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Interview and audition guidance

1. Introduction

1.1 This guidance applies to all formal interviews and auditions conducted to assess your suitability for entry to Cardiff University programmes.

1.1.1 Informal meetings with University staff to discuss the University’s programmes, entry requirements, or suitability for selected programmes are not considered interviews or auditions in the context of this policy.

1.2 Throughout the document, any reference to interview also includes auditions unless otherwise stated.

1.3 University is an adult environment and as such we treat all of our students as independent, mature individuals. Students who are under 18 years of age will be treated in the same way. However, if you are under 18, please read this policy in conjunction with our Under 18s policy.

1.3.1 In addition to our Under 18s policy, the following also applies for under 16s:

  • interview procedures will be consistent with our Safeguarding Policy
  • you must be accompanied in the interview by a suitable adult over the age of 18 (contact information and proof of age may be required)
  • if you are unable to provide details of a suitable adult to accompany you, for example, if you are estranged from your family, please contact to discuss potential alternative arrangements

2. Principles

2.1 We conduct interviews based on the following principles:

  • fairness
  • transparency
  • professionalism
  • accessibility
  • consistent application of policy and procedure

2.2 We are committed to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in all practices and activities, including those relating to interviews. To demonstrate this commitment:

2.2.1 where a School conducts interviews as part of their advertised selection processes, a full Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) must  be undertaken at the outset and where there are major changes to the process. Shorter EIA reviews must be undertaken annually before the start of each cycle. Schools are required to submit copies of the EIA to the University’s Admissions Policy Group for scrutiny.

2.2.2 all staff involved in the interview process, both as interviewers and organisers, will be encouraged to complete the following training:

  • Chair of interview panels
  • Anti-racism
  • Equality, diversity, and inclusion
  • Unconscious bias

2.3 If you become aware that you know an interviewer personally, you should report this to the interview organisers immediately. The interviewer will be required to make a declaration of conflict interest to both the University Admissions Team and the School-level Admissions Team.

2.3.1 The identity of the interviewers or selectors will not be shared with applicants in advance of the interview.

2.3.2 Where a conflict of interest has been declared, the interview organisers will make every effort to find a substitute interviewer. Where this it is not possible, the interview will either be recorded or an independent observer will be present.

3. Why we interview

3.1 For the majority of programmes we do not interview applicants as part of our  selection process. However, there are some circumstances where we will require you to successfully participate in an interview in order to be considered for a place.

3.1.1 These circumstances typically include:

  • where there is a relevant legal/regulatory requirement or guideline
  • where places on the programme are limited or capped
  • where either full or partial funding is available for a limited number of applicants, to identify the best candidate/s for the award (this may take the form of funding to cover tuition fees; a bursary award for living costs; or sponsorship for a project)
  • where it is felt that this is the best method of identifying potential for study, e.g. to assess research potential, suitability to the programme, or evidence of interest in and commitment to the subject

3.2 Individual selection criteria and assessment methods, along with any specific codes of practice relating to interviews for a particular programme, will be documented in the University’s published entry requirements.

4. Interview Types

4.1 Interviews may take place in person or online (e.g. using Microsoft Teams). In some cases, legal or regulatory requirements may mean that the online option is not available. Online interviews will follow the same principles and guidance as face-to-face interviews. If you are offered an online interview you will be asked to verify your identity before the interview can start.

4.2 Formal interview types include:

  • auditions
  • standard panel interview
  • Multi Mini Interview (MMI)
  • presentation
  • discussion of a piece of research

4.3 Auditions involve a performance on your “principle “ instrument or voice in front of a panel. Typically, you will choose your repertoire. Assessment of your performance will be based on overall expressive and technical standards.

4.4 Standard panel interviews will either consist of a minimum of two or, where a two-person panel is not possible, interviews may be recorded for audit purposes or include an observerS or chaperone (you also have the right to request a chaperone).

4.4.1 Observers and chaperones do not play an active part in the interview process. Where an observer or chaperone is found to be interfering in the process, they may be required to withdraw.

4.5 Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs) are made up of a series of short, carefully timed interview stations.

4.6 Further information on the type of interview you may expect will be available in our Coursefinder information, and will be sent directly to successfully shortlisted applicants.

4.7 Interviewers will be selected based on their expertise and relevance to the subject area. They may be employed by Cardiff University, NHS Wales, or another employer.

5. Welsh Language Applicants

5.1 Interviews are typically undertaken through the medium of English. At the point you are invited to interview you can request a Welsh language interview.

