2022 publications
- Ylanne, V. ed. 2022. Ageing and the media: International perspectives. Ageing in a Global Context Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
- Leitch, M. and Whetter, K. S. eds. 2022. Arthurian literature XXXVII: Malory at 550: Old and new. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer. (10.1017/9781800105911)
- Badmington, N. ed. 2022. Barthes Studies 8 [Journal issue]. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- D'Olimpio, L. , Paris, P. and Thompson, A. P. eds. 2022. Educating character through the arts. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003148852)
- Asp, E. and Aldridge, M. eds. 2022. Empirical evidences and theoretical assumptions in functional linguistics. New York, USA: Routledge. (10.4324/9780429031427)
- Musolff, A. et al., 2022. Pandemic and Crisis Discourse. Communicating COVID-19 and Public Health Strategy. [Pandemic and Crisis Discourse. Communicating COVID-19 and Public Health Strategy]. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Jefferson, A. et al. 2022. Values and virtues for a challenging world. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements Cambridge/London: Cambridge University Press/Royal Institute of Philosophy.
- Al Madani, R. 2022. The role of digital multilingual patterns and functions in branding and self-branding: An investigation of practices by Saudi users on Twitter. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Aldridge, M. and Fontaine, L. 2022. Keystroke logging data: What can it tell us about mode and written language production?. In: Asp, E. and Aldridge, M. eds. Empirical Evidences and Theoretical Assumptions in Functional Linguistics. New York and Abingdon: Routledge. , pp.37-59. (10.4324/9780429031427-3)
- Aldridge, M. and Steel, K. 2022. The role of metaphor in police first response call-outs in cases of suspected domestic abuse. In: Šeškauskienė, I. ed. Metaphor in Legal Discourse. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. , pp.224-241.
- Alharbi, M. 2022. Lexical access by different script adult bilinguals; Evidence from masked primed picture naming and phoneme monitoring tasks. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Alqahtani, N. 2022. Metadiscourse markers in English academic writing of Saudi EFL students and UK L1 English students. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Alshahrani, Z. 2022. Representations of Saudi Women in BBC News discourse: A corpus assisted critical intersectional study. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Andekalithan, C. 2022. Not one of those girls: an existential-phenomenological exploration of my relationship with eyeliner. Existential Analysis 33 (1), pp.98-111.
- Archer, S. 2022. Salience and what matters. In: Archer, S. ed. Salience: A Philosophical Inquiry. Routledge. , pp.113-129.
- Assaadi, M. 2022. The emotive non-lexical expressions in Hijazi Arabic: A phono-semiotic study. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Assaadi, M. 2022. The iconicity of emotive Hijazi non-lexical expressions of disgust. In: Lenninger, S. et al., Iconicity in Cognition and across Semiotic Systems. Iconicity in Language and Literature John Benjamins Publishing Company. , pp.389-404. (10.1075/ill.18.18ass)
- Attfield, R. 2022. Deep time and environmental ethics. Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, Ecology 26 (3), pp.242-248. (10.1163/15685357-tat00004)
- Attfield, R. 2022. The place of animals in theodicy and in justice. Religions 13 (5) 450. (10.3390/rel13050450)
- Badmington, N. 2022. Allez France!. Times Literary Supplement 27 May , pp.18-18.
- Badmington, N. 2022. Editorial (Volume 8). Barthes Studies 8 1.
- Badmington, N. 2022. Foreword. In: Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction, 2nd edition (by Catherine Belsey). Oxford University Press. , pp.xvii-xviii. (10.1093/actrade/9780198859963.002.0006)
- Badmington, N. 2022. How the Words Appear (Review of Laurence Simmons, Zizek Through Hitchcock [Palgrave, 2021]). In: Gottlieb, S. ed. Hitchcock Annual: Volume 25. Vol. 25, Columbia University Press. , pp.213-221.
- Baker, G. and Aldridge-Waddon, M. 2022. Children’s humour development: A linguistic perspective. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development 10 (3), pp.572-600.
- Barber, K. 2022. (Re)framing rape: A sociocognitive discourse analysis of sexual violence at the intersection of white and male supremacy.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Beeston, A. 2022. Blur. Modernism/modernity Print Plus 7 (1)
- Beeston, A. 2022. Photography: Gertrude Käsebier and the maternal line of sight. In: Goody, A. and Whittington, I. eds. Edinburgh Companion to Modernism and Technology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. , pp.155-174.
