Admissions information for studying Dentistry at Cardiff
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What must be on my UCAS Application?
All applicants must complete all sections of the UCAS application. In addition, a personal statement which includes information supporting your suitability for the Dental course applied for and an academic reference are essential.
Those applying to our DipHE Dental Hygiene and BSc Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene programmes with BTEC or Access to Higher Education qualifications must accurately state which course they are completing or have completed (e.g. Certificate or Diploma). The individual modules completed (and associated grades) must also be entered accurately on the application form so the admissions team can ensure the Biology content of the course is suitable. If credits have been awarded, the qualification should be entered into the “completed” section of the UCAS form.
Applications with missing information that influences our ability to assess the suitability of your qualifications, or applications with inaccurate information, or applications with qualifications entered into the incorrect section of the UCAS form, may be rejected. Applicants will only be contacted for clarification if time allows during the application scoring process.
What should I include in my personal statement?
For all applicants, the personal statement should include:
- a commitment to the dental profession applied for
- evidence of the skills and attributes required for the dental professions
- an understanding of the dental professions
The personal statement is screened for those we intend to interview, but not formally scored.
How should I choose a referee?
If you’re in education or have recently been in education, your referee should be someone who:
- knows you academically
- can share supporting information relevant to the courses you’re applying for
- can provide predicted grades for qualifications that you’re currently studying
If you have not been in education for a while, some universities or colleges may consider a different type of reference, such as an employment reference. Requirements vary by provider (and sometimes by course type), so please contact your choices for advice on what type of reference you’ll need to provide.
You can’t ask family members, friends, partners, or ex-partners to be your referee; if you do, your application may be cancelled. Your referee won’t be able to see your application or courses, so make sure you discuss this information with them before sending the reference request.
You only need to submit one reference with your application. If you’d like to share more than one reference with your university or college, please contact them to ask if an additional reference can be sent directly.
UCAS offers lots of guidance on sourcing a reference for your undergraduate application.
Do I need work experience?
Work experience is not essential for admission onto our programmes, but your personal statement should demonstrate that you are committed to the programme you are applying for, and have knowledge of the dental professions.
What does the School of Dentistry think of a gap year?
We welcome a constructive gap year as it gives you an opportunity to travel, gain work experience or carry out charity work etc. We recognise that a gap year can broaden your skills and experience. With the cost of living, earning money before university may also be helpful.
Does the School of Dentistry accept transfers?
Home Transfers
Dental Schools do not accept transfers of students from other schools. This is because the requirements for graduation defined by the GDC are not taught and assessed in a similar order. Government capped places would also be disrupted by student transfers.
Schools may consider transfers for students in unforeseen exceptional circumstances with approval of both the sending and receiving programmes. In most cases the student would need to re-start from year one for the reasons described previously.
The Dental Schools Council encourages prospective students to consider the intensity of oral healthcare courses and their potential geographical distance from their support networks, when applying for dental school.
International transfers
Students from a dental school outside the UK are unable to transfer into a programme in a UK dental school. This is because international programmes follow their local regulatory requirements which are likely to differ from those in the UK.
How competitive is it to get into dental programmes at Cardiff University's School of Dentistry?
The competition has become even more fierce over the past few years. As well as the number of applications increasing, the proportion of applicants with excellent academic results has also increased. Unfortunately, many excellently qualified applicants are rejected because of this competition for a set number of places.
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
We have had over 1500 applications each year over the last two years for Dentistry. We interview approximately 280 - 300 applicants. The number of offers following interview has varied over the last three years in an effort to reduce the risk of oversubscription and has ranged from approximately 60 - 100. A reserve list is used.
There are around 74 places for Year 1 (including UK and Overseas). The number of places available on the programme can change.
As part of the selection process, you would only receive an offer if you have had an interview.
DipHE Dental Hygiene and BSc Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene
We have had around 1000 applications each year over the last 2 years across both programmes. The number of interviews offered can vary but has been around 240 for the last 2 years across both programmes. The number of offers following interview has varied over the last three years in an effort to reduce the risk of oversubscription and due to different numbers of places being available. A reserve list is used.
There are around 18 places on DipHE Dental Hygiene and 29 places on BSc Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene. The number of places available on each programme can change.
As part of the selection process, you would only receive an offer if you have had an interview.
How many Overseas places do you have?
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
Like most traditional Dental Schools across the UK, we have a cap on overseas places. This means we have around 4-5 places in Year 1.
DipHE Dental Hygiene and BSc Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene
We do not currently accept Overseas fee paying students onto these programmes.
Are Welsh applicants treated differently to Rest of UK applicants?
