Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Thu Thao Nguyen

Thu Thao Nguyen

Meet Thu Thao Nguyen, one of our Vietnamese students currently studying for her MSc in Social Science Research Methods.

Student name: Thu Thao Nguyen
Course title: MSc Social Science Research Methods (Progression to PhD in Management, Employment and Organisation).
Country: Vietnam
Year of graduation: 2021

Why did you choose Cardiff University?
In 2015, I chose Cardiff University to pursue my master’s degree in International Management and it was one of the best decisions in my life. Cardiff Business School was ranked 6th for research quality (out of 101 business schools). The course itself was amazing; both in terms of the knowledge I have gained and the lecturers that I have learned a lot from. This is the reason why I decided to apply to Cardiff University again for my PhD in Management, Employment and Organisation in 2017 and I was so blessed to be one of the recipients of the PhD Studentships from Cardiff Business School that covers all of my tuition fees! This has given me a great opportunity to do what I love the most – research.

What is your course like, so far?
I am currently studying a master’s degree in Research Methods before starting my PhD. The course is intellectually challenging, but it is also very interesting because you get to meet and discuss your research with people from different research areas. Moreover, this course provides a strong foundation of research skills to ensure that you are fully equipped before starting your PhD.

What have you enjoyed most about studying at Cardiff University?
I have met amazing lecturers who I have learned a lot from and who have since become my PhD supervisors. They not only help me with academic issues but also give me advice on daily life problems. It is really nice to have someone that you can always count on.

What can you do at Cardiff University besides studying?
There are so many societies that you can join, from sports, arts, to life skills. You can socialize and make friends with many people who share your interest. The best thing is you don’t need to be a member to join their activities. With a busy study schedule in a postgraduate programme, you can go to a volleyball session for beginners, a sports dance lesson, or a weekend trip from ‘Give it a go’ once in a while when you have time!

How has the University supported you during your time here?
The staffs here are really helpful in answering any questions or concerns you have. There is also a range of supports offered by the University. If you want to earn some money in your free time, Jobshop provides information on vacancies that you can apply for. If you’re not confident with your essay, there is a drop-in service where language experts will help you to improve your writing.

What is the best thing about living in Cardiff?
You won’t miss your motorcycle when you live here because everything is at a walking distance. People are super friendly, and the city is affordable for students. If you like crowded places, have a shopping day out at the city centre where you can find almost anything. There are also plenty of coffee shops and restaurants that you can hang out with your friends. If you like nature, a walk in the park or a picnic in Cardiff Castle will make your day. What I like the most is that there are many more concerts here compared to Vietnam. So you can go see your favourite artist or comedian live in Cardiff or nearby cities!

What would be your advice for prospective students thinking about coming to Cardiff?
My advice is to do thorough research about the course that you are about to undertake and talk to alumni if you can to know more about it. You should also make the most of Cardiff University’s support to new students, from visa and immigration advice to accommodation, or free transportation from the airport, they really show how Cardiff University cares about students.

What are your plans for the future?
I wish to become a lecturer after completing my PhD. I would love to be able to do my research as well as share my knowledge and expertise with other people.