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Ecosystem Resilience and Biodiversity Action Plan 2024-2026

  • Last updated:

The Ecosystem Resilience and Biodiversity Action Plan (ERBAP) Steering Group has recently reviewed and updated the university’s Ecosystem Resilience and Biodiversity Action Plan. The plan sets how we are going to maintain and enhance biodiversity and promote ecosystem resilience across Cardiff University’s campuses, in compliance with the Section 6 Duty of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016.

The ERBAP is based on assessing and improving the five attributes developed by Natural Resource Wales (NRW) for building ecosystem resilience: diversity, extent, condition, connectivity, and adaptability of ecosystems (DECCA). The plan also incorporates the five ways of working set out by the Well-Being of Future Generations Act: integration, collaboration, engagement, long-term and prevention.

The ERBAP was developed in collaboration with Cardiff Council to ensure that our joint actions achieve synergies in reaching our ecosystem resilience and biodiversity targets. The work is collaborative and draws upon the resources and expertise of all of Cardiff University’s community: academic staff, professional services staff, postgraduate and undergraduate students.

The revised ERBAP sets out a series of targets to reach over the next three-year period between 2024 and 2026. We present here a summarised version of the plan, which includes the aims, priority species/species groups and habitats, and the species, habitats, engagement, and education targets. A full version is available upon request at


The ERBAP’s central aims are:

  1. Characterise the level and distribution of biological diversity, measured both within and among species and the status of biodiversity-related ecosystem services across the university’s estate. These will be evaluated by intensive surveys and data analysis.
  2. Using data collected in the categorisation phase, establish the most effective management strategies for maintenance, restoration, and enhancement of the university’s green estate by mitigation.
  3. Target any strategic habitats and functions identified to be in unsatisfactory conditions for restoration and/or enhancement, including the creation of a phased restoration plan around the university’s estate focusing on enhancing biodiversity under the DECCA framework.
  4. Continue to evaluate the university’s green estate with an aim to enhance its biodiversity performance, regardless of its current status. Continue to restore and enhance the functionality and biodiversity of the university’s green estate.
  5. Implement a rolling monitoring program to evaluate changes and the impact of management practices on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Monitoring activities will be as inclusive as possible to create a ‘living laboratory’, thereby embedding the activities of the ERBAP within the university’s day-to-day life and activities.
  6. Continue to focus on the promotion of biodiversity and ecosystems services with staff and students, local authorities, and stakeholders. The university’s green estate will be used as a focus for community interaction.

Cardiff University Priority Species

Table 1. Species and species groups identified to date as priorities for conservation action and management

Cardiff University Priority Species


Common name

Species name

Species of Principal Importance for Biodiversity

Cardiff Local Biodiversity Action Plan

Cardiff University Wildlife & Wildflower Plan

Status at Cardiff University in 2020


Slow worm

Anguis fragilis




Present at one site


Common pipistrelle

Pipistrellus pipistrellus




Use at least three sites



Lissotriton vulgaris; L. helveticus; Triturus cristatus




Not recorded


Black-headed gull

Larus ridibundus




Present at one site


Herring gull

Larus argentatus subsp. argentatus




Present at several sites


House sparrow

Passer domesticus




Present at several sites


Cinnabar moth

Tyria jacobeae




Breeds at two sites



Erinaceus europaeus




Uses at least three sites, may breed



Apus apus




Breeds at one site


Tawny owl

Strix aluco




Uses one site


Garden birds

Incl. Prunella modularis, Turdus philomelos, Sturnus vulgaris




Present at most sites



Incl. Spilosoma lutea, Malacosoma neustria




Present at most sites



Hyacinthoides non-scripta




Present at four sites


Welsh daffodil

Narcissus pseudonarcissus




Not recorded


Soil fauna/flora

Incl. Acari, Trichoniscidae, various Coleoptera, Chilopoda, Fungi




Present at all sites


Veteran trees

Incl. Quercus spp., Fagus sylvatica, Fraxinus excelsior




Present at several sites


Saproxylic fauna/flora

Incl. Lucanidae, Syrphidae, Fungi




Present at some sites



Var. Lepidoptera




Present at all sites

Cardiff University Priority Habitats

Table 2. Habitats identified to date as priorities for conservation action and management

Cardiff University Priority Habitats


Common name

Habitat of Principal Importance for Biodiversity

Cardiff Local Biodiversity Action Plan

Cardiff University Wildlife & Wildflower Plan

Status at Cardiff University in 2020


Lowland neutral grassland meadow




Currently c.2,475m2 across eight sites. All converted from improved grassland, but with some remnant and several colonising species.