All Dental Schools across the UK have contextualisation criteria. Dental education in Wales is funded by Welsh Government. There is a need to ensure that public money in Wales is spent to improve the health of the nation of Wales, in addition to the wider UK. The School of Dentistry has responsibilities regarding widening access to dentistry and supporting the diversity of the healthcare workforce, and these are also key considerations in reviewing applications to dental school. Given the geography and population of Wales, and the under-representation of Welsh applicants, Cardiff University's School of Dentistry currently recognises Welsh-domiciled applicants as one of their contextualised groups. Like all Dental Schools in the UK, the number of dental student placements is capped in line with the funding available.
To find out more, read our contextual admissions page.
Why do you treat contextualised applicants differently?
Having a diverse dental student population promotes a holistic, empathetic approach to patients, ensures we are selecting dentists representative of the population they will be serving, and may be more likely to work in communities similar to those they are from.
Groups of students who are under-represented at dental school are encouraged to apply. There are many groups that are under-represented. Social mobility is improved through education.
How are applications scored?
Applicants are regarded as Welsh-domiciled, Rest of UK-non-contextualised, contextualised Rest of UK, Widening Participation (WP) or Overseas.
WP applicants who have taken part in either the Step-Up programme, Seren Dental Summer School, the Sutton Trust Dental Summer School, the North Wales Dentistry Widening Participation programme, Deintyddion yfory or the International Foundation Year are eligible for a guaranteed interview. Applicants on the Pathway to Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy are eligible for a guaranteed interview for the BSc Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene and DipHE Dental Hygiene.
To meet commissioner requirements, Welsh domicile applicants who have completed or are pending a Level 3 or 4 Access to Higher Education course with an appropriate amount of Biology will also typically be invited to interview for the BSc Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene and DipHE Dental Hygiene. Applicants must meet all minimum entry requirements and submit a satisfactory personal statement and reference.
For all other applicants, points are given for achieved grades only. GCSEs (including mandatory subjects) and A levels are eligible to be scored. Accepted equivalent qualifications can also be scored. Typically, seven GCSEs will be scored for the Bachelor of Dental Surgery and five for BSc Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene and DipHE Dental Hygiene.
A*/8/9 = 4 points
A/7 = 3 points
B/6 = 2 points
C/4/5 = 1 point
If you are applying with achieved A levels, points for achieved A level grades may be added to your GCSE score. Having a fourth A Level is not a requirement and will not enhance your application. A Dental Nurse qualification is accepted for the BSc in Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene and the DipHE in Dental Hygiene in lieu of one A-level (excluding Biology). Other Level 3 qualifications may be considered in lieu of A levels. Once you have achieved 28 points for Dentistry and 20 points for DipHE Dental Hygiene or BSc Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene, you will be considered alongside those with the maximum academic score available with GCSEs.
If you are applying with an Honours Degree that meets the requirements for the programme applied for and have also achieved the minimum GCSE and A level requirements, you will achieve the maximum academic score and will be considered alongside those achieving maximum academic scores with GCSEs or A levels.
For Bachelor of Dental Surgery, if the number of applicants in the relevant applicant group receiving a high academic score exceeds the number of interviews available, the UCAT score will be used as a cut-off. Due to the variability in International qualifications, the scoring system may be utilised differently for Overseas applicants.
For BSc Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene and DipHE Dental Hygiene, if the number of applicants in the relevant applicant group receiving a high academic score exceeds the number of interviews available, other aspects of your application may be considered to determine a cut-off, including the personal statement.
What is the cut-off score?
Cut-off scores for interviews (academic and UCAT) are determined by the competitiveness (i.e. calibre) of the number and quality of the applications we receive each year.
The academic and / or UCAT cut-off score will vary year to year and may vary between the different groups of applicants to ensure there is representation from each group.
What is your UCAT cut-off score?
A UCAT cut-off score is only used if we have too many applicants sitting on excellent academic scores. The UCAT cut-off score is not predetermined and is unrelated to the previous year’s cut-off. It cannot currently be predicted. The cut-off score may be different for the different groups to ensure that there is representation from each group.
What subjects must I have?
Please see our Admissions Policy and our website for details on our minimum entry requirements.
Do you look at predicted grades?
Predicted grades are not considered at any stage of the selection process.
Do you look at AS level grades?
AS level grades are not considered at any stage of the selection process.
Do you have a Graduate Entry programme?
We do not have a graduate entry programme.
Do you accept Access Courses, BTECs and T levels?
Access Courses, BTECs and T levels are not currently accepted for the Bachelor of Dental Surgery.
We accept some Access Courses, BTECs and T levels for our BSc in Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene and DipHE in Dental Hygiene. Applicants are encouraged to email to ensure their course contains enough Biology to be considered.