- Beeston, A. et al. 2022. Unfinished: Women Filmmakers in Process (catalogue). Cardiff: Image Works: Research and Practice in Visual Culture(https://issuu.com/imageworkscardiff/docs/unfinished)
- Bell, B. 2022. Hermeneutic castaways: Problems in reading Robinson Crusoe. In: Haug, C. , Frimmel, J. and Bell, B. eds. 300 jahre "Robinson Crusoe". De Gruyter. , pp.293-307. (10.1515/9783110776195-015)
- Berrow, A. 2022. A powerful glimpse into class differences, 2022’s "Blood Brothers" tour is a stand-out. [Online].Buzz Magazine: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/blood-brothers-2022-tour-cardiff-wmc-stage-review/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. Artivism: Grey Filastine & Nova Ruth set sail on solar-powered ship for immersive art project. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/arka-kinari-grey-filastine-nova-ruth-artivism-at-sea-cultvr-cardiff-interview/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. Ballet Cymru’s "Dream" gives Shakespeare a colourfully queer twist. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/dream-ballet-shakespeare-midsummers-nights-dream-newport-stage-review/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. Cardiff Christmas Festival’s "The Nutcracker" – a ‘Welsh ballet’ not fit for purpose. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/the-nutcracker-cardiff-christmas-festival-spiegeltent-ballet-stage-review/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. “I want to diversify the audience – it’s great but middle-class, middle-aged and white” – performer Phil Okwedy on "The Gods are All Here". [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/phil-okwedy-the-gods-are-all-here-interview/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. Kier-La Janisse & Alice Lowe discuss horror, feminism & the film industry for "House of Psychotic Women" tour. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/kier-la-janisse-alice-lowe-house-of-psychotic-women-tour-horror-feminism-film-industry/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. NTW’s "Circle of Fifths" proves non-traditional theatre is vital in Wales. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/ntw-circle-of-fifths-cardiff-stage-review/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. Racism, war & romance: "The Gods are All Here" is a remarkable achievement in theatre. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/the-gods-are-all-here-phil-okwedy-stage-review/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. Tamar Williams, director of Y Mabinogi – “This landscape is magical, and it’s yours”. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/tamar-williams-director-of-y-mabinogi-this-landscape-is-magical-and-its-yours/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. The price of perfection: Conceptual circus show "Sabotage" is almost too polished. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/nofit-state-sabotage-cardiff-2022-stage-review/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. “The show has a new life every time it’s on” – "Girl from the North Country"s Ross Carswell on bringing Bob Dylan show to Wales. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/ross-carswell-bob-dylan-girl-from-the-north-country-cardiff-tour-interview/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. "The Trial of Elgan Jones" puts you in the jury for immersive, edutaining theatre. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/the-trial-of-elgan-jones-theatr-na-nog-stage-review/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. “We run countries, we’re captains of industry, we’re bloody powerful!” – "My Fair Lady" star Lesley Garrett on opera, musicals and older womens’ roles. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/lesley-garrett-musical-theatre-my-fair-lady-wmc-cardiff-interview/.
- Berrow, A. 2022. White Sun: a perfectly imperfect middle-class critique. [Online].Buzz: Buzz Magazine. Available at: https://www.buzzmag.co.uk/white-sun-play-chapter-cardiff/.
- Berrow, H. 2022. Strange matter (excerpt). [ Performed at Unheard Voices, Sherman Theatre, Cardiff, UK Jan-Dec 2022].
- Bigold, M. 2022. Sex education, songs, and spiritual guidance: an eighteenth-century servants' library. The Library 23 (3), pp.301-322. (10.1093/library/fpac033)
- Bigold, M. 2022. Women's book ownership in Wales, c.1770-1830: The Ladies of Llangollen, Hester Thrale Piozzi and Elizabeth Greenly. The Welsh History Review 31 (1), pp.126-149. (10.16922/whr.31.1.6)
- Bliesemann de Guevara, B. et al., 2022. Drawing out experiential conflict knowledge in Myanmar: arts-based methods in qualitative research with conflict-affected communities. Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 17 (1), pp.22-41. (10.1177/15423166211015971)
- Bourgoin, C. 2022. A corpus-based study of the prosody and information structure of English it-clefts and French c’est-cleft. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University and University of Leuven.
