Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Seiber Ddiogelwch (MSc)

  • Hyd: 3 years
  • Dull astudio: Rhan amser

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Course options See other modes of study
Dyddiad dechrau

Diwrnod agored

Dysgwch am astudio'n ôl-raddedig yma yn ystod ein Diwrnod Agored nesaf.

Pam astudio’r cwrs hwn

Address the key security issues that are faced by global communications and information systems and develop your practical skills through exposure to real-world problems and datasets.

Our MSc Cyber Security addresses the key security issues that are faced by global communications and information systems.

The programme, which has been shaped with input from large and small corporations via our industry advisory board, provides a mix of business context with core security, trust and privacy issues that challenge the IT sector. The learning outcomes in the programme are designed to align with the recommendations of GCHQ for a Masters level cyber security curriculum. The course builds on previous skills in computer science, to strengthen understanding of this emerging area.

As well as studying themes such as secure application development, network security, malware analysis, security operations and digital forensics, you will gain an understanding of the risk management and business continuity aspects that are crucial to cyber resilience in an ever-evolving threat landscape. This combined business/security approach provides valuable training for interacting with organisations, and understanding their business functions in a deeper context.

Using case-based analysis, you will have the opportunity to learn about security operations and forensic approaches to investigation across multiple platforms.

Nodweddion unigryw

  • Researcher-led modules integrate the latest research ideas with current best practice.
  • The programme is guided and supported by security practitioners from industry, ensuring high relevance and employability.
  • Students will have access to our Cyber Security and Forensics Laboratory. In this dedicated network, they can explore the security challenges facing today’s professionals through experiments with real attacks in realistic real-world scenarios.
  • Professionally accredited by the BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT.
  • Placement opportunities with world-leading industrial security practitioners.

Ble byddwch yn astudio

Yr Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg

Ein hymchwil amlddisgyblaeth sy'n rhoi ffurf i'n rhaglenni gradd, ac yn eu gwneud yn berthnasol i gyflogwyr heddiw, gan eu gosod mewn sefyllfa dda i fanteisio ar ddatblygiadau yfory.

  • icon-chatGofyn cwestiwn
  • Telephone
  • MarkerFfordd Senghennydd, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4AG

Meini prawf derbyn

Er mwyn cael eich ystyried am gynnig ar gyfer y rhaglen hon bydd angen i chi fodloni'r holl ofynion mynediad. Ni fydd eich cais yn cael ei ddatblygu os na ddarperir yr wybodaeth a'r dystiolaeth a restrir.

Gyda'ch cais ar-lein, bydd angen i chi ddarparu:

  1. Copi o'ch tystysgrif gradd a'ch trawsgrifiadau sy'n dangos eich bod wedi cyflawni gradd anrhydedd 2:2 mewn maes pwnc perthnasol, megis Cyfrifiadureg neu Gyfrifiadura, neu radd ryngwladol gyfwerth. Os yw eich tystysgrif gradd neu ganlyniad yn yr arfaeth, llwythwch unrhyw drawsgrifiadau dros dro neu dystysgrifau dros dro.
  2. Copi o'ch tystysgrif IELTS gyda sgôr gyffredinol o 6.5 gyda 6.0 ym mhob is-sgil, neu dystiolaeth o gymhwyster cyfatebol derbyniol. Dylech gynnwys dyddiad eich prawf disgwyliedig os yw'r cymhwyster hwn yn yr arfaeth. Os oes gennych dystiolaeth dderbyniol amgen, fel gradd israddedig a astudir yn y DU, rhowch hyn yn lle IELTS.

Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau
Rydym yn dyrannu lleoedd ar sail y cyntaf i'r felin, felly rydym yn argymell eich bod yn gwneud cais cyn gynted â phosibl. Fel arfer, bydd ceisiadau'n cau ddiwedd mis Awst ond gallant gau'n gynt os llenwir pob lle.

Broses ddethol
Byddwn yn adolygu eich cais ac os ydych yn bodloni'r holl ofynion mynediad, byddwn yn gwneud cynnig i chi.

Rhagor o wybodaeth am ofynion Iaith Saesneg.

Mae'n rhaid i ymgeiswyr sydd angen Fisa myfyriwr i astudio yn y DU gyflwyno cymhwyster iaith Saesneg derbyniol er mwyn bodloni gofynion UKVI (Fisâu a Mewnfudo y DU).

Euogfarnau troseddol

Nid yw'n ofynnol i chi gwblhau gwiriad DBS (Gwasanaeth Gwahardd Datgelu) na darparu Tystysgrif Ymddygiad Da i astudio'r cwrs hwn.

