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- Badmington, N. ed. 2024. Barthes Studies: Volume 10. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Furneaux, H. and Greig, M. eds. 2024. Enemy encounters in modern warfare. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Osuna, C. and Tynan, A. eds. 2024. Storied deserts: Reimagining global arid lands. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003397212)
- Grønlie, S. and Phelpstead, C. eds. 2024. The Medieval North and its afterlife: Essays in honor of Heather O'Donoghue. Berlin: De Gruyter. (10.1515/9781501516597)
- Bruce, S. and Gordon, S. eds. 2024. Vigor mortis: The vitality of the dead in Medieval societies. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003538042)
- Abrams, J. and Potts, A. 2024. The rhetoric of abortion in amicus briefs. Missouri Law Review 89 (2), pp.399-476. 5.
- Alfayyadh, E. 2024. When ideologies materialise: Comparative framing analysis on the coverage of the Second Revolutionary Wave in Egypt; the Case of Al-Ahram and Al-Jazeera’s English websites. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Alqahtani, W. 2024. Exploring sensitivity to number agreement violations in L2 processing: L1 effect is not the only indicator for successful parsing. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Archer, S. 2024. Why do you believe that?. In: Sullivan-Bissett, E. ed. Belief, Imagination, and Delusion. Oxford University Press. , pp.227-239. (10.1093/oso/9780198872221.003.0011)
- Archer, S. 2024. Why do you believe that? Delusion and epistemic reasons. In: Sullivan-Bissett, E. ed. Belief, Imagination, and Delusion. Mind Association Occasional Series Oxford University Press. , pp.227-239.
- Arfon, E. et al. 2024. Developing the Welsh thesaurus through technology. [Online].Golwg 360 Cymru - Gwerddon Fach: Golwg Ltd.. Available at:
- Assiri, B. 2024. News values in international news: A cross-lingual corpus-assisted discourse study of the Arab Spring’s representations in Arabic and English web-based news by Al Jazeera and the BBC. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Attfield, R. 2024. Evolution, evil, co-creation and the value of the world. Religions 15 (5) 615. (10.3390/rel15050615)
- Badmington, N. 2024. Editorial (Volume 10). Barthes Studies 10 , pp.1-1.
- Badmington, N. 2024. What would Roland Barthes think about this question? (Notable Sandwiches #89: Hot Dog). [Online].The Sword and the Sandwich. Available at:
- Beeston, A. 2024. One with Another. Alix Beeston on Gail Jones' strange relations [Book Review]. Sydney Review of Books
- Beeston, A. 2024. Selfie Aesthetics: Seeing Trans Feminist Futures in Self-Representational Art by Nicole Erin Morse [Book Review]. Journal of American Studies 58 (1), pp.159-162. (10.1017/S0021875824000070)
- Beeston, A. 2024. This probably shouldn't be a film...But it is. [Online].Public Books: Available at:
- Beeston, A. et al. 2024. Judging by its cover, Part 1. [Online].Vol. 3Modernism/modernity. ( at:
- Beeston, A. et al. 2024. Five years of visualities. [Online].Vol. 1Modernism Modernity. Available at:
- Beeston, A. and Lloyd, R. 2024. Occluded Wales: The haunted ground of Joanna Hogg's The Eternal Daughter. Senses of Cinema (109) May 2024.
- Bennett, M. et al., 2024. Brief of a former federal judge, Fair and Just Prosecution, 17 law professors, and 4 domestic violence researchers and advocates as Amici Curiae in support of petitioner. Brenda Evers Andrew, Petitioner v. Tamika White, Warden.. Washington, DC: Supreme Court of the United States
- Berrow, H. 2024. The man from the lighthouse. [ Performed at The Man from the Lighthouse - Work in Progress Reading, The George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling 27 November 2024].