Do you accept re-sits?
We accept re-sits at GCSE level. These must be achieved at the point of application.
We do not accept A level re-sits for the Bachelor of Dental Surgery unless you have been successful at interview and were given an honoured offer for the following year.
We accept A level re-sits for the BSc in Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene and DipHE in Dental Hygiene.
Do you accept the EPQ?
For the Bachelor in Dental Surgery, the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is not considered at any stage of the selection process. However, depending on the project, applicants may find the skills developed during the project useful for discussing in their personal statement.
For the BSc in Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene, an A grade in the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) can reduce the A level requirements by 1 grade (not including Biology).
What about extenuating circumstances?
These must be sent to the Central University by the deadline specified to be considered by the Admission Group. We are not able to adjust academic grades that have been given by any awarding bodies (you should contact the relevant Exam Board).
I’m unsure what my fee status will be, can you help?
An applicant’s fee status is set by the University, in accordance with the Education (Fees and Awards) Regulations and with the University’s guiding principles of fee assessment. Find out more about Cardiff University’s fee status policy and has a Fee Assessment Questionnaire, or contact with further enquiries.
When will I hear if I have an interview with Cardiff University?
We review all applications thoroughly once the UCAS deadline has passed, and this process can take many weeks. Therefore, we cannot give an exact timeframe on when applicants will be informed whether they have been successful in receiving an invitation to interview. We will only contact applicants once all applications have been reviewed. We try to give at least two weeks notice for interview where possible. If we are unable to do so, we will endeavour to update applicants with an estimated date of when they will hear if they have been invited to interview.
For the Bachelor of Dental Surgery, if you have not heard from us by the end of December, please contact us on:
For the BSc in Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene and DipHE in Dental Hygiene, if you have not heard from us by the end of March, please contact us on:
Will the interviews be in person or online and what will the format be?
The interviews will be in the format of Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI) which involves several individual stations with themed questions. The interviews for 2025 entry will be in person for Home fee status applicants. We will not offer online interviews except for overseas applicants to the Bachelor of Dental Surgery programme. Applicants should make note of the advertised dates of the interviews on our website (these can be subject to change).
We do not currently reimburse applicants for expenses incurred attending their interview. Applicants who are unable to afford to attend their interview can contact us to discuss their circumstances, but we cannot guarantee that funds will be available from the University.
The majority of our MMI stations will be mapped to attributes expected of Dental Professionals by the General Dental Council.
Detailed information on the MMI process, including advice is sent to applicants offered an interview.
Applicants requiring reasonable adjustments or those with extenuating circumstances must email us with these requirements once invited to interview and in plenty of time to ensure any adjustments can be considered.
Can I do my interview through the medium of Welsh? How do I apply for this?
Yes. Anyone can sit their MMI through the medium of Welsh or bilingually. There will be a set number of interviews offered through the medium of Welsh/bilingually. You will need to contact us once invited to interview to secure an interview slot reserved for Welsh/bilingual interviews.
What is a bilingual or Welsh interview at Cardiff University School of Dentistry?
Bilingual and Welsh MMIs are essentially the same, in the sense they are conducted as one interview. You can switch from Welsh to English, and vice versa in these interviews. All interviewers will be happy to conduct the interview in either Welsh or English and you are welcome to switch languages at any time. You will not be granted any additional points for speaking Welsh, nor will they be taken away if you switch language at any time during the MMIs. You might wish to conduct one station in Welsh and another in English. This will not affect your score in any way.
All questions in the MMI interviews are available in Welsh so you can complete the whole interview through the medium of Welsh if you choose.
How do you prioritise offers after interview?
The highest scoring applicants in each applicant group are typically offered a place. Please note the Suitability for the Profession scores are also taken into account (it is possible to score highly on the stations, but not receive an offer if the Suitability for the Profession scores are low). If applicants have the same interview score, UCAT is used to prioritise offers for the BDS programme. As UCAT is not currently required for the BSc and DipHE programmes, other aspects of the application will be considered, including the personal statement.
How do you prioritise the reserve list?
The reserve lists are ranked using the same criteria as those used to prioritise offers after interview.
I applied to Cardiff for Dentistry last year and didn’t get a place. Can I reapply this year?
Yes, you can reapply as long as you meet our minimum entry requirements for the year you are applying.
I attended a Step Up/Sutton Trust/ Deintyddion yfory/ North Wales Dental Widening Participation/ Pathway to Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy programme, how will you know?
We receive a list of applicants who have attended within the last year.
Document control table
Document title: | Admissions information for studying Dentistry at Cardiff |
Date approved: | 30 August 2024 |