- Bryan, A. 2022. Structural Domination and Freedom in the Labor Market: From Voluntariness to Independence. American Political Science Review , pp.1. (10.1017/S0003055422000922)
- Bryan, A. and Kouris, I. 2022. Should republicans be interested in exploitation?. Res Publica 28 (3), pp.513–530. (10.1007/s11158-021-09542-z)
- Buerki, A. 2022. Towards progressive-reflective digital practices in Higher Education. Presented at: TechHighEd Pakistan 2022 Islamabad, Pakistan 23 - 24 February 2022.
- Byun, K. et al., 2022. Distinguishing selection pressures in an evolving communication system: evidence from colour-naming in ‘cross signing’. Frontiers in Communication 7 1024340. (10.3389/fcomm.2022.1024340)
- Carr, A. 2022. An empirical investigation into the nature and degree of nominality. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Clos, J. et al., 2022. PriPA: a tool for privacy-preserving analytics of linguistic data. Presented at: Legal and Ethical Issues in Human Language Technologies 2022 Marseille, France 24 June 2022.
- Couch, R. 2022. ‘Pragmatically bad’ women: Looking at the contemporary femme fatale. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Courtright-Lim, A. 2022. “CRISPR for Disabilities: How to self-regulate” or something?. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (1), pp.151-161. (10.1007/s11673-021-10162-8)
- Dixon, D. 2022. Artistic (counter) speech. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (4), pp.409-419. (10.1093/jaac/kpac038)
- Dixon, D. 2022. Novel assertions: A reply to Mahon. British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (1), pp.115-124. (10.1093/aesthj/ayab017)
- Dunne, D. 2022. Filling in the blanks in early modern drama. Huntington Library Quarterly 85 (2), pp.259-287.
- Dunne, D. 2022. The first Shakespearean forgeries. The Review of English Studies 73 (310), pp.459–475. (10.1093/res/hgab097)
- Durham, M. 2022. Content analysis of social media. In: Kircher, R. and Zipp, L. eds. Research Methods in Language Attitudes. Cambridge University Press. , pp.35-50. (10.1017/9781108867788.005)
- Durham, M. 2022. How many s in Wales? Performing a Welsh accent on Twitter. In: Cutler, C. , Ahmar, M. and Bahri, S. eds. Digital Orality: Vernacular Writing in Online Spaces. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. , pp.189-217. (10.1007/978-3-031-10433-6_7)
- Edwards, M. 2022. The development of Sartre's realistic metaphysics. Review of Metaphysics 75 (3), pp.559-586. (10.1353/rvm.2022.0007)
- Edwards, M. L. 2022. Sartre's existential psychoanalysis: Knowing others. Bloomsbury.
- El Refaie, E. 2022. Chapter 5. Creative visual metaphors of protracted and frozen time in autobiographical comics about depression. In: Piatta, A. , Gordejuela, A. and Alcaraz Carrion, D. eds. Time Representations in the Perspective of Human Creativity. Vol. 75, , pp.101-124. (10.1075/hcp.75.05elr)
- El-Haj, M. et al., 2022. Creation of an evaluation corpus and baseline evaluation scores for Welsh text summarisation. Presented at: 4th Celtic Language Technology Workshop (CLTW 2022) Marseille, France 20 June 2022.
- Ezeani, I. et al., 2022. Introducing the Welsh text summarisation dataset and baseline systems. Presented at: 13th ELRA Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022) Marseille, France 20-25 June 2022.
- Fisher, S. 2022. Defining preferences over framed outcomes does not secure agents' rationality. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45 (10.1017/S0140525X22001029)
- Fisher, S. 2022. Frames, Reasons, and Rationality. International Journal of Philosophical Studies 30 (2), pp.162-173. (10.1080/09672559.2022.2057685)
- Fisher, S. A. 2022. Frame it again: New tools for rational decision-making. By José Luis Bermúdez. [Book Review]. The Philosophical Quarterly 72 (2), pp.512-514. (10.1093/pq/pqab036)
- Flood, V. and Leitch, M. G. 2022. Cultural translations in medieval romance. D. S. Brewer.