- Brasca, L. et al., 2024. A matter of strength: Language policy, attitudes, and linguistic dominance in three bilingual communities. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (10.1080/01434632.2024.2408448)
- Breit, F. et al., 2024. Pushing boundaries in the measurement of language attitudes: enhancing research practices with the L'ART Research Assistant app. LingBaW. Linguistics Beyond and Within 10 , pp.7-32. (10.31743/lingbaw.18005)
- Buerki, A. 2024. A phraseological grammar. Presented at: Lexical Studies Conference 2024 Swansea, Wales, UK 15 January 2024.
- Butler, C. 2024. Heard but not seen: Gardens and their child ghosts in Rudyard Kipling, T. S. Eliot and Lucy M. Boston. Modernist Cultures 19 (1), pp.58-80. (10.3366/mod.2024.0418)
- Cabral Lima, D. 2024. A corpus-based study of the language of judicial activism. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Carney, R. 2024. Negotiating empathy in the art museum: ekphrastic inquiry as a historiographic tool. European Journal of English Studies 28 (1), pp.62-82. (10.1080/13825577.2024.2420940)
- Chakraborty, D. 2024. Men in the making of nations: understanding the nexus between nation, belonging, and complicit masculinity. National Identities (10.1080/14608944.2024.2421009)
- Chałupnik, M. et al., 2024. ‘Can women have it all?’ Transitions in media representations of Jacinda Ardern’s leadership and identity by a global newsroom. Critical Discourse Studies (10.1080/17405904.2024.2401984)
- Chen, Y. , Adolphs, S. and Knight, D. 2024. Towards a speech-gesture profile of discourse markers: The case of ‘I mean’. Lingua 312 103836. (10.1016/j.lingua.2024.103836)
- Ćošković, I. and Butler, C. 2024. YA literature and Japan. In: Mooney, J. et al., Routledge Companion to Young Adult Literature. Routledge
- Courtright-Lim, A. 2024. Current views of predictive genetic testing for specific learning disabilities/difficulties. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Cross, R. 2024. Race and gender in Victorian illustrated songs: a critical and cultural analysis.. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Darcy, A. 2024. Twenty-first-century migrant Irish poets in the UK: Martina Evans and Fran Lock. In: Fogarty, A. and O'Brien, E. eds. The Routledge Companion to Twenty-First-Century Irish Writing. Routledge Literature Companions New York: Taylor and Francis. , pp.143-153. (10.4324/9781003305392-14)
- Davies, C. et al., 2024. Act Break 4: The Bear Stage. In: Whipday, E. ed. Shakespeare / Play: Contemporary Readings in Playing, Playmaking and Performance. London: Bloomsbury. , pp.297-308.
- Davies, K. et al., 2024. "Story-mapping" within a local festival environment: A method to encourage regenerative tourism. Event Management 28 (4), pp.531-547. (10.3727/152599524X17046754077361)
- De Courcier, S. 2024. The visible and the invisible: Reflections on secrecy, dehiscence and the gaze of the other in the therapeutic encounter. British Journal of Psychotherapy 40 (4), pp.570-581. (10.1111/bjp.12918)
- Dhakal, D. N. , List, J. and Roberts, S. G. 2024. A phylogenetic study of South-Western Tibetic. Journal of Language Evolution 9 (1-2), pp.14-28. lzae008. (10.1093/jole/lzae008)
- Divjak, D. , Sun, H. and Milin, P. 2024. Physiological responses and cognitive behaviours: Measures of heart rate variability index language knowledge. Journal of Neurolinguistics 69 101177. (10.1016/j.jneuroling.2023.101177)
- Dixon, D. 2024. Un-ringing the bell. In: Fennell, C. C. ed. Grappling with Monuments of Oppression. London: Routledge(10.4324/9781003471936-3)
- Droz-dit-Busset, O. and Spilioti, T. 2024. “Getting personal with you”: Affect and authenticity in confessional videos of YouTube lifestyle and beauty influencers. In: Garcés-Conejos Blitvich, P. and Georgakopoulou, A. eds. Influencer Discourse: Affective relations and identities. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series Vol. 349.John Benjamins Publishing Company. , pp.284-308. (10.1075/pbns.349.11dro)
