Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Spencer Russ

Spencer Russ - USA

Spencer studied his MA in Translation Studies at Cardiff from 2015-16 in the School of Modern Languages.

Course title: MA Translation
Country: USA - Texas
Year of graduation: 2016
Current role: Professional Translator French to English; Italian to English

"I did my MA in Translation Studies at Cardiff University in 2015-2016, and my only regret was that I couldn’t continue studying for longer.

I wholeheartedly enjoyed the whole course. My tutors were approachable and had a great deal of academic and professional experience.

The other students on the course came from a wide range of backgrounds and class discussions were very engaging.

I personally felt that the course was a great balance between the practical skills and advice needed to find employment after graduation and the theoretical underpinnings which would help us to translate confidently.

I strongly recommend this course to students who are interested in becoming professional translators."