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Council minutes 10 July 2024

Minutes of the Meeting of Cardiff University Council held on 10 July 2024 at 10.00 in the Executive Education Suite of the Postgraduate Teaching Centre, Cardiff Business School

Present: Patrick Younge (Chair), Vice-Chancellor, Beth Button, Professor Damian Walford Davies, Judith Fabian, Professor Dame Janet Finch [until Minute 2249], Madison Hutchinson, Christopher Jones, Jan Juillerat, Professor Urfan Khaliq [Minute 2245-2247 and 2252-2264], Jeremy Lewis [until Minute 2249], Stephen Mann, Micaela Panes, Dr Juan Pereiro Viterbo [until Minute 2255], Suzanne Rankin, Dr Siân Rees, David Selway, John Shakeshaft [until Minute 2251], Professor Katherine Shelton, Dr Robert Weaver, Dr Catrin Wood, Jennifer Wood, and Agnes Xavier-Phillips.

Attendees: Hayley Beckett [Minute 2247], Laura Davies [from Minute 2247], Ruth Davies, Katy Dale [Minute taker], Anita Edson [Minute 2251], Tom Hay, Julie-Anne Johnston [until Minute 2247], David Langley [Minutes 2247-2248], Siân Marshall, Alice Milanese [Minute 2250], Claire Morgan [Minute 2244], Sarah Pryor [Minute 2249], TJ Rawlinson [Minute 2250], Dr Paula Sanderson, Professor Roger Whitaker [from Minute 2247] and Darren Xiberras.

2237 Welcome and preliminaries

All were welcomed to the meeting, especially Madison Hutchinson, Micaela Panes and Dr Paula Sanderson who were attending their first meeting.

2238 Apologies for absence

No apologies were received.

2239 Declarations of interest

The Chair reminded the Committee members of their duty to disclose any potential conflicts of interest.


2239.1 Suzanne Rankin declared an interest in relation to the Dental School risk contained on the Risk Register [Minute 2244] given her employment in the NHS.

2240 Minutes of previous meeting

Received and considered papers 23/757C, ‘Council minutes 1 May 2024’, and 23/758C, ‘Council minutes 3 June 2024’. The Chair spoke to this item.


2240.1 a request that the proposal in Minute 2214.4 from the Minutes from 1 May 2024 (relating to setting a target level of risk maturity) be added as a resolution.


2240.2 to approve the minutes of 1 May 2024, subject to the amendment noted in 2240.1;

2240.3 to approve the minutes of 3 June 2024.

2241 Matters arising

Received and noted paper 23/759C, ‘Matters Arising’.

2242 Items from the Chair

Received and considered paper 23/813C, ‘Request for Information from the Charity Commission and draft response – Pro-Palestine Encampment’. The Chair spoke to this item.


2242.1 [Redacted]; that feedback was now awaited from the encampment on three proposed outcomes;

2242.2 that external legal advice had been obtained; that the University was committed to freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protest that an open letter had been received from staff and students on the encampment;

2242.3 the University was working to balance a positive experience at graduation events (held next week) with the need to take decisive action; it was noted there would be a risk of disruption to graduation if action was escalated and also that there was a risk of disruption should the encampment remain; the experiences of other universities were being monitored and taken into account and a Major Incident Team was meeting daily to review the situation;

2242.4 work was underway to draft communications should a joint statement not be agreed to, and it was important to emphasise the work undertaken to date to agree a mutually acceptable conclusion;

2242.5 that Council members role as Trustees was to confirm to the Charity Commission the University had met its legal obligations and had protected beneficiaries (staff and students) from harm;

2242.6 that the work of the Director of Communications, Marketing and Student Recruitment and the Academic Registrar in this area were commended; the Students’ Union were also commended for facilitating discussions with the encampment; thanks were also extended from the Students’ Union to the University for their support.


2242.7 to approve the response to the Charity Commission, subject to the last paragraph being updated to reflect the outcome of the day’s discussions with the encampment representatives, and the addition of further information about the University’s response to complaints about the encampment.

2243 Vice-Chancellor’s Report to Council

Received and considered paper 23/767C, ‘Vice-Chancellor’s Report to Council’. The Vice-Chancellor spoke to this item.