- Durham, M. 2024. English. In: Glaser, E. , Kabatek, J. and Sonnenhauser, B. eds. Sprachenräume der Schweiz (volume 1). Vol. 1, Germany: Narr
- Edgar, A. 2024. Knowledge as a professional value. In: Smith, G. and Todd, A. eds. Future Faith: Public and Practical Theologies for the Contemporary World. Routledge(10.4324/9781003389743-16)
- Edwards, M. 2024. The Bloomsbury handbook of existentialism (2nd ed.) by Jack Reynolds, Ashley Woodward, and Felicity Joseph (eds.), (Bloomsbury, 2024). [Book Review]. Philosophy
- Edwards, M. L. 2024. Feminine complicity and women's 'destiny'. Sartre Studies International: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Existentialism and Contemporary Culture , pp.80-92. (10.3167/ssi.2024.300207)
- El Refaie, E. and Thatcher, C. 2024. Becoming buttercups: Fostering eco-empathy through metaphorical creative writing. Metaphor and Symbol (10.1080/10926488.2024.2431075)
- Fincher, P. et al. 2024. Identity, creativity and performance spaces in Wales and Southwest England. Intersectional Perspectives: Identity, Culture, and Society (3), pp.80-105. (10.18573/ipics.132)
- Fisher, S. 2024. That's not what you said! Semantic constraints on literal speech. Mind and Language , pp.1-16. (10.1111/mila.12508)
- Fisher, S. et al. 2024. Should Politicians Be Exempt from Fact-Checking?. Journal of Online Trust and Safety 2 (2), pp.1-12. (10.54501/jots.v2i2.170)
- Fisher, S. A. 2024. Large language models and their big bullshit potential. Ethics and Information Technology 26 67. (10.1007/s10676-024-09802-5)
- Fisher, S. A. 2024. Something AI should tell you – The case for labelling synthetic content. Journal of Applied Philosophy (10.1111/japp.12758)
- Fisher, S. A. , Howard, J. W. and Kira, B. 2024. Moderating synthetic content: The challenge of generative AI. Philosophy & Technology 37 133. (10.1007/s13347-024-00818-9)
- Fitzgerald, C. et al., 2024. Multi-modal considerations for social media discourse analysis: A specialised corpus of Twitter commentary on working from home. In: Coats, S. and Laippala, V. eds. Linguistics across Disciplinary Borders - The March of Data. London: Bloomsbury. , pp.187-212.
- Giaxoglou, K. and Spilioti, T. 2024. “The EU gave us a new beginning”: Liquid racism and affect in a curated migrant story. In: Archakis, A. and Tsakona, V. eds. Exploring the Ambivalence of Liquid Racism: In between Antiracist and Racist Discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamns. , pp.181-201. (10.1075/pbns.341.07gia)
- González Vázquez, I. , Klieber, A. and Rosola, M. 2024. Beyond pronouns. In: The Oxford Handbook of Applied Philosophy of Language. Oxford University Press. , pp.320-346. (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780192844118.013.37)
- Gordon, S. 2024. ‘Agite, agite et uenite!’ corrupted breath, corrupted speech and encounters with the restless dead in Geoffrey of Burton’s Vita sancte Moduenne virginis'. In: Bruce, S. G. and Gordon, S. eds. Vigor Mortis The Vitality of the Dead in Medieval Cultures. London: Routledge
- Gordon, S. 2024. 'Introduction: the vitality of the dead in medieval cultures'. In: Bruce, S. G. and Gordon, S. eds. Vigor Mortis The Vitality of the Dead in Medieval Cultures. London: Routledge
- Gordon, S. 2024. Sexual sin and the walking dead in the Chronicle of Lanercost. Viator
- Gray, R. 2024. Thermal perception and its relation to touch. Philosophers' Imprint 23 25. (10.3998/phimp.2547)
- Griffin, D. 2024. Considering legal English: Consensus and complications. The International Journal of Speech Language and the Law 31 (1), pp.77-98. (10.1558/ijsll.27418)
- Griffin, D. and Roemling, D. 2024. Signs of legal and pseudolegal authority: A corpus-based comparison of contemporary courtroom filings. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique (10.1007/s11196-024-10183-7)
- Grønlie, S. and Phelpstead, C. 2024. Introduction. In: Grønlie, S. and Phelpstead, C. eds. The Medieval North and Its Afterlife: Essays in Honor of Heather O'Donoghue. De Gruyter. , pp.1-3. (10.1515/9781501516597-003)
- Gwyn, R. 2024. Ambassador of nowhere: A Latin American pilgrimage. Seren.