- Fontaine, L. and Aldridge, M. 2022. Introduction. In: Asp, E. and Aldridge, M. eds. Empirical Evidences and Theoretical Assumptions in Functional Linguistics. New York and Abingdon: Routledge. , pp.1-6. (10.4324/9780429031427-1)
- Fontaine, L. and Wegener, R. 2022. Epilogue. In: Asp, E. and Aldridge, M. eds. Empirical Evidences and Theoretical Assumptions in Functional Linguistics. New York and Abingdon: Routledge. , pp.170-179. (10.4324/9780429031427-9)
- Gallego, L. , Cots, J. M. and Garrett, P. 2022. Internacionalització universitària i revitalització lingüística: és possible?. [Online].www.pensem.cat: Available at: https://www.pensem.cat/noticia/266/internacionalitzacio-universitaria-revitalitzacio-linguistica-es-possible/gallego-cots-garrett.
- Gallego-Balsà, L. , Cots, J. M. and Garrett, P. 2022. Internationalisation of universities and minority languages: Language policy tensions in Catalonia, Wales and the Basque Autonomous Community. In: Apelgren, B. , Eriksson, A. and Strömberg Jämsvi, S. eds. Language Matters in Higher Education Contexts: Policy and Practice. Brill. , pp.35-52. (10.1163/9789004507920_003)
- Gilchrist, K. 2022. Stephanie Elsky, custom, common law, and the constitution of English Renaissance literature [Book Review]. Renaissance Studies 36 (4), pp.619-620. (10.1111/rest.12771)
- Goodwin, A. 2022. Keepin’ it real: Performing authenticity on Twitter disinformation accounts. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Gordon, S. 2022. 'Agite, agite et uenite!' Corrupted breath, corrupted speech and encounters with the restless dead in Geoffrey of Burton's Vita sancte Moduenne virginis. Journal of Medieval History 48 (2), pp.183-198. (10.1080/03044181.2022.2060485)
- Gordon, S. 2022. "Ayenst trauelynge fendys by nyghte": Simple medicines, practical innovation, and the premodern conceptualization of the nightmare. Preternature 11 (2), pp.225–257. (10.5325/preternature.11.2.0225)
- Gordon, S. 2022. The vitality of the dead in medieval cultures. Journal of Medieval History 48 (2), pp.155-165. (10.1080/03044181.2022.2049516)
- Green, M. 2022. Alliteration and assonance as mnemonic devices in second language word-pair learning. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Griffin, D. 2022. Lexomancy: law and magic in the pseudolegal writings of the sovereign citizen movement. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Handford, M. 2022. “I tell you don’t trust the French”: National stereotypes in workplace narratives. Narrative Inquiry 32 (1), pp.218-243. (10.1075/ni.20070.han)
- Handford, M. 2022. Corpus linguistics and intercultural communication: Avoiding the essentialist trap. In: O'Keeffe, A. and McCarthy, M. J. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics (2nd edition). Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics Routledge. , pp.629-642.
- Hasbun, S. et al., 2022. The application of creative practice as a means of disrupting or re-defining the dynamics of power in, with or for different communities. Journal for Artistic Research 27 (2022)(10.22501/jar.1264307)
- Hassan, P. 2022. Organic unity and the heroic: Nietzsche's aestheticization of suffering. In: Came, D. ed. Nietzsche on Morality and the Affirmation of Life. Oxford University Press. , pp.111-130. (10.1093/oso/9780198728894.003.0006)
- Irikefe, P. 2022. Avner Baz’s ordinary language challenge to the philosophical method of cases. Dialectica 76 4. (10.48106/dial.v76.i4.03)
- Irikefe, P. O. 2022. The epistemology of thought experiments without exceptionalist ingredients. Synthese 200 (3) 191. (10.1007/s11229-022-03690-2)
- Irikefe, P. O. 2022. Epistemology of thought experiments: The reason-responsiveness view. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Irikefe, P. O. 2022. How to be a Universalist about Methods in African Philosophy. The Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (2), pp.154-172. (10.1111/sjp.12444)
- Irvine, E. 2022. Independence, weight and priority of evidence for sentience. Animal Sentience 32 (10) 423. (10.51291/2377-7478.1724)
- Jefferson, A. 2022. Are mental disorders brain disorders?. Routledge Focus on Philosophy Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Jefferson, A. 2022. Brain pathology and moral responsibility. In: King, M. and May, J. eds. Agency in Mental Disorder: Philosophical Dimensions. Oxford University Press. , pp.63-85.
