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Document Verification Requirements for Applicants

1. Introduction

1.1 Cardiff University requires applicants to submit specific documents as part of their application process. These documents are essential for verifying the authenticity of the information provided, ensuring compliance with legal standards, and maintaining the integrity of the admissions process. The following outlines the requirements for document verification, including data protection measures, retention schedules, fraud prevention strategies, and applicant responsibilities.

1.2 This document should be read in association with:

2. Document submission requirements

2.1 All documents submitted must be original or certified true copies. Applicants must ensure that the information provided is accurate and verifiable.

2.2 Typically an applicant will be required to provide proof of:

  • Identification: Government-issued ID (passport, national ID, or driver’s license).
  • Academic records: Transcripts and certificates from previous educational institutions.
  • Residency: Utility bills, lease agreements, or other official documents showing current address, where an assessment of fee status is required.
  • Financial documents: Bank statements, sponsorship letters, or proof of financial support, if applicable.

2.3 Documents can be submitted in either physical form (hard copies) or digitally through the University’s online application portal. Digital submissions must be in PDF format, with clear and legible scans.

3. UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) requirements

3.1 As a UKVI Student Sponsor Licence holder, we have record keeping duties which are defined in the Student Sponsor Guidance – Document 2: Sponsorship Duties (page 8 version 12/2020).

3.1.1 To maintain a UKVI Student Sponsor Licence. the University retains the right to ask new students enrolling at Cardiff University to present original documentation, including certified translation where required*, to Admissions on arrival at the University by a stated deadline, where the following applies:

  • Final/complete documentation has not been provided, or the quality is not sufficient to meet record keeping requirements.
  • Where the University has been unable to verify a qualification by alternative means, such as through an Awarding Bodies verification process.
  • Where the University has been notified of a potential issue such as documentation fraud or doctored results.
  • Where UCAS, UKVI, or the Home Office have alerted the University to potential risk in relation to documentation or qualifications.

3.1.2 *Documents requested by the University which are not in English or Welsh must be accompanied by a certified translation. The translator’s credentials should be given, along with their official declaration that the translation is accurate.

3.2 Applicants who are required to present original documentation on arrival will be contacted as part of the pre-arrivals process to inform them of this requirement. This will normally be via email.

3.3 Completion of the enrolment process, including collection of an ID card, will be held until original documents, and certified translation where required, have been presented and verified. If the required documents are not presented by the stated deadline, the University will consider an applicant as no longer able to undertake the programme of study and this will result in the withdrawal of a place to study along with appropriate reporting to the UKVI.

4. Data Protection

4.1 The University is committed to protecting the personal data of applicants. All submitted documents will be handled in strict confidence and used solely for the purpose of assessing eligibility for admission.

4.2 Personal data will be processed in accordance with applicable data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

4.2.1 It is a condition of acceptance of a place at the University that the applicant consents to personal information, obtained by the University in connection with the admission process, being retained for a specified period in line with GDPR. In so doing, the applicant accepts that such information may be used and shared with UCAS or other relevant bodies for the purposes of verifying the identity, qualifications, or references of the applicant.

4.2.2 Where it is legitimate and necessary, the University may process applicants’ personal data without their consent, for example by sharing information with UK agencies with duties relating to the prevention and detection of crime, apprehension and prosecution of offenders, collection of a tax or duty, or safeguarding national security. This may include Benefit or Tax Inspectors, the Police, the Home Office UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) Division, and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).

4.3 Digital submissions are stored in a secure, encrypted database, with access restricted to authorised personnel only. Physical documents are digitised then returned to the applicant or confidentially destroyed. The University cannot guarantee arrival or return of documentation sent by mail, courier, or postal services.

4.4 Applicants have the right to access, correct, or request the deletion of their personal data held by the University, subject to legal and administrative requirements.