Currently only one mini-pond across all sites, but another pond was historically present.


Lowland mixed deciduous woodland




Around 9,000m2 across three sites.






Over 3km present across several sites.


Veteran trees




At least three sites containing veteran trees.

Action Plan 2024-2026

Species Targets

Table 3. ERBAP 2024-2026 Surveys and Habitat Enhancement Targets for Priority Species and Species Groups

Priority Species/Species Groups

Species-Specific Survey and Habitat Enhancement Targets 2024-2026

Slow Worms

  • Determine if slow worm population still occurs on campus grounds
  • Set up a cat-deterrent system
  • Add warning and information signage
  • Survey other areas for slow worms
  • Place reptile hibernacula at key sites
  • Set-up long-term monitoring programme for slow worms


  • Explore the creation of ponds on campus
  • Explore the creation of compost heaps
  • Build more log piles

Tawny owls

  • Add warning and information signage
  • Create additional hedgerow and/or rough grassland to encourage small mammals and birds
  • Set up dusk survey programme*

*with support from Ornithological Student Society, WildSoc, BIOSI


  • Initial bird walks to confirm presence of gulls*
  • Set up a gull survey programme to include four yearly visits to key sites, looking for any signs of disease and predation, and counting number of nests*

*with support from Ornithological Student Society, WildSoc, BIOSI


  • Determine if swift population still occurs on campus grounds
  • Develop swift-friendly site policy
  • Develop environmental assessment and mitigation protocol, to be followed if university needs to develop any environmentally sensitive areas
  • Place swift boxes/bricks
  • Add warning and information signage
  • Set-up long-term monitoring programme for swifts*

*with support from Ornithological Student Society, WildSoc, BIOSI

Garden birds

  • Initial desktop exercise (access to online databases)
  • Bird walks to confirm what species occur in campus (breeding, resident, migrant species)*
  • Set-up long-term monitoring programme for garden birds*
  • Develop new guidance to reduce / eliminate the use of pesticides on campus
  • Set new targets to reduce / eliminate the use of pesticides on campus

*with support from Ornithological Society, WildSoc, BIOSI


  • Initial desktop exercise (online databases, Spot-a-Bee)
  • Run regular nature walks and bioblitzes
  • Encourage use of wildlife recording apps (e.g., LERC Wales, iRecord, Spot-a-Bee apps)
  • Develop new guidance to reduce / eliminate the use of pesticides on campus
  • Set new targets to reduce / eliminate the use of pesticides on campus

*with help from Pharmabees, WildSoc, BIOSI, NGOs


  • Continue to survey new sites for hedgehogs*
  • Repeat surveys yearly at key sites*
  • Continue to enhance sites with hedgehog houses, log/leaf piles, water and feeding stations
  • Achieve Gold and Platinum Hedgehog Friendly Campus accreditations
  • Develop new guidance to reduce / eliminate the use of pesticides on campus
  • Set new targets to reduce / eliminate the use of pesticides on campus

*with support of Cardiff University Hedgehog Friendly Campus team and Biodiversity Hubs teams


  • Carry out initial characterisation study for pipistrelles using acoustic methods*
  • Develop bat-friendly site policy
  • Develop environmental assessment and mitigation protocol, to be followed if university needs to develop any environmentally sensitive areas
  • Place bat boxes/bricks
  • Add warning and information signage
  • Set-up dusk survey programme for bats*

*with support from local expert groups


  • Carry out initial characterisation study, including identification of any potential invasive species or hybrids*
  • Where identified, remove Spanish bluebells
  • Develop environmental assessment and mitigation protocol, to be followed if university needs to develop any environmentally sensitive areas
  • Add warning and information signage

*with support from Grounds team, NGOs, local expert groups

Welsh daffodils

  • Carry out initial characterisation study
  • Develop environmental assessment and mitigation protocol, to be followed if university needs to develop any environmentally sensitive areas
  • Add warning and information signage
  • Ban the planting of horticultural daffodils and replace all horticultural daffodils by wild Welsh daffodils
  • Plant wild Welsh daffodils at the Llanrumney Sports Fields

