Council Minutes 20 September 2023
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Minutes of the Special Meeting of Cardiff University Council held on 20 September 2023 at 17.00 via Zoom.
Present: Patrick Younge (Chair), Vice-Chancellor, Angie Flores Acuña, Judith Fabian, Professor Dame Janet Finch, Christopher Jones, Jan Juillerat, Professor Urfan Khaliq, Jeremy Lewis, Deio Owen, Dr Juan Pereiro Viterbo, Suzanne Rankin, Professor Stephen Riley, Dr Pretty Sagoo, David Selway, John Shakeshaft, Professor Damian Walford Davies, Dr Robert Weaver, Dr Catrin Wood, Jennifer Wood.
Attendees: Ruth Davies [Minute taker], Millicent Ele, Tom Hay, Rashi Jain, Claire Morgan, Claire Sanders, Darren Xiberras, and Professor Roger Whitaker.
2161 Welcome and preliminaries
All were welcomed to the meeting, especially the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Urfan Khaliq, Dr Juan Pereiro Viterbo, Professor Stephen Riley, Dr Robert Weaver and Dr Catrin Wood who were attending their first meeting.
2162 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Agnes Xavier-Phillips. The meeting was confirmed as quorate.
2163 Declarations of interest
The Chair reminded the Committee members of their duty to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. No declarations of interest were noted.
2164 Items from the Chair
Received paper 23/37C, ‘Report of Chair’s Action Since Last Meeting’. The Chair spoke to this item.
The actions were Noted.
2165 University Response to Head of Internal Audit Resignation Statement
Received and considered paper 23/39HC, ‘University Response to Head of Internal Audit Resignation Statement’. The Chair, the University Secretary and General Counsel spoke to this item, followed by the Chair of Audit and Risk Committee and the Vice-Chancellor.
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2165.16 to approve:
.1 the Audit and Risk Committee’s view that the HIA was not fettered in their scope or reporting;
.2 that the formal assessment of compliance against S139 of the Financial Management Code will be made in November 2023 at the time of completing the Annual Report;
.3 the forwarding of the HIA statement to HEFCW;
.4 that the Chair, with the Chair of Audit and Risk Committee, will draft a letter to HEFCW to explain that an external independent review of the internal audit activity will be conducted to inform measures to ensure the future robustness of the activity; and that the letter will set out an offer to meet HEFCW to discuss any concerns;
.5 to record Council’s thanks to Faye Lloyd for her valued service as Head of Internal Audit at Cardiff University.
2166 Any Other Business
No other business was raised.
2167 Items received for information
23/38HC Changes to Senior Roles Letter to HEFCW from Vice-Chancellor July 2023