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Council minutes 3 June 2024

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Cardiff University Council held on 3 June 2024 at 15.00 via Zoom.

Present: Patrick Younge (Chair), Professor Wendy Larner, Beth Button, Angie Flores Acuña, Professor Damian Walford Davies, Judith Fabian, Professor Dame Janet Finch, Christopher Jones, Jan Juillerat, Professor Urfan Khaliq, Stephen Mann, Deio Owen, Dr Juan Pereiro Viterbo, Sian Rees, John Shakeshaft, Professor Katherine Shelton, Dr Robert Weaver, Dr Catrin Wood and Jennifer Wood.

Attendees:  Professor Ruedi Allemann, Hayley Beckett, Katy Dale [Minute taker], Ruth Davies, Laura Davies, Tom Hay, Claire Morgan, Claire Sanders, Professor Roger Whitaker and Darren Xiberras.

2233 Welcome and preliminaries

All were welcomed to the meeting.

2234  Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Jeremy Lewis, Suzanne Rankin, David Selway and Agnes Xavier-Phillips.

2235 Declarations of Interest

The Chair reminded the Committee members of their duty to disclose any potential conflicts of interest.


2235.1 that a potential interest was noted from the staff members of Council who could apply for the scheme.

2236 Voluntary Severance Scheme 2024

Received and considered paper 23/668C, ‘Voluntary Severance Scheme 2024’. The Vice-Chancellor spoke to this item.


2236.1 [Redacted];

2236.2 [Redacted];

2236.3 [Redacted];

2236.4 [Redacted];

2236.5 [Redacted];

2236.6 [Redacted];

2236.7 [Redacted];

2236.8 [Redacted];

2236.9 [Redacted];

2236.10 [Redacted];

2236.11 [Redacted];

2236.12 [Redacted];

2236.13 [Redacted];

2236.14 [Redacted];

2236.15 [Redacted];

2236.16 [Redacted];

2236.17 [Redacted];

2236.18 [Redacted];

2236.19 [Redacted];

2236.20 [Redacted];

2236.21 [Redacted].


2236.22 to approve a Voluntary Severance Scheme 2024, namely the approach outlined in the paper and the application of a tiered severance payment.