Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Gwasanaethau cymorth pwrpasol

Four students in a study space discussing a project. They are sitting at a table and all have their laptops open.

Rydyn ni o’r farn y dylai addysg prifysgol fod ar gael i unrhyw un a fyddai’n elwa ohoni. Rydyn ni eisiau creu prifysgol lle gallwch chi fwynhau eich profiad a llwyddo hyd orau eich gallu pan fyddwch chi’n astudio gyda ni.

Rydyn ni’n cydnabod y bydd amgylchiadau personol weithiau’n effeithio ar eich penderfyniad i wneud cais i'r brifysgol a hefyd bod eich amgylchiadau yn gallu newid yn ystod eich astudiaethau. Rydyn ni yma i'ch cefnogi bob cam o'r ffordd, beth bynnag fo'ch amgylchiadau.

Our Together at Cardiff team provide advice and support for asylum seekers to assist during and after university.

Our Together at Cardiff team provide advice and support for care leavers and care experienced students to assist during and after university.

We provide support for students with disabilities, including physical or sensory impairments, specific learning difficulties, dyslexia, long-term medical conditions and mental health conditions.

Our Together at Cardiff team provide advice and support for students who are estranged from parental support to assist during and after university.

LGBT+ students may face different challenges at university and we have services to support LGBT+ students.

We also want to support all staff and students in their choice of gender identity and have advice to help those who are considering gender reassignment.

A mature student is an undergraduate student who is aged 21 or over. We have several services available to  support mature students.

Our Together at Cardiff team provide advice and support for students who are military experienced to assist during and after university.

Our Together at Cardiff team provide advice and support for student carers to assist during and after university.

Whether you already have a child or are about to become a parent, we have services available to support your study with us. More about student parents

We are working hard to ensure that our university community reflects the diversity found in society, and we can offer tailored support for Black, Asian and Minority Students who choose to study with us.

Cysylltu â ni

Cefnogi a Lles Myfyrwyr (Cathays)