5.2 Where is it not possible to recruit a fully Welsh speaking panel, you will be given the option of completing the interview bilingually or with simultaneous translation.

6. Invitation to Interview

6.1 Invitations to attend an interviewwill be sent to the primary email address registered on your application.

6.2 Where you have applied by the appropriate deadline (excluding UCAS Extra and UCAS Clearing), you will be given a minimum of two weeks’ notice of your interview date.

6.2.1. If you are offered an interview as part of UCAS Extra or UCAS Clearing, this is very likely to be scheduled at short notice.

6.3 If you are unable to attend your interview, we cannot commit to offering a revised interview date in all cases. This will be dependent upon staff and venue availability. When you receive your interview date, if you know that you will be unable to attend, please let the relevant School know as soon as possible to maximise the possibilities of arranging an alternative date. A revised interview date will not be offered if you fail to attend an interview without informing the University in advance.

6.4 If we cancel or postpone an interview, you will be offered a revised interview date. Where we cancel an interview with less than 24 hours’ notice, we will reimburse any related travel costs you have already incurred (proof of purchase is required to make a claim).

6.5 If you are invited to interview but fail to book an interview slot by the required deadline, or fail to confirm your attendance where required, or do not attend the interview, the University reserves the right to reject your application.

7. Travel and subsistence costs

7.1 We do not routinely refund the costs applicants may incur when travelling to an interview except in cases of cancellation (see 7.4). If a travel and subsistence payment is available to you, this will be included in the interview invitation.

8. Prior to the interview

8.1 If you are invited to interview you will be given more detailed information on the processes, criteria, and nature of assessment in the invitation or following confirmation of your interview slot/attendance. This will be in addition to the information published on Coursefinder.

8.2 If you are invited to interview we encourage you to disclose details of any disability (as defined under the Equality Act 2010) that may impact on your performance. This is to allow consideration of appropriate reasonable adjustments.

8.2.1 Reasonable adjustments will vary depending on the needs of the individual applicant and must be discussed and agreed on a case-by-case basis.

8.2.2 Whether or not reasonable adjustments can be put in place will depend on the amount of notice you give us to explore and accommodate your needs.

8.2.3 Reasonable adjustments are also subject to any restrictions related to the interview itself or imposed upon the interview process by external or regulatory bodies.

8.2.4 Where is it not possible to make adjustments to the interview process, applicants will be given a full explanation as to why.

8.2.5 Disabilities or specific needs that are disclosed after the interview has taken place cannot be taken into account retrospectively.

8.3 If you are rejected prior to interview as part of the pre-selection process, you are not permitted to reapply for that programme in the same admissions cycle.

9. During the interview

9.1 Before you can take part in an interview, regardless of format, you will be asked to verify your identity.

9.1.1 You will need to present appropriate official identification which confirms your full name, date of birth, and has a clear photograph, e.g. passport, driver’s licence.

9.1.2 Where face coverings are worn, for medical or religious reasons, appropriate procedures will be followed to facilitate the identification process, such as social distancing or a private one-on-one space with a person of the same gender.

9.2 All staff (including external interviewers), students, and applicants are expected to comply with our Equality and Diversity and Dignity at Work and Study Policies.

10. After the interview

10.1 You will be notified at your interview how long we expect it will take for a decision (offer or rejection) on your application to be made. If the decision is dependent upon other factors, for example, if all interviews need to be conducted before decisions are communicated, you will be notified of this.

10.2 If you are successful at interview, you will be made an offer for the programme. This may be conditional upon other factors, such as achievement of the necessary academic or English language requirements.

10.3 If you are unsuccessful at interview, you may be offered a place on an alternative programme or rejected.

10.3.1 If you are rejected following interview, you are not permitted to reapply for that programme in the same admissions cycle. However, you are able to reapply in the following cycle.

11. Feedback on your performance

11.1 For some programmes, written feedback on your performance will automatically be sent to you by email. If this  process is available, you will be notified of this at interview, including expected timelines.

11.2 For all other programmes you can make a request for feedback on your interview in writing using our feedback, complaints, and appeals process.

12. Data retention

12.1 Chairs of interview panels will ensure that a formal record of your interview is collated and securely stored. A copy of these records will also be maintained by the School’s Admissions coordinator. These records should be retained in accordance with the timelines contained in the University’s retention schedules.

13. Relevant contacts

13.1 For enquiries about your specific interview arrangements, please contact the relevant academic school.

13.2 For general admissions enquires, if you are unsure who in the academic school to contact, or to give feedback on this policy, please contact the University’s Admissions Team.