- Jefferson, A. and Sifferd, K. 2022. Practical wisdom and the value of cognitive diversity. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 92 , pp.149-166. (10.1017/S1358246122000182)
- Jones, E. L. L. 2022. Unquiet queens: Staging the (sexual) politics of queenship in Late Elizabethan History Plays, 1587-1603. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Karnad, D. S. 2022. Peripheral mothers, troubled daughters:exploring maternal agency in Indian ‘bourgeois feminist fiction’, 1980-2010. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Keevil, T. 2022. Sunflowers. [Online].Wales Arts Review: Available at: http://www.walesartsreview.org/tyler-keevil-sunflowers/.
- Kimps, D. and O'Grady, G. 2022. Overlapping reactions during tag questions. Word 68 (3), pp.253-276. (10.1080/00437956.2021.2003539)
- Knighton, C. 2022. Classifying a manic-depressive illness: Diagnosis, treatment, and representations of high and low mood states, 1830-1902. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Krykoniuk, K. 2022. Predictive modelling of type valency in word formation grammar. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 29 (2), pp.212-240. (10.1080/09296174.2020.1782720)
- Leitch, M. G. 2022. Merchants in shining armour: chivalrous interventions and social mobility in Late Middle English romance. In: Flood, V. and Leitch, M. G. eds. Cultural Translations in Medieval Romance. Boydell and Brewer. , pp.245-262.
- Leitch, M. G. 2022. The artistry of Malory’s mercantile metaphors: Goods, generosity, and the source of 'The Tale of Sir Gareth'. In: Leitch, M. and Whetter, K. S. eds. Arthurian Literature XXXVII. Vol. 37, Arthurian Literature Boydell and Brewer Inc. , pp.23-48. (10.1017/9781800105911.004)
- Lewis, J. H. P. 2022. Questions about sex with socialist answers: The right to sex: feminism in the twenty-first century, by Amia Srinivasan, London, Bloomsbury [Book Review]. Philosophical Psychology 35 (7), pp.1102-1105. (10.1080/09515089.2022.2050199)
- Lewis, J. H. P. 2022. Relationality without obligation. Analysis 82 (2), pp.238-246. (10.1093/analys/anab072)
- Lewis, J. H. P. 2022. The musicality of speech. Philosophers' Imprint 22 21. (10.3998/phimp.643)
- Lewis, L. 2022. Animal soundscapes in Anglo-Norman texts. Boydell and Brewer. (10.1515/9781800104495)
- Lewis, L. 2022. Animal umwelt and sound milieus in the Middle English Physiologus. Exemplaria 34 (1), pp.24-39. (10.1080/10412573.2021.2020991)
- Lewis, L. 2022. Landscape in Middle English Romance: the medieval imagination and the natural world [Book Review]. Landscape History 43 (2), pp.144-144. (10.1080/01433768.2022.2146345)
- Lloyd, E. 2022. Aesthetic value in the built environment. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Lloyd, J. 2022. ‘Less gross than bodily’: Berkeleian idealism in ‘This Lime-Tree Bower my Prison’. Romanticism 28 (1), pp.24-35. (10.3366/rom.2022.0534)
- Lloyd, J. 2022. Political Coleridge. In: Fulford, T. ed. The New Cambridge Companion to Coleridge. Cambridge University Press. , pp.14-29. (10.1017/9781108935555.002)
- Lloyd, J. 2022. The politics of superstition in “The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere,” Osorio, and The Borderers. The Wordsworth Circle 53 (2), pp.222-248. (10.1086/719989)
- Loos, E. et al., 2022. Visual ageism on public organisations' websites. In: Ylanne, V. ed. Ageing and the Media. International Perspectives. Bristol: Policy Press. , pp.113-132.
- McClaughlin, E. et al., 2022. The reception of public health messages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Applied Corpus Linguistics 3 (1) 100037. (10.1016/j.acorp.2022.100037)
- McLoughlin, J. 2022. Mask of the translator: Walter Benjamin and Metal Gear Solid's difficult relationship with localization. Games and Culture 17 (7-8), pp.1036-1053. (10.1177/15554120221080947)
- Millar, B. and Lopez-Cantero, P. 2022. Grief, continuing bonds, and unreciprocated love. The Southern Journal of Philosophy 60 (3), pp.413-436. (10.1111/sjp.12462)
- Miller, M. 2022. Close in time, space or order. In: Canning, E. ed. Cree: The Rhys Davies Short Story Prize Anthology. Cardigan: Parthian Books. , pp.105-118.
