Multiphysics mechanics

Multiphysics mechanics uses a multidisciplinary approach to the modelling and simulation of new engineering materials and systems for a wide range of applications.
Multiphysics mechanics embraces research involving constitutive equations whose independent fields describe two or more of the following behaviours: elastic, thermal, chemical, friction, impact, fluid, multi-phase, electric and magnetic fields.
Our aims
Our aim is to increase interest in the multiphysics mechanics research area, which will lead to the creation of an intra-college network for research cooperation.
Our research areas
- electro-active and magneto-active polymers (actuation and energy harvesting)
- multi-phase behaviour of biological materials
- nano-particle composites
- magneto-thermo-elastic effects in metal alloys
- quasi-crystalline and topological metamaterials
- advanced finite element methods for multiscale/multiphase problems in solid mechanics
- self-healing materials
- multiphysics mechanics of additive-manufactured materials
- damage in irradiated structural and nuclear materials
- multiphase geomechanics
- computational methods in fluid dynamics
- interfacial and multiphase flows
- fluid-structure interaction
- non-newtonian fluids
- microfluids and medical engineering applications
Our current projects
- Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) distinguished visiting fellowship, Professor L. Dorfmann (Professor M. Gei).
- The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Grant: rapid monitoring of river hydrodynamics and morphology using acoustic holography (Dr. Z. Xie).
- Newton Fund Project: China-UK workshop on coastal and offshore renewable energy systems under extreme events (Dr. Z. Xie).
- EPSRC Programme Grant: resilient materials for life (Professor A.D. Jefferson).
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) cofunded fellowship, SRENASM-Simulation of radiation effects on nuclear and aerospace structural materials, Dr O Noorikalkhoran (Professor M Gei).
- MSCA Cofund Fellowship, MeDyQuaM-Mechanics and dynamic processes in quasiperiodic materials, Dr L Morini (Professor M Gei).
Group leaders
Group members
We welcome the involvement of collaborators in our cross-disciplinary research.