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The Data Innovation Research Institute was open between 2015 and 2021. This page shows the Institute’s past work. It is not monitored or updated.

Through our research, we tackle the challenges faced by key sectors as they encounter the growing issue of working with huge data sets and increasingly, complex data.

With industry producing vast amounts of data, there is an increased need for new approaches for managing, storing, compressing, analysing and distributing this information.

Through the cross-disciplinary nature of our research, the Institute is engaged in projects ranging from computational challenges to the implementation of real world applications using High Performance Computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advanced mathematical modelling.

Our research focuses on how big data impacts and presents challenges in three key areas and is further enhanced by the institutes's Special Interest Groups.

Image of social media icons

Computational social science

As humans increase their use of technology, so does so does the size of their digital footprint providing us with a unique perspective on social and human behaviour.

School of psychology 2

Biological and life sciences

The medical and life sciences provide huge data sets which are ideal for researching for a variety of uses and applications.

Image of the Herschel telescope

Computational science and engineering

Our research can be applied to numerous applications in the fields of physics, astronomy and engineering.

Bank of blue and black screens with images related to data innovation

Special Interest Groups

Special interest groups, SIGs are supporting the DIRI in the pursuit of handling and manipulating complex and big data for optimum research and investigatory excellence.

A row of colourful book spines. The word, publications, is spelled out with a letter on each spine.


Find out more about the work of our affiliated researchers.

a hand shake consisting on one light and one dark blue digital hand

Seedcorn projects

We fund a diverse range of seedcorn projects to strengthen cross college relationships and international collaboration.