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Committee member role description

Committee members will be appointed to a Committee in line with Ordinance 3 unless otherwise specified in the Statute or Ordinance.

Role overview

  • To work with the Committee to conduct its business efficiently and effectively and within the University’s constitutional framework, statutory and regulatory obligations

Duties and responsibilities

  1. Having read the committee papers, to contribute actively to the Committee and other relevant meetings in line with the agenda the Chair’s directions, and the Standing Orders (Ordinance 3)
  2. To be familiar with the Committee’s Terms of Reference and only to propose actions that fall within its remit
  3. Making collective decisions in the best interests of the University, applying reasonable care and skill
  4. To be familiar with the University’s charitable aims and ensure that decisions made by the Committee adhere to these and make best use of University resource
  5. Act in accordance with the accepted standards of behaviour in public life
  6. Inform the Chair of any possible interests or conflicts in business being discussed by the Committee and to inform the University Secretary of any ongoing related interests

Support and independent advice

Members may seek advice from the Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary, the Chair of the Committee or the Corporate Governance team in relation to discharge of their duties.

Escalation of concerns

A Committee member should raise any concerns in relation to the behaviour of committee members or the Committee duties with the Chair of the Committee on which they sit.  In the event that a trustee has a concern concerning the Chair of that Committee, they should raise this with the Chair of the parent committee.

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Document title:Committee member role description
Effective date:12 January 2024