2243.1 that NSS results had been issued that morning and an update would be provided by the Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience later in the meeting;

2243.2 that the University’s QS league table position continued to decline and this had implications for international student recruitment and the University’s reputation generally; the Pro Vice-Chancellor International was developing a league table strategy to address this;

2243.3 that the Cardiff Conversation event with Dr Alex George had been very well attended and promoted the good research undertaken by the University in the area of mental health;

2243.4 that the Campus Life programmes would end in July 2024 and this would have an impact on a number of outcomes from the Student Views; it had been queried where these items would now fall and a response had not yet been received from the Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience; it was emphasised that student experience remained central to the strategy and roadmap;

2243.5 that the recent change of government in Westminster had reflected a change in tone around migration which would be of benefit for international recruitment; there was a cautious optimism around the appointments to ministerial positions;

2243.6 that there was a need to celebrate and promote the University’s successes more;

2243.7 that the Voluntary Severance Scheme had now launched and would remain open until September.

2244 Strategic Risk Register

Received and considered paper 23/684HC, ‘Strategic Risk Register’. The Vice-Chancellor spoke to this item.


2244.1 that the work of the Senior Risk Manager in this area was commended;

2244.2 [Redacted];

2244.3 [Redacted];

2244.4 [Redacted];

2244.5 [Redacted];

2244.6 [Redacted];

2244.7 [Redacted];

2244.8 [Redacted].


2244.9 to include in the standard report whether the University was within its stated risk appetites for each strategic risk and at an aggregate level; and, if not, an opinion as to whether the actions to do so were likely to achieve this in the required timescales;

2244.10  to include target dates for mitigation of risks;

2244.11 [Redacted];

2244.1 2 to hold a session on risk and risk appetite at a future Council Development Session;

2244.13 to approve the Strategic Risk Summary and Register.

2245 Report from the Students’ Union President

Received and considered paper 23/769, ‘Students’ Union President Report’. The Students’ Union President spoke to this item.


2245.1 that this report had been written by the outgoing SU President; the new Sabbatical team had been in post since the start of July and included three Sabbatical officers from the previous year; this was the first all-female Sabbatical team in the Union’s history and had been elected on International Women’s Day;

2245.2 this was the first year the sabbatical team had included a Vice-President for International Students;

2245.3 that commercial services had finished for the summer but key activities and student advice would continue;

2245.4 that a number of campaigns had been run using funding from HEFCW, most notably the “Feed a Flat campaign”; it was highlighted there had been queues for these events, and a lot of international and postgraduate students using the scheme;

2245.5 that a large number of events aimed at Postgraduate students had been undertaken, with some events selling out in minutes, reflecting the desire for these;

2245.6 that a campaign had been held to encourage students to register and vote; there had also been a large campaign on Gender Identity Funds;

2245.7 that the Students’ Union had had a dedicated Welsh officer for a full year and a number of outcomes identified from this role were included in the Student View;

2245.8 that the Students’ Union had again been awarded the 2nd Best Students’ Union award for the UK and remained the best in Wales.

2246 Student View 2024

Received and considered paper 23/615, ‘The Student View 2024’. The Students’ Union President spoke to this item.


2246.1 that there were four Student Views on Welsh University, Accessibility, Clinical Placement Experience and PGR Experience;

2246.2 that the process had been slightly amended, with students invited to provide feedback on five key areas identified as areas for improvement;

2246.3 that within the Welsh Student View, the biggest feedback related to Welsh residences and a desire from students for these; a large number of Welsh students wished to study at Cardiff, given it was the only Russell Group University in Wales, and study in Welsh with other Welsh-speakers; the Students' Union had visited similar residences in Aberystwyth and Bangor and were struck by the sense of community;

2246.4 that only 6.4% of students identified as Welsh speaking at the University, compared to 32% of students being Welsh domiciled; this suggested a need to encourage greater use of Welsh, not just at the University, but across the country; a discussion had been held at Education and Student Experience Committee on the need to engage with Welsh medium education in advance of students joining the University; students had highlighted a need to simplify the registration questions relating to the Welsh language (for example asking if students had studied Welsh at school, as opposed to asking if they spoke Welsh) and a need to ensure there was no drop in communications quality if these were requested in Welsh;

2246.5 that Council noted the importance of clinical placements to the wider student experience and a need to have a comprehensive understanding of students’ experience on placement; it was noted the NHS were happy to work with the University on this;

2246.6 that the Student Views had been received at Senate and therefore seen by the academic community and given central and institutional prominence; a formal response to the Views was being prepared by the University;

2246.7 that the support from the University for students struggling financially was very positive and there was often uncertainty from students on what was available for them;

2246.8 that there was an opportunity to address some issues raised via the estates strategy.

