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Increasing nutrient inputs in mangrove ecosystems risks a surge of greenhouse gas emissions

10 May 2021

New research finds a risk of rising nitrous oxide emissions from mangrove ecosystems due to increased nutrient inputs caused by environmental pollution

Ladybower reservoir

Reservoir water community monitoring project awarded Ofwat Innovation Funding

4 May 2021

Dr Rupert Perkins and Prof Peter Kille win the Ofwat Innovation in Water Challenge to monitor reservoir water communities using environmental DNA.

Discover Mixoplankton at British Science Week 2021

15 March 2021

Researchers webinar for students promotes science undertaken in Wales as part of British Science Week

Evolution of ocean “twilight zone” creatures linked to global climate change

11 March 2021

Scientists have revealed how life populating the shadowy ocean below the surface evolved as Earth’s climate cooled over millions of years.

Tackling the impact of future climate change on marine pollution

3 March 2021

New study identifies the major sources of marine pollution in Europe, and how future climate conditions may control their relative importance

Unlearning Racism in Geoscience

School members join Unlearning Racism in Geoscience programme

1 March 2021

School members join programme to facilitate anti-racism work in geoscience departments around the country

Outstanding Master’s student wins Geologists’ Association Prize

12 February 2021

Postgraduate student presented with the Curry MSc Prize 2020 by the Geologists’ Association

Stock image of Antarctic icebergs

Melting icebergs key to sequence of an ice age, scientists find

13 January 2021

New study unravels long-standing climate mystery and provides insight into how our planet may change in the future

Coastal Communities Adapting Together (CCAT): Exchanging Knowledge and Best Practice across borders

9 November 2020

CCAT will bring together policymakers, local authorities, academics and communities from Ireland, Wales and England to share knowledge and best practice of coastal management

Join the Bag It Bin It campaign

6 November 2020

New campaign reminds dog owners to pick up after their pets