- Mitchell, J. 2022. Liking that it hurts: the case of the masochist and second-order desire accounts of pain’s unpleasantness. American Philosophical Quarterly 59 (2), pp.181-189. (10.5406/21521123.59.2.06)
- Morra, I. 2022. English and British national identity in the arts. In: Stroeher, V. P. and Vickers, J. eds. Benjamin Britten in Context. Composers in Context Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , pp.303-310. (10.1017/9781108634878.035)
- Morra, I. 2022. 'Tendernesses of an England Long Past' Opera, elegy, and the music of Alan Hollinghurst. In: Durkin, R. et al., The Routledge Companion to Music and Modern Literature. Routledge. , pp.177-190. (10.4324/9780367237288-18)
- Morris, J. et al. 2022. Welsh automatic text summarisation. Presented at: Wales Academic Symposium on Language Technologies 2022 Bangor, Wales 28/01/2022. Language and Technology in Wales. Vol. 2.Bangor: Banolfan Bedwyr.
- Muralidaran, V. 2022. Automatic grammar induction from free text using insights from cognitive grammar. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- O'Grady, G. 2022. A metafunctional analysis of two televised U.K. political interviews with Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer. In: Feldman, O. ed. Adversarial Political Interviewing: Worldwide Perspectives During Polarized Times'. Springer. , pp.149-170. (10.1007/978-981-19-0576-6)
- O'Grady, G. 2022. Review of Gussenhoven & Chen (2020): The Oxford handbook of language prosody [Book Review]. Functions of Language 29 (2), pp.237-246. (10.1075/fol.00035.gra)
- O'Keeffe, A. and Mark, G. 2022. Principled pattern curation to guide data-driven learning design. Applied Corpus Linguistics 2 (3) 100028. (10.1016/j.acorp.2022.100028)
- Osler, L. 2022. "An illness of isolation, a disease of disconnection": Depression and the erosion of we-experiences. Frontiers in Psychology 13 928186. (10.3389/fpsyg.2022.928186)
- Osler, L. 2022. Empathy, togetherness, familiarity. Metodo 10 (1), pp.145-178. (10.19079/metodo.10.1.145)
- Osler, L. 2022. Mediated Encounters in Autistic Spectrum Disorder: From the Material to the Digital. Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology 29 (3)(10.1353/ppp.2022.0026)
- Osler, L. and Krueger, J. 2022. Communing with the dead online: Chatbots, grief, and continuing bonds. Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (9-10), pp.222-252. (10.53765/20512201.29.9.222)
- Palermos, S. O. 2022. Responsibility in epistemic collaborations: Is it me, is it the group or are we all to blame?. Philosophical Issues 32 (1), pp.335-350. (10.1111/phis.12230)
- Palermos, S. 2022. Collaborative knowledge: Where the distributed and commitment models merge. Synthese 200 54. (10.1007/s11229-022-03459-7)
- Palermos, S. O. 2022. Epistemic collaborations: distributed cognition and virtue reliabilism. Erkenntnis 87 , pp.1481-1500. (10.1007/s10670-020-00258-9)
- Parikh, E. 2022. Charting a narrative for the apocalypse: Adapting the Indian mythological epic, The Mahabharata, for a global audience, while exploring the continuing influence of Indian myths on contemporary popular Hindi cinema and exploiting this connection to craft a new storytelling paradigm.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Paris, P. 2022. On the importance of beauty and taste. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements 92 , pp.229-252. (10.1017/S1358246122000285)
- Paris, P. 2022. The aesthetics of ethics: exemplarism, beauty, and the psychology of morality. Journal of Value Inquiry 56 , pp.601-625. (10.1007/s10790-020-09793-8)
- Paris, P. 2022. Virtue and vice on TV: Television and ethical reflection. In: D'Olimpio, L. , Paris, P. and Thompson, A. eds. Educating Character Through the Arts. Abingdon: Routledge. , pp.84-108.
- Pathak, P. 2022. Kashmir untold: Alternate narratives of Kashmiri migrants. MPhil Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Pérez-Paredes, P. and Mark, G. 2022. What can corpora tell us about language learning?. In: The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics. Taylor and Francis. , pp.313-327. (10.4324/9780367076399-22)
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