*with support from Grounds team, NGOs, local expert groups

Soil fauna/flora/funga

  • Carry out initial characterisation study
  • Develop new guidance to reduce / eliminate the use of pesticides on campus
  • Set new targets to reduce / eliminate the use of pesticides on campus

*with support from BIOSI, local expert groups

Veteran trees

  • Maintain old-growth trees as long as they are deemed structurally safe
  • Existing trees will be allowed to mature. Thorough assessments will be carried out regarding the structural safety of trees, with trees affected by fungal decay, hollowing or even death not inherently resulting in their removal unless they pose a risk to human safety (policy already in place)
  • When a need to fell a tree due to safety concerns is identified, endeavours should be made to allow logs to remain on site to function as wildlife habitats

Saproxylic fauna/funga

  • Carry out initial characterisation study*
  • Develop new guidance to reduce / eliminate the use of pesticides on campus
  • Set new targets to reduce / eliminate the use of pesticides on campus

*with support from BIOSI, local expert groups


  • Desktop exercise (online databases)
  • Run regular nature walks and bioblitzes to record moth caterpillars
  • Set up dusk survey for moths
  • Develop new guidance to reduce / eliminate the use of pesticides on campus
  • Set new targets to reduce / eliminate the use of pesticides on campus

*with support from WildSoc, BIOSI, NGOs

Habitat Targets

Table 4. ERBAP 2024-2026 Proposed Habitat Enhancement and Reduction of Threats to Wildlife Targets





Mapping of University Green Estate

Map green spaces and create GIS data layers

  • Map of green estate
  • Map wildlife-friendly areas
  • Map habitat enhancement structures (bird and bat boxes, hedgehog houses, log and leaf piles, hoverfly lagoons, etc.)
  • Map habitat enhancement measures (‘No Mow May’, new mow regime, leave the leaves, etc.)

By July 2024

ERBAP Steering Group

Mowing and Trimming Regime

Adopt new low mow management scheme across the estate on areas identified in 2022/2023 and extend number of areas where scheme is applied

  • Adopt new mowing and trimming regime
  • Map actions agreed for each area and develop an official guidance for site maintenance
  • Add It’s for Them signage to sites
  • Add bilingual stickers to remind trimmers and mower users to check for wildlife (provided by HFC)
  • Monitor annually changes in flora, fauna, and fungal composition of low mow areas
  • Update procedures as needed

By December 2024

Estates Maintenance Manager / Grounds contractor

Wildflowers, Hedge, and Tree Planting

Plant more hedgehog/wildlife-friendly plants and trees*

*plant species suggestions by Hedgehog Friendly Campus

  • Supplement low mow areas with native wildflower seed mixes
  • Plant native wildflowers and flowering plants with a nectar source (e.g., oxeye daisies, hostas, fennel, candytuft, yarrow, wild marjoram, and ornamental thistles)
  • Identify areas to increase area covered by meadow habitat on university estate
  • Finalise tree and hedge planting plan consultation phase with site managers
  • Update proposed tree and hedge planting plans if needed
  • Provide list and number of desired species to Coed Caerdydd
  • Plant native hedgerows (particularly blackthorn and hawthorn) where hedgehogs can nest
  • Where possible, plant native, deciduous trees with medium-sized leaves (e.g., hazel, oak, beech, hornbean, and lime) so hedgehogs can use the fallen leaves as nesting material
  • Where possible, plant fruit trees such as crab apple and wild cherry, because fallen fruit encourages invertebrates
  • Where possible, allow brambles, nettles, ivy, etc. to grow with low maintenance
  • Explore opportunities to create dead hedges on university green spaces


Grounds contractor in consultation with ERBAP Steering Group

Ponds, Water Butts, Water Stations, Bird Baths

Develop specific guidance for Biodiversity Hubs

  • Assess where these are needed
  • Develop risk assessments
  • Develop guidance document

By December 2024

Biodiversity Officer / Biodiversity Hubs in consultation with Estates Maintenance Manager

Sports and Garden Netting

Develop specific guidance for Sports Fields

  • Map where sports and garden netting are being used on campus
  • Develop guidance document

By September 2024

Biodiversity Officer / Sport Operations & Services Manager / Sports Fields Grounds Manager