- Handford, M. and Al-Shahrani, Z. 2024. Investigating indexicality and representation with corpora. In: Heritage, F. and Taylor, C. eds. Analysing representation: A corpus and discourse textbook. Routledge
- Handford, M. and Koester, A. 2024. Language and creativity at work: A corpus-assisted model of creative workplace discourse. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9780429328503)
- Hartmann, F. et al., 2024. Investigating environmental effects on phonology using diachronic models. Evolutionary Human Sciences 6 e8. (10.1017/ehs.2023.33)
- Hassan, P. 2024. James Sully's psychological reduction of philosophical pessimism. British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (5), pp.1097-1120. (10.1080/09608788.2023.2268125)
- Hassan, P. 2024. Paul Loeb and Keith Ansell-Pearson (eds.), Nietzsche's "Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Critical Guide" [Book Review]. The Journal of Nietzsche Studies
- Hassan, P. 2024. Suicide in contemporary western philosophy I: the 19th century. In: Cholbi, M. ed. The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Suicide. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Hassan, P. 2024. 'The poison in the snake's fang': Schopenhauer on malice. Journal of the History of Philosophy
- Heilmann, A. 2024. The radical politics of laughter: Militant femininity, comic misdirection, and reader seduction in Edwardian suffrage narratives. Women's Writing 31 (2), pp.172-191. (10.1080/09699082.2024.2325814)
- Humphries, E. 2024. Comparing the prescriptivism of nineteenth- and twenty-first-century language experts in France. In: Carruthers, J. , McLaughlin, M. and Walsh, O. eds. Historical and Sociolinguistic Approaches to French. Oxford University Press. , pp.276–296. (10.1093/oso/9780192894366.003.0014)
- Humphries, E. 2024. Croient or croivent: French language commentary on Twitter. Nottingham French Studies 62 (3), pp.314-333. (10.3366/nfs.2023.0391)
- Humphries, E. , Carruthers, J. and Henderson, L. 2024. Qualifications in home languages: Opportunities, barriers and policy implications. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (10.1080/01434632.2023.2288292)
- Ivison, H. 2024. Universal moral grammar and international contract law. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology (10.1037/teo0000284)
- Jefferson, A. 2024. Are mental disorders brain disorders? -A precis. Philosophical Psychology 37 (3), pp.552-557. (10.1080/09515089.2023.2166822)
- Jefferson, A. 2024. Blaming the dead. European Journal of Philosophy 32 (2), pp.548-559. (10.1111/ejop.12947)
- Jefferson, A. 2024. Brain disorders reconsidered – a response to commentaries. Philosophical Psychology 37 (3), pp.644-657. (10.1080/09515089.2024.2313523)
- Jefferson, A. 2024. “Terminal Anorexia”, treatment refusal and decision-making capacity. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (4), pp.558-569. (10.1017/S0963180124000367)
- Jefferson, A. , Heinrichs, J. and Sifferd, K. 2024. Scaffolding bad moral agents. Topoi (10.1007/s11245-024-10110-2)
- Kavanagh, K. S. 2024. What’s so special about (the) circus - and who says so? A corpus-assisted discourse analysis of value difference and mediation in promotional texts. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Keevil, T. 2024. Pond scum. In: Holmes, C. ed. Uncertainties VII. Dublin: Swan River Press. , pp.3-26.
