Cylch Caerdydd
You can join Cylch Caerdydd by making a gift of at least £1,000 per annum to Cardiff University.
We recognise all gifts above £1,000 donated in an academic year through Cylch Caerdydd.
Cylch Caerdydd recognises the importance of gifts above £1,000. Cylch Caerdydd donors play a crucial role for Cardiff, through the financial impact of their support, on the University’s work and inspiring other supporters to follow their lead. Cylch Caerdydd donors represent Cardiff’s leading fundraising ambassadors, and their impact – both individually and collectively – is of growing significance to Cardiff.
Within the academic year, Cylch Caerdydd donors are acknowledged at the following gift levels:
- £1,000 - £4,999
- £5,000 - £24,999
- £25,000+
You can make a Cylch Caerdydd donation via a range of methods:
- monthly, quarterly or annual direct debit
- donating by Cheque, CAF voucher or credit card
- a gift of shares
Your Cylch support is annual, based on the academic year (1 August to 31 July). If you’re a UK taxpayer, you can also take advantage of Gift Aid when making your gift.
The Vice-Chancellor will write to all our Cylch Caerdydd donors. You will also receive a special pin badge, updates about the University and, unless you ask to remain anonymous, will be highlighted in the University annual list of donors. In addition, the Cylch Caerdydd exclusive annual reception offers you the chance to speak personally with members of our Senior Leadership team and hear from special guest speakers. Our most generous donors will also be invited to meet key people at the University, and to stay in touch with project teams personally.
Contact us
If you wish to join this exceptional group of people by making a gift of £1,000 or more this academic year, please contact:
To join Cylch Caerdydd, please make a gift of £1,000 or more (or, a monthly gift of £83.50 or more).