Os ydych ar hyn o bryd yn destun unrhyw amod trwydded neu gyfyngiad monitro a allai effeithio ar eich gallu i gwblhau eich astudiaethau'n llwyddiannus, bydd gofyn i chi ddatgelu eich cofnod troseddol. Mae'r amodau'n cynnwys, ond nid ydynt yn gyfyngedig i:

  • mynediad i gyfrifiaduron neu ddyfeisiau sy'n gallu storio delweddau
  • Defnyddio offer / dyfeisiau rhyngrwyd a chyfathrebu
  • cyrion
  • Rhyddid i symud
  • cyswllt â phobl sy'n gysylltiedig â Phrifysgol Caerdydd.

Strwythur y cwrs

You will study taught modules to a total of 120 credits during the Diploma stage of your degree. All taught modules are worth 20 credits.

The Master’s stage of your degree will be an individual project (worth 60 credits) which you will write up as a dissertation, after the Diploma stage. This project will be carried out during your third year under the supervision of a member of academic staff.

This is a part-time course undertaken over three academic years. It is also available as a full-time course taken over one year.

Mae'r modiwlau a ddangosir yn enghraifft o'r cwricwlwm nodweddiadol. Bydd modiwlau terfynol yn cael eu cyhoeddi fis cyn i'ch rhaglen ddechrau.

Blwyddyn un

As a part-time student, you will complete three 20-credit modules in Year One.

Blwyddyn dau

As a part-time student, you will complete three 20-credit modules in Year Two.

Blwyddyn tri

As a part-time student, you will complete your 60-credit dissertation project in Year Three.

Teitl modiwlCôd modiwlCredydau
Traethawd hirCMT40060 credydau

Mae'r Brifysgol wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu amrywiaeth eang o opsiynau modiwl lle’n bosibl. Ond byddwch yn ymwybodol er y byddwn yn gwneud pob ymdrech i gynnig dewis, gall hyn gael ei gyfyngu mewn rhai amgylchiadau. Y rheswm am hyn yw'r ffaith mai dim ond nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd sydd ar gael ar rai modiwlau, a gaiff eu dyrannu ar sail y cyntaf i'r felin. Mae'n ofynnol i fodiwlau eraill sicrhau isafswm nifer o fyfyrwyr cyn gallu eu cynnal, er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr y gellir cyflwyno addysg o ansawdd priodol. Gall modiwlau gael eu cyfyngu oherwydd gwrthdaro yn yr amserlen hefyd, ac er bod y Brifysgol yn ymdrechu i amharu cyn lleied â phosibl ar eich dewis, byddai'n syniad da i chi ofyn am gyngor gan yr Ysgol berthnasol am y dewisiadau modiwl sydd ar gael.

Dysgu ac asesu

Sut y caf fy addysgu?

The School of Computer Science and Informatics has a strong and active research culture which informs and directs our teaching. We are committed to providing teaching of the highest standard.

Modules are delivered through a series of either full or half-day contact sessions, which include lectures, seminars, workshops, tutorials and laboratory classes. We regularly invite guest lecturers from industry and we pride ourselves on our hands-on experiences of practical cyber security

Most of your taught modules will have further information for you to study and you will be expected to work through this in your own time according to the guidance provided by the lecturer for that module.

Sut y caf fy asesu?

Modules will be assessed either by coursework, examination, or a combination of both.


Feedback on coursework may be provided via written comments on work submitted, by provision of ‘model’ answers and/or through discussion in contact sessions.

Sut y caf fy nghefnogi?

We pride ourselves on providing a supportive environment in which we are able to help and encourage our students.

At the start of your course you will be allocated a Personal Tutor who is an academic member of staff in the School and serves as a point of contact to advise on both academic and personal matters in an informal and confidential manner. Your Personal Tutor will monitor your progress throughout your time at university and will support you in your Personal Development Planning.

Outside of scheduled tutor sessions, our Senior Personal Tutor runs an open-door policy, being on hand to advise and respond to any personal matters as they arise.

Pa sgiliau y byddaf yn eu hymarfer a’u datblygu?

The Learning Outcomes for this Programme describe what you will be able to do as a result of your study at Cardiff University. They will help you to understand what is expected of you. 

The Learning Outcomes for this Programme can be found below:

Knowledge & Understanding:

On successful completion of the Programme you will be able to demonstrate:

  1. Knowledge of risk assessment, secure application development, network security, malware analysis, vulnerability assessment, cyber security operations, digital forensics and business continuity
  2. Understanding of how to conduct risk assessments and develop security policies – including technical security configurations, human factors affecting security policy, forensic responses and security monitoring
  3. Understanding of the cyber security landscape and professional roles within cybersecurity 

Intellectual Skills:

On successful completion of the Programme you will be able to demonstrate:

  1. The ability to assess an unseen environment, evaluate the security landscape and select appropriate solutions and methods to present the case for a suitable cybersecurity solution
  2. Initiative and personal responsibility in decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations. 
  3. Systematic and creative methods for dealing with complex issues;  sound judgement making in the absence of complete data. 

