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Chair of Committee role description

NB: there is a separate role description for Chair of Council which notes additional specific duties for that role.

Role overview

  • To lead meetings of the Committee, ensuring it conducts its business efficiently and effectively and within the University’s constitutional framework, and statutory and regulatory obligations

Duties and responsibilities

  1. Facilitate the effective conduct of the committee by actively contributing to the planning of the cycle of business and scheduling of meetings, and by attending pre-meetings and briefings where necessary to discuss matters relating to the meeting conduct, business or membership
  2. Chair meetings of the Committee, ensuring members obtain a fair hearing, that business is conducted in an orderly fashion and in line with Standing Orders (Ordinance 3) and that the committee’s decisions are clearly articulated.
  3. Approve the electronic signing of the confirmed meeting minutes as the formal record
  4. Ensure that there is accountability for the implementation of agreed actions from previous meetings
  5. Take urgent decisions outside of Committee meetings, on behalf of the Committee, in line with delegated powers and ensure these are reported to the next meeting of the Committee
  6. Assist with succession planning for the Committee and support the appointment of new members
  7. Manage any proposed issues of independence or conflict raised to the Chair, with advice from the Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary
  8. Participate as an ex-officio member of other Committees, as detailed in Ordinances and the relevant Committee constitutions
  9. Maintain positive working relationships with the Chair of Council, Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary and committee secretary
  10. Act fairly and impartially at all times in the interests of Cardiff University as a whole, using independent judgement and maintaining confidentiality as appropriate
  11. Act in accordance with the accepted standards of behaviour in public life and observe the highest standards of corporate governance

Support and independent advice

The Chair of a Committee is entitled to seek the advice and services of the Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary or the Corporate Governance Team in relation to the discharge of their duties.

Escalation of concerns

The Chair of a Committee should raise any concerns in relation to the behaviour of committee members in line with Standing Orders (Ordinance 3) and any other issues relating to the membership with the Chair of the Parent Committee.  Where the concern relates to the Chair of Council the matter may be raised with the Senior Independent Governor.

Document control table

Document title:Chair of Committee role description
Effective date:12 January 2024