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Scientists shine new light on role of Earth’s orbit in the fate of ancient ice sheets

26 May 2022

New findings answer long-standing question over the importance of summertime warmth in melting ice sheets

School celebrates strong research performance in REF 2021

12 May 2022

Results show that 100% of the School's research submission is world-leading or internationally excellent

Lecturer wins Global Challenges Teaching Award

6 May 2022

Dr Samantha Buzzard has been chosen as a recipient of the Global Challenges Teaching Award in the Climate Change category

Understanding the formation and evolution of blue-ice moraines

2 March 2022

The dynamic processes involved in blue-ice moraine formation open a deep window into the million-year history of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet

New research uses creative learning to improve disaster response

23 February 2022

New study provides insight into disaster emergency preparedness and response

Scientists identify geological ‘Goldilocks zone’ for the formation of metal ore deposits

31 January 2022

New research could lead to the targeted mining of metals that will be essential for our transition to a green economy

Urban greening ‘not a panacea’ for dealing with extreme weather, study finds

26 January 2022

New research suggests strategies such as green roofs and vegetated parks will not be able to mitigate heat waves and flooding at the same time

Unravelling the mysteries of the first land plants

25 January 2022

Twin papers from Professor Dianne Edwards hint at the existence of a novel and previously unknown major group of early land plants.

Post-Doctoral Research Assistant wins Early Career Award

14 January 2022

Sophie Cox has been voted the winner of the Ramsay Medal of the Tectonic Studies Group

New working group to radically reshape marine science

21 December 2021

Dr Aditee Mitra will Chair a new Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research working group known as MixONET