Professional Practical Skills:

On successful completion of the Programme you will be able to demonstrate:

  1. Hands-on experience of applying security methods (e.g. risk assessment standards) and the fundamental concepts behind security tools (e.g. forensic toolkits and security operations centres)

Transferable/Key Skills:

On successful completion of the Programme you will be able to demonstrate:

  1. The ability to communicate ideas, principles and theories effectively by oral, written and practical means to both specialist and non-specialist audiences. 
  2. Effective working in a team and as an individual. 
  3. The ability to apply logical and analytic thinking to problems. 

Ffioedd dysgu ar gyfer dechrau astudio yn 2025

Bydd eich ffioedd dysgu a sut y byddwch yn eu talu yn dibynnu ar eich statws ffioedd. Gallai eich statws ffioedd fod yn statws cartref, ynysoedd neu tramor.

Dysgwch sut rydym yn pederfynu eich statws ffioedd

Ffioedd am statws cartref

Blwyddyn Ffioedd Dysgu Blaendal
Blwyddyn un £5,850 Dim
Blwyddyn dau £5,850 Dim

Myfyrwyr o'r UE, AEE a'r Swistir

Os ydych chi'n wladolyn o'r UE/AEE neu'r Swistir, bydd eich ffioedd dysgu ar gyfer 2025/26 yn unol â'r ffioedd tramor a godir ar fyfyrwyr rhyngwladol, oni bai eich bod yn gymwys i gael statws ffioedd y DU. Mae UKCISA wedi darparu gwybodaeth am Brexit a ffioedd dysgu.

Ffioedd am statws ynys

Dysgwch ragor am ffioedd ol-raddedig i fyfyrwyr o Ynysoedd y Sianel ac Ynys Manaw.

Ffioedd am statws tramor

Blwyddyn Ffioedd Dysgu Blaendal
Blwyddyn un £15,850 £2,500
Blwyddyn dau £15,850 Dim

Rhagor o wybodaeth am ffioedd dysgu a blaendaliadau, gan gynnwys ar gyfer myfyrwyr rhan-amser a pharhaus.

Cymorth ariannol

Gallai cymorth ariannol fod ar gael ar gyfer unigolion sy'n bodloni rhai meini prawf. Cewch ragor o wybodaeth yn ein hadran arian. Dim ond hyn a hyn o gymorth ariannol y gall y ffynonellau hyn eu cynnig, felly ni allwn warantu y bydd pawb sy'n bodloni'r meini prawf yn cael arian.

Costau ychwanegol

A fydd angen unrhyw gyfarpar penodol arnaf I astudio'r cwrs hwn?

A relatively recent laptop will be beneficial.

Costau byw

Rydym wedi ein lleoli yn un o ddinasoedd mwyaf fforddiadwy y DU. Rhagor o wybodaeth am gostau byw yng Nghaerdydd.


Ysgoloriaethau Meistr

Gwobr sy'n agored i fyfyrwyr sydd â statws ffioedd cartref sy'n bwriadu astudio un o'n graddau meistr a addysgir.

Benthyciadau ar gyfer ôl-raddedigion

Os byddwch yn dechrau eich gradd meistr ym mis Medi 2025 neu wedi hynny, efallai y byddwch yn gallu gwneud cais am fenthyciad ar gyfer ôl-raddedigion er mwyn cefnogi eich astudiaethau ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.

Cynllun Gostyngiad

Mae'r gostyngiad i gynfyfyrwyr ar gael i raddedigion Prifysgol Caerdydd sy'n bwriadu dechrau rhaglen Meistr gymwys yn 2025/26.

Gyrfaoedd graddedigion

Graduates are well prepared for a career in industrial, commercial, or governmental organisations with particular responsibility for information, network and process security.

Career destinations include: information security manager, risk manager, technical security roles in computer forensics, identity management roles, secure systems developer, and industrial and university research.

Camau nesaf


Ymweliadau Diwrnod Agored

Cofrestrwch am wybodaeth am ein dyddiadau sydd i ddod.

Gwnewch ymholiad

Cysylltwch â ni am ragor o wybodaeth am y cwrs hwn.


Mwy o wybodaeth am ein prifysgol fyd-eang.

Rhagor o wybodaeth

Pynciau cysylltiedig: Computer science

Data HESA: Hawlfraint yr Asiantaeth Ystadegau Addysg Uwch Cyfyngedig 2021. Ni all yr Asiantaeth Ystadegau Addysg Uwch Cyfyngedig dderbyn cyfrifoldeb am unrhyw gasgliadau neu benderfyniadau sy'n deillio o drydydd partïon o'i data. Daw'r data o Arolwg Hynt Graddedigion Diweddaraf 2019/20 a gyhoeddwyd gan HESA ym mis Mehefin 2022.