For any child, the appearance and fit of a spectacle frame is the most important factor in wearing glasses. Invest in a selection of children's frames in a variety of sizes and be prepared to make modifications and adjustments for each individual child. Small 'button' pads or strap bridges can help the fit with small noses. Curl sides or sports bands to keep frames in place are rarely needed, and often make a child more reluctant to wear glasses.
If a child wears hearing aids, straight sides that don't interfere with aids are more suitable. A child will not benefit from a correction unless the frames are comfortable and the lenses are positioned correctly, so be prepared to spend time.
Offer appropriate advice to parents on when the spectacles will be needed and what benefit you envisage for the child and consider a written report to the school with the same information. Provide advice on encouraging the child to wear glasses.

Encouraging your child to wear glasses
There can be several reasons for a child’s reluctance to wear glasses. This leaflet advises how to persuade children to keep their glasses on.
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