2247 Our future together - Cardiff University’s strategy to 2035 and draft Roadmap

Received and considered papers 23/719C, ‘Our future together - Cardiff University’s strategy to 2035 and draft Roadmap’, and 23/812C, ‘New Key Performance Indicators’. The Vice-Chancellor spoke to this item.


2247.1 the Chief Transformation Officer joined the meeting;

2247.2 that Council had seen a draft strategy at a previous meeting;

2247.3  that the Futures Hub indicated in the paper would likely be re-named, as a body of that name had recently been established by the Future Generations Commissioner;

2247.4 that the Big Conversation had launched in September 2023 with lots of work to engage staff, students and stakeholders; this had gained buy in from staff, with individuals already acting on its proposals and needing to be reminded it had not yet been approved;

2247.5 that the strategy was very clear on establishing what Cardiff University was;

2247.6 that the strategy was based in values and authenticity which was welcomed; the strategy may benefit from addition of behaviours;

2247.7 that there were limited strategic goals to indicate what the strategy was aiming for, although these could be taken from the vision for the University 2035;

2247.8 that the roadmap signalled the ways the University would begin to deliver the strategy, but that detail work on all elements had not been undertaken yet; the document would be a living document and would be iterative;

2247.9 that a transformation team had been established, including Strategic Planning, Communications and Marketing, Portfolio Management and HR, and that it would also have a representative from IT; the wider University community would also be asked to provide insights and expertise including views from the academic community and students;

2247.10 that external consultants had been engaged, where-ever possible making use of the knowledge and expertise already within the institution;

2247.11 it was queried whether the strategy was consequential enough to deliver what it needed and whether financial modelling had been undertaken to ensure it was a winning strategy;

2247.12 that the current funding model could not be delivered on diminishing income and further cuts could not be made; the strategy provided a chance for the University to identify how it wanted to be in the future and how it wanted to change;

2247.13 that the need to deliver financially was key, along with ensuring each step contributed to the overall future business model; a link to financial sustainability would also be helpful in delivering this message to staff;

2247.14 that external communication strategy was being developed; [Redacted];

2247.15 that a one-university approach was key to delivering the growth, efficiencies and diversifications needed; a name that highlighted this approach would be of benefit; the co-creation seen throughout the Big Conversation activities should continue;

2247.16 that there may be a need to consider culture as a separate workstream to ensure alignment;

2247.17 that detail around an international strategy was missing and this would bring a number of risks, especially given the changing markets and trends;

2247.18 that there would be a need to consider future decisions of the Welsh Government and changes to the size and scope of the Welsh sector;

2247.19 that there may be a need to consider Welsh Language within the KPIs;

2247.20 that it was felt there may be too many KPIs and these should be reviewed in light of having clear critical success factors or goals;

2247.21 that in summary, Council were supportive of the strategy and suggested additional behaviours to align with the values, and more detail around clear aims or success factors.


2247.22 to approve the Strategy and draft Roadmap, subject to addition of clear strategic goals or critical success factors;

2247.23  for comments on the KPIs to be taken away and for the executive to work with the Chair of Council on developing and bringing them back to a subsequent meeting.

Professor Urfan Khaliq left the meeting.

2248 Proposed Budget for 2024/25, Financial Projections for 2025/26, 2026/27 and 2027/28

Received and considered paper 23/720CR, ‘Proposed Budget for 2024/25, Financial Projections for 2025/26, 2026/27 and 2027/28’. The Chief Financial Officer spoke to this item.


2248.1 [Redacted];

2248.2 [Redacted];

2248.3 [Redacted];;

2248.4 [Redacted];

2248.5 [Redacted];

2248.6 [Redacted];

2248.7 [Redacted];

2248.8 [Redacted];

2248.9 [Redacted];

2248.10 [Redacted];

2248.11 [Redacted];

2248.12 [Redacted];

2248.13 [Redacted];

2248.14 [Redacted];

2248.15 [Redacted];

2248.16 [Redacted];

2248.17 [Redacted];

2248.18 [Redacted];

2248.19 [Redacted];

2248.20 [Redacted];

2248.21 [Redacted];

2248.22 [Redacted];


2248.23 to approve the proposed budget for 2024/25;

2248.24 to approve drawdown of £[Redacted] from reserves;

2248.25 to approve submission of the outer year forecasts to HEFCW;

2248.26 to approve HEFCW be notified the University was likely to fail to meet its HEFCW limit on Adjusted Net Operating Cashflow;

2248.27 to approve HEFCW be approached to agree the use of a Revolving Credit Facility.

