31 (1), pp.97-114. (10.18356/2076099x-31-1-7)
- Fuller, C. 2024. Agency, temporalities and the mediation of COVID within global production networks. Economic Geography 100 (3), pp.274-292. (10.1080/00130095.2024.2357093)
- Garcia Amado, P. , Brown, A. and Mackie, P. 2024. Inhabiting temporariness: the agency-in-waiting of Eritrean refugees in the city. Environment and Urbanization 36 (2), pp.340-357. (10.1177/09562478241277070)
- Golubchikov, O. et al. 2024. Country profiles on urban development, housing and land management: Albania. Geneva: United Nations. (10.18356/9789213587935)
- Golubchikov, O. and Yenneti, K. 2024. Introduction: cities in the twin net-zero and digital transition.. In: Golubchikov, O. and Yenneti, K. eds. Smart Cities, Energy and Climate: Governing Cities for a Low-Carbon Future.. Wiley(10.1002/9781118641156.ch1)
- Gomes, A. et al., 2024. De olho na Maré: Oito anos de produção de conhecimento sobre segurança pública nas favelas da Maré. [Online].Redes da Maré. Available at:
- Gomes, A. et al., 2024. Pelo direito de viver em segurança: estratégias de enfrentamento às múltiplas violências nas favelas da Maré. [Online].Redes da Maré. Available at:
- Goodwin, M. et al., 2024. Understanding human geographies. In: Dombroski, K. et al., Introducing Human Geographies. Routledge
- Greene, M. , Hobson, K. and Jaegar-Erben, M. 2024. Bringing the circular economy home - Insights from socio-technical perspectives on everyday consumption. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 12 100157. (10.1016/j.clrc.2023.100157)
- Guelton, S. et al., 2024. Property rights regimes across Europe - A comparative survey-based overview. Presented at: 18th annual Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR) conference Munich, Germany 18-22 March 2024. PLPR 2024 Book of Abstracts.
- Hacking, N. , Evans, R. and Lewis, J. 2024. Expertise, trading zones and the planning system: a case study of an energy-from-biomass plant. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 7 (3), pp.1418-1435. (10.1177/25148486231212083)
- Hacking, N. , Lewis, J. and Evans, R. 2024. Mapping approaches to ‘citizen science’ and ‘community science’ and everything in-between: The evolution of new epistemic territory?. Minerva 62 (4), pp.549-572. (10.1007/s11024-024-09529-z)
- Hafferty, C. et al., 2024. Engagement in the digital age: Understanding 'what works' for participatory technologies in environmental decision making.. Journal of Environmental Management 365 121365. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121365)
- Hartt, M. et al., 2024. iNIMBY? The potential of automated social media bots to create echo chambers in the online participatory planning discourse. International Planning Studies 29 (4), pp.436-448.
- Healy, A. and Lewis, E. 2024. Water in sustaining resilient cities. In: Mukherjee, A. ed. Water Matters: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Elsevier. , pp.237-246. (10.1016/B978-0-443-15537-6.00021-5)
- Heindri, N. et al., 2024. Vertical greenery systems as microbial air quality filters for community houses located near the landfill site.. International Journal of Technology 15 (5), pp.1361-1379. (10.14716/ijtech.v15i5.6958)
- Henderson, D. , Morgan, K. and Delbridge, R. 2024. Delivering micro-missions in public food transitions: Harnessing tensions for creative outcomes. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 52 100873. (10.1016/j.eist.2024.100873)
- Henderson, D. , Morgan, K. and Delbridge, R. 2024. Mundane innovation in the periphery: the foundational economy in a less developed region. Regional Studies 58 (11), pp.2146-2157. (10.1080/00343404.2024.2320769)
- Henderson, D. , Morgan, K. and Delbridge, R. 2024. Putting missions in their place: micro missions and the role of universities in delivering challenge-led innovation. Regional Studies 58 (1), pp.208-219. (10.1080/00343404.2023.2176840)
- Herman, A. and Yarwood, R. 2024. Locked out? Navigating the geographies of precarity on Britain's waterways.. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (10.1111/tran.12671)
- Hobson, K. 2024. Sustainability. In: Dombroski, K. et al., Introducing Human Geographies (4th Edition). Routledge. , pp.561-573.