Reduce and eliminate use of pesticides, herbicides, and rodenticides

  • Map where pesticides, herbicides, and rodenticides are being used in campus
  • Research wildlife-friendly methods to achieve same results
  • Consult with relevant external organisations (e.g., Stand for Nature, PAN UK)
  • Set a new target for reducing and eliminating these products on campus

By December 2024

Biodiversity Officer / Estates Maintenance Manager /

Grounds contractor /

Sport Operations & Services Manager / Sports Fields Grounds Manager

Mapping of Invasive Species

  • Map invasive species
  • Develop guidance document

By July 2026

Grounds contractor /

ERBAP Steering Group

Engagement Targets

Table 5. ERBAP 2024-2026 Awareness Raising, Training, and Mobilisation Plan Targets





Establish, link, and increase number of Biodiversity Hubs

  • Create forum for Hub leads to discuss and share ideas
  • Leads to be invited to attend ERBAP meetings
  • Create centralised storage system to deposit Hub documents and collate evidence needed for reporting purposes
  • Annual event to celebrate the Hubs achievements


Biodiversity Officer / Biodiversity Hubs

Produce a booklet of “The Wildlife and Wildflowers of Cardiff University”

  • Following from the characterisation phase, collate a list of the 100 most common wildlife and wildflowers species found in the different priority habitats of Cardiff University
  • Student projects to support the co-creation of booklet (encourage interdisciplinary work)

By July 2025

ERBAP Steering Group*

*supported by student projects

Develop a nature trail (physical and digital components)

  • Use data from the characterisation phase to choose key species
  • Co-create the nature trail with students from schools with relevant expertise
  • Students from Welsh School of Architecture to design and create prototype for physical signage
  • Computer science students to develop the digital components of the trail

By July 2026

ERBAP Steering Group*

*supported by student projects

Launch and establish seminar series focused on biodiversity (online)

  • Create initial draft with proposed themes
  • Invite speakers
  • Develop associated activities (e.g., bioblitz, nature walk)
  • Advertise seminar series widely among students, staff, and local communities
  • Centralise storage of recorded talks

November 2023 -December 2024

Biodiversity Officer

ERBAP and HFC stall and activities presence at Fresher’s Week, Sustainability Week, PHEW, etc.

  • Develop and deliver guided tours of the wildlife and wildflowers of Cardiff University during Fresher’s week
  • Organise biodiversity surveys during Sustainability Week
  • Organise hedgehog surveys and litter pick events during PHEW fortnight


Biodiversity Officer* / Biodiversity Hubs

*supported by student volunteers

Delivery of Greening Cathays project

  • Support Pharmabees to deliver this project
  • Planting Project next to Cathays Railway Station

March 2025

Pharmabees* / ERBAP Steering Group

*supported by student volunteers and local communities

Green Prescribing

  • Create opportunities and support staff, students, and local communities to connect with nature-based activities



Engagement with local communities and local primary and secondary schools

  • Continue to develop engagement sessions to incorporate a wider range of ERBAP activities
  • Support local communities and schools to improve their green spaces for wildlife
  • Create opportunities for local community groups and primary school pupils to participate in ERBAP activities on university green spaces (e.g., via Passport to the City / Children’s University programmes)
  • Run hedgehog surveys with local communities and primary schools


Biodiversity Officer*

*supported by student volunteers

ERBAP webpage

  • Design new webpage for the university website to centralise ERBAP-related information and documentation

By September 2024

ERBAP Steering Group / Safety and Wellbeing team

Education Targets

Table 6. ERBAP 2024-2026 Education Plan Targets




Audit of ERBAP-relevant university courses with sustainability content - (associated with ESD Action Plan activity on Living Labs)

July 2026

Environmental Sustainability Sub-Committee

Facilitate co-creation of projects with students and implement on campus when viable (associated with ESD Action Plan activity on Living Labs)


ERBAP Steering Group

Implementing Knowledge Gap Prize

First prize to be awarded during Sustainability Week March 2025

Safety and Wellbeing team

Integrate ERBAP into Cardiff Award for Students (associated with ESD Action Plan activity on Living Labs)

July 2025

ERBAP Steering Group

Include ERBAP references into Induction for students (associated with ESD Action Plan activity on Living Labs)

July 2025

ERBAP Steering Group