David Langley (Chief Transformation Officer) left the meeting.

2249 Draft Strategic Equality Plan 2024-2028

Received and considered paper 23/768, ‘Draft Strategic Equality Plan 2024-2028’. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor spoke to this item.


2249.1 the Interim Head of EDI joined the meeting to help present this item; thanks were extended to the Interim Head of EDI for their work on this item;

2249.2 that the University had a statutory duty to publish a strategic equality plan every 4 years and it was aimed to publish this version alongside the new institutional strategy to ensure alignment;

2249.3 the document centred on three major areas: cynefin (which also featured in the institutional strategy), tegwch (equal opportunity) and cyfrannu (contributing); the document also incorporated the institution moving towards a one-university approach, as emphasised in the institutional strategy, as there was a responsibility for all to embed the culture;

2249.4 that the document was high-level and a detailed action plan was being developed to ensure delivery and identify measures and targets;

2249.5 that once approved, the plan would be published externally, and publicised via Blas, internal networks and the student news; work was also underway to review the governance of EDI which would allow for better cascading of information;

2249.6 that the University did not currently have a dress code policy (or a policy to note there was no policy) which allowed for personal determination of what was appropriate;

2249.7 that there was a requirement to include “anti-racist” within the SEP and this did not preclude defence or promotion of other characteristics.


2249.8 for consideration to be given to a dress code policy;

2249.9 to approve the Strategic Equality Plan 2024-2028 for publication.

Professor Dame Janet Finch, Jeremy Lewis, and Sarah Pryor (Interim Head of EDI) left the meeting.

2250 Net Zero by 2030 - Options Assessment

Received and considered paper 23/723HC, ‘Net Zero by 2030 - Options Assessment’. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor spoke to this item.


2250.1 [Redacted];

2250.2 [Redacted];

2250.3 [Redacted];

2250.4 [Redacted];

2250.5 [Redacted];

2250.6 [Redacted];

2250.7 [Redacted];

2250.8 [Redacted];

2250.9 [Redacted];

2250.10 [Redacted];

2250.11 [Redacted];

2250.12 [Redacted];

2250.13 [Redacted].

TJ Rawlinson (Director of Development and Alumni Relations) and Alice Milanese (Net Zero Manager) left the meeting.

2251 Annual Estates Performance Report

Received and considered paper 23/725, ‘Annual Estates Performance Report’. The Director of Estates joined the meeting to present this item.


2251.1 that the report summarised work undertaken in the previous year; this centred on data collection and better understanding of the estate; the condition survey was beneficial to understand the true condition of the estate;

2251.2 [Redacted]; further data and analysis on space usage was also being used to inform decision making;

2251.3 that a large amount of work had been undertaken on energy and carbon usage and there was a new team in estates to progress this;

2251.4 that the team continued to investigate funding opportunities and loans for work (e.g. replacement of LED bulbs);

2251.5 that a number of key projects were coming to an end and the focus for next year was likely to be maintenance;

2251.6 that funding had been approved in June for works to animal facilities and a further update was not ready at this time;

2251.7 that steps were being taken to better understand usage of teaching space (e.g. use of timetabling and timetabling systems and software for measuring usage); the figure contained in the paper was based on physical surveying of room usage during term-time;

2251.8 that there may be opportunities to collaborate further with other bodies on this (e.g. NHS, Cardiff Council);

2251.9 that there was also a need for a cultural change in how space was used;

2251.10 that thanks were extended to the Director of Estates for their work in this area.

John Shakeshaft and Anita Edson (Director of Estates) left the meeting.

2252 NSS 2024 Results

Received and considered an oral report from the Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience, who joined the meeting to present this item.


