Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Digwyddiadau ac ymweliadau rhyngwladol

Rydyn ni’n argymell eich bod yn ymweld â'n campws a'n dinas neu’n cwrdd â ni yn un o'n digwyddiadau ledled y byd i gael gwybod rhagor am astudio gyda ni.

Ymweld â’r campws

Ymweliadau dan arweiniad

Os na fyddwch chi’n gallu mynd i Ddiwrnod Agored ond yn ymweld â Chaerdydd, bydd ein cynrychiolwyr yn hapus i gwrdd â chi a'ch tywys o amgylch y campws i gael ymweliad cyffredinol. Gallwn ni hefyd geisio trefnu cyfarfod gyda'r Ysgol Academaidd rydych chi’n bwriadu astudio ynddi.

Gallwch chi drefnu teithiau o amgylch y campws drwy gysylltu â'r Swyddfa Ryngwladol.

Taith hunandywys

Os yw'n well gennych chi gerdded o amgylch y campws yn eich amser eich hun, bydd ein taith hunandywysedig yn mynd â chi o amgylch y campws, ac mae'n cynnwys ffeithiau diddorol am ein cyfleusterau. Dylai’r daith bara tua awr.

Campws Parc Cathays: taith hunandywys

Defnyddiwch ein taith hunandywys i weld Prifysgol Caerdydd ar droed.

Digwyddiadau ar-lein

Ymunwch â'n gweminarau am ddim i gael atebion i'ch cwestiynau a chael gwybod am astudio ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.

Mae ein gweminarau yn ymdrin ag ystod o bynciau, gan gynnwys deall rhaglenni penodol yn well, sut i wneud cais a sut beth yw bywyd myfyriwr.

Students on their laptops

Gweminarau israddedig

Ymunwch â'n staff a'n myfyrwyr am y sesiynau ar-alw am fywyd israddedig ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.

Gweminarau ôl-raddedig

Ymunwch â'n staff a'n myfyrwyr am sesiynau byw ar astudiaethau ôl-raddedig ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.

Taith rithwir

Ewch ar daith ar-lein o amgylch ein campysau, llety’r myfyrwyr a dinas Caerdydd drwy gymryd rhan yn ein taith rithwir.

Mae ein taith rithwir yn ymweld â’r ddau gampws, y ddinas ei hun a neuaddau preswyl penodol i fyfyrwyr. Drwy gyfrwng fideos a lluniau panoramig 360 gradd, cewch flas ar sut brofiad fydd astudio a byw ym mhrifddinas fyrlymus Cymru.

Digwyddiadau fesul gwlad

Byddwn ni’n teithio'n rheolaidd ledled y byd i gwrdd â myfyrwyr. Cyfle gwych yw'r digwyddiadau hyn i gwrdd â ni i ddeall rhagor am ein cyrsiau, y cyfleoedd ariannu, y broses ymgeisio a bywyd yng Nghaerdydd.

Mae rhai digwyddiadau yn cael eu cynnal gan sefydliadau sy’n bartner, a bydd y Brifysgol yn cynnal rhai eraill. Mae gan lawer o'n digwyddiadau ffocws penodol neu’n addas ar gyfer myfyrwyr o wlad benodol. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth yn y disgrifiad o'r digwyddiad.

Bydden ni wrth ein boddau’n cwrdd â chi mewn digwyddiad yn y dyfodol. Bydd manylion y digwyddiad yn cael eu hychwanegu unwaith iddyn nhw gael eu cadarnhau, felly dewch yn ôl os na allwch chi weld digwyddiadau ar y gweill yn eich gwlad.

Global Study UK Bahrain

This event is suitable for prospective students at all levels of study, who want to find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Alexa Jones Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

IDP Bahrain

Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.

Alexa Jones Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

UK Education Fair

We invite all prospective students and current applicants at all levels of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Sian Keepin Sian Keepin will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Uniserv Education Fair Nairobi

Explore global study opportunities with Cardiff University. We invite all prospective students and current applicants at all levels of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff.

Chris Wright Chris Wright will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

IDP Kuwait

Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.

Alexa Jones Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

IDP Oman

Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.

Alexa Jones Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

UKuni Winter Roadshow Al Khobar

Join Cardiff University at the UKuni Universities Roadshow. This is your chance to connect with our representatives, explore our wide range of programs, and get personalised advice to help you take the next step in your academic journey.

Daniel John Daniel John will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

IDP Jeddah

Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.

Alexa Jones Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

IDP Riyadh

Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.

Alexa Jones Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

IDP Dammam

Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.

Alexa Jones Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

SI-UK University Fair Bangkok 2025

Meet our team and explore your study options, gain expert advice, and access digital prospectuses to kickstart your global education journey.

Lily Flynn Lily Flynn will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

OneEducation Australia & UK University Fair 2025

Get personalised advice and answers to all your questions about studying in the UK and Cardiff from our team.

Lily Flynn Lily Flynn will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

WIN Education UK & Australia Study Abroad Fair

Come meet us in Bangkok to learn more about Cardiff University —a world-class institution offering outstanding academic programs and enriching student experience.

Lily Flynn Lily Flynn will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Global Study UK UAE

This event is suitable for prospective students at all levels of study, who want to find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.

Alexa Jones Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

IDP Abu Dhabi

Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.

Alexa Jones Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

IDP Dubai

Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.

Alexa Jones Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch

Manylion cyswllt

Cysylltwch â'r Swyddfa Ryngwladol i drefnu taith o amgylch y campws.

Y Swyddfa Ryngwladol