- Klieber, A. 2024. Conversational silence, reconsidered. Theoria 90 (6), pp.652-668. (10.1111/theo.12566)
- Klieber, A. 2024. Silent dogwhistles. Journal of Social Philosophy (10.1111/josp.12597)
- Knight, D. et al. 2024. FreeTxt: A corpus-based bilingual free-text survey and questionnaire data analysis toolkit. Applied Corpus Linguistics 4 (3) 100103. (10.1016/j.acorp.2024.100103)
- Knight, D. et al. 2024. Indicating engagement in online workplace meetings: The role of backchannelling head nods. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics (IJCL) 29 (3), pp.389-416. (10.1075/ijcl.24060.kni)
- Krykoniuk, K. and Pons-Sanz, S. M. 2024. Trends in the development of vocabulary for EMOTION and COGNITION in English: A millennial perspective. Lexis – Journal in English Lexicology HS (3)(10.4000/12iz9)
- Krykoniuk, K. and Roberts, S. 2024. Causal graphs as a tool for investigating language evolution. In: Raviv, L. and Cedric, B. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Approaches to Language Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Lavallee, Z. and Osler, L. 2024. Affordances and the shape of addiction. Philosophy, Psychiatry and Psychology
- Lee, J. and Millar, B. 2024. Mechanisms of skillful interaction: sensorimotor enactivism & mechanistic explanation. Philosophical Psychology (10.1080/09515089.2024.2302509)
- Lepoutre, M. et al., 2024. What is hate speech? The case for a corpus approach. Criminal Law and Philosophy 18 (2), pp.397–430. (10.1007/s11572-023-09675-7)
- Lewis, J. H. P. 2024. Varieties of second-personal reason. Erkenntnis (10.1007/s10670-024-00798-4)
- Lewis, L. 2024. 'Eko; Eko; Azarak': Witchcraft, medieval gibberish and queer untranslatability in High Magic's Aid. Sexualities (10.1177/13634607241287419)
- Lewis, L. 2024. Song, landscape, and identity in Medieval Northern France: Toward an environmental history. By Jennifer Saltzstein [Book Review]. French Studies 78 (3), pp.513-514. (10.1093/fs/knae049)
- Lewis, L. and O'Regan, H. 2024. The origins of bear baiting: Evidence from Medieval England and France. Society & Animals: Journal of Human-Animal Studies
- Lim, J. D. O. et al., 2024. Exploring part of speech (POS) tag sequences in a large-scale learner corpus of L2 English: a developmental perspective. Corpora 19 (1), pp.31-59. (10.3366/cor.2024.0297)
- Lukic, M. 2024. The co-construction of legally relevant stories in investigative interviews of us police officers involved in fatal shootings. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Mackenney, F. 2024. "Autumn": John Clare and the altered fenland. Studies in Romanticism 63 (1), pp.1-23. (10.1353/srm.2024.a924677)
- Mandal, A. 2024. Austen reloaded: Digital approaches to Jane Austen and the arts. In: Bray, J. and Moss, H. eds. The Edinburgh Companion to Jane Austen and the Arts. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. , pp.491-512. (10.1515/9781399500425-036)
- McLoughlin, J. 2024. Pink light and iron: Epistemo-critical writing in Walter Benjamin and Philip K. Dick. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- McLoughlin, J. 2024. Take me to the river: Sophie Anderson and Elaine of Astolat. Journal of Victorian Culture 29 (3), pp.343-362. vcae009. (10.1093/jvcult/vcae009)
- McLoughlin, J. 2024. The work of art in the age of artificial intelligibility. AI and Society (10.1007/s00146-023-01845-4)
- Mercer, A. 2024. A new letter by Sara Coleridge. Romanticism 30 (3), pp.272-282. (10.3366/rom.2024.0659)
- Millar, B. 2024. Can animals grieve?. ERGO 11 (17), pp.442-465. (10.3998/ergo.6157)
- Millar, B. and Richardson, L. 2024. Grief, smell and the olfactory air of a person. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 104 (4), pp.769-790. (10.1111/papq.12443)
- Miller, M. 2024. Fall River. Gwasg Honno.
