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Privacy statement for 2021 Virtual Celebrations

This Privacy Notice is in relation to the processing of student data for the purpose of organising and delivering Cardiff University’s Class of '21 Virtual Celebration events.

Data Controller

Cardiff University is considered the Data Controller of the personal data which you provide and as such is legally responsible for processing your personal data in accordance with data protection legislation. First Sight Media Ltd, an external event production company, are our data processor for the purpose of broadcasting the 2021 virtual celebration events.

The University is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) to process personal data. Reg no Z6549747.

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer

The University is required to have a data protection officer who can be contacted if you have any queries, concerns or complaints about the way your personal data is processed. Cardiff University's Data Protection Officer can be contacted on

What personal data will we collect?

Cardiff University collects personal information every year through the graduation process to ensure that the individual is kept informed about the process and informed about plans for graduation as they develop. Cardiff University collects personal information such as your name, email address, degree course completed, special requirements. This year, Cardiff University will be collecting the same information for the purpose of delivering online, virtual celebration events in 2021 and class of 2021 merchandise.

How will your personal data be used?

Your personal data will be used to inform and update you about your virtual celebration event and ensure that you are assigned to the correct online, virtual celebration broadcast link for your School and degree course. If you sign up to being a part of the virtual celebration events in 2021, your name and your degree will be announced during the broadcast and will be available to view on the University website thereafter.

What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?

Virtual Celebrations are broadcast via the Cardiff University website, to allow students, their friends and family to view the proceedings. Students are required to consent to their data being shared and processed by the University and First Sight Media Ltd for the purpose of taking part in the virtual celebrations.

By streaming virtual celebrations through the University’s website, YouTube and Weibo platforms, it enables the public to see the virtual celebrations. Individuals are advised in communication relating to the event that the virtual celebration events will be available online. It is considered that broadcasting the virtual celebrations enhances the graduate experience.

Having contemplated these factors, it is considered that this processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller and this does not override the rights and freedoms of the individual.

Who has access to your personal data

Personal information will be processed by staff within Cardiff University. Personal data (name, email address, degree course completed) will also be shared with First Sight Media Ltd who will be facilitating the virtual celebrations. These details will also be shared with Cardiff University Students' Union for the purposes of merchandise production.

Who will your personal data be shared with outside of the University?

Personal data (name, email address, degree course completed) will also be shared with First Sight Media Ltd who will be facilitating the broadcast of the virtual celebrations.

The virtual celebrations will be recorded and will be available to view on Cardiff University’s website/YouTube account after the live event, so your name, degree course and video recording may be viewed by people outside of the University.

Is personal data transferred outside of the EU?

Personal data (name, email address, degree course completed) is held by Google within the EU and held by Zoom in the USA.

How long will your personal data be held?

Your personal data will be held by First Sight Media Ltd and will be deleted within 48 hours of the last 2021 virtual celebration event. Any data held on Zoom will be destroyed within 30 days of the last 2021 virtual celebration event.

The virtual celebrations will be recorded and will be available thereafter to view on Cardiff University’s website/YouTube account.

Your rights

Under data protection legislation you have certain rights which will be associated with the legal basis on which we process your data. For further information please see the following guidance published by the Information Commissioner’s Office.

If you wish to withdraw your consent to take part in the event, please contact

The Information Commissioner’s office is responsible for regulating data protection in the UK. We hope to resolve any of your questions, queries or concerns but if you remain dissatisfied you can contact the Information Commissioner's Office.