5. Document Retention Schedule

5.1 The University retains applicant documents in line with the University’s retention schedules. These periods allow the University to address any potential inquiries or legal requirements related to the application.

5.1.1 The University must store and retain a copy for audit purposes all documents used for the purpose of admission to the University for students entering on the basis of a UK student visa, for which we are the sponsoring institution.

5.2 After the relevant retention period digital documents will be permanently deleted from the University’s systems to prevent unauthorised access.

5.3 In cases where legal or regulatory obligations require, the University may retain documents for a longer period. Applicants will be informed if their data is subject to extended retention.

6. Fraud Prevention

6.1 The University is committed to ensuring that applicants are admitted on the basis of fair admissions practices and will not be admitted to the University on the basis of false, incorrect, or misleading information.

6.2 The University conducts rigorous checks on all submitted documents. This includes cross-referencing information with issuing bodies, using document verification technology, and employing third-party verification services where necessary.

6.3 Where University staff involved in the admission of students have reason to believe that the information supplied in an application is false, incorrect, or misleading, the University will seek to verify the information provided, either with the applicant or any other person, or organisation, able to attest to the accuracy and/or validity of the information provided.

6.4 Any attempt to submit falsified, altered, misleading, inaccurate, or fraudulent documents will result in immediate disqualification from the admissions process

i) all current applications, when the selection decision is outstanding, will be rejected;

ii) any offers of admission already made will be recinded;

iii) the Student Cases team will be notified where the applicant is also a current student, for further investigation under Student Conduct Procedures;

6.4.1 The University reserves the right to refuse admission in future admissions cycles.

6.4.2 The University may take legal action against individuals who commit fraud.

6.5 There is no right of appeal if an application is withdrawn on the basis of fraud. Where an application has been rejected or an offer of admission rescinded within the scope of this policy and the applicant is able to submit additional information or original documentation which verifies the queried content of their application, the University will reinstate the application subject to the approval of the Vice-Chancellor or nominee, in consultation with the relevant Head(s) of School, and subject to places on the course being available (where a course is full, the University will make an offer for deferred entry).

6.6 The University encourages applicants and the public to report any suspicious activities related to the submission of fraudulent documents. Reports can be submitted through the complaints against applicants procedure.

6.7 If the University has grounds to believe that a registered student obtained their place on the basis of false, incorrect, or misleading information, the student’s case will be investigated and heard via the Student Discipline Procedure, including Fitness to Practise where relevant.

7. Applicant Responsibilities

7.1 Applicants are responsible for ensuring that all submitted documents are accurate, complete, and up to date. Failure to provide required documents may result in delays or rejection of the application.

7.2 All documents must be submitted by the deadlines specified in the admissions process. Late submissions may not be considered, and exceptions will only be made in exceptional circumstances.

7.3 Applicants must promptly notify the University of any changes to their personal information, such as changes in address or legal name, to ensure that records are accurate.

7.4 Applicants must cooperate with the University during the verification process, including providing additional information or documents if requested.

7.5 By submitting an application, applicants acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agree to comply with the University’s document verification policies, including those related to data protection and fraud prevention.

8. Current students

8.1 As part of the University’s audit processes, the University retains the right to ask a current student to present documentation previously used for admissions purposes, where required documentation is missing or is not of sufficient quality to meet record keeping requirements, or where a subsequent query or notification of potential documentation fraud have been raised with the University.

8.2 Current students who are required to present original documentation will be contacted by the Admissions Team, the Student Cases Team, or the Student Visa Compliance Team, via their Cardiff University email address, to alert them to the requirement, documentation required, and a timeframe for presenting (this will normally be within 28 days). Failure to provide documentation as required may result in disciplinary procedures or withdrawal/exclusion.

9. Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding document verification, applicants can contact the University’s admissions team:

Webform:  Ask a question

Phone: +44 (0)29 20879999

Post: Admissions Team
Cardiff University
McKenzie House
30-36 Newport Road
CF24 0DE