Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Caroline Pilat

Caroline Pilat, France

French undergraduate student, Caroline, has had a very exciting and eventful university experience so far and she found her calling here at the University.

Name: Caroline Pilat
Country: Paris, France
Course: MESci Environmental Geoscience
Year of graduation: 2020

Tell us about your course. How is it different from studying back home?

My Environmental Geoscience course has the ideal configuration to let me learn about the current research and understanding in my field, and to practice useful techniques – in the classroom, in the laboratories, and outside in the field! I am able to direct my studies towards the topics that spark my interest, supported by enthusiastic staff. My professors are a joy to be around, and treat me increasingly as a peer, contributing to the life of the University.

What have you enjoyed most about studying at Cardiff University?

I am very grateful for the strong support that I receive as a student in Cardiff University, both within and surrounding academia. I enjoy the opportunities to engage with people across stages of life and university experience, sharing their cultures, ethos and lessons. The University is constantly evolving, and I appreciate being part of that growth.

What is the best thing about living in Cardiff?

Cardiff is a fascinating city - vibrant and modern yet faithful to its beautiful Welsh heritage. In particular, Cardiff stands out for the grace with which it has allowed me to emancipate from childhood. As a student, I appreciate the friendly community that has welcomed me to join in the many activities that caught my attention.

Are you a member of any clubs or societies? If so, what’s it like to be part of a society?

As a avid dancer, I wasted no time in joining the many different groups that constitute Cardiff’s dancing scene. I have had amazing times with my best friends: dressing up and performing, travelling and finding our way, taking the lead and challenging each other. Being part of a society felt like a safe way to uncover new talents within us.

"Say 'yes' to new challenges and see Cardiff as a chapter of new adventures!"

Caroline Pilat, MESci Environmental Geosciences, 2020

Tell us about your year abroad and what you have got planned.

This year, I have had the honour of spending a year abroad in Canada, as part of an exchange program within my course. I am using my training in Cardiff to explore the innovative ideas emerging in Vancouver, a city known for its excellence in sustainable living. Just like in Cardiff, I am so pleased to have nature at my doorstep, at a location where the coastline, mountains, forests and city coexist! I am very excited to experience the recognition for cultures in their diversity.

What would your advice be for prospective students thinking about coming to Cardiff?

I would advise prospective students to engage with the amazing opportunity presented before you, and to capture your memories as time flies by! I would encourage you to say yes to new challenges and to see Cardiff as a chapter of new adventures. You can expect to meet a wonderful blend of local and foreign people who give you a taste of the world, and a little bit of comfort if you find yourself far from home.

What are your plans for the future?

Moving forward, I plan to complete my master’s degree and pursue a career with the amazing contacts that I have had the pleasure of meeting during my studies. I hope to continue working within an international community and ease the transition into an environmentally conscious society. I am sure that the skills in problem-solving and interdisciplinary collaboration that I have learnt will offer a new way of thinking about real world solutions.