Rowan Berry

The regular, engaging and enjoyable fieldtrips across South Wales and further afield bring the classroom work to life.
I spent four years completing my BSc Environmental Geoscience course at Cardiff University, with a yearlong placement at General Electric. My degree provided me with such a breadth of knowledge which I could apply to so many industries.
There is also great flexibility within the school with regards to changing modules and even degree course at the end of your first year. It also goes without saying the staff are second to none in that they are very supportive and knowledgeable in their fields.
Life in Cardiff
Cardiff as a city is one of the best. It has everything to offer from amazing sports facilities (within and outside of university), very friendly people, a lively city centre with lots going on and the stunning Brecon Beacons on the doorstep. I moved from the North West of England without knowing anyone, but I quickly made friends, many of which I still see today! I also still try and visit Cardiff regularly as it is such an amazing place and will always feel at home.
Further study
After Cardiff, I decided to do an MSc in Structural Geology with Geophysics, to really focus on the structural aspect of geology I learnt at Cardiff University. The course taught me fundamentals in geological mapping, report writing, presenting and data interpretation, all of which I use today.
Graduate career
I then secured a job with an oil company where we solve problems ongoing in the oil industry, such as geological reservoir souring issues, oil rig pipeline problems and many more.
Studying such a variety of different modules at Cardiff University helped me get to grips with exploring the chemistry and microbiology sector of the industry, as well as the geological and business side. My role entails engaging with clients to secure projects and often travelling to develop a professional network.
Our modular course structure offers an exciting spectrum of degree programmes across modern geosciences.