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Terms and Conditions (2025/26)

  • Last updated:

These terms and conditions only apply to students who enter higher education for the first time and start in year one of an eligible undergraduate course.

Current students and staff: for previous cohorts of students, please refer to the relevant year on the student intranet.

1. Eligibility conditions

The student must:

  • be commencing year 1 in a full-time undergraduate course at Cardiff University in 2025/26. NHS funded courses and PGCE courses are not covered by this scheme.
  • be eligible for UK student funding for living costs (as defined in the student support funding regulations)
  • have a household income as assessed by their award authority of less than £35,000 and have given consent to share this information with the University
  • be liable for maximum regulated fees, students completing a repeat year of study, fees must be higher than £6,000 per year to be eligible.
  • be in attendance on your course.

2. Value of award

  • The Cardiff University Bursary is a cash payment of £500 per year for all qualifying students.
  • Students will be re-assessed each year for a Cardiff University Bursary and must meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Decisions on bursary awards for 2026/27 will be announced in 2026.

3. Award conditions

  • The bursary is paid by the end of the first semester.
  • The bursary is paid by a 3rd party provider, Study Plus.  All correspondence for your bursary will either come through your SIMS account or
  • The required attendance date is shortly before the payment date and students must be fully enrolled and in attendance at that date.
  • If a household income is not confirmed to the University by the Student Loans Company before the 15 June 2026, a bursary award cannot be made.
  • Bursary funds must be drawn down into a bank account from your Study Plus account by 30 June 2026.

4. Bursary procedures

  • No specific application is required.  Your eligibility will be determined through the household income assessment conducted through your UK Student Loan application.
  • Please make sure that you do not tick the box on the assessment form to withhold your consent to share this information with us. If you do this, you will not be able to be considered for the Cardiff University bursary.

5. Bursary payment exemptions

  • First year students must have a final complete assessment of their household income by their UK student funding body a bursary can be confirmed.
  • Students on an Interruption of Study will not be paid a bursary. If you return to your course before the end of the academic year, your bursary for that year will be reinstated.
  • If you withdraw from your course, your bursary will stop.
  • Students must be paying a minimum of £6,000 tuition fees in 2025/26.
  • Bursaries cannot be awarded after 15 June 2026.
  • Bursary funds must be withdrawn from a student's Study Plus account to the student's bank account by 30 June 2026.
  • Household incomes above £35,000 do not qualify for university bursaries.  If your household income falls by more than 15% during the academic year, you can contact your award authority to discuss a current year re-assessment of your student funding. If we receive notification of the change to your household income before the 15 June 2026, your bursary eligibility will be reassessed.
  • Any students who defer their application to 2026/27 will be considered under any bursary scheme available at that time.

Any queries concerning the scheme should be referred to