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Visiting Research Fellowships

We encourage the award of visiting appointments to researchers and scholars who will contribute to the intellectual life of our School.

We offer a friendly environment in which to engage with existing staff and students, free of charge. Appointments can be made for periods of 2 weeks to 3 years and must be approved by Professor Ian Hall, Head of School.

We are an interdisciplinary School devoted to research in the Earth and environmental sciences. We strive to achieve the highest standards in research and education and to provide a rich and varied research-led environment, supported by our research groups and centres.

Available schemes

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships is a competitive postdoctoral fellowship scheme aimed at enhancing research careers through a two year fully funded research project.

If you are a high-quality postdoctoral researcher or an experienced researcher with European or global links who would like to diversify and acquire new skills and knowledge, please complete an expression of interest.

These Fellowships are available to distinguished scholars in their field with an established international profile. They are awarded competitively and require no bench fees for successful applicants. The School will normally award 3 or 4 of these Fellowships at any one time. These Fellowships will run for any length of time between 2 weeks and 3 years.

'Visiting' status is normally only offered to members of faculty at other institutions, either in the UK or abroad, those working in the public or private sectors, or self-employed research consultants.

These Fellowships are open to all scholars who wish to spend time in the School or establish stronger links with its members. These Fellowships will run for any length of time between 2 weeks and 3 years.

This programme is suitable for:

  • postdoctoral/experienced scholars who wish to conduct research at Cardiff University and participate in our research culture
  • postgraduate research students currently registered for an MPhil or PhD at universities within/outside the UK
  • students who wish to prepare themselves for PhD study (please contact us with your proposal).

We are also happy to discuss additional levels of collaboration, including support for the development of external fellowship applications, funding of joint PhD studentships for scholars who bring funded fellowships to the School.

Current students should normally have completed one or two years of doctoral study and must have the full support of their home institution.

Visiting Research Fellows from outside the EU are responsible for applying for the correct visa.

Length of study

Visiting Research Fellows are based here for at least two weeks, with access to excellent facilities, including the University library services and specialist research seminars. The length of your stay will depend on the scale of research you wish to carry out and which can be facilitated by the School. You can be invited on a month-by-month basis or by academic terms.

We can help to organise accommodation for the duration of your stay in University residences, and can also advise on private sector accommodation.

How to apply

You will need to provide the following documents with your application:

  • a research proposal for the intended period of study, including a realistic and detailed research plan for the proposed time of the visit
  • a brief justification for choosing us for your visit, clarifying the relevance of the intended work to our research groups/themes
  • an academic curriculum vitae

Please feel free to contact Professor Ian Hall, Head of School to discuss options. All proposed visits are subject to the written approval from the Head of School.

In accepting Visiting Research Fellows, we will consider:

  • fellows ability to fulfil your research or study objectives
  • fellows potential to make a positive contribution to the overall research culture of the School through participation in events and interaction with members of staff and our postgraduate community
  • our capacity to integrate Visiting Research Fellows into the research environment

We have a well-established Visiting Research Scholars Programme that contributes to fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives. Over the years, we have had the privilege of hosting distinguished researchers and scholars from all around the globe, each leaving an indelible mark on the intellectual tapestry of our School.

Immersed in a welcoming environment, you, as a visiting scholar, are invited and encouraged to engage freely with our academic staff. The duration of visits can span from a fortnight to an expansive three-year period, contingent upon the endorsement of our Head of School.

We are an interdisciplinary School devoted to research in the Earth and environmental sciences. We strive to achieve the highest standards in research and education and provide a rich and varied research-led environment, supported by our seven research centres.

How to apply

To embark on this enriching academic journey, please send the following details to our Research Office to assess -

  • A research proposal for the intended period of study, including a realistic and detailed research plan for your proposed time of visit
  • A brief justification for choosing us for your visit, clarifying the relevance of the intended work to our research centres/themes
  • An academic curriculum vitae

Should you require further clarity or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Research Office at  Please note that all proposed visits are contingent upon the approval from the Head of School and unfortunately we are unable to provide funding towards your visit.

Criteria for acceptance

In extending an invitation to our Visiting Research Fellows programme, we will consider the following:

  • fulfilment of Research Objectives: We will gauge the feasibility of your proposed research or study objectives, ensuring they align with our research themes and centres
  • potential Contribution to Research Culture: We value the potential for your presence to invigorate the broader research culture of the School. Active participation in events and meaningful interaction with academic staff is highly encouraged
  • your available funding and our capacity to integrate your visit into our research environment

We look forward to welcoming you to our School and embarking on this intellectual journey with you.