- Miller, M. 2024. Introduction to women's writing 1900-1920. Women’s Writing 31 (2), pp.143-156. (10.1080/09699082.2024.2325811)
- Mitchell, J. 2024. A Nietzschean theory of emotional experience: Affect as feeling towards value. Inquiry 67 (1), pp.1-24. (10.1080/0020174X.2020.1850341)
- Mitchell, J. 2024. Sartre’s exclusion claim: Perception and imagination as radically distinct consciousnesses. European Journal of Philosophy (10.1111/ejop.13017)
- Mitchell, J. 2024. The horizonal structure of visual experience. Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (2), pp.428-448. (10.1080/00048402.2023.2289114)
- Mitchell, J. 2024. Towards affective-evaluativism: the intentional structure of unpleasant pain experience. Philosophical Quarterly (10.1093/pq/pqae002)
- Moore, J. 2024. Music. In: Morrison, R. ed. The Oxford Handbook of British Romantic Prose. Oxford University Press. , pp.485-500. (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198834540.013.26)
- Morris, J. et al. 2024. Datblygu thesawrws y Gymraeg drwy dechnoleg. [Online].Gwerddon Fach: Golwg Ltd.. Available at:
- Morris, J. et al. Watkins, G. ed. 2024. Language and technology in Wales: Volume II. Language and Technology in Wales Vol. 2Bangor University.
- Mughal, D. S. 2024. Hiraeth and other stories: Constructing a Pakistani-Welsh identity through autofiction. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Nivalainen, M. 2024. Filosofisen pessimismin klassikko [Book Review]. Kiiltomato
- Nowak, E. 2024. Philosophy of language: The basics. Routledge.
- O'Brien, M. 2024. ‘Wee wenhonourGhosetrayn’: The spectres of Welsh writing in English 1988-2019. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- O'Grady, G. 2024. Caroline Gentens, Lobke Ghesquière, William B. McGregor and An Van linden (eds.), Reconnecting form and meaning: In honour of Kristin Davidse (Studies in Language Companion Series 230). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2023. Pp. 305 + vii. ISBN 9789027212993. [Book Review]. English Language & Linguistics (10.1017/S1360674323000618)
- O'Grady, G. 2024. Hector's death. A systemic socio-semantic analysis of Alice Oswald's Memorial. In: Luporni, A. et al., A Life in Style. In Honour of Donna R. Miller. Bologna: Universita di Bologna. , pp.55-64.
- O'Grady, G. 2024. Theme in spoken language: when a tone group is not a clause. Journal of World Languages 10 (1), pp.76-101. (10.1515/jwl-2023-0043)
- O'Keeffe, A. et al., 2024. “We’ve lost you Ian”: Multi-modal corpus innovations in capturing, processing and analysing professional online spoken interactions. Research in Corpus Linguistics 12 (2), pp.1-23. (10.32714/ricl.12.02.02)
- Osborne, G. 2024. Agency and intra-textual co-creation in Punchdrunk Enrichment’s immersive story worlds for children. Children's Literature in Education 55 , pp.603-626. (10.1007/s10583-023-09533-z)
- Osler, L. 2024. Belonging online: rituals, sacred objects, and mediated interactions. In: Dolezal, L. and Petherbridge, D. eds. Phenomenology of belonging. Albany, NY: SUNY Press
- Osler, L. 2024. Narrative railroading. Topoi (10.1007/s11245-024-10146-4)
- Osler, L. 2024. Networked Learning and Three Promises of Phenomenology. In: Johnston, M. et al., Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning Experiences. Research in Networked Learning London: Springer, Cham. , pp.23-43. (10.1007/978-3-031-62780-4_2)
- Osler, L. 2024. Reality + Reality- [Book Review]. Philosophical Psychology 37 (5), pp.1281-1286. (10.1080/09515089.2022.2137019)
- Osler, L. 2024. (Self-)envy, digital technology, and me. Topoi 43 , pp.659-672. (10.1007/s11245-024-10047-6)
- Osler, L. 2024. Self-envy (or Envy Actually). APA Studies on Feminism and Philosophy 23 (2), pp.33-38.