- Hobson, K. and O'Byrne, M. 2024. Sharing and repairing at university: on student practices, and the future of the circular campus. Circular Economy and Sustainability 4 (4), pp.2579-2598. (10.1007/s43615-024-00403-4)
- Hobson, K. and O'Byrne, M. 2024. What is the university for these days? Rethinking the foundations of the 'circular campus'. Journal of Circular Economy 2 (1), pp.1-13. (10.55845/BDCU6970)
- Howe, L. B. et al., 2024. Multiple publics, disjunctures, and hybrid systems: how marginalized groups stake their claims to transport infrastructure. In: Florentin, D. and Coutard, O. eds. Handbook on Cities and Infrastructures. Geography, Planning and Tourism 2024 Edward Elgar Ltd(10.4337/9781800889156.00031)
- Huggins, R. 2024. Concise Encyclopedia in Human Geography, edited by L Lees and D Demeritt [Book Review]. Eurasian Geography and Economics (10.1080/15387216.2024.2333759)
- Huggins, R. 2024. Cracked-up democratic capitalism in crisis: Contributions to the critique of contemporary political economy [Book Review]. Eurasian Geography and Economics (10.1080/15387216.2024.2351395)
- Huggins, R. 2024. Innovation for the masses: how to share the benefits of the high-tech economy [Book Review]. Regional Studies 58 (7), pp.1509-1510. (10.1080/00343404.2024.2333198)
- Huggins, R. et al. 2024. Introduction. In: Huggins, R. et al., Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Cities and Regions: Emergence, Evolution and Future.. Oxford University Press. , pp.1-30.
- Huggins, R. and Thompson, P. 2024. Understanding the contemporary history of urban economic change: the case of entrepreneurial innovation. Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy 55 (1) e12712. (10.1111/grow.12712)
- Huggins, R. , Zhao, Y. and Thompson, P. 2024. Behavioural profiling and entrepreneurial ecosystems: A psychocultural analysis of entrepreneur type in deprived areas.. In: Huggins, R. et al., Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Cities and Regions: Emergence, Evolution and Future.. Oxford University Press. , pp.440-460.
- Hunter, H. , Jasper, S. and Prior, J. 2024. Digital sonic ecologies: Encountering the non-human through digital sound recordings.. In: Turnbull, J. et al., Digital Ecologies: Mediating More-Than-Human Worlds.. Manchester: Manchester University Press. , pp.50-69.
- Ince, A. and Barrera de la Torre, G. 2024. Society despite the state: Reimagining geographies of order.. London: Pluto Press.
- Inch, A. et al., 2024. Community action, counter-professionals and radical planning in the UK. City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action 28 (5-6), pp.681-704. (10.1080/13604813.2024.2427437)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Hegelian geographical sensibilities. Journal of Philosophical Investigations (10.22034/jpiut.2024.62866.3839)
- Ioris, A. 2024. Difference, indigeneity and ethnoclass convergence. Anthropological Forum 34 (3), pp.373-391. (10.1080/00664677.2023.2271672)
- Ioris, A. 2024. Geographies of difference, indifference and mis-difference: The Guarani-Kaiwa people and the myths of Brazilian development.. Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Agribusiness rent extraction. American Journal of Economics and Sociology 83 (5), pp.915-922. (10.1111/ajes.12555)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Amazon water: the misgovernance of hydropower. In: Fritsch, O. and Benson, D. eds. Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Water Resources.. Political Science and Public Policy 2024 Edward Elgar. , pp.172–185. (10.4337/9781800887909.00022)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Hegel's minor and major geographies: space, consciousness and change. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography 56 (4), pp.1357-1377. (10.1111/anti.13018)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Indigeneity, land and labour in Paraguay. Discover Global Society 2 (1) 15. (10.1007/s44282-023-00023-7)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Socio-economic geography and the land rights of indigenous peoples in Paraguay. Journal of Social and Economic Development (10.1007/s40847-024-00347-3)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. The genocidal trail of agrarian capitalism: Guarani-Kaiowa’s struggle for survival. The Review of Black Political Economy 51 (4), pp.556-582. (10.1177/00346446231182340)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Uncommon world production: In search of freedom and recognition.. Societies 14 (12) 274. (10.3390/soc14120274)
- Ioris, A. A. 2024. Ethnocide and agribusiness mafias. In: Baikady, R. et al., The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Problems.. Palgrave Macmillan(10.1007/978-3-030-68127-2_437-1)
- Ioris, A. A. R. 2024. Indigenous peoples and land-Based disputes: Paraguay and the Paĩ Tavyterã. Resources 13 (1) 4. (10.3390/resources13010004)
- Ioris, A. 2024. Development, subtraction and the Indigenous peoples of Paraguay. Journal of the British Academy 12 (1 & 2) a05. (10.5871/jba/012.a05)
- Iranmanesh, A. and Kamalipour, H. 2024. Slum tourism: An exploratory review. Current Issues in Tourism (10.1080/13683500.2024.2370393)
- Ivins, A. and Spinney, J. 2024. The importance of load carrying and accompanied journeys in family and leisure mobility decisions in Cardiff Capital Region. Project Report.Cardiff: Cardiff University School of Geography and Planning.