2252.1 Professor Urfan Khaliq rejoined the meeting;

2252.2 that there had significant jump in overall satisfaction from 71% to 77.9%; the sector had only increased by 1%; this was good news and would be used by the regulator;

2252.3 that the University had improved on all thematic areas and all key indicators;

2252.4 that 21 of 24 schools had improved and three had dropped (although not by a significant amount); school data was often misleading as it covered many subjects;

2252.5 that subject data reflected 44 of 62 had improved, of which 19 saw a 10% improvement; this data would be reviewed by HEFCW and used for rankings;

2252.6  that there had been a positive skew at a programme level, with a higher number gaining 100% satisfaction, 22 at 90% and a fewer number at 70% and below;

2252.7 that HEFCW would review all questions that were below benchmark and request plans for these; in 2023 there had been 16 beneath benchmark and this had reduced to only 6 in 2024; the Students’ Union question remained above benchmark and performing well;

2252.8 that the Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience would meet with HEFCW at the end of the week to discuss the results;

2252.9 that in regard to subject level results, 14 had been below benchmark in 2023 and this was now 12; some subjects had been below benchmark in 2023 as well (e.g. Healthcare, Dental, Economics, Computer Science) but had shown improvements this year; Engineering and Chemistry were new subjects below benchmark; although the number of subjects not hitting threshold was disappointing, the direction of travel was positive;

2252.10 that a number of subjects were now below benchmark for three or four years (Healthcare, Computer Science, Engineering); focus would centre on why these schools and subjects remained below benchmark and look to allocate support and resource; Nursing continued to perform under benchmark, although it was highlighted that all questions except satisfaction were over 80%, suggesting there was something outside of teaching that needed review;

2252.11 that Law and the School of Social Sciences had moved out of monitoring;

2252.12 that despite the positive shift, the University still remained beneath the sector and Welsh sector averages; the University had also not changed its position in Wales; however there were big improvements in relation to Russell Group competitors, most notable the move to 6th of 24 for assessment and feedback;

2252.13  that an incredible amount of work had been undertaken by schools to achieve this change and it was pleasing to see the fruition of projects within the Education and Student Experience Portfolio having an impact; this indicated the priorities and focus had been correct;

2252.14 that an impact from MAB on certain schools did not seem to be reflected in the data, although it was suspected the drop in Physics may be linked to MAB; it was noted that Physics continued to perform well;

2252.15 that graduate outcome data was also positive, indicating Cardiff students were highly employable (13th in Russell Group, 20th in the sector, and the top university in Wales);

2252.16 that the data would be shared with Senior Staff in the coming days and discussed with HEFCW; further intelligence work on the data would be undertaken; students joining in September would be updated on what had worked well and the strategy for next steps; work would also be undertaken with Professional Services colleagues to understand their impact on student experience;

2252.17 that congratulations were extended to the Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience for the significant leadership, work and improvements here and to the wider team.

Claire Morgan (Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience) left the meeting.

2253 Finance Report

Received and considered paper 23/726C, ‘Finance Report’. The Chief Financial Officer spoke to this item.


2253.1 that the paper presented the bottom-up position of Colleges and Professional Services; there had been limited scrutiny due to the preparation of the budget;

2253.2  that performance for Q3 against 2022/23 reflected a good position, which reflected the large impact the drop in international student recruitment and cost of living had had and therefore how fragile the system was;

2253.3 that the narrative suggested savings would not be achieved and there continued to be pressure to achieve these (e.g. recruitment controls);

2253.4 that the May figures indicated the University was [Figures Redacted] ahead of Q3 forecast; there was encouragement to hold on to this gain wherever possible.

2254 Annual Update on University Pension Schemes

Received and considered paper 23/727C, ‘Annual Update on University Pension Schemes’. The Chief Financial Officer spoke to this item.


2254.1 that USS had implemented the latest valuation, with employee contributions dropping from 9.8% to 6.1% and employer contributions from 21.8% to 14.5%; these savings were consumed by the overall financial position;

2254.2 the July 2022 valuation for CUPF had been implemented, resulting in small savings for the University;

2254.3 that there had been a growth in membership of the schemes, with CUPS and CUPF figures larger than at the end of 2022; this was largely driven by the scheme becoming more affordable; this did have a financial impact for the University which had been factored into future budgets.

2255 Report from Redundancy Committee to Council

Received and considered paper 23/766C, ‘Report from Redundancy Committee to Council’. The Interim Director of HR joined the meeting to present this item.


2255.1 that this annual paper reflected changes made in the previous year;

2255.2 the paper requested delegations to Redundancy Committee to make decisions on Council’s behalf, to the Chair of Council to approve decisions of the Redundancy Committee, and to the Director of HR to issue dismissal notices; indicative numbers of fixed term contracts and open-ended contracts with relevant factor at risk of redundancy in the coming year were detailed in the paper;

2255.3 [Redacted];

2255.4 [Redacted].