- Osler, L. 2024. Taking empathy online. Inquiry 67 (1), pp.302-329. (10.1080/0020174X.2021.1899045)
- Osler, L. and Ekdahl, D. 2024. Learning to walk and talk (again): what developmental psychology can teach us about online intersubjectivity. Philosophical Explorations 27 (2), pp.237-250. (10.1080/13869795.2024.2344981)
- Osler, L. , Engelen, B. and Archer, A. 2024. The ethics and politics of nudges and niches: A critical analysis of exclusionary environmental designs. In: Søbirk Petersen, T. , Jon Holm, S. and Ryberg, J. eds. Preventing Crime by Exclusion: Ethical Considerations. Routledge. , pp.182-206. (10.4324/9781003480679-11)
- Osler, L. and Tietjen, R. R. 2024. Affects and emotions. In: Herrmann, S. et al., The Routledge Handbook of Political Phenomenology. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy Routledge(10.4324/9781003197430-46)
- Paris, P. 2024. Delineating beauty: On form and the boundaries of the aesthetic. Ratio: An international journal of analytic philosophy 37 (1), pp.76-87. (10.1111/rati.12388)
- Paris, P. 2024. On beauty and wellformedness. British Journal of Aesthetics (10.1093/aesthj/ayae047)
- Paskin, J. 2024. Disgust and its implications for naturalistic virtue ethics. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Payre, T. 2024. Autour d'un Verre. Proust & la Phénoménologie Littéraire. In: d'Angelo, B. and Picarel, G. eds. Penser le Verre. La Création au Tournant de la Transparence. L'Harmattan
- Pérez-Paredes, P. and Mark, G. 2024. Rethinking interviews as representations of spoken language in learner corpora. Research in Corpus Linguistics 12 (2), pp.111-145. (10.32714/ricl.12.02.06)
- Phelpstead, C. 2024. Past and present identities in Margaret Elphinstone's Islanders. In: Grønlie, S. and Phelpstead, C. eds. The Medieval North and its afterlife: Essays in honor of Heather O'Donoghue. De Gruyter. , pp.255-266. (10.1515/9781501516597-021)
- Plasa, C. 2024. Lost and found: Textual and intertextual retrieval in Dante Gabriel Rossetti's exhumation letters and the 'Willowwood' sonnets. Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 33 , pp.190-225. (10.25623/conn033-plasa-1)
- Pons-Sanz, S. 2024. Norse-derived terms in the Ormulum: A reappraisal. Early Middle English 6 (1-2)
- Pons-Sanz, S. 2024. Norse-derived terms in the Ormulum: A reappraisal. York: Arc Humanities Press.
- Pyner, B. 2024. Intermediality and/as encounter: A feminist approach to women’s contemporary, intermedial memoirs. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Raymond, G. 2024. The third way: A novel & “From protector to part of the problem: The evolution of the Father figure in novels of ecological catastrophe”. PhD Thesis , Cardiff University.
- Rennick, S. and Roberts, S. 2024. The video game dialogue corpus. Corpora 19 (1), pp.93-106. (10.3366/cor.2024.0299)
- Roberts, T. and Osler, L. 2024. Social doubt. Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (1), pp.46-63. (10.1017/apa.2022.40)
- Sarangi, S. and Rossi, M. G. 2024. Communication skills, expertise and ethics in healthcare education and practice. Communication & Medicine 19 (2), pp.162-175. (10.1558/cam.24729)
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