Browse study abroad modules
Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
You can usually combine modules (classes) in more than one Academic School when you come to study abroad in Cardiff from one of our international partners from outside of Europe.
Step two of our application guidance ('create your study programme') explains how many credits you should choose per semester, what course levels mean and shows you example programmes.
Whilst you're studying here, we'll also support your learning and assessment and help you to settle in in Cardiff.
Please note: students from one of our European exchange partners must take at least two thirds of their credits in the academic school they have been nominated to. For details of other modules which may be open to European exchange students refer to the European Exchange student module information and catalogue.
- Biowyddorau
- Busnes
- Cemeg
- Cerddoriaeth
- Cyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg Caerdydd
- Cymraeg
- Cynllunio a Daearyddiaeth
- Ffiseg a Seryddiaeth
- Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol
- Gwyddorau'r Ddaear a’r Amgylchedd
- Hanes, Archaeoleg a Chrefydd
- Ieithoedd Modern
- Lifelong Learning
- Mathemateg
- Newyddiaduraeth, Cyfryngau a Diwylliant
- Peirianneg
- Saesneg, Cyfathrebu ac Athroniaeth
- Seicoleg
- Y Gyfraith a Gwleidyddiaeth
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