2255.5 to approve the procedure in relation to the two applicable categories of staff (as detailed in this paper) for the 12 months from October 2024;

2255.6 to determine that it was desirable that there be a reduction in the academic staff in relation to the projected contract terminations of the two applicable categories of academic staff across the University over the following year from 1 October 2024;

2255.7 to set up Redundancy Committees to consider such terminations;

2255.8 to delegate to the Chair or Deputy Chair of Council the authority under paragraph 11(2) of Part I of Statute XV, to approve any selection recommendation made by the Redundancy Committee;

2255.9 to delegate authority under paragraph 12(1) of Part I of Statute XV to the Director of Human Resources to issue dismissal notices;

2255.10 to approve the case for a proposed cessation of activity [Part Redacted], as described in the business case (Appendix 2);

2255.11 to approve the case for a proposed cessation of activity within [Part Redacted], as described in the business case (Appendix 3).

Dr Juan Pereiro Viterbo left the meeting.

2256 Report from Senate

Received and considered paper 23/761, ‘Report from Senate’.


2256.1 that it was unclear how assurance was provided to Council via this paper; it was highlighted this would be picked up via the Bicameral Review.


2256.2 to approve the academic year dates for 2025/26;

2256.3 to approve the Degrees Outcome Statement for publication.

2257 Residences Strategy 2024

Received and considered paper 23/724C, ‘Residences Strategy 2024’.


2257.1 that it would be useful to know what would change within the principles should a smaller amount of funding be allocated than is expected.


2257.2 for information to be shared on what would change in the event all the funds requested were not available;

2257.3 to approve the University adopts the Residences Strategy as an overarching principles document.

2258 Any Other Business


2258.1 that initial work on reviewing the sub-committees of Council and their function and remit had been paused whilst the new strategy was embedded, and would be resumed during 2024-25;

2258.2 that thanks were extended to Jan Juillerat and Julie-Anne Johnston who were attending their last meeting.

2259 Revised Human Research Ethics Policy

Received and considered paper 23/756, ‘Revised Human Research Ethics Policy’.


2259.1 to approve the revised policy and the new framework.

2260 SU Financial Agreement 2023-24 Review

Received and considered paper 23/728C, ‘Students’ Union Financial Agreement 2023-24 Review’.


2260.1 to approve the outcome of the 2023/2024 review, noting that no changes were proposed at this time.

2261 Amendments to Ordinances

Received and considered papers 23/669, ‘Ordinance 6 – Chancellor and Pro Chancellors’ and 23/754C ‘Amendment to Ordinance 9 – Proposal to restructure the academic leadership for international activity’.


2261.1 to approve the proposed changes to Ordinance 6;

2261.2  to approve the proposed amendment to Ordinance 9 – Academic Bodies to reflect the change in structure from College Deans of International to Regional Deans.

2262 Remuneration Committee Constitution

Received and considered paper 23/566HCR, ‘Revised Terms of Reference Remuneration Committee’.


2262.1 to approve the revised Constitution for the Remuneration Committee.

2263 Trustee Payments, Benefits and Expenses Policy

Received and considered paper 23/661CR, ‘Trustee Payments, Benefits and Expenses Policy’.


2263.1 to approve the Trustee Payments, Benefits and Expenses Policy.

2264 Items Received for Information

  • 23/781C Report from Chair of Audit and Risk Committee
  • 23/790C Report from Chair of Finance and Resources Committee
  • 23/735C Investment Plan updates – Capital Investment Plan 2018-23 and Short-Term Investment Plan 2021-23
  • 23/729C HR Dashboard
  • 23/736C Annual report on Cardiff University’s Joint Venture activities 2022-23
  • 23/763C Report from Chair of Governance Committee
  • 23/764C Report from Remuneration Committee to Council
  • 23/676 Emeritus and Emerita Titles Awarded Since 1 April 2023
  • 23/677CR Report from Honorary Fellowships and Degrees Committee
  • 23/762 Schedule of business for the Forthcoming Year
  • 23/658 Council Training and Induction Plan 2024-25
  • 23/760 Sealing Transactions
  • 23/765C Update on Grievance Committee
  • 23/688HC Major and Serious Incidents Update (provided separately on Director’s Desk)