- James, M. and Shahab, S. 2024. Big costs for tiny houses: exploring the transaction costs of developing tiny houses in England. International Journal of Housing Policy 24 (3), pp.421-445. (10.1080/19491247.2024.2308725)
- Johnston, A. and Prokop, D. 2024. SME productivity and university collaboration: does past performance influence future performance?. European Journal of Innovation Management (10.1108/ejim-12-2023-1043)
- Jon, I. 2024. Reassembling the politics of "Green" urban redevelopment in East Garfield Park: A Polanyian approach.. Environment and Planning A 56 (4), pp.1005-1023. (10.1177/0308518X231221019)
- Jon, I. 2024. “Regarding the pain of others”: urban geography after empathy. Urban Geography 45 (3), pp.484-494. (10.1080/02723638.2023.2279415)
- Jon, I. , Guma, P. and Simone, A. 2024. "Humanistic" city in the age of "Capitalocene". Annals of the American Association of Geographers 114 (1), pp.107-122. (10.1080/24694452.2023.2239893)
- Jones, V. and Bear, C. 2024. Ethical citizenship and young people’s food choices. [Online].London: BERA. Available at:
- Jons, H. et al., 2024. Conversations in geography: Journeying through four decades of history and philosophy of Geography in the United Kingdom. Journal of Historical Geography 85 , pp.40-54. (10.1016/j.jhg.2024.06.011)
- Jöns, H. et al., 2024. History and philosophy of geography: Looking back and looking forward. Journal of Historical Geography 85 , pp.1-8. (10.1016/j.jhg.2024.06.003)
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Framing urbanities: invisible / visible urban assemblages. Visual Studies (10.1080/1472586X.2024.2301735)
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Informal urban design. Presented at: Informal Urbanism Research Hub (InfUr-) Seminar, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne Melbourne, Australia 25 July 2024.
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Informal urban design: Forms of informal settlement. In: Roberts, M. and Nelson, S. eds. Research Handbook for Urban Design. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. , pp.107-124. (10.4337/9781800373471.00013)
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Informal urban design: forms of informal settlement. Presented at: Research Handbook on Urban Design - A Book Launch and Discussion University of Westminster, London, UK 20 March 2024.
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Shaping place in informal settlements. Presented at: Fourteenth International Conference on The Constructed Environment Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria 5-6 April 2024.
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Urban Design Research - Book presentation of the Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods. Presented at: MArch Conference 2024 Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK 08 February 2024.
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2024. On the ethics of researching informal urbanism. International Development Planning Review 46 (3), pp.243-255. (10.3828/idpr.2023.13)
- Khan, M. , Harris, N. and Smith, T. 2024. Planning for children’s play in Wales. Scottish Planner (198), pp.14-14.
- Khan, M. , McGeown, S. and Bell, S. 2024. Improving outdoor pedagogy through design: Reflections on the process of redesigning a school landscape. Journal of Landscape Architecture 19 (1), pp.68-81. (10.1080/18626033.2024.2408913)
- Khan, M. et al. 2024. How can place support pedagogy? Application of the concept of cognitive affordances in research and design of outdoor learning environments. Landscape Research 49 (3), pp.373-392. (10.1